The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 370 Conspiracy? Who on earth is stupid?

"Well, there was another very important point just now that I may have ignored... The place where this thing is located should be somewhere in the three holy places! Since it is an important thing to contact and trade with the fantasy house, it must be listed as extremely confidential by the three holy places. Outsiders can't be allowed to get involved. Even the people in your fantasy house are no exception. In other words, for the talents in your fantasy house, you are the most wary! Therefore, you can only passively wait for the three holy places to be sent out, but you can't go in and pick them up by yourself, let alone go in and grab them! If not, you can send your own people to the relationship between you and the three holy places. "How can they not allow it? But now their people are doing it. They only provide you with something, which means that this thing can be provided by the Holy Land, but the specific location is really crucial!"

"So the most important thing is not the thing, but the location!"

Jun Moxie's eyes are deep, like two pools of deep lake water, unfathomable.

"No, it's wrong!" Zhan Wufeng took a deep breath, and these two short words were a little difficult to say. He was very relaxed and felt that he had a lot of chips in his hand, and he could maintain the advantage of negotiation no matter how he carried out, but Jun Moxie almost inferred almost all the situations by saying one sentence, and his mood slowly became heavy.

Is it a blessing or a curse to cooperate with this wise and almost demonic evil monarch? Such intelligence, even if he is defeated in the battle with the three holy places, who can really control him among the fantasy warriors? Is it a problem to raise a tiger?

"Since this thing is so important to the Fantasy Mansion, and this place is the place that the three holy places attach great importance to! If I want to get this thing to cooperate with you, I must uproot the three holy places before it is possible! Then, each other's positions will fall into an endless death, right? Jun Mo's evil way.

"That's good!" Zhan Wufeng nodded, and the cold sweat on his forehead swayed down.

It seems that he is "good" now. These two words can't say anything else.

"With the strength I have now, I have the qualification to be on an equal footing with the three holy places. Even if the high-end power is still inferior, it can be said to be strong or weak compared with any of the three holy places under the Heavenly Palace. At worst, it's still no problem to fight for both sides. Jun Moxie continued slowly.

"But it's one thing to have this strength, but it's another thing to really tear your face apart. Once the war starts in an all-round way, the war will inevitably be continuous and entangled. It is impossible to end before one party completely perishes! You warriors won't think of this, will you? Jun Moxie turned his eyelids and raised his eyes slightly. "The two sharp eyes shot at Zhan Wufeng's face like lightning.

In the eyes, the gorgeous power actually made the war dance wind involuntarily take a step back!

"Yes! In this section, we naturally have detailed considerations. In order to show sincerity, "If the evil king's mansion and the three places really go to war, we will use the living strength of our warriors to fully assist you. I believe that this is enough to show the sincerity of our cooperation." Zhan Wufeng took a deep breath and said categorically.

"Full of sincerity? At that time, once the two sides start a war, our evil king's mansion and the heavenly punishment forest will join hands; if we fight for sacrifices regardless of the cost, the encirclement can destroy any of the three places in the shortest time! Even if you take advantage of the situation, you can destroy another family! But when we attack the third house, the Heavenly Palace will definitely come forward to stop it. The first one and the second one, they may suddenly have no time to react because of the incident. But no matter how fast we move, even the best result, we can only destroy two families at most! And once the Heavenly Palace takes action, even if we do our best, we still have no chance of winning!"

Jun Moxie's face became indifferent.

"However, at that time, it is impossible for each other to stop! The ten-thousand-year foundation inherited by our ancestors was destroyed by my evil king's mansion, and no one will endure it! This hatred is irreversal! What's more, "there are so many descendants who have been destroyed by me. Even if the people of the Heavenly Palace are all saints, they can't accept such an ending. Only death can solve this deadlock. With all their strength, with all the strength of my evil king's mansion now, I believe that it is very reluctant to cause both defeats. The most likely result is that they are seriously injured, and we and the two families of the heavenly punishment forest will be completely extinguished!"

"The high-end power of our evil king's mansion is too small. Compared with those thousands of years of old monsters in the Heavenly Palace, there is always a considerable gap. This is the accumulation of countless years!"

"I believe in such a result... Do you also have an idea? Or, this is part of your whole design!" Jun Moxie stared at the war dance style with a very "interesting" look.

"How can this be possible? I have just solemnly stated that once the war breaks out, we will naturally provide full assistance! I will never sit idly by. This is the basis for the cooperation between you and us!" The war dance style retreated two steps in a row" quickly argued.

"But I only believe that you will never take action at the beginning of the war.

" Jun Moxie shook his finger and said with a gentle smile, "There is no need to explain it in detail. I don't believe it because of your defense.

