The evil king of the alien world

Chapter 449 The great opportunity of the blood of hot yellow!

The second update is sent to continue to work hard...

Ji Bowen roared and howled crazily.

He tried his best to breathe, suddenly opened his mouth, and sucked crazily

The already abnormally disordered aura between heaven and earth is now like a hundred rivers and the sea, converging in his mouth at the same time

After Xia Changtian, the saint's self-detonation, another saint, is about to launch the final ultimate attack move to die with the enemy

In fact, if Ji Bowen chooses to disintegrate at this moment, then his holy baby's soul is completely likely to escape. Although his body has been severely damaged, he was shattered by the last blow of Jun Moxie's Hongmeng purple gas. Even if his body was pierced into a transparent sieve by 49 cold blade Even on his body, there is Yanhuang's blood inserted into it

But the Holy King is the Holy King

As long as he is willing to disintegrate and escape, then even the blood of Yanhuang can't stop

The only thing that can be left behind is Jun Moxie, but at this moment, the internal and external injuries of the young master Jun are all-round. If he really want to get out, the young master may not take the risk to stay. As for Mei Xueyan, although she also has the same strength, there is still nothing to do about the magical existence of

But now Ji Bowen doesn't want to leave at all

Or it should be said that now he doesn't want to live directly. After seeing the forty brothers turn into smoke and dissipating, and seeing his best friend Xia Changtian, who has lived together for nearly four thousand years in the morning and night, Ji Bowen is already loveless.

His only wish is revenge

Jun Moxie, your brother can't die in vain. Should my brother die in your hands in vain? If you don't pay a considerable price, I won't give up

And now I happen to be at the core of the camp of Heavenly Punishment and the Evil King's Mansion. As long as you start the final self-detonation, you will be dying with the breath of Jun Moxie in front of you. As long as he blows himself up, he may not even be able to escape

Anyway, I don't want to live anymore. I just pull these people's backs before I die, which is also a revenge

What axiom and morality, what the future of the continent, human peace, all go to hell

The spirit of heaven and earth poured into his body from all directions like madness

Feeling that these messy, different attributes and unbearable auras are getting faster and faster and more pouring into his body, Ji Bowen laughed wildly, but he smiled contentedly and smiled happily. If you can have so many enemies to accompany you on the road and get revenge, how can you not be satisfied with your unhappiness?

Reiki quickly converges and becomes more and more urgent. Later, it made a sling sound. In the sky, there is still a constant aura converging into a light blue airflow, flashing by.

The area where Ji Bowen is located has turned into a huge conical whirlwind funnel, and the aura ripples in the sky, rushing down...

Ji Bowen laughed wildly: "Brother Xia, wait for me. Brother, I'll come to accompany you. It's just me. I'll take the hell-killed Jun Moxie thief and those beasts and beasts to find you together. You can do whatever you want. Hahaha..."

In the wild laughter, Ji Bowen's laughter stopped abruptly without warning. He stared at his eyes in disbelief and shouted in horror: "How could this happen? How could it be like this?"

The voice is full of panic and fear, full of out-of-control meaning

Because such a terrible amount of heaven and earth aura has entered the body, and the total amount obtained so far should be at least twice as much as what Xia Changtian can charge, but his body still has not changed at all, and there is no sign of swelling at all, and even in the meridians, there is no sense of fullness.

The wound on the body is still ticking blood.

Everything is as old

"What's going on? What the hell is going on?" Ji Bowen checked his body wildly, and only felt that his vitality was constantly passing, but he did not find a trace of foreign aura from his meridians. Where did the aura he had just obtained go? Suddenly, he roared again: "What's the matter? How could it be like this?"

Everything is out of control, not just the out of control of the situation, and even the operation of the spiritual power that I am familiar with like a breath can't be applied, and it is completely out of control. What's going on? Why is it like this?

The blood of Yanhuang was inserted into Ji Bowen's body, and the sword was shining with light cyan light, flowing back and forth.

This guy is inserted into Ji Bowen's body, blocking his meridians, and he still wants to explode himself? It's more unrealistic to pull so many people on the road together than to dream

The blood of hot yellow has been hungry for a long time in the past few days, and there has been no chance to drink the essence and blood of the master. The war reincarnation I encountered last time can be said to be the best delicious. Unfortunately, the good dishes that finally disappeared, but this time in front of me, I got into the body of a strong

The blood of hot yellow is so happy that he is going crazy. Although this guy is not as good as the old boy before, he is also the best tonic

In particular, this boy didn't want to escape at all, which made Yanhuang's blood full of an unspeakable good impression: good man. Let me suck it so motionless... In the whole world, where can I find the second master of such a good and kind saint?

