The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 252 Big Bosses Gathering

Speaking of Bai Qifeng and several other holy emperors, the cultivation of Xuanqi is very high. But it can only be a Lone Ranger. Although this situation determines that their own cultivation can be improved quickly. But they are doomed to never understand the game between big families.

That's a kind of politics!

Fantasy House is actually a very different country!

Once involved in the political level. Well, unless it is the charge of treason. Otherwise. It is impossible to completely eliminate Zhanjia, a family that has lasted for nearly 10,000 years!

In fact. Even the master of the fantasy mansion may not be willing to let the warriors disappear. Because after one side suddenly disappeared. It is bound to break the balance of power that has lasted for thousands of years, so it will take a long time to recover in the fantasy mansion. Even trapped here leads to the transfer of power. It's not impossible...

These are just these things that only the superiors of the ruling class will consider!

Compared with several great emperors such as Bai Qifeng. These things are somewhat more profound. It's reasonable not to understand!

After finishing the lunch. Almost at the time of the day, Cao Guofeng Cao Shenghuang came in with an old face and knew it at a glance. This incident did not achieve the good results of the original idea...

"Those old bastards of the warriors! But it pissed me off. It's despicable and shameless to be extremely dirty! Unexpectedly, all the responsibilities were put on the guards who assassinated... It was said that the guards were trapped to accept the control of the war, and the family also missed because of their work. He was severely punished by the Zhan family, and this time he made his own decision because of dissatisfaction. He intended to kill Junye and blame him on the warriors. In order to achieve the purpose of retaliation..."

"What a clean word, how did they think about it? This is the saying of the bear. The war has changed. Directly become completely innocent! Even the victims! Who believes this? ..."

A beard of Cao's atmosphere blew straight: "Confuting right and wrong, reversing black and white, pointing to deer as a horse, the family can reach such a shameless state! It's an eye-opener! No wonder you can become the first family of the fantasy house!"

"What a fucking fart!" Bai Qifeng suddenly broke out: "If those bodyguards are really discipling. Do they still dare to give them the responsibility of the two most important children in their family? Those six people are all Venerable masters, and all of them are disobeded? This kind of nonsense. Who the hell believes it! What about fooling a three-year-old child?

"But that's the truth. Because Zhan Han claimed that his tutoring was not strict and neglected to manage, so that such a big thing happened. The head of the house blamed Zhan Wuyun for vigorously rectifying and strictly discipline his family after he went back... In the end... That's it..." Cao Guofeng was a little puzzled and depressed. Slap yourself hard on the thigh...

Bai Qifeng is even more indignant. He said angrily, "I'm going to the owner of the house to judge! This matter. You can't just leave it like this! Don't give us a satisfactory clock. Old... I went straight to Zhanhan's mansion. If you can't do it, can't you beat people?"

"You can stop. If you want to toss around like this, we will become unreasonable... In fact, the landlord also has the opportunity to compensate us and allow Junye to enter the cabinet library twice a month to read group books; in addition. Before Junye, he bet that he won the qualification to enter the elixir garden. The owner of the house did not wait for the requirements of the warriors, but directly Di. The seven of our brothers are also allowed to enter the elixir garden together... What's more. He ordered the warriors to take out a magic weapon. Compensation to Junye. As a compensation for shock..."

said. Cao Guofeng is simply a little despirited.

"These are what the ethereal constitution deserves! What kind of compensation? The only good thing is that the seven of us can enter the elixir garden... I'd rather not go in! What's good to get in that shabby place? Unexpectedly, he even took it as a treasure. What the hell, the miscellaneous pieces of the Zhan family are not things, and the owner of the house does not argue right and wrong. It's really chilling..." Bai Qifeng said angrily.

"Just be content! It's not easy for the owner of the house. In fact, when it comes to this matter, it's not us who are really the most unlucky. At least we have received several compensations. On the contrary, the owner's family is a little more depressed than us..."

Cao Guofeng sighed: "We all heard Junye mention it. Junye was not the only one who was assassinated last night. In addition, the pearl on the palm of Mr. Miao's hand also coincided with the meeting, and he was not much less frightened than Junye. But the girl didn't get it, and she didn't even mention "..."

"It's not easy. Can he treat his granddaughter badly?

Bai Qifeng stared at his eyes and showed a bachelor's temperament: "Brother, your brain is so... stupid, isn't it? What does the owner say? Do you believe in Luo? Maybe the old man detained a lot of benefits that originally belonged to Junye and gave it to his own granddaughter. People's hearts are separated from their stomachs. You..."

"Nonsense! Shut up!" Cao Guofeng raised his face and said, "What are you talking about? How can the owner of the house be that kind of person? Besides... It's not the boy who seduced his daughter... There's nothing he can do about it. Now, the Miao family is also jumping over the wall. What else can I do to ask the Zhan family for compensation?

