The evil king of the alien world

Ask for a guaranteed monthly ticket!

In March, after several outbreaks, we were completely calm in the second half of the month, and we could only barely maintain the guaranteed update.

If there is no outbreak, it is naturally embarrassing to ask for tickets. I think I'm still very thin-skinned, and I can't do things without effort...

If you don't ask for a ticket, there will naturally be no ticket... Alas, it's hard to say

A lot of people asked me what's wrong?

What's wrong? I almost broke down.

In March, the ten promised outbreaks were completed only seven times. And it was completed in the middle of the month... According to reason, no matter what, it can be made up for the remaining three times, but it really can't be coded...

In mid-March, I participated in a salon activity. Therefore, it has been updated smoothly for a few days; after coming back, I immediately received a notice that the driving training course I signed up for has started... Let me study.

So I went... So I was scolded by the coach every day... On the sixth day of school, that is, the 24th, something happened at home.

My uncle had a car accident, was admitted to the hospital, and a kidney was removed... The hospital is two hundred meters away from my house...

These reasons, or can be said to be reasons... In March, I don't want to say it; I don't want to say it to win everyone's sympathy. Reason, who has no reason? But updating is the absolute truth...

What you want to see is that the update is not my reason... I don't want to give me a monthly ticket for my reason if I don't update in March...

I don't want to use my relatives as a reason... I'd rather die of fatigue every day and hope they are fine...

During that time, I learned to drive every day, and then I only had time to calm down and type after midnight at night. I would revise and upload it when I came back from class during the day... I lived a mess. I went to the driving school with dark circles every day. I don't know how many scolded I got because of this...

Now that March has passed, I also graduated early, and now I'm only waiting for the exam. The exam should be in May, but it's only one day...

And my uncle's injury has eased a lot... The family can finally feel a little relieved...

So I'm here to tell you that in March, it's not that I don't want to fight, or that I don't want to fight... But, there are too many unpredictable things in life...

I can use the update when I feel uncomfortable to ask for a ticket, but my relatives will never be my reason to ask for a ticket...

Above, I would like to explain to you the update problem of last month. I still say that. If you understand me, you will eventually understand. If you don't understand, I won't force it...

I just want everyone to know, that's all. It's not that I don't want to work hard

Fortunately, I finally have time in April. And there will be a lot of free time

So in April, I will try my best to make up for it. Make up for yourself, and also compensate you...

Today is the first day of this month. I have been typing from the morning to now... I will continue to spell tomorrow... Again, when I can't spell, I will explain in advance.

But when I don't say it, I'm just spelling

So, please go crazy with me once

Fight again in April

Ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation ticket

Thank you V