The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 177 The Mainland Boiling

This time, Jun Moxie did not choose to drive with two legs. Going out of this mountainous area, there is a journey of tens of thousands of miles. Even if you use the highest speed of light kung fu, or Mei Xueyan, who is better than you in your way, it will still take several days to reach your destination. Master Jun's time is very tight at the time, but he can't afford it.

The most critical problem is always that the battle is coming!

Although your side and the three holy lands have become water and fire, it is difficult to coexist!

Although Master Jun has said more than once before that 'the world is none of my business, such decisive words do not affect Jun Moxie's extremely hateful feeling of aliens themselves!

There is no reason. If it must be said, it is only due to the indelible indelible angry complex in the bones of the previous life. Jun Moxie hates those so-called aliens for no reason, especially the kind of hermaphrodite twins and his own disgusting guys.

Therefore, even if the three holy places are finally willing to allow aliens to enter the Xuanxuan continent, Jun Moxie himself can never allow it! Not only must the battle for the sky be won, but also after the battle for the sky, Jun Moxie also has to kill the nest of aliens, kill these disgusting creatures one by one, destroy them, and destroy the country, so as to cover the nest and have no complete eggs!

This is an extremely crazy plan!

So, Master Jun is now competing for every minute and every second! In total, it has been less than half a year, which can be said to be imminent! Whether it is the remnant of the sky soul devouring and the cold and arrogant killing group, the improvement of strength is certainly for self-insurance, but under the premise of self-insurance, they are all preparing for the ultimate goal of sweeping after the battle for the sky!

In Jun Moxie's view, the current battle of seizing the sky again and again has transformed into a gimmick, or a convenient tool for some people to seek reputational benefits! It has added countless variables to the mainland in vain.

The really best way is to solve the problem once and for all!

What aliens, cut the grass and eradicate the root, this is the king's way!

Although I am not a benevolent person with the heart of the world, this time, at this point, I have to do what I want to do most!

Jun Moxie directly entered the state of yin and yang escape, played the maximum limit once, and raised his own speed to the realm of "divine speed". In less than a day's work, he rushed to walk for several days, crossed the mountains of the world, and returned to the world. Only this time he returned, but unexpectedly I found that the world had changed a lot in just a few days!

I almost don't know myself...

The whole world is almost in a saturated boiling state!

Especially those mysterious warriors who practice mysterious qi, they all enjoy talking about something there.

As much as the eye can see, everyone's eyebrows are flying, and their mouths are flying!

The name of an evil monarch who was born in the sky shocked the whole world and the whole Xuanxuan continent in just a few days!

I heard that this 'evil monarch, led his subordinates in a decisive battle with the strongest combat power of the three holy places, and unexpectedly won the result of victory. This is not to mention that all the combat power of the three holy places, except for a few lucky people, all explained!

This has made the three holy places that have been high for ten thousand years eat a "huge" stingle. How can ordinary people do this? Once this incident spread, it spread all over the world in an instant. Now, this 'evil monarch' has become the common idol of all the mysterious people in the world...

Jun Moxie restrained the rapid state of yin and yang, showed his birth shape, slowly walked into this small city, and leisurely walked to a restaurant on the roadside. In the past few days, he has eaten either wild animals or dry food. Although Jun Moxie has some skills in Heng and barbecue, he can't stand eating like this for several days

Since you have something to enjoy today, it's natural to have a good time.

This place is only a thousand miles away from the destination Tianxiang City. For ordinary people, this distance is still extremely far away and can not be reached in a short time, but for Jun Moxie's yin and yang escape speed, it is only half an hour's work...

So he is not in a hurry now. It is serious to satisfy his stomach first. Sharpen the knife does not miss cutting firewood, and the combination of work and rest is the absolute truth!

What's more, on the way, the young master Jun has issued an order to let all the flying mysterious beasts outside to find out the whereabouts of the people in the ethereal mansion. It is difficult to know easily. It takes a certain amount of time to wait for o to enter the restaurant, and the hustle and bustle that came to The subtle feeling of returning to the world. Although he has always been used to being alone, he has been wandering in the vast mountains during this period. When he looks up, he is full of Cangcang mountains and forests, silent. At this moment, he can't help but feel a little kindness when he sees the prosperity of the world again.

