The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 175 Don't be polite!

Qiao Ying said seriously, "Jun Moxie, don't mess with me. I solemnly ask you, for sure! Be sure to... take good care of it! Even if you don't cultivate it, just keep it in this box. As long as it is placed in a place with plenty of aura, it will be alive... If it really doesn't work... can you send it back to me again, okay?"

At the last sentence, Qiao Ying actually took a tone of prayer. This gesture is like a mother, sending her dear daughter to get married...

Jun Moxie felt her wholehearted feeling. She looked right, took it with both hands, and said in a promising tone, "Don't worry, when you see it again, I promise it will be much better than it is now!,,

The exquisite lotus in his hand, the small transparent leaves are swaying gently, as if saying goodbye to Qiao Ying; Qiao Ying's heart is sour, and she actually shed tears.

Jun Moxie** found that after the water in the pool was scooped out, it was obviously concave into a small piece, as if there was an invisible bowl on it, which made the water sink, but the nearby water did not rise at all.

After a large time, the surface of the water returned to calm as a mirror.

"It's almost a solid spiritual liquid... Jun Moxie's heart is a little unbalanced again. Look at this, this thing is also a good thing. There are good things, and it is also the three holy places... Why do you let them enjoy their talents alone? That's a crime!

In this situation, Qiao Ying is the only one around. It's a God-given opportunity. If you don't take it for nothing, don't take it. If you don't take it for nothing, you don't take it...

So Jun Moxie turned his eyes, raised his head indifferently, looked at the distance and said, "The aura of this place is really enviable. It looks like a thick fog over there, practicing in such a place... Tut. Your Heavenly Palace really makes me look up to you...

Qiao Ying subconsciously followed the direction he looked at, and couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Junzi, I'm not looking at it now. It's not the aura of heaven and earth, but the real fog at dusk. It's almost dark.

Jun Moxie took advantage of her turn to secretly start the Honggou Tower and launched the power of water. With a squeak, the aura water in the pool has disappeared silently for a third...

With an embarrassed look on his face, he touched his head with embarrassment, and said with a smile, "Ah? Is this true? I actually read it wrong, hehe... I laughed a little embarrassed

Qiao Yinghui smiled and understood his embarrassment. He was embarrassed to say it again, but his heart was moved: it turned out that this teenager still had many teenage habits after all. Not to mention, the way he smiled in embarrassment just now is really beautiful...

Jun Moxie stole something with satisfaction. I was happy in my heart. At this time, I observed the exquisite lotus in my hand, looked carefully at the small plant in my hand, and looked at its fine withering, and countless filament-like roots were gently spreading. In the center, there is a tender jade lotus root. This piece of Yuli is simply small and pitiful. It is estimated that it can be the size of a peanut at most, and there is no strange fragrance, but when you hold it in your hand, you will naturally feel comfortable...

Jun Moxie's wrist turned over, and Linglonglian disappeared in her hand and had entered the space of Hongjun Tower. In Qiao Ying's surprised eyes, Jun Moxie shrugged his shoulders and looked innocent. He blinked his eyes and said, "Secret!"

Qiao Ying snorted. But in his heart, he is a little relieved: Jun Moxie has endless mysterious means. Perhaps, it is not known that he can really feed Linglonglian...

Next, Jun Moxie began to fake the real fox, because with the promise of Wu Shanyun and others, the elixir on Tiansheng Mountain was almost up to him!

And this guy is a person who never knows how to be polite in the factory. He thinks that maybe he will come here once in his life, and when will he wait for it? And there are treasures such as Wang Hook Tower, which can almost hold the whole world down and may not be full. They have no worries. Of course, they open their eyes as much as possible.

The elixir on Tiansheng Mountain, the treasure of genius. He specially picked up the old ones, including Xuanlingmu, etc., and did not let go of everything. All the selected ones hung a small red cloth strip on it.

Wu Shanyun promised him at the beginning because of this guy's empty-handed arrival. Even if he sponsored a few sacks, how much could he pack? So just pretend to be generous...

If Wu Shanyun knew that Jun Moxie actually had such a perverted baby, he could put it in without limit, he would break his head and refuse to agree. Even if he agreed, he would have to go back.

