The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 423 Is this how the best brain disability was born?

Deku Bushang had only one breath left, still staring at his eyes, and asked with difficulty, "Why don't you keep your promise?"

Xiong Kaishan stared at him. Suddenly, he put the knife on the ground with a "poop" sound, and smashed Deku's broken body on a big stone. The flesh and blood splashed everywhere in an instant. Then he raised the knife again, smashed it with the back of the knife, and smash Why don't you be trustworthy? Isn't this trustworthy to you? Isn't this a solo fight? Trustworthiness! Trustworthiness! Credit to your grandma! Trust your grandma! ! Trust your whole family! Credit to you..."

Dozens of knives were smashed back and forth, and this trustworthy alien has completely turned into a pile of meat sauce, and the bear vomited. He spit and said rebukically, "You are really sick when you are a fool. Do you have credit with such a bastard? Fuck you, uncle! When I'm stupid, I'm baa..."

"I am powerful!" Several bear warriors looked at the shameless king with satisfaction and flattered him with different hearts.

"What are you shouting about? Hurry up and continue to kill! What kind of credit are you talking about? On the battlefield, they actually pulled the enemy to talk about bullshit. These bastards are really..." Xiong Kaishan rolled his eyes and scolded, "This guy must have fallen down when he was in his mother's belly, and more than once. Otherwise, this guy would not have been so stupid! This is a congenital brain-damaged person. His grandmother is really the best!" Several bear warriors were tilted by Lei's mouth and dragged their knives to the other side of the battlefield.

Xiong Kaishan laughed proudly and was suddenly stunned.

Because he heard it clearly, several bear soldiers shouted from the battlefield on the other side: "Did your mother fall when you were in your mother's stomach?" Unexpectedly, an alien replied stupidly, "What?"

"What are you, uncle! Look at the bird, it really fell..." Then there was a series of screams...

Xiong Kaishan's face is full of black lines...

It seems that it hasn't been a long time." The whole battlefield has completely become a stage for the bear warriors to show their strong sound waves, and there is a roar everywhere. The only regret is that the lines are relatively monotonous, and all of them are Ran Rong: "Has your mother ever fallen?"

And every question will be accompanied by a fierce knife. Then it was accompanied by bursts of screams and endless screams.

Later, it directly evolved into...

"Have you ever fallen?"

"Have you ever fallen"

"Have you ever fallen?" ......

The bear warriors scolded happily and proudly. The king is the king. This sentence is both enjoyable and relieved. While scolding and killing all the way, their own combat strength has actually been improved by several levels out of thin air!

It's really cool!

It's really fun!

With a brush, the eagle king's iron wings fluttered, and the blood sticking to his wings flew out, and he had come to Xiong Kaishan, cut five or six aliens with a knife, and asked curiously, "Fourth brother, what did you just say? Have you ever fallen? What on earth does it mean? Why haven't I figured it out until now?"

"Drop you dead head! Get out of here!" Xiong Kaishan didn't feel happy and proud at all. Those guys in the family group are too humiliated." I don't know if it's the guy who spread this rude words, which turned out to be one to ten, ten to ten, one hundred to thousand, one thousand to three thousand. If it's any good words, it's obviously Ah!

It's too damaging to my image! After the war, it must be severely punished! But then again, my brother-in-law's swearing words really don't have any dirty words... It's worth learning...

I was depressed there, but I heard the Eagle King coming to ask funny questions. How can I give him a good face? Hearing this, he stared at him fiercely, twisted his waist, removed the gossip, howled and roared and danced forward...

"Eh? Did I provoke you? Why did you scold me? What a bad luck for his grandma!" The Eagle King was stunned, scolded with tears and laughter, and then followed up to kill the enemy!

The number of aliens of about 30,000 to 40,000 is naturally quite large, but the actual combat effectiveness of the heavenly punishment soldiers is undoubtedly more than theirs! Under the cooperation and desperate fighting between the eagle and bear warriors, the total number of aliens continues to decrease sharply!

It's like boiling soup and splashing snow. The scorching sun melts the ice!

However, "the two sides have only been in contact for less than half a quarter of an hour, and hundreds of wounded soldiers in terms of heavenly punishment have also begun to be injured one after another." Dozens of them were seriously injured and had to be forced to take Huitiandan to restore their energy.

Then continue to kill the enemy!

The effect of Huitiandan is real. No matter what kind of injury or consumption, as long as there is still a breath, the next one can be restored to a perfect state within ten breaths, without any side effects. Such a magic medicine is really rare. Be sure to say that there are the shortcomings of this medicine, and the cycle of taking it is too long

In a month, you can only take one. During this time limit, repeated taking does not reduce the effect, but directly has no effect! After a month's necessary time, the body must complete the small cycle, completely remove all the effects of the medicine, and take the second one to be effective again.