"Singing other girls? That Miao Xiaomiao? The first beauty of the younger generation in the fantasy house?

Bai Qifeng's eyes widened. Seeing Cao Guofeng nodding with a black face, Bai Qifeng suddenly burst into laughter for a long time. He slapped Jun Moxie on the shoulder.

"Good boy! It's too much! It's only been a few days. Unexpectedly, he took down the granddaughter of the owner! This kind of grading speed. It's worthy of an ethereal physique..."

Jun Moxie has a black face: What does this kind of thing have to do with the ethereal physique? Let's talk about it. I've done everything, and I haven't done anything at all! Also, did I take her down? It's just that she took me! When I want to. Who am I going to tell if I'm aggrieved?!

"All that's it, all the time, you guys should also pack up quickly. The owners and the masters of the family heard that miracles happened here. You have to come and have a look in person. I guess it will arrive by now." Cao Guofeng quickly ordered.

In fact, this land doesn't seem to be easy to clean up. In addition to the deliberately reserved bamboo forest lawn in the yard. The others have already been trampled by the brothers...

But. It seems that the effect of that power has not passed yet. When there is no Huai, a bamboo shoot will come out on the ground. In case someone sits on the ground, but it is very colorful, it will be more lively...

Sure enough, after a while, a piece of white clothes fluttered, and a group of old guys seemed to ride in the clouds. The couple is coming.

Miao's family. Zhanjia, Lijia, Gujia, Yujia, Qiujia, Yunjia. The Zhang family, the head of the eight families of the fantasy mansion, together with Miao Jingyun, the owner of the fantasy mansion, is a total of nine people, plus the seven holy emperors here. It's full of this small yard.

Although Miao Jingyun is also a person of the Miao family. However, in addition to serving as the owner of the fantasy mansion, he can no longer serve as the head of the Miao family, and it is even inconvenient to pretend to be the Miao family. The owner of the Miao family is someone else.

I saw the seng and Zizhi Qingjing and other things taken out by several holy emperors. Everyone was amazed. Everyone was surprised. Any of them is also a person who knows the goods. If there is any falsification, it is naturally difficult to hide their magic eyes. Ran Zhe, Cao Shenghuang and others took out these treasures today. It's all good things. It is not easy to get, and then observe its texture, and you can easily judge the background!

See the Puxiang phoenix tail all over the yard again. Many bigwigs showed envy in their eyes.

Such a pure pastoral scenery in the true sense. It is by no means a transcendence that artificial cultivation can create...

Speaking of these nine old people, which is also an old friend who often comes here for two laps, is not strange to Cao Guofeng's small yard. Shi Jing. Several old guys thought that Cao Guofeng was boasting. He deliberately tea his precious apprentice with an ethereal physique and made a " miracle". It is convenient to build momentum for apprentices.

But I really saw it with my own eyes at this moment. But I believed it in an instant.

There is no other reason. I believe that no one has this book network, which made a small clump of bamboo suddenly develop into a bamboo forest overnight. This is just a fact. It's enough to convince everyone! Not to mention those freshly baked treasures!

The evidence is more than that. The vines around the wall. It was several layers in one night. The innermost of them. It has dried up. If it's young, count it. I'm afraid that a hundred floors are only a lot, a hundred years a night. I'm afraid it's still the most conservative statement...

Cao Guofeng's original courtyard wall is absolutely bare, and these things are never allowed to exist. After all, it's too eye-catching...

All the facts are explained. Here. Just last night. It's true that I have been blessed by God!

It is clear to this point. Suddenly, there were three old men with a complicated look on their faces.

One of the eyes is bright. The old man, who asked for a tumor but seemed to be a little indifferent, looked at Jun Moxie's eyes. There is a vague contradiction. This person is the master of the Zhan family, Zhan Wuyun.

Another look looked at Jun Moxie up and down in a complicated way, but his size was not much different from Zhan Wuyun. It's just that there are many more wrinkles on the corners of the eyes. This is Gu Yunyang, the head of the Gu family. That is, Gu Feiyu's grandfather, who was devastated by Jun Mo's evil words! I had a relationship with Master Jun before. Although that fate can't be regarded as a good fate!

As for the last one, it was a long dark hair floating behind his head, with an extremely elegant look, a ruddy face, and not angry and arrogant. Simply go there for one stop. It's like the sun, moon, mountains and rivers are under your feet, and everything in heaven and earth is in your hands!

This momentum. Only the kind that has been at the top for a long time. The palm of the hand gives the power to seize the power, and the momentum can only be cultivated by long-term edification.

This man is naturally the master of today's ethereal mansion. That is, Miao Xiaomiao's own grandfather, Miao Jingyun.

At this moment. Miao Jingyun was staring at this ethereal physique with complicated eyes. I can't even figure out what it feels like in my heart...