So now Jun Moxie is just a choice. If he chooses, he just takes the red cloth strip to tie it first and mark it. He just waits for the day he brushes to take it all in...

One thing is for sure. After Jun Moxie left this time, Wu Shanyun will definitely vomit blood...

The people on the mountain are messing around with him. With a lively attitude, they think that a tree is tens of thousands of years old and deeply rooted. I don't know how deep it is into the mountain. Do you want it? The idea is good, but can you move out?

The elixir is also rooted in the ground. If you want to refuse it, you also need to be extremely careful. How can you get it if you want it? Is this little guy completely whimsful?

Even if you are tied with red cloth, so what? This thing still grows on the Tiansheng Mountain! Not to mention a piece of cloth, even if you wrap a red piece of cloth around the tree, it's blind to light a lamp, white wax!

Jun Moxie has been busy for two days. Every day, some people look on coldly and watch this ** after being busy. Just think of it as watching a play. Occasionally, the talent asked funnyly, "Son, how much do you like?"

At this time, Jun Moxie always showed a simple smile and replied, "It's much better to like it. There are so many good things here..."

Just take it hahahaha... You're welcome. You can take as much as you can... It's a waste to keep it.

Jun Moxie will scratch his head, look innocent and puzzled, and said, "If I take it away, it will be equivalent to tearing down a lot of your houses. Aren't you really worried?,,

"Ha ha... take it away? You can really tell jokes..." The man would say with a smile, "If you can take it away, I will do something..." So I made another bet...

Two days later, in the early morning, Jun Moxie began his own relocation plan.

The talented people on Tiansheng Mountain were all dumbfounded after a cup of tea!

Oh, my God!

Jun Moxie came out of the temporary room and said goodbye solemnly. Except for a few people who were closed, almost everyone else came out to see him off. Everyone wanted to see this boy's helpless and funny appearance at this time. On Tiansheng Mountain, it hasn't been such a happy for a long time... This time, Jun Moxie's Become blood red. But he didn't have a rest. He staggered a few steps and walked to the other one.

Three trees disappeared, and with a bang, the thatched hut had collapsed. Jun Moxie roared hoarsely again, and the spiritual grass vines surrounding the hut in the forest were also gone...

This, this... Everyone was stunned.

Jun Moxie turned around like a drunk, sat down, waved his hand, and said resolutely, "Don't persuade me! Today, I must... take these away! Damn it, you can't swallow this breath! I, Jun Moxie, have never been so looked down upon in my life!"

Everyone was speechless: Who is interested in persuading you? It's better for you to be exhausted! Now it's just a little bit, and you can't support it anymore. If it's... hum!

Looking at Jun Moxie's footsteps, one after another, one pole after another... Every moment's face is more ugly than the previous moment, and it seems that he will fall down the next second... But he just doesn't fall down!

Everyone looked at him foolishly, lost one after another, and folded a house... Another house... Factory. Tiansheng Mountain Table Tennis, a piece of dust..'.

Jun Moxie was in a difficult pot, and he almost pulled a tendon with laughter in his stomach: It's too enjoyable! A bumper, two, three, four...seventy...nine...haha.........

How can Jun Moxie not know that what he has done is a little too much? The elixir on Tiansheng Mountain has been accumulated for ten thousand years! Even if there is a promise of Wu Shanyun, but. But it is also an insurable matter.

Once it arouses public anger, then your plan will fail! But these things are where they live... It's sad to take it away silently at the moment of so many peerless masters... That's more difficult than climbing to the sky!

Besides... Even if they take it away, there is no guarantee that they will not retaliate! Jun Moxie himself and Mei Xueyan are not afraid of their revenge, but this does not mean that others are not afraid...

So Jun Moxie's acting. It's not just for teasing... First of all, let them watch, even if they stop halfway... then they have collected half of it; they can only suffer a dumb loss!

The second is... When they find out that they are tricked, then they are going to do it by themselves... But if you have something to say first, you are not allowed to retaliate; this is equivalent to carrying all the troubles on yourself. In terms of the arrogance of these people, they will only find the scene in themselves, and will not kill innocent people indiscriminately!