So the yellow blood is really cherished. Even a little stingy, carefully absorbing slowly inch by inch, lest this 'good-hearted' guy suddenly find a disintegration... Then it's too late to regret...

When I was making a fortune in my heart, suddenly there was a greater benefit to this huge benefit, which was directly like a huge pie falling from the sky and hitting the head of the blood of the yellow, which made me dizzy. The surprise was inexplicable

I'm x, **, it's really cool...

I've seen someone who knows the current affairs, but I've really never seen someone so knowledgeable. Old boy, I love you so much

It's really good

This guy actually opened the bridge of heaven and earth at this time, crazily absorbing the aura between heaven and earth

The blood of Yanhuang almost cheered wildly in Ji Bowen's body

It's so handsome

It's so handsome

That's why you can really come whatever you want.

It's really up to everyone's wishes. When I miss my daughter-in-law, two naked big girls came. Not only did they send them, but they were also attached, but they were all in a cooperative attitude of no resistance and Ren Junshi...

Ji Bowen's long-brewed death self-exploded, not bad at all, all cheap the blood of hot yellow

No matter how much energy the aura of heaven and earth instills into his body, the yellow blood has always maintained a steady state of whale swallowing and encroaching, which has never been wasted at all

At this moment, Ji Bowen, the tragic saint, has been completely reduced to the medium of communication between the blood of fire and yellow and the aura of heaven and earth

Under the inadvertent cooperation between the blood of Yanhuang and Ji Bowen, the aura of heaven and earth is like crazy, shouting forward and backward, surging and surging, rushing over...

Here is a collection of the residual essence left by almost 200,000 aliens due to death, as well as the self-detonation of thousands of days of punishment soldiers, and the disordered aura caused by the self-detonation of dozens of top masters. The total amount of energy is directly a horrible and indescribably astronomical figure

Originally, this is the energy that no one can get from any life. It will only return to heaven and earth because of the passage of time...

However, by the coincidence of today, the crooked beating is creating a great opportunity for the blood of yellow

In this world, no one will know except Jun Moxie, let alone think that there would be such a sword that can absorb people's blood and Xuangong. Kill the soul, life, and encourage the magic sword to increase your strength

The origin of such magical functions is completely the result of the mutation of continuous experiments when Jun Moxie first got the power of gold. Master Jun took out the blood of Yanhuang and refined it as soon as he was free. Every time he saw good materials, he refined it again. Generally, the long sword made, even if it was tempered, that is, two or three times forged, had been completely formed.

But Jun Moxie tempered the blood of Yanhuang thousands of times, regardless of the cost. Under the continuous change of method of quenching, he finally gave birth to such a unique and even unprecedented freak in the world

For masters who are willing to explode themselves, what can it be like to have a sword on their bodies? Anyone who has the ability to self-detonation, the energy that can be exerted by self-detonation is enough to destroy the mountain avalanche. What can a sword in the district? Even if the texture is a special and magical weapon, it doesn't matter

I don't care at all

So Ji Bowen took it for granted that he didn't take the sword to heart. Anyway, I'm going to die. Before I die, I will get an extra sword, or a sword inserted in my body will not cause much impact. If you can take the opportunity to destroy Jun Moxie's weapon in one fell swoop, it can also be regarded as an incidental harvest

But he never thought that the blood of Yanhuang would be such a perverted special existence

Absolutely a mysterious existence since the founding of Xuanxuan Continent

When Ji Bowen finally realized that something was wrong there, almost one-third of the aura of heaven and earth obtained here had flowed along the medium of his body to the demon-like sword

Ji Bowen was finally completely desperate and heart-sad

As a strong saint, he has fallen to the point where he doesn't even have the right to self-exploding

This is really a great sadness between heaven, earth, sky, universe and universe

Ji Bowen was so angry that he spit out several mouthfuls of blood one after another. After several twists and turns, he tried his best to consume the little energy left in his whole body, and finally relieved the self-exploding mind.

Although he still doesn't know what happened, he judged that the sword inserted in him must be abnormal. The culprit of extracting the aura of heaven and earth from himself must be that it is undoubtedly desperate to relieve it. He doesn't want the blood of Yanhuang to continue to profit, but it doesn't Thinking of this will add another blow to my mind

Ji Bowen's action to lift the self-explosive immediately made the uncle of Yanhuang's Blood Sword furious V