The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 422 Why don't you keep your word?

In order, there are more than 40 aliens around the bear king's male body, which instantly turned into eighty or ninety paragraphs under this horrible knife! A stream of blood was also like an electric-controlled fountain suddenly turning on the switch, and all the bloody fountains rushed into the air at the same time!

Xiong Kaishan did not stop at all. He continued to stride under his feet, but the big knife in his hand swept back from the opposite direction again.

The result is no different!

At this moment, the bear king doesn't use any moves at all, that is, a knife on the left and a knife on the right; in such a back and forth, the heads of people are like a red-hot iron pot thrown on a handful of fresh beans, bouncing up.

The screams and screams are deafening!

Beside him, the 6,000-day punishment soldier has a horrible blood-eating fierce soldier's long knife. Although it is not as exaggerated as Xiong Kaishan, it is also more than twice as long and three times heavier than the usual weapons! In the same mode, the big opening and closing rush to kill. Wherever you pass, your eyes are full of blood waves turning over and empty, and people's heads are rolling around: broken limbs and broken arms are flying all over the sky!

In full view of the public, Xiong Kaishan's huge body suddenly rose into the air, threw a knife wildly, hit his neck, and then rotated in mid-air, and a more powerful knife had already come out of his hand!

"Brothers! Can everyone enjoy today's battle?!" Xiong Kaishan's laughter rumbled and shook the world.

"It's fun, it's very enjoyable!" Six thousand soldiers laughed one after another, accompanied by the flow of blood, their faces did not change their color, and their faces were excited.

"Have you had enough fun?" Another two knives are like a Thunderbolt across the sky!

"Not enough yet! It's far from enough!" A roar!

"Do you want to have more fun?" Xiong Kaishan looked up to the sky and smiled, the blade in front of him was shining, the blood waves were empty, and the head was flying!


"If you want to continue to kill all these dogs * bastards! Let's see if we can have a good time after killing all of them?" Xiong Kaishan roared, and at this moment, the bear king was completely trapped in the excitement.

At this moment, in Xiong Wangfeng's heart, there is nothing but killing!

"Kill all these bastards! Kill all these bastards! Roar! Roar! Roar!" Six thousand soldiers' fighting spirit was even higher. They strode one by one and rushed up desperately!

A total of thousands of big knives are connected into a snowy rainbow, cutting out the bloody wind and rain connecting heaven and earth! The screams of the aliens were directly connected, almost as soon as they came into contact. More than thousands of aliens have died tragically under the knife!

But these two-headed monsters seem to have been completely lost their minds this time! One by one, their eyes were red and they screamed. They knew they were invincible, but they also rushed up fearlessly and launched a sea of people tactics!

Xiong Kaishan took the lead, and his tall and strong body was like a strong iron tower, moving rapidly in the crowd. Some aliens with low cultivation are often trampled down by his huge feet. The sound of "pop" is very crisp and loud, just like stepping on a toad and stepping on a ball of meat sauce from head to toe!

With a loud noise, the male body of Xiong Kaishan shook rashly and raised his already red and straight eyes. The figure before the meeting is staggering back.

Deku Step Appreciation!

This is the only obstacle that Xiong Kaishan has encountered so far from the beginning! He is also the only alien who can stop the whirlwind of the bear king in a frontal fight!

"Come on the name of the miscellaneous report!" Xiong Kaishan shouted loudly, and the air seemed to tremble because of this. The blood column that exploded in the air also suddenly shook a few buckets, drawing a snake-like curve, and then fell down.

"Domineering! Damn black bear! This seat is the Deku step reward!" Deku Bushang tried his best to fight with Xiong Kaishan. The long knife in his hand had already been broken into seven or eight knots by the bear king's counterattack, and his hands were bloody! Even the corners of the mouth are dripping with blood!

Although his power is not weak, there is still a huge gap between him and the bear king who has restored the prototype with the strongest combat power!

"If you get it, won't you put on your trousers? Damn it, what kind of bullshit name is this? Originally, I just thought you bastards were perverts, but the original name was so perverted!" Xiong Kaishan stared: "Fuck you! Can't you be naked every day? You are more disgusting than those two bastards with shabby trousers on the top and shabby coats! Seeing your Grandpa Xiong, why don't you hang yourself quickly? What are you waiting for? Do you really want Grandpa Xiong to bother you?"

Deku Bushang was so angry that his eyes turned red by the words of the Bear King, and almost exhausted the bottom of the earth. It seemed to scold as if he was going to vomit blood: "Domineering!"

"Brother? Grass! Your grandpa Xiong has no point in breaking you up like this, even if it's useless for your sister to take your grandma!" Xiong Kaishan crossed his eyes and shot fiercely: "Come on, let me cut off your dog's head! I'll take you on your way!" The long knife then swed" mixed with the roaring wind and burst into falling!

At this moment, the fierce strong wind brought by the long knife actually overshadowed the sound of the roaring northeast wind in the sky!

Deku Bushang only felt that everything between heaven and earth was suddenly lost, leaving only this deadly knife!