I just found a seat to sit down, and I only heard the person behind me say in an emotional voice: "... I have to say that this evil monarch is really awesome! The opponent is the legendary three holy places, buddy, what is that? That represents the highest existence of Xuanxuan Continent! That is, the ultimate existence that no one has been able to surpass for thousands of years... However, this ultimate peak existence was beaten by the evil monarch, and almost the whole army was destroyed! Tut-tt, it's too fierce! It's really too fierce!"

Another person said, "Yes, this evil monarch is undoubtedly a great figure. Brother Lu, since you admire this king so much, do you know what this evil monarch looks like? I heard that this evil monarch is Mo Xie, the third young master of the original Jun family in Tianxiang City. I don't know if it's true?

The brother Lu sneered first, and then said proudly with an insightful and understanding of the inside story, "Brother Wang, you just don't know something... Evil monarch, what kind of person is that? Jun Moxie... What kind of person is he? Don't say that Jun Mo Xie is the evil monarch. It's just a random speculation of the common people... If you compare these two people, it is simply a great insult and blasphemy to the evil monarch!"

He paused and snorted coldly, "Brother Wang, everyone is a good brother. You just said this in front of me for my brother. It doesn't matter. I'll think I didn't hear it, but if it's somewhere else... Don't say that again. This is a gossip that can kill you at any time. If the evil monarch is heard by his admirers, a blow is absolutely inevitable. Even if I kill you, no one dares to say no word in the whole world now!"

When he said this, the 'Brother Wang, suddenly became cautious, looked around, shrank his neck, and whispered, "Thank you, Brother Lu, for reminding me. It's indeed my little brother's mistake. That Jun Moxie is just a hairy boy. How can he be compared with the evil owner.

"Brother Wang, this is a good thing to say. The abbreviation of 'evil lord' is also used well. Looking around today's world, only he is worthy of 'evil lord, such a majestic world name!"

Brother Lu agreed with O Jun Mo Xie sitting aside. He was stunned to hear that the young master never thought that his name had reached the level of "shocking the world", and in the eyes of others, he had actually gone to his old man, such a height! Where is this?

That's all right. The most outrageous thing is that this 'evil monarch, why can't he be Jun Moxie? Jun Da Shao was really a little dizzy. Thinking of this, Jun Moxie rubbed his cheeks, turned around, put on a kind smile, arched his hand and said, "This brother, please."

"This gentleman has invited me. What can I do for you?"

Seeing that Jun Mo's evil temperament is extraordinary, handsome and noble, these two people did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly bowed their hands to return the gift.

"I dare to do it, but I just heard two people talking about evil monarchs and evil lords, but I was a little curious in my heart. I took the liberty to disturb them. I hope my brother can solve my doubts for me. I'm very grateful."

Jun Moxie politely said o "Haha, it turned out to be this matter; the prince asked, but he really asked the right person. Mr. Lu claimed to be in the world, and the name was not casually obtained. Lu just knew a lot of inside stories about the evil monarch and the blood fight between the three holy places. However, the words used by the prince when he just talked about the evil master are not respectable enough. We, the younger generation, should be more respectful to the seniors and masters, not to mention the peerless strong man like the evil master!"

The brother Lu complaidly pulled the two mouse-tail-like beards around his mouth, narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"Old man? Oh? It seems that the brother knows a lot of unknown inside stories?

Jun Moxie was more eager and said with great interest, "Then...can you tell me more about it?"

"Well... cough, cough, cough, a little dry in the lower throat. Besides, the bag is shy, and there will be no wine. Let's talk about it next time." Brother Lu's eyes narrowed and smiled obscenely.

"Brother, please ask me to solve my doubts. Naturally, I will be the host of this meal! Xiao Er, a few more good dishes and two pots of good wine!"

Jun Mo waved his hand proudly, a little depressed in his heart: if you want to listen to the legend about yourself, you actually have to be knocked by someone! I don't know how funny it should be to say this? But this guy said that he knew a lot of inside stories. I don't know what the inside story is? How can I have the honorific titles of "senior master" and "old man"?

"Ha... You're so polite. In this case, I will talk about the evil master's palm for the prince from beginning to end.

The brother Lu suddenly became bold and laughed. ( To be continued, if you want to know what will happen, support the author and support the genuine reading!