Speaking of which, this is exactly what Young Master Jun has always felt the shortcomings of this medicine. Otherwise, if you equip all the high-level soldiers with one hundred and ten, won't you be able to kill the enemy endlessly?

Is there any suspense in the battle for the sky? What other problems in the world can't be solved?!

But in fact, such a good thing does not exist! No matter how magical the magic medicine is, there must be limitations!

At present, the aliens in the battlefield have stopped thousands of people who are still resisting stubbornly. More than 90% of the people have died under the butcher's knife of the eagle and bear coalition, turning into mud on the ground!

"Kill! The battle of God's Day is determined to seize the sky! Xuanxuan Continent will eventually belong to the Shenri clan!" A high and terrible voice suddenly sounded over the battlefield, and a wind-like figure quickly reached the battlefield!

This voice is gloomy and horrible, and the tone seems to be mixed with some strange rhythm. It is the supreme tolerant who spoke earlier! The alien leader who just arrived!

The madness of different people is also because of every word of this person!

Why, people, in this whole alien area, there is supreme authority!

With this shout, the figure of the alien leader has swooped down to the ground! Before the man landed, the knife light had arrived first, and the soaring knife light fell like a long rainbow. Several bear warriors screamed, but they had been created by this knife!

More than ten feet away, the saint has been hit hard just by the breath of the knife!

It is obvious that this kind of cultivation has reached the level of sanct!

Then, twelve figures appeared one after another in the sky, but in a flash, they smiled grimly like a demon god and swooped rapidly towards Xia'an!

In my hand, the cold light is cold! It was the knife of ninja, just like a bloodthirsty demon, who opened his ferocious mouth and showed his sharp tusks!

The knife of ninja represents killing! It's destruction!

If they really fall to the ground, the soldiers of the two races of eagles and bears will have to bear a devastating sniper! One person's strength may not be enough to reverse the whole war situation in front of him, but if a total of more than a dozen saints join hands to sniper, it is absolutely enough to reverse the current situation!

What's more, even if these thirteen super-strong people are not included, there will be hundreds of wild knives to endure to the battlefield!

At this moment, the comparison between the power of heavenly punishment and the strength of aliens is obviously not enough!

But it will be at least three hours before the second wave of reinforcements reach here! What's more sad is that during this period, aliens are bound to continue to reinforce crazily!

Even if you don't talk about foresight, just talk about recent worries, in terms of the comparison of the strength in front of you, the war that the Eagle and Bear Alliance is about to face has reached a critical moment!

"Heavenly punishment is eternal!" At this moment, suddenly a bear warrior who had taken Huitian Dan once before howling and jumped up, restored his original form in mid-air, cracked his teeth, roared ferociously, burst out his strongest strength, and fiercely split into the supreme Heavenly Forbearance that was about to fall in the air!

The supreme sky sneered, and the female voice said disdainfully, "The pearl of rice grains is also shining!" A slow knife waved out, and the sound of "dang" made a sound, and the long knife of the bear warrior flew out of his hand and turned into iron filings in mid-air for a day!

But the bear warrior has obviously made desperate preparations. When he jumped up, he has exerted all his strength. In the fight between the two sides, although the long knife is out of his hand, his huge body still maintains the momentum of rushing forward! The huge bear head, who recovered its original body, smiled ferociously, opened its fan-like bear's paw, and hugged the supreme heaven in the air!

Brush and brush, three consecutive knives flashed. On the strong body of the bear warrior, a thick arm and a right leg flew out of the body, and blood splashed.

But he still howls, desperately approaching the supreme ninja!


"God's punishment!" The bear warrior roared almost in a bottomless way. The only remaining left palm grabbed the long knife that pierced his chest and laughed wildly, and then his whole body exploded!

Instantly turned into meat crumbs!

Rusi's violent explosion actually emptied dozens of feet in the radius. As long as many aliens who could not dodge were hit by meat crumbs, they would be hit hard by them. The supreme Tianren, who was at the core of the explosion, also let out an angry hum, and the body that was still in mid-air The strike force flew out sharply!

This supreme Heavenly Forbearance has reached the level of the Holy Master! Although the self-detonation of the master of the saint can make him look embarrassed, it will not hurt him!

But he only retreated because of the power of the explosion for a short time, but it was enough to make the whole war situation deviate from the original route and drive to an unpredictable situation