It's terrible in my heart. I know that the other party's momentum is powerful. Although I am similar to his Xuangong, this moment has been taken away by the other party's fierce momentum!

In the face of such a master, losing your mind is basically half defeated!

Deku Bushang still dared to borrow a trick and shouted. A thick smoke burst out, covering the space of more than ten feet in front of him. He said fiercely, "Bear King! Do you, the king of heavenly punishment, dare to fight alone with me?

Hidden killing!

Xiong Kaishan immediately remembered the reminder of the Eagle King just now: hidden killing is not suitable for melee.

I couldn't help laughing: "Okay! Will I still be afraid of the miscellaneous of your alien race?

Deku was overjoyed, quickly changed a knife, and said with a ferocious smile, "Bear King, you are really brave enough. It's a man. Come with me!" With that, he took the lead in taking the air. In order to guide the bear king to follow, he deliberately withdrew a rolling black smoke behind him, which means: I'm leaving here. Come here quickly. Let's fight alone, let me defeat the strong with the weak and cut off the bear's head!

Hidden killing is indeed not suitable for melee, especially on such a large-scale battlefield as in front of us. So once Deku Bushang got the promise of the other party, he immediately left the battle circle! In an instant, it has gone out for forty or fifty feet!

He is completely sure that as long as the Bear King catches up, he can play the other party to death with hidden killing!

The bear king looked at him disdainfully, and a cunning flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, he roared, "I'm coming!"

Deku is overjoyed!

After Xiong Kaishan roared, he twisted his body and rushed to the crowded place of aliens on the other side. The big knife fell and swept together. The snow knife passed by, and at least more than a hundred aliens screamed in different places!

Then, the bear king's body landed in the sky like the birth of Thor to the most dense position of the alien crowd. His body was short, and a big ring knife came directly. The body gyro rotated rapidly on the ground, and then the big knife formed one light after another around his body. The aperture keeps rushing forward with blood!

Endless blood!


Countless fragments of limbs were accompanied by snow and bright knife light, and continuous screams flew into the sky one after another.

When Deku walked here, he realized that something was wrong when he knew that he had flown out of a hundred feet. Looking back, he was so angry that his eyes turned black, and almost none of them fell from the sky.

"Bear King! You are shameless! You are despicable! You... You said you would fight alone, where is your credit? What kind of man are you?!" Deku Busang was about to vomit blood, and his body was shaken.

If he was still blocking Xiong Kaishan in the same place, how could his clan be killed by hundreds of people by him at this moment?

This bastard! You don't keep your word! Where is the samurai spirit?

Xiong Kaishan turned a deaf ear, let alone answered. He danced hard with the big knife in his hand, and only said, "Kill!" It's just a piece," then a jump, a spin, and a roar: "Froar!" Another piece...

It's so smooth to kill!

Deku Bu was so angry that his lips shivered." He flew back with a brush, pointed to Xiong Kaishan and scolded, "Bear King! Do you still have the demeanor of a king? The bastard is extremely despicable and shameless! Are you still a man?"

At this moment, he is still invisible, so he can only hear the sound of him scolding Xiong Kaishan in mid-air, but Xiong Kaishan can't see him!

But he really shouldn't talk in front of Xiong Nongshan!

Xiong Kaishan squinted his eyes, still without saying a word, and the answer given was just a knife!

Deku Bushang screamed and was almost cut by the bear king. He scolded angrily: "Bear king, you are despicable! ..., ah..."

In the middle of his speech, he suddenly shouted, because at this moment, Xiong Kaishan's long knife windmill-like wheel rose up, transformed into a knife mountain blade net, and then shouted: "Come here, chop this air for me!"

Under the order, several bear warriors who were killing the enemy nearby immediately ran back in blood. Before they arrived, several knife lights had completely blocked all the space of more than ten feet covered by the bear king's knife just now!


Deku Bu Shang howled, and a bright blood burst out inexplicably in the air!

"Fuck your grandma! Now the soldiers are in danger. Who is in the mood to fight alone with you! Damn, in the Heavenly Punishment Forest, they all say that I don't have a single-minded mind. When you get here, you bastard actually think I'm a big fool! Ps! I'm a man, you know, only my harem is qualified to say whether I'm a man, a fool!" Xiong Kaishan scolded proudly.

On the tip of his knife, there is a person: Deku Bu Shang!

The head of the Deku family, an alien, was stood in the air by him as if he were carrying a piece of rag! There is a big hole in the chest, which runs through the two bodies. Under the net of several bear warriors and the bear king, Deku Busang, who was invisibility but locked in the direction, could no longer hide, and was pierced by Xiong Kaishan!

At this moment, the four eyes of Deku Bushang's two bodies were in the flame of anger, and he turned his head fiercely and looked at Xiong Kaishan: "You... Why don't you keep your promise?"

"Fuck it! At this time, you still come to pester this problem! It seems that you are more stupid than me!" Xiong Kaishan shouted in astonishment.