The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 94 Chrysanthemum City, Chrysanthemum Chen

The old lady thought for a moment and compared the strength of both sides. Even if the other party has an ambush arrangement, there will not be too many people around a goal. On her side, she only takes more than a dozen tasks at a time. If it is shared, there can be at least five or six supreme masters in each task. There is enough strength.

The old lady reconfirmed that she was safe, so she smiled kindly and said, "In that case, you can choose any team to go out. However, you should pay attention to your boy's safety. If you fall and bump into it. The old man didn't agree.

Jun Moxie agreed repeatedly, but a trace of pleasure flashed in his eyes

I didn't expect that this request for blood debt began with being a guest assassin and killer. Isn't it the life you have always dreamed of?

The bloody debt owed by the three holy places is finally going to be paid back one by one...

Three days later, Jun Moxie, Dongfang Wenqing, two people with Ying, more than 20 Cantian soul-eating masters and

Two heavenly assassins of the Oriental family went out of the gate of the Oriental family and went all the way to the north.

There are five daily targets along the way.

In this operation, a total of 15 tasks have not been completed. The old lady somehow changed her mind and directly divided the army into three ways. Each way is responsible for all tasks in one direction.

Dongfang Wenjian and Baili Luoyun and others, Dongfang Wendao and Leng Ao and others. I don't know

Is it intentional or coincidental? Jun Moxie and his uncle Dongfang were separated into a team...

·This makes you depressed.

But the old lady made it very clear: if you don't want to, you can't go. Stay with me

I'm afraid that you have a bump.

How dare you say you don't want to? He knew that the old lady was really eager for him not to go out. No matter how powerful Jun Moxie is, in the eyes of the old lady, he is always a grandson who needs to take care of himself. This point, even after another 30 years, 50 years, 100 years, and even to the end of time. It can't be changed...

So although Jun Moxie was reluctant, he had to pinch his nose and agree to walk with Uncle Dongfang

On the road...

The horseshoe flew all the way to the north. There were no two targets along the way, Mo Xie and Dongfang Wenqing. They casually sent two disabled team members and two heavenly assassins of the Dongfang family, which were successfully solved.

Two nephews and two uncles. He hid aside to observe the movement and waited for the master who guarded the target by the way. As a result, he ate the cool breeze for half a night and waited for nothing. It seems that these two Japanese standards are not guarded by the masters sent by the three holy places at all.

Now, the group is on the way to the third umbrella day.

"In less than a hundred miles ahead, it is the third day of the trip. And this Japanese standard is also the most difficult to deal with among the 15 assassination targets we have taken before! Dongfang Net Love rode on the horse, the whip pointed away, and his face was a little solemn.

"Oh? I really know what kind of person this deer is. Even your uncle thinks it's tricky? Are they those hidden masters who are not born? At this moment, Jun Moxie was riding on the horse, but his appearance changed greatly. His face was dark, one eye was big and the other was small, and his mouth was slightly crooked. At this moment, he was stretching out his finger to pick his nostrils, and then he stretched out his finger and flicked. There was a soft sound in the grass

Everyone behind me looked at the nose, nose and heart, as if they were out of sight.

If it's normal, it can't be said to be a delicious meal. But... This hare was killed by Mr. Jun with snot, which makes people more disgusting...

Although that thing may not be able to go into the meat, but... there are some psychological obstacles.

"This goal is not tricky, but tricky! Although it is not the so-called hidden world. Hand.,

But it's more difficult to deal with than those!"

Dongfang Wenqing looked at his precious nephew angrily, "I said, 'Mo Xie, can you be a little... a little more civilized? Anyway, you are also a son of a family. After a famous family, how can you ignore your own image? Even if you don't care about your own skin, do you still want your Laojun's skin? Even if you don't want the face of your old gentleman's family, what about your mother, your grandma, and even your uncle's face? As for your boy, I'm embarrassed to tell my friend that he is my nephew. Isn't it too shameful? Don't talk to me if you have nothing to do. Even if you are not afraid of shame, Rong is still afraid of shame!"

"My appearance is not your masterpiece, uncle." Jun Moxie shook his neck, made a crisp sound of bones, and said lazily, "You dressed me up in such an ugly way, how can you want me to be more civilized?" Before talking about skills, should you review your skills first... Well, Rong doesn't say that your skills are not good... That's right, it's "'". Some of them can't be elegant..."

Master Jun is very naive, and his nose is about to be crooked. In order to revenge, Uncle Dongfang deliberately disguised Jun Moxie like this. At first glance, it is said that my uncle doesn't care about the ugly ghost that his grandma doesn't love. The little novel website xxxsw.nèt makes Xiang from me feel extremely good. Jun Da Shao is a little unhappy. Now he is so sassing himself. If he is not angry, there will be no ghost, but the person in front of Resentment first, dare not

I don't dare to fight back, so I have to stand up like this, and I have to pretend to say whatever you want to say. I don't mind. I don't mind at all. You can do whatever you want..."'

