The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 371 I don't know more than one.

"Yes, how would our warriors do such a stupid thing?"

The heart of the war dance style is already trembling.

"Yes! So that's it!"

Jun Moxie ignored the words of the war dance style. Instead, he meditated quietly. His twisted eyebrows suddenly spread, clapped his hands, and made a crisp sound. He said, "That's why you put forward such conditions before and promised to help me. If I really go to the Heavenly Palace to both sides, you I will try my best to save my life! But you have to clothe the foreign government, Jun Mo Xie has already? "In this way, there is no problem with everything, and all aspects of concerns have been eliminated. The other seven families have empty hostages, and there is no opponent like me who can be threatened. Naturally, I will choose to compromise and take a step back safely in order to follow up."

"And in that way, all the goals of your warriors have been completely achieved. Once you have ambition, as long as you don't relax, continue to accumulate strength, and then I will help you target the owner of the ethereal Xiu'an, everything is really under control!"

Jun Moxie smiled and said, "It's really a powerful series of tricks, one by one. First, with the supreme temptation of the whole world, let me, a boy who is not deep in the world, but with amazing strength, get into the trap. I just need to take a step, so everything next is completely logical. It's stamped! Even if I realized it afterwards and wanted to turn back, I had to stumble along this irreversible wave because I couldn't help it, until I was finally taken into the fantasy house by you! It's completely used by your warriors!"

"Naturally, all my subordinates outside, all my family members, including all the mysterious beasts of the Heavenly Punishment Forest, will die, which makes it more convenient for you to control the mainland! Even if I see through this afterwards, I will be obedient because I want to shelter you in your warriors!"

Jun Moxie smiled, patted his palms twice, and sincerely praised, "You warriors are really geniuses! This exquisite serial layout is really wonderful, especially the person who designed this trick to drive away tigers and wolves, and the scum gets it is a genius among geniuses! Even I can't help but admire him. As long as I make a mistake, there is no room for turning back.

"The lord of the king is too much to take it for granted." Zhan Wufeng clearly heard the cold sweat dripping on his forehead on his forehead, but he supported himself and said, "If the Heavenly Holy Palace really does its best, even if we go all out, we may not be able to deal with it, let alone save the monarch safely in their hands Question mark The words of the lord of the monarch inevitably regard our warriors too highly. Although the warlords have never been arrogant, they are not so arrogant..."

"No, no, no" You can totally do it, you can definitely do it." Jun Moxie stretched out a finger, shook it slowly, and smiled, "Because in this layout, you can watch the forces of the evil king's mansion and the heavenly punishment forest completely destroy, but you will not sit back and watch me, the most useful person, are finished, so you will definitely try to save me!" For this, you warriors only need to send one person to do this perfectly. I even believe that the amazing strength of that person, even the supreme ruler in the Heavenly Holy Palace, is by no means his opponent! It's really a very simple thing for you warrior to save me from their men.

'E The monarch joked, and the warrior family did not have the person he said!"

The war dance wind stood up to death. At this moment, he only felt that his throat was dry, and his heartbeat accelerated again. There is one such person in the Zhan family, but this is the biggest secret of the Zhan family. Only the core members of the Zhan family are qualified to know the secret! If Jun Moxie even guessed this, "Then Jun Moxie is really terrible!

Zhan Wufeng knew that Master Jun not only guessed the existence of that person, but also had seen that person for a long time!

"Zhan Wufan "Do you, the head of the family and your brother, really don't know that there is such a person in your Zhan family?"

Jun Moxie smiled mysteriously: "Do you want me to remind you of one or two tricks?" "In this case, please make it clear!"

An innocent x sad, indignant and grievance appeared on Zhan's face in an instant: "I don't know what the tactics and layout Zhan said to the lord of the palace! We warriors will never do such a despicable and shameless thing! We came here with the greatest sincerity, but the king's poison said so, which is a great shame for our warriors!"

"Shame is better than losing your life! Until now, do you think I'm amping you? Unfortunately, I really know the existence of that person and know his identity better! Zhan Wufeng, have you figured it out? Once I say the name of that special existence, none of your Zhan family who came here today will have a chance to go back alive! War dance style, you should think about it carefully! Once I say it, I will judge life and death. This is not a joke. Be careful and careful.

Jun Moxie smiled faintly, but his eyes showed a sharp murderous intention.

The cold sweat on the forehead of the war dance wind turned into the size of a soybean, falling down, and there was a sound!

"Life is precious and priceless! The division is also equal, and everyone has only one time, no exception.

Jun Moxie is still sitting on the coffee table with his legs crossed, but he is not as lazy as he was just now. Although he sits, he is like a sheathed sword, ready to drink people's blood at any time!

But what he said is still light, full of ridicule, full of sarcasm, and full of careless but decisive meaning: "In this life, people can regret anything, but only in the choice of life and death, not!"

The body of the war dance style trembled.

Every time Jun Moxie said a word, it seemed to drop a heavy hammer in his heart! Step by step, he was forced to choose between life and death!

Except for the core members of the war family, no one knows the existence of war reincarnation, even the people in the fantasy mansion.

Jun Mo's evil man is far away from the south of the mainland. How can he know that he must have cheated me? If he hadn't cheated me, why fooled me again and again! As long as I dare to bet on this shop, it is enough to prove the sincerity of the Zhan family, and the Zhan family can take advantage of Jun Moxie! Take advantage of the evil king's mansion and take advantage of the heavenly punishment forest!

A warrior can live for a long time!

My war dance style is the greatest hero of the war!

But if Jun Moxie really said the name of the war reincarnation, then there is only one word waiting for him: death!

This choice looks very simple, but it is so difficult!

Because the bet of this shop is your own life!

Looking at the murderous intention in Jun Moxie's eyes, he absolutely believes that this evil monarch dares to kill himself!

A strong man who dares to fight one-handedly in even the three holy places on the mainland, a strong man at the level of the saint level, kill one person in his own area, why not dare? No matter how influential the warriors are, they are not as strong as the deterrent of the three holy places! As for the strength, it is even worse!

The two holy emperors behind him, under the super power of Jun Moxie, holding the hilt of the sword, have been constantly sweating coldly. Now they are slippery and completely unstable!

Jun Moxie's momentum suppressed them so that they didn't even dare to move a little!

But the other party can still speak so well, and even the tone has never changed! And the Zhan Wuyun in front of the two of them didn't feel it at all! Because it's enough for him to be afraid in his heart! If he is as nervous as the two of us, then his body will be more stiff than the two of us!

"Mr. Gao Shi from the War Mansion, have you thought about it?"

Jun Moxie looked at him kindly: "I really don't have much patience, especially the person who set a trap to deal with me."

"I've thought about it! Please ask the lord of the palace to solve the feeling for Zhan. In my warrior's house, which other earth-shaking master can have such power that he can face all the masters of the Heavenly Palace alone, save people calmly and leave calmly.

The war dance style took a deep breath, and his eyes became fanatical: 'E If the king's house owner can't say it, then it proves that all the previous speculations of the lord of the house can't be realized at all. It's all conjecture, and naturally it can't be counted. This also proves the city The proposal of cooperation is still valid!"

"In the later generation of the war, there is an outstanding young man. Naturally, I won't be the two dead ghosts of Zhan Qingfeng and Zhan Yuqian, so you don't have to deny it in a hurry!"

Jun Moxie's eyes became ruthless: 'E According to the old rumors, the first young master of Jiuyou had four personal disciples in those years, the youngest of whom, called Miao Qingcheng, was the founder of the Piao Miao Fantasy Mansion,', and Miao Qingcheng received eight disciples in the Fantasy Mansion! He is the founder of the eight major families now! Among them, the person with the surname of World War I is the ancestor of the Zhan family. I was not interested in the name of this person before, but I know that this person is really a monster. After such a long time, he can still die. Brother Zhan, do you know who this person is?

The war dance wind is cold all over!

"I also heard that this old beast is extremely dehuman. In order to escape death, every few hundred years or thousands of years, he will choose a person with excellent qualifications from his descendants to occupy his body so that he can survive. And such an old bastard, I really don't understand what your warriors are doing for him?

Jun Moxie sneered and said, 'E is just what impressed me the most, but it is still this person who does not take the slaughter of his descendants as a shame. Instead, he is complacent and complacent. He thinks that the reincarnation of heaven and earth can't help himself, so he actually took a name for himself,

'Tut-tut, this person really doesn't know whether to live or die. Reincarnation is the way of heaven. At best, he is just a ghost who narrowly escaped. How dare he say a 'war, word? It's really out of my ability!"

The smick in Jun Moxie's eyes completely turned into a tragic murder.

'E war dancer, I've finished my words, and you... can also go on the road.' Jun Moxie shook his feet: 'E, please take the road where your ancestors threatened to fight: reincarnation!'

"You! This is impossible! How did you know that?

The war dance wind suddenly shouted in panic and despair.

Since he said the three words of war reincarnation, he knew it was over!

The other party didn't say anything wrong!

Even what he knows is not as clear as Jun Moxie's inferred: this should be the real plan formulated by the war reincarnation!

"It doesn't matter how I know, but what really matters is... I'm not the only one who knows now."

Jun Moxie said leisurely, "Three seniors, can you hear them clearly?"

"Not bad! We also know this matter clearly! This time, it's really thanks to the lord!"

With the words, Miao Zhanmiao ih Miao Jian and the three of them appeared outside the room with a calm face, with three pairs of eyes of secret cloth, looking at the backs of the three members of the Zhan family. The three of them felt like a thorn in their backs at the same time!