"Or you really won't sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight, but you won't really rush out until the end of the war! With the momentum of thunder, lay the foundation for the universe in one fell swoop! Destroy the Heavenly Punishment Forest and the Evil King's Mansion, and flatten the three holy places in one fell swoop! Even, destroy the Heavenly Palace with incomplete strength! At that time, I believe that the whole Xuanxuan Continent will no longer have super strength to compete with the warriors! Therefore, the Zhan family dominates the Xuanxuan mainland!" "Don't say that I am measuring the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. I will think you are insulting my wisdom, and don't say that you don't have such a plan, because if you say so, I will think that your ancestors of the Zhan family are all fools!" Zhan He was blocked back by Jun Moxie: "Since I have dominated Xuanxuan alone, then the mysterious material will naturally fall into the hands of your warriors! At that time, you warriors can do whatever you want in the fantasy house! It is equivalent to one inside and one outside, and both spaces fall under the control of your warriors! So you warriors want to be the biggest winner in the end! If you really follow your plan, you still have a lot of hope of success, at least 80%..."

The war dance style was completely stunned!

Because of these, he didn't even think about it himself. The whole plan, even himself, only knows the link that Jun Moxie just said. As for how to proceed, there are a few people planning, such as War Reincarnation and War Dance Cloud.

But according to the development of the situation in the mainland, if it develops completely in accordance with the vision of the warriors, and if you don't take the method of eating alone as Jun Moxie just said, then the warriors will really be a group of fools...

Who doesn't want to take advantage of such a big advantage? Whoever doesn't occupy is a fool.

What's more, Zhan Wufeng knows his family and knows his family's habits better. It is completely possible to do this kind of thing.

"Xian... Zhan came this time, but he sincerely wanted to discuss the cooperation between the two families with the monarch! If the monarch has any doubts about the cooperation method proposed by us, he can put forward another direction of cooperation, and the warriors can try their best to cooperate with the evil king's mansion! Nowadays, the form is obvious. It has long been difficult to reconcile between the monarch and the three holy places, and in the fantasy mansion, the forces led by the Miao family are more inclined to continue to trade with the three places that have cooperated for many years. At most, it is only possible for us warriors to stand on the side of the evil king's mansion..."

In the war dance style, the previous domineering and condescending posture has long disappeared, but this person's mind is also resolute. In the face of such a situation, he can still talk.

"Well, what you said is also true... If the Zhan family really has the sincerity of cooperation... Let me think about it carefully..." Jun Moxie gently tapped his head with his fingers and squinted his eyes and said, "Oh, I understand. Your warriors cooperate with me, and it is possible to get out of your heart. But I'm afraid it's only for me, not for the whole evil king's house! Really..."

The war dance style immediately felt the cold sweat behind "..." suddenly came out. It was already wet behind him. It was already wet. The clothes were close to the back, and the cold wind blew in the window. The war dance wind only felt cool, which was indescribably uncomfortable.

"But why do you want to cooperate with me? have to deal with the Miao family." Jun Moxie raised his head. "At this time, he guessed the intention of the Zhan family, and it was derived along his own thinking.

"It's ridiculous to...! The matter of our fantasy mansion is internal affairs. How can we ask the monarch..." Zhan Wufeng is strong and calm: "Where does the monarch say this from..."

"Is it really ridiculous? Do you really don't need me to ask? I'm very young, and I'm not a few years older than the ethereal genius of the fantasy mansion! But my cultivation is at least ten thousand times that of him..."

Saying "Ethereal physique, these four words, the war dance wind suddenly changed" and his eyes widened and looked straight at Jun Mo Xie, as if he were looking at a monster!

Jun Moxie laughed sneerically: "The speed of the Xuangong of the ethereal physique is unparalleled in the legend, far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. If the rest of the fantasy family put up with it, and when the ethereal physique really grows up, it will definitely be able to easily regain control of the fantasy house from the hands of the warriors. Because of this, if the warriors are officially in trouble, the other families will not be able to do anything, or the rash confrontation will cause both sides to The bleak situation, or they will choose to compromise and give the warriors a complete fantasy house, hoping that one day they can regain a complete fantasy house..."

"But if I assist the warrior to suppress the array, I can effectively suppress the genius with an ethereal physique. I believe that no matter when, he can't turn over! In this way, it is equivalent to cutting off all the hopes of the other seven families!" When Jun Moxie said this, he suddenly frowned and shook his head: "No, no, if it's true, there will be many resourceful people in the other seven families. I'm afraid that they will start to fight back with all their strength at this time. With seven >