The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 250 Suspense

Unsurprisingly, another green light is displayed. It contrasts with blue light. Suddenly, the space is as colorful as it is. Reflecting the water light. In the Hongjun Tower at this moment. It is as charming as a fairyland.

And in this beautiful scenery. The second plant is exquisite lotus. It also grows at the same incredible speed as before...

And Juanjuan's water flow. Constantly flowing down from the middle of the sky"... All of this has completely formed a perfect cycle...

The third plant...the fourth plant..."

Jun Moxie has been operating at an almost tireless high speed since he was on the top of the snowy mountain. He fully absorbed the essence of the five elements left by the first young master of Jiuyou and the power of the five elements in his body. It has already reached saturation!

at this moment. Such as the use of continuous reading. But I don't feel any lack of strength...

All the way to the thirteenth plant, Jun Moxie suddenly felt that his body was light. An inexplicable force works on itself. Suddenly, I went from the Hongjun Tower to my own room outside.

What the hell is going on?

Mr. Jun is a little stuffy. At this moment, he is still the power of water. The power of wood.

Although I have quickly woken up, I will stop working immediately. But it's just such a short moment. These two colors are still radiating.

An extremely magnificent flash of magic in the night sky!

The clear and cloudless night sky over the yard. Suddenly it started to rain"...

Almost at the same time. The flowers and trees in Cao Guofeng's yard suddenly became refined, and suddenly they all rushed up! A small grass grows like a small one in an instant,

The tree is average",...

As for the grass roots that spread at that moment, the whole yard was covered with "brushing"... The original hard ground. Some places are still covered with lapis lazuli, but now those originally slippery lapis lazuli ground. Unexpectedly, they all tilted and bulged, and these big stones were pushed up by the grass.

The whole yard, in a short moment. Become like a primitive forest ship..

This sudden change of people. Even Jun Mo Xie, who is a surging man, will be stunned.

The tuberance is stunned, not to mention other people...

A holy emperor is meditating in the flowers in the yard. It is in the time when the intention is in good mood and God is getting better. Suddenly, it was said to be a fallen chicken by the rain. And it is tightly surrounded by dense grass. Some straw rods are even inserted directly into his nostrils because of their fast growth rate. Even ** a tight...

This surprise is not the same!

He rose up, and the sword had come out of its sheath in mid-air. He shouted angrily, "What kind of rat is it? Use this as a means. Stealing plots! Cowardly. Come out. Fight with the old man! After shouting, I found the strange phenomenon in the yard. Suddenly, he was so shocked that he immediately let it out and fell out of the air with a plop. A sturdy pier sat on the ground and fell to the ground. Unexpectedly, he didn't feel any pain. He stared at him and shouted, "This"... What's going on? How is this possible? This, this, this...

The other four holy emperors naturally thought that the enemy had come. Suddenly, they broke through the window like a big enemy. With a long sword in their hands, they also saw such strange fruits, and all of them were as dull as wooden chickens.

One of them stayed for a while. With a brush, he rushed up more than 20 feet in the air and looked around. Then he fell down and said blankly, "That's right..."

This is Brother Cao's yard. Why is it in the blink of an eye? How did it become so desolate? It's like a heavenly punishment forest..."

"Do you and I have been tricked by the enemy? It's just the kung fu of this moment. In fact, it has been a few years, or even decades? Another holy emperor had a whim...

"That's good. Let's see if that boy is still there..."

With a bang. Jun Moxie's room was made a big hole in the four walls and a window at the same time. Five people appeared in the room at the same time.

Jun Moxie seemed to be surprised. A head appeared in a daze from the quilt. He was very frightened and said, "What...what are you doing?" What's going on?"

Well, it's okay." One of the emperors was very embarrassed: "Junye, what time is it... exactly the day of January of that year?,

Jun Moxie is almost defeated..."

After he answered, the five people came in with a puzzled look, and then muttered one by one and went out of the room.

"Junye, why don't you go to another room to sleep... This room is useless..."

One of the holy emperors said with embarrassment.

Jun Moxie is speechless... The room is now on all sides. Naturally, it is useless...

I'm also strange...

Why did I suddenly come out of Hongjun? It seems that I haven't thought about coming out'ah... "

Naturally, he didn't know that Ya's unlimited joint use of reiki water in the Hongjun Tower, such a perverted speed. Let the first spiritual treasure between heaven and earth also hurt. "... I don't know that firewood is expensive... This is the purest aura of heaven and earth.

It's not the messy aura outside. If you grow good things, it's okay, but use this reiki water to make some junk in batches. What on earth is this...

Although we have a lot. But it's heartbreaking to be a prodigal like your boy no matter what. You'd better get out of here...

So, in anger, Master Jun was expelled from it...

Don't say that those holy emperors are ignorant. In fact, Master Jun himself was not much better and accepted the reality in front of him in a daze.

Naturally, the young master is not a stupid person, thinking about it. I guess it's because I used the spiritual condensation in the Hongjun Tower unrestrainedly. Mass production of exquisite lotus, which made the stingy Uncle Ta angry...

Let's talk about it later. The exquisite jade lotus root made in one breath this time. The quantity is indeed a little more. Not to mention that it can meet the needs of the family, it is so rich that it can be cooked directly. And you can still eat several meals or a full plate... Bah, Bah, that bastard is stingy? If you are using my aura for high-end items, you will approve it. But you boy actually used such a cherished spiritual liquid to water those garbage. If you are a person, you have to be angry. How dare you say that I'm stingy. Why don't you say that you don't know the goods?! Hongjun's slander...

It seems that this product also has a bottom line. Master Jun squeaked his lips. Lv was a little speechless and raised a middle finger to compare. Then he quickly put it away. Despise Hongjun Tower? How contemptuous? That girl is currently in her own body. If you want to compare the middle finger, you have to point to yourself first. Master Jun has no strange hobby of self-abuse...

But for now, you can't enter the Hongjun Tower for the time being. I heard that it was full of the whispers of the five holy emperors in the yard, obviously about the night. These bigwigs can't figure it out. It's not that they have little knowledge. But this kind of thing is really. It's so bizarre! I believe that as long as normal people can't figure it out!

How can a good and elegant courtyard suddenly become a forest?

In particular, Lao Qi, who was originally meditating in the yard, was talking about the horror scene he had just encountered. His face was so nervous. With a look of lingering fear: "..." You don't know. At that time, I was meditated and practicing, and it was the critical moment when the three flowers gathered to the top five qi Chaoyuan... Suddenly! A torrential rain fell down! splashed! Suddenly, my whole body was soaked... I was shocked and almost went crazy!"

... Then, just as I collected the scattered real qi to suppress the wild mysterious qi, a small grass suddenly grew up... With a brush, it got into my nostrils. What's more outrageous is under the buttocks. Those bamboo shoots planted by Boss Cao. But it makes me suffer."... Brush, with a click..." Just got in... It's not thick, it's not fine, it's cold, it's really killing me...

"Hahaha..." The holy emperors laughed together. He fell down with laughter.

Everyone also knows. This is a matter of japonica. If it weren't for the real brother. I couldn't say anything. Even when the young master Jun in the room heard it, he couldn't help laughing: No wonder the old man was so angry that he was blown up by bamboo shoots. That's a little unlucky...

The old man's face was full of gloom. He said, "You are still laughing. Damn it. If I hadn't jumped up fast, you wouldn't have seen bamboo coming out of my mouth at this time..." "Lao Qi. How do you feel? Isn't it cool to be home? Lao Si laughed at the most exaggerated eyebrows and beards together: "You haven't been looking for a daughter-in-law. Now it's good to let a bamboo stick break for you...

The four holy emperors laughed together. Tears flowed out. "Then, the four people were instantly silent. Obviously, after laughing, he began to think about the reason. The accident came so abruptly. Even the strong man of the Holy Emperor did not notice his abnormality. Even under the advent of the change, he was almost hit. If an enemy takes this as an opportunity to sneak attack, the consequences can be imagined, but after a long time, everyone still got nothing...

Jun Moxie looked at the four big holes in his original room. I sighed in my heart. The house in this fantasy house... The quality is really good. It's all like this, but it hasn't collapsed yet... "I'm sure I can't sleep, so I have to put on my clothes and lean on the door frame. Looking at the five old men in the yard, they were tilting their heads and frowning and meditating... "It's been a long time..." "Look! What is this?" Lao Wu seemed to have found something rare. Holding a black seed in his hand. Stand in front of the plants. The beard of the mandice shivered: "Brothers. There is indeed a miracle here! You are eye-catching. Isn't this red jade ginseng the one transplanted by the ten-year-old boss? At that time, it was only 20 years old..."

Look. It has blossomed now. Unexpectedly, even the seeds fell to the ground... this, this..." What does this prove?"

The four holy emperors rushed over all of a sudden, and their eyes were fixed on the black seed, in an instant.

Everyone stared at Qing and couldn't speak any more! ( To be continued. If you want