But Dongfang's feelings were even more aggrieved. Along the way, in order to discipline his nephew, he did all kinds of magic weapons, all kinds of sarcasm, all kinds of scolding, that is, to think about getting out the evil spirit in his heart, but his good nephew is directly a thick leather posture of a dead pig Uncle Dongfang cursed people and scolded him several times, but Jun Moxie was indifferent.

Because Master Jun knew that this trip would definitely encounter Uncle Dongfang's retaliatory saliva offensive, so he directly turned off his hearing... No matter how impassioned Uncle Dongfang scolded, or how impassioned, or the sky was full of flowers and the ground was full of golden lotus, Jun Moxie could not hear anything.

Not only can't you hear it, but also because you can only see the silent opening and closing of the mouth in Uncle Dongfang's beard, you can't help spitting out the stars, and there is an inexplicable sense of music, and sometimes you can't help laughing... And this is what Dongfang Wenqing doesn't know.

So the more he scolded, the more he felt that he had no strength. After two days of scolding, he closed his voice

No more scolding.

To the nephew, Uncle Dongfang is really powerless... So the young man is in a way of revenge: Isn't your boy handsome and has a small white face? Then I'll make you ugly! See if you can stand it!?

It is known that Jun Moxie is also at ease with this new look! Not only that, but also the behavior is immediately in line with this appearance. Before the change of appearance, Master Jun was a graceful young man and a beautiful young man in the world. However, after the change of appearance, Master Jun's words and deeds completely changed, and he was a ruffian's ugly face...

· This adaptability makes Dongfang Wenqing, who has been full of the world, feel ashamed of himself, and even doubt that maybe this is the original face of this guy..."L

pick your nostrils, runny nose... It's just a pediatrician. At night, as soon as I sat in Uncle Dongfang's room, I took off my shoes and began to pick my feet. After picking my feet, I grabbed two handfuls in the fruit plate on the table of Uncle Dongfang's room, but I didn't eat them... Finally, I wiped my hands on the bedding and dragged my shoes back to sleep..."'

Before leaving the door, I always had to cough, so a mouthful of thick phlegm flew out. On Monday, I pressed one of my nose with my fingers and said, and some black and yellow-brown things flew out of the other side of the nostrils like shooting arrows... It was very crisp to hit the ground from afar. The sound of...

So Uncle Dongfang was tragic this night..." 'If you want to drink a sip of water, the water bag and water cup have been touched by the dirty hand of the picky foot. Do you dare to drink it? ...Want to eat something? ...I don't dare to do it. Xiaoxiao Novel Network Novel Station xxxsw.nèt If I don't eat or drink, I can always sleep, right? ...But the bedding was also touched by this guy a few times. How can I sleep? ..."'

The stingy man was so angry that he was stunned. "It's almost crazy, but there's nothing he can do. He's self-inflicted and can't live. In the evening of the late spring, I closed the door early and went to bed. Don't let this guy enter the door even if you beat him to death.

But when you often wake up, you will see your nephew pouting his feet on the edge of the bed... While stinging his feet, he hummed and said, "Uncle... You're awake. Look at this foot peeling one by one. Alas, it's all dead skin... People's metabolism is so fast, especially young people like me. It's good to be young...

With the magic power of young master Jun, what door can stop him?'!

Seeing such a shocking scene in front of him, Uncle Dongfang immediately felt that his stomach was overturned, and there was a strong feeling of vomiting: who would like to see an ugly ghost stinging stinky feet as soon as he opened his eyes in the morning? And the foot is so close to me that I can feel the heat...

It's only three times before and after, and the psychological quality is also counted. The extraordinary Uncle Dongfang still can't help suing

Forgive me...

It's that this kind of day is finally over.

"In front of you is the famous super city ** city in the mainland! And our goal is to be the number one family in ** City! Dongfang Wenqing forced himself not to look at his nephew's bad virtue, looked ahead and said with an expressionless face.

"**City?" When Jun Moxie heard these three words, he suddenly felt that Weihua was tight and couldn't help

He opened his eyes wide and said, "That's a beautiful name!"

"Do you have a nice name? The name is so beautiful! **The city, between thousands of miles, can be regarded as a veritable hegemon!" Dongfang Wenqing snorted and said, "Miaohua flowers bloom in Miaohua City, **when they bloom, the flowers are in Weihai; ** Chen's family in the sea, ** will never be defeated."

He sighed and said, "**Chen...but it's very difficult to provoke..."

, Jun Moxie suddenly hugged his stomach and laughed crazily, laughing with tears: "Good poem! What a good poem..." I don't know which talent wrote such a good poem for the Chen family that can be passed down through the ages? It's so funny..." T