Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 46 Who is the Landlord

These two knives were cut on Cang Yi's body and only heard two metal sounds, which did not cause him any damage.

The two big men were even more dumbfounded, "How can this be?"

Before the two people could figure out, Cang Yi's two angry hands had grabbed the hair on their heads. With a violent force of his arms, he hit the two people's heads together.

Cang Yi, who was extremely angry, would not show any mercy at the time. When the two people were hit by this, their eyes immediately appeared and shook a few times and fell to the ground.

Such a scene is still rarely seen in the village. Fighting is not new, but it is very interesting for everyone to go up to Bianwang's landlord's family.

With little effort, there were a lot of people watching. These villagers dare not cheer on the surface, but their hearts are happy. Everyone whispered about the easy to come.

Many people look envious to Cang Zhi.

"Look at how other people's sons are raised. I've only been out for a few days, and I've been so promising!"

Seeing that Cang Yi has been out for so few days, there will be such a big change. Wang Yiyi was really scared, and his legs began to trembling a little. "You, what do you mean? You owe our family the rent, don't you?

Cang Yi said angrily, "Bulls, who owes your tenant? You are obviously mean to my sister. Get out of here. Don't think my sister is easy to bully now.

Cang Xiaosu blinked his bright big eyes and couldn't believe that the person in front of him was his own brother who had been with him since he was a child.

"Brother, is it really you? Why have you changed so much?"

Cang Yi pulled his sister down and said, "Little sister, don't be afraid. From now on, no one dares to bully you."

Cang Xiaosu was so excited that she burst into tears and fell into Cang Yi's arms.

Why is Wang Yile willing to leave like this? You, don't be unreasonable. Don't forget that this territory is still the world of our royal family. Either pay or pay people. Otherwise, your whