The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 376 Continuous cutting, the reason is still messy!

This slap is undoubtedly very heavy!

Suddenly, the guy turned his head like a top on his neck. The four sides are full of shadows of human faces, but strangely, the body under the neck remains motionless...

In everyone's surprise, Jun Moxie had rushed into the tent placed for the warriors like a god, crackled a few crisp sounds, and then came out again with a cold frost on his face. He took a step and disappeared.

And the head on the neck of the slapped warrior family was still turning there... After a long time, it slowly stopped, and a boney head fell to the ground.

The neck is actually twisted into a thin tendon, and even a little blood can't come out...

Mo Wudao saw Jun Mo Xie's back, which had disappeared in an instant, and he was stunned for a moment. Then he turned his head to look at the master of the war house who was just talking happily with himself and others. The headless body, which was still upright, was full of horrified!

It's just a slap in the face!

A holy strong man who is one level higher than himself died like this. It can be said that he died inexplicably, and his death was even extremely miserable and even strange!

It's like a leather band, which was twisted to the extreme by external forces, and finally broke overburdened...

There is silence all around!

When everyone saw this extremely strange scene, they all opened their mouths wide and suddenly breathed the cool air.

The person who can go to the evil king's house to the meeting is at least a hero. If you say that killing a person, it is simply common for them, and it is commonplace, but today's strange situation is still the only seen in life!

However, when everyone was surprised, a sudden sound came from the Zhanjia tent, and the voice was dull and strange.

Everyone rushed up to uncover the mantle that was still fluttering slowly, and then everyone was stunned at the same time, and then someone turned around and vomited.

In the tent, there are still four or five people in the Zhan family, but now they have all become dead people! Two of them can see that they were originally standing, but now they have fallen to the ground; one is sitting, the other is reclining, and the other is keeping the movement of leaning...

Obviously, these five people are making ceremonial actions to welcome the evil monarch, and even a trace of surprise and joy on their faces; but all five people, without exception, have a blood hole in their chests!

Hit, hit, hit, kill, kill, kill!

Jun Moxie's action is obviously so terrible that even such a master has no time to react!

Everything was over after that moment, so even if they died, they still maintained the original action before the breathing stopped.

The part of the chest and heart is transparent in front and back!

The blood seems to flow out of the gaps on both sides without room to stay, converging into a blood spring on the ground, and winding out.

After everyone stayed for a while, the three bodies with different movements slowly fell down...,...

Everyone covered their mouths, didn't dare to make a little exclamation, and crept out.

What is this place?

This is the private tent of the warriors of the fantasy mansion! Zhanjia, one of the eight great families of the ethereal fantasy mansion! The strength is a height that ordinary people can't even imagine, even more than any of the three holy places! But it was the family messenger with such a background that was killed unscrupulously by the evil monarch Mo Xie in broad daylight!

If this kind of thing is caused by your own curiosity...

That's directly the great disaster of destroying the nine clans!

Everyone just withdrew, and there was a "poop" sound at the door. The body of the master warrior who had just been slapped off his head finally fell down at this time.

He lay flat on the ground, and his limbs were actually stretched out. Without a head, "Big, the word can't be arranged. At best, it's just a "no, the word, but the vertical in the middle is a little shorter...

And the blood of this corpse is still not overflowing at all... It is still completely sealed in the body!

"Suddenly" everyone is scattered like birds and beasts!

Even the three of them went back to their residence with a calm face.

In response to what happened, everyone coincidentally chose to keep their mouth shut.

Everyone can see from the expression of the evil monarch. I'm afraid that this time, this evil monarch will set off another unprecedented storm!

There are indeed storms.

But the biggest storm at present is brewing in the heart of the evil monarch...

The evil king is very depressed! Very entangled! Anyway, it's very uncomfortable and unpleasant!

I gave my greatest sincerity, but it provoked a bunch of distractions. What the hell is this...,...

I can't really kill everyone. What a bad luck!

Miao Xiaomiao woke up leisurely and only felt a burst of heartbreaking pain in her heart.

She had forced Xuangong and severely damaged her meridians. Finally, she reversed her inner breath and forcibly spit out the Linglong lotus medicine that she had eaten. However, this action made her body and meridians suffer extremely serious trauma.

At this moment, I only feel that no matter where I am, there is a knife-like pain, especially the internal organs, which is like being fried in oil!

But she didn't care about the physical pain at all, and the pain in her heart was no longer added!

As soon as Miao Xiaomiao opened her eyes, the once familiar world reflected in her eyes again. Unthored sadness came from her heart, just lying quietly in **, and tears slowly flowed down her cheeks and wet the pillow.

When it came, the strong expectation, the sweetness from the bottom of her heart, had already filled all her inner world; but in just half a day in the evil king's house, or only in the last cup of tea, everything disappeared after a sentence with Jun Moxie!

Mo Junye is empty and white!

Mo Junye doesn't exist at all, and even the collection has never existed!

So, even Mo Junye is illusory, and his love... is naturally illusory! Even all his voice and smile, all his talent and demeanor, all all, everything... Is everything just a deception?

Everything is just for the disguise of a project that Jun Moxie, the evil monarch, wants to achieve in the fantasy mansion?

A complete deception!

At the thought of this, Miao Xiaomiao can be said to be frustrated! It turns out that the existence of life that "can give everything for it, and give all the love that a woman can give" is just a scam designed by others!

It's even just a game for a big man!

And myself, on that day, I automatically spontaneously sent it to the door. I was rejected by others, and I didn't know how to wake up. The person who hit the south wall always knew how to turn back, but I hit the south wall and hit my head with blood and continued to hit hard!

Just foolishly bumped into it all the way, like a swimming fish, breaking into the fishing net that the scumbag had clearly collected, like a moth, breaking through the lantern covered with a candle and pounced on the sad candlelight. It was so stupid!

For him, I miss him to the bone, for him to the bone, for his life and death, to give everything for him, for him, to make a lifetime vows!

But all of this is a scam!

What is the purpose of Jun Moxie entering the fantasy house in disguise? Miao Xiaomiao doesn't care about this, and she doesn't even think about it. Because since Jun Moxie has his own purpose to enter the fantasy mansion, no matter what he does, it is for himself.

Miao Xiaomiao can understand this point, and she can do it completely!

Even the enemy has the enemy's position.

Miao Xiaomiao has always been very clear about this.

So before, when Jun Moxie explained to her, "she didn't question, didn't scold" and there was even a trace of envy and jealousy in the bottom of his heart. He, he was willing to imagine and do so much for his woman...

But what she can't accept is... her fall in this love!

The only thing I got was cheating!

As a flower girl who has given everything for love, this is the most unacceptable and extremely cruel! As a girl, she can accept the person she loves as her enemy to the world, and she can still love to death. She can also know that the person she loves is a completely bad guy that the world despises, but she still can't change her inner feelings.

But she can't accept a little deception between her loved ones!

Because it is a blasphemy and trampling on the truth!

Therefore, Miao Xiaomiao would rather accept Mo Junye, who did not really exist, and let him live in his own memories forever; but he refused to accept the living Jun Moxie in front of him!

Although Mo Junye does not exist, Miao Xiaomiao believes in her true feelings in her heart. Because there is sustenance, even if it is illusory. However, if you believe that Jun Moxie is Mo Junye, it will undoubtedly overthrow all his sweetness!

So Miao Xiaomiao chose not to admit it, and refused to admit it!

Because as long as there is Mo Junye in my heart, this relationship still exists! The reason why Miao Xiaomiao chose such an extreme decision is, in the final analysis, or because... she can't bear it!

She can't bear to part with this situation!

Upper to the poor green fall into the yellow spring, eternal and eternal love!

So, she can not forgive Jun Moxie, and even hate Jun Moxie, but she doesn't even have half a word of complaint about the illusory Mo Junye! Although these two things are so contradictory!

This is the real idea hidden in Miao Xiaomiao's heart, but how did this thought come about? It seems that Miao Xiaomiao doesn't know it herself, and she doesn't even know what's going on in her heart now...

I just feel that my heart is in a mess, and I can't stop cutting. What's more...............

Maybe everyone feels strange and feels that such feelings are incomprehensible; but as long as there is an example, everyone can understand it. Just like online dating in the modern world, a man cheats a woman on the Internet, or a woman cheats a man. Whether this kind of deception is intentional or not, one thing is certain: if you want to get the true investment of the other party, you always have to pay for your feelings first!

So, this is emotional fraud.

When one day one of them finds the true face of the other party, he will hate the person opposite the network! But the silent avatar on QQ, the familiar nickname, will still be tender and heartbroken!

He or she can hate that real person to the point of life and death, but he or she is still unconsciously sad about that illusory nickname.

And that is, I'm still giving my feelings...

Every time I think of this, I will grit my teeth at someone, but every time I think of that nickname, I will always be heartbroken and gloomy...,...

Isn't this contradictory?

The footsteps sounded gently, a wisp of fragrant wind came, and Mei Xueyan gently came to her bed.

(This chapter gives away 400 words" The last paragraph about online dating, you can skip it if you don't like it.

The plot of Miao Xiaomiao, in the final analysis, is that I described an online love affair. Therefore, it is ethereal and illusory, so it is the ethereal and illusory house.

In my heart, the Fantasy House is the Internet.

I have also had online love, and I have been deeply injured. I may have written this paragraph that is not to everyone's feelings, and I apologize for that. After writing this paragraph, it's like having passed your own demons. Or you won't understand this idea...

As for yesterday's chapter, Jun Moxie explained a lot. In fact, that's also my own inner thoughts.

I am very emotional! Pay special attention!

So "in my heart" career and success are not as important as my family" are not as important as the people I love! If I could make such a choice one day, I think I would also say: I love the country, and I love beauty more.

Career and feelings, I think I will choose feelings.

This is my obsession. I'm stupid. Many people have said it, and I admit it myself. Or people like me can never do great things, but I think I'm very happy. In my heart, I am very peaceful. For me, this is happiness.

In reality, I am a person who is powerless and affectionate but pretends to pity and cherish jade but can't do it at all... Isn't it sad?

But the motto of my life is: if you ask no puppet, you should be worthy of your conscience in everything!

Even if you die, you don't want to be ashamed and guilty!

Or someone will be sorry to me, but I don't want me to be sorry to anyone.

This is my pursuit! Or it is too idealistic, but when writing these words, it has not changed.