Now the more cruel Jun Moxie teases them, the more they are dealing with Jun Moxie, the less they will do to others! And Jun Moxie... is the one who is least afraid of their revenge! If you really can't do it, hide in the Hongjun Tower... The immortals can't find themselves!

This time, my tongue is equivalent to collecting more than 90% of all alchemy materials! And.... These are alive. In the Wanggou Tower, there is aura that is thousands of times richer than the outside world, and an environment that is dozens of times more abundant, and it must grow extremely fast! It is equivalent to the continuous use in the future...

There is no profit.


lost is nothing more than his own skin.

... When did I care about such a thing as shame?

In the eyes of the public, Jun Mo Xie has collected more than 80%...

Finally, the masters of the Holy Mountain felt something was wrong: Damn it! This boy has put together more than half of the house, and almost all the oldest hundreds of elixirs have disappeared...

This guy... The half-dead look has never changed! This..... Aren't you going to play with people?

"Shout up!" An old man with white hair shouted loudly. His face was like a frost: "Jun Moxie, is it fun for you to use such a trick to get us? Ten thousand years of accumulation of Tiansheng Mountain, so it is ruined in your hands? Jun Moxie, you have went too much! Stop your action now and hand over what you have taken away!"

When he said this, the people who were still wondering about the shock suddenly woke up! They all stared at Jun Moxie angrily.

"Gan over?" Jun Moxie gasped and straightened up: "Brother, aren't you telling a joke? This is your promise. It doesn't matter if I move the whole Tiansheng Mountain! This is your common promise, right? Are you going back on your thing now? Don't be so shameless, okay?"

The elixir has been put into the bag, and the other party actually wants to turn around and destroy the promise. Jun Moxie didn't even call his predecessors, and directly became 'buddies,...

Everyone's old faces turned red for a while. That's what they said, but who can think of it... Is this boy such a pervert? Since ancient times, things have been collected like this. Who has seen it? Damn, this boy is too gloomy...

Well, we only promised you part of it. Who said you should take it all away? Can joking words be taken seriously?, the old man's face rose purple, and he said reasoningly, "'We once said that we would go to the nine days to win the moon... But is that possible?,,

"But I did it! Jun Moxie said with slanted eyes, "So you're going to tear your face and be shameless? It's understandable that the three holy places are like this. After all, they are a group of hypocrites, but your Heavenly Palace has actually played such a business, which really surprised me. It turns out that people's skin can be so thick!"

"Jun Moxie, don't be stupid. Do you think that with so many of us here... Can you leave?" The old man snorted and said, "Those who know the current affairs should put things down. Naturally, we won't let you suffer... You can take away part of it, but you can't take it all away!"

"Knee Chongjie, isn't this good?" Qiao Ying frowned and said, "Jun Moxie can destroy the Heavenly Palace like this. I'm also very sad and angry, but... After all, this was agreed by everyone. Now that they have done it, you have to go back on your back... Isn't this too disgraceful? If it is spread out, what will be the face of the Heavenly Palace?,.

"This matter has nothing to do with the Heavenly Palace. It's the old man himself wants to destroy the promise... The old man's face twitched, but he gritted his teeth and said, "If you really let him take it all away, the clouds of the Heavenly Palace. Qi, I can't reply for thousands of years! I can't afford such a responsibility, and you can't afford it either!"

It's bad luck. The laptop crashed directly, and several people could not be repaired. Last night, the plane was an hour late. I didn't arrive in Jinan until two o'clock in the morning. I stayed in the airport hotel with the tall building. Then I began to work overtime and drove it out at 5:30. Then I tragically found that the hotel network could not be used...The service desk said that the network was broken and was being repaired, but it had to wait until one o'clock in the afternoon after the repair...

But... I have to check out at one o'clock in the afternoon. If I don't check out, it will be another day... Oh, my God, the tall building is even more tragic, and the laptop charger has been lost in Nanning...

Now I came to the airport again and found a cafe to upload it... I'm really anxious...

I'm so sorry, I'm sorry!! C