The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 251 Miracle!

Red jade ginseng is a variant of ginseng. It is extremely rare. It takes a hundred years to bloom and bear fruit. Otherwise, it can't be used medicinally. But it is also because it takes a hundred years of sharpening, it is an excellent medicine to increase the mysterious power of Guben Peiyuan. Cao Guofeng transplanted After all, the strong man of the Holy Emperor has a long life, how can he get the harvest...

But I don't usually care too much. After all, the red jade ginseng is only more than ten years old, and it will take at least 70 or 80 years to come in handy...

But who would have thought that this ginseng had crossed more than 80 years just in the moment, that is, in the blink of an eye? Directly matured?

Faling this point, the five people were directly petrified...

"Quickly... dig it out and have a look! Is it really mature?" The third brother's eyes were so excited.

In the eyes of these people, red jade ginseng is not a very precious thing, but the mature red jade ginseng is still quite rare. If it is really mature, it is cheap to pick it up for nothing.

Lao Qi was the first to get started and carefully turned over the soil next to him slowly. Even if he was a master of the Holy Emperor, he was very careful when digging this red jade ginseng. Because this red jade ginseng has another special feature. In the process of excavation, once the ginseng is damaged, even if it only hurts its whiskers, all the aura will run away in an instant...

However, it is also the main reason why the growth period of red jade ginseng is not long, but it is still highly valued...

After a while, the red jade ginseng was finally dug out completely, but at this moment there was a deep hole in the ground.

Then carefully peel off the residual soil on the ginseng, revealing the red and bright, almost transparent ginseng's true face, and the five holy emperors were sluggish at the same time! This is true! This is not only the fully mature red jade ginseng! Moreover, it is definitely the best red jade ginseng! The five brothers who were in the surprise immediately launched a more detailed search, not long after...

"Wow ha ha, look at this green essence, it's already enough for the year..."

"There is a purple rose here, and it is actually mature..."

Five people directly turned this place into a treasure hunt, and from time to time, there are surprise calls coming out one by one. How big a courtyard can it be? Moreover, Cao Shenghuang himself is not a herbalist, and the planting is quite limited. The five people will soon complete a comprehensive search of the place, and then look at a messy ground. The five holy emperors are regretting. Naturally, they will not worry about the tragic situation of the courtyard. In their identity, even if they trample on another ten hundred courtyards, it Some people will deal with the aftermath, and the residence will be improved by one day at the latest.

What they really regret is that "If they had known this, they should have planted all the elixirs in this yard... I don't know how many teenagers have appeared once... So the magical vision actually nourished those weed bamboo shoots. It's really wasteful. It's simply a violent thing one by one. "

The five people sighed and simply cut down all the bamboo shoots that looked unpleasant and had just emerged, ready to make soup...

A good courtyard has turned into a small bamboo forest, and even the area around the originally empty house is graceful. In many houses, on the flat ground, a lot of bamboo shoots sprouts came out, and the top of the slate came out tenaciously. ......

They naturally explored it carefully. Except for the yard where there was a movement just now, there was no vision change even outside the yard. It seems that this 'worcre' just now only happened in this yard...

"It turned out to be God's favor..." Lao Qi was a little tearful. He touched his buttocks and didn't feel so embarrassed. After all, who in this world can be miracles**? I am the first one in the world! This can go down in history! Thinking like this, Lao Qi directly felt that his buttocks were precious and glorious...

Near dawn, Cao Guofeng and Bai Qifeng finally rushed back tiredly. They only entered the door ten times. They were stunned at the same time, and then returned together... I thought they had entered the wrong door.

Bai Qifeng kept complaining, "I say I'm confused every day, look at you, you can't even find your own door..."

The two really withdrew and went a long way. After looking around, they finally stepped into the door with confusion. Looking at the weeds in the yard, the green bamboo in the yard, and the vines on the courtyard wall were covered with dozens of layers one by one. The national wind was completely shocked.

Look at the yard, there is still a hole in the east and a hole in the west... Jun Moxie's room has also become a cool residence with airy on all sides. Cao Shenghuang stared at him, like a white goose choked in his throat. Er, er, er, er, er, for a while, finally

I guess I will be surprised by the scene in front of me. Fortunately, the first thing I saw were those plants. If I first noticed the potholes and damaged houses in the ground, Cao Shenghuang would definitely suspect that the young master would have happened again! As soon as they heard the two people coming back, the five holy emperors naturally ran out of the room, surrounded the two people, pointing fingers and saying, "But five people scrambled to open their mouths together, but the national style and Bai Qiqi! After a dizzy and half a day, Cao Bai cleared his mind and thoroughly understood the yard in front of him. Last night, an unimaginable 'worcre'!' I'm not in the mood to care whether your miracle is a miracle or not. What about Junye's child? How is he? Are you feeling better?" Bai Qifeng is obviously not interested in the so-called miracle. He only cares about the precious pimples that have been snatched back after a lot of hard work. He was only born yesterday and faced death assassination, and he must be in a good mood.

