The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 95 Entrustment? Or a challenge?

"Is it really funny? As for this?" Dongfang was stunned and right, and he couldn't think of it.

What is the nephew laughing inexplicably?

"** Chen... What a good name! Is it true that the ** of their family is very heavy? I just don't know where the ** door is open. Is it big or small? Hahaha..." Jun Moxie leaned forward and backward and almost fell from the horse's back.

"You son of a laughs!" Uncle Dongfang is angry: "In the face of such a strong enemy, you don't think about it

Countermeasures, and husband's smile, what are you laughing at?

"A strong enemy?!" Jun Moxie's mouth tilted his eyes, and finally stopped laughing. He twitched his shoulders one by one, but he said fiercely: "These are not four or six bastards and strong enemies, claiming to be ** difficult to be disabled, right? Uncle, just watch it quietly. Look at your nephew, I'll let the whole family of Chen sing a song!

"This ** is not good! The foundation of this ** is quite strong! Dongfang Wenqing didn't know what his good nephew was talking about, and he couldn't understand such pun words. However, in a realistic attitude, he compared the strength of both sides and touched his chin and said, "Our goal this time is the owner of the Chen family, Chen Qingtian, the chasing hand. I want to kill Shen Zang under the escort of countless masters. Chen Qingtian, who is not exposed, is very difficult...

Uncle Dongfang took out a scroll with his backhand and handed over Jun Moxie: "This is the details of the Chen family


"Kill the head of the current super family? Uncle, how can the senior management of the Oriental Family accept such an absurd decision? Jun Moxie looked at it carefully, put away his laughter, and asked with a little puzzled.

At the same time, there is a strong doubt in my heart. If you put aside the new strong strength on your side, it is very impractical to judge according to the current situation of the Oriental family.

According to the information, although the Chen family is only a secular family, in terms of its own strength, it can definitely be regarded as a super family. In fact, its strength is definitely not below the Oriental family, and even there are many places to pass, and... This is only the material on the surface, and I don't know what it will be. How, in terms of the return of the Oriental family after many years of silence, it can be said that it is quite unwise to take this goal!

"The reason is on you." Dongfang Wenqing looked at his nephew with a trace of indulgence. Although the two have been fighting these days, Uncle Dongfang is quite satisfied with this nephew.

"In me? What do you mean?" Jun Mo raised his head puzzledly.

"About a thousand years ago, the Chen family was not the ancestor of the Chen family. However, at that time, the Caochuang Chen family was just a small family at best. Although there was a certain development after that, its own strength was always lingering in the ranks of the third-class families, and there was not much to do, but from 500 A few years ago, the Chen family unexpectedly had an amazing legend! Since then, the Chen family has been standing all the way, and until now, it can still be a hero.

"The legendary figure who made the Chen family prosper with his own strength will not be strange to you. That person is the wind and cloud hand Chen Chong! Since his debut, Chen Chong's reputation has resounded throughout the Xuanxuan Continent in almost a few months.

Then he hit the peak of Xuangong all the way, and advanced to the supreme strong man at the age of less than 50. His reputation was great, and the momentum of the limelight could be said to be the same for a while. At that time, the reputation of Fengyun Supreme was a living legend! Later, this man joined the three holy places and became the master of Fengyun and the saint of Fengyun, and the legend turned into a legend! But now, it is said that Chen Chong... This legend of the Chen family, which has lasted for hundreds of years, has fallen into the hands of your master...

Jun Moxie took a long breath, so it was. He has roughly understood what


"The accidental fall of Chen Chong, who has become a holy strong man, is certainly a major incident for the Dunshi Fairy Palace

Loss. But for the Chen family, the backing that they rely on is gone, and the sky has just collapsed!

Dongfang Wenqing showed a sassty smile at the corners of his mouth: "After confirming Chen Chong's death, the Jun family retreated to the heavenly punishment. The Chen family vowed to revenge, but they couldn't find a goal. Besides, even the strong man Chen Chong himself was defeated, how can they afford to provoke with a secular family, The Oriental Family officially announced its re-eval from the world. The Chen family naturally aimed the goal of venting anger at us! He also issued a declaration that he would not die with us!

Jun Moxie shook his head slightly, and a strange feeling of ironic arose in his heart. It seems that no matter what happens, there must be a cause and an effect. Even if you can't find the Lord Kui, as long as people have the mind of revenge, they can find the corresponding goal within their ability in any case.

No matter how shallow the relationship between the locked target and the original goal is, or how ridiculous the reason for the involvement is, or even completely unreasonable, it will always become an excuse for some people to do things!

In this world, the so-called excuse is so easy! Killing people and getting more goods, because of these excuses, it has become a legitimate means...

The Chen family is now

In this way, they have no courage and no strength to find trouble for the gentleman's family, but they want to ** to another family. Such a way is not only contemptible, but also extremely disgraceful.

"After the Chen family just issued the declaration, we immediately received the commission." There was a trace of sarcasm in Dongfang's eyes: "And the one who issued this commission is another super family. Coincidentally, this incident is simply hilarious.

"Exhibier? Why is the exhibitionist's commission so funny? Jun Moxie frowned. The word Zhan reminded him of something. The sad and beautiful face of the snake king appeared in his heart. It seemed that the power of Zhan Mubai's palm was still appearing in front of him, and he couldn't help showing a trace of murderous intent.

"Not bad! It's a commission from the exhibitionist, a ridiculous commission. Many years ago, an ancestor of the exhibitionist entered the Dunshi Fairy Palace in the three holy places. Although it is old, there is still evidence to test. In addition, the relationship between the Zhan family and the Chen family has always been good. In terms of affiliation, both families belong to the Dunshi Fairy Palace, and there has never been any contradiction. Cai, the two families have a good relationship, and one of them issued such a commission to entrust the killer to kill the owner of the other family. Isn't this commission ridiculous!?"

Dongfang Wenqing sneered and said, "In addition, there was such a legend that Chen Chong, the legendary genius of the Chen family, was worshipped under the door of a Zhan family who entered the three holy places! So for so many years, the two families have been out of the same nostrils. Now, the Zhan family has issued a commission to assassinate the owner of the Chen family... This is obviously a trap! It is inevitable to regard our Oriental family as a fool... So your grandmother hardly thought more, so she resolutely decided to accept this entrustment!

"It's not that these two families are fools when our oriental families are regarded as fools. But... this. The thing is simply the challenge of the two major families to the Oriental family!" Jun Moxie finally understood in his heart: "The Oriental family has now returned to the world. In the face of such a naked challenge of a strong enemy, it really can't back down under any circumstances. Once you retreat, it will be the end of being disknown. So this is not a commission, but a challenge!

When the old lady of the East personally accepted this entrustment, it was equivalent to taking over the next number - the declaration of war of the other two super families!

The attitude of the old lady of the East is extremely tough and decisive, iron-blooded and decisive! In the face of the provocation of the two families, they fought so hard without hesitation!

On the one hand, this war letter involves the prestige of the first assassin family of the Oriental family, which is not allowed to be blasphemed by others. On the other hand, it is also the old lady who used such a move to announce her support for her grandson Jun Mo Xie to the whole world!

Jun Moxie figured out all the above in an instant.

He even understood that whether he came or not, Mrs. Dongfang would do this matter! With the current strength of the Oriental family, against these two super families, it is undoubtedly self-destruction! But the old lady still did it without hesitation. With its own arrival, the Oriental Family has enough strength to defeat its opponents. Although it is a veritable help, in another sense, it is also the icing on the cake!

Jun Moxie's heart suddenly appeared with a greasy warmth! This is exactly the bloodline affection! Only when you have your own close relatives can you make such unwise actions for yourself!

"The Oriental family and the exhibition family, in terms of nationality, belong to the Yutang Empire. But these two families have never participated in all the affairs of the empire, let alone their children to step into the official career! However, the two families are all full of branches and leaves, and the outstanding children of future generations are endless. Whether in terms of financial resources or force, they are a veritable behemo! I believe that at this time, the two major families are definitely ready! Therefore, our trip can be said to be a difficult and uncertain future.

Dongfang asked heavily, "Mo Xie, you must know that we can despise and ignore our opponents, but we must not despise or ignore the enemy.

Jun Moxie nodded deeply, and his eyes suddenly became as cruel as a ghoul!

Since knowing the cause and effect of this mission, Jun Moxie has vaguely felt that this action will not be as simple as he imagined. The combined power of the Zhan family and the Chen family is, of course, far higher than that of the Oriental family, but it is still impossible to kill them.

Since the three holy places are going to retaliate, as long as they seize the opportunity, they will naturally launch a thunderous blow! In order to cover the nest, there is no complete egg, so how can it allow fish to leak the net? But since the two families do not have such strength, then...

The only explanation of

is that it has become a trap battlefield opened up by the three holy places under the cover of these two families!

It's a pity that this trap battlefield has a lot of me here now!

The abacus of the three holy places is doomed not to start! Jun Moxie sneered in his heart.

Let's see who this trap will eventually bury! U