"Well... he's fine." Five people answered in a hurry.

As soon as they heard that it was okay, Bai Qifeng was really relieved. They looked at the wolf books on the ground, and then looked at the various elixirs held in the hands of the five brothers. There were actually more than twelve or three kinds, and each of them can be regarded as a precious treasure...

"I said boss, this matter is strange..." Bai Qifeng touched his chin and showed a thoughtful look. "You said that... that miracle didn't come early, didn't come late... But as soon as Junye lived in, the miracle came... Boss... Our apprentice, may really be immortals fart one by one by one. R"

"What do you say?" Everyone asked together.

"It's extraordinary..." Bai Qifeng waved his head proudly. This is the rest he just learned from Jun Moxie a few days ago\{6. He applied it so quickly. At this moment, it's really extraordinary...

Everyone suddenly realized that although what Bai Qifeng said was a little ridiculous, it was also an indisputable fact. Cao Guofeng has lived in this yard for hundreds of years. Not to mention miracles, even some relatively strange things have never happened...

But what happened today obviously can't be explained by common sense...

In an instant, the seven holy emperors became more determined that Mo Junye, who has an ethereal physique, must be a big man in the future! Since ancient legend, if a big man is born, there will be a vision! It seems that this is a reminder from God...

Or God's reminder that this child can't have an accident! "In an instant, everyone's eyes have changed...

In the ethereal mansion, just after the night before, it was unprecedented chaos! Mo Junye, who has an ethereal physique, was stabbed in the mountain in front of the fantasy mansion, which was almost unexpected! The murderer was the six bodyguards who lost the house in the night gambling match with Mo Jun before! This matter has naturally attracted the great attention of everyone! And the second thing, Mo Junye, who also has an ethereal physique, suddenly had a strange miracle in the small yard where he lived on the night of being stabbed! All the plants, which have crossed more than a hundred years overnight, have all matured! These two things simply caused an earthquake in the whole ethereal mansion! In the early morning of the next day, Miao Jingyun, the owner of the house, issued an order to the head of the eight families of the fantasy house to go to the hall of the fantasy house immediately**! At the same time, there was also the Holy Emperor Cao Guofeng.

"This time, the warriors will definitely not be able to eat and leave. Those bastards of the Zhan family, I have long seen them unpleasantly. Bai Qifeng sat in Cao Guofeng's yard, looking very happy. He was completely different from his own home, and even moved the bedding. He had a sense of peace of mind.

Xiang Township'โ†“,! J! โ†“::i young man, that's not good...

In fact, this is also the condition that Cao Guofeng proposed that he can live here. If you don't follow it, get out immediately.

In order to get close to the precious apprentice, the White Holy Emperor had to obey...

There is a stone table in the middle of the yard, which is a variety of specialty fruits produced in the fantasy house. Six holy emperors and Jun Mo Wu sit around and are eating breakfast.

There are bamboo leaves floating around, a piece of Xiaoxiang...

"I don't think so!" Jun Mo Wu smiled and said, "You know, although it was confirmed that the bodyguard of the Zhan family was assassinated last night, the children directly under the Zhan family were not present! That's it. If you are not here, there will be a lot of actions on the side of the warriors. With their background, I'm afraid they won't hurt their muscles and bones this time. At most, they will be disciplined and ordered to strictly take care of the family's belongings, and this matter will be over..."

"Oh? Will it really be like this?" Bai Qifeng stared at Master Jun with a very interested look: "You are very hidden... So, last night, only by catching Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yushu himself on the spot, can the crime of the Zhan family be determined?"

"Even so, it may not work!" Jun Moxie said lightly, "As long as the Zhan family makes a prompt decision, announces that this matter is the decision of the two unworthy descendants, and immediately expel the two people from the house, or even put them on the spot... Then the Zhan family still can't move. In the world, it is impossible to use this to bring down the war! After all, the warrior family is currently the first family of the fantasy mansion. It has a strong foundation and a strong background - amazing, and it is not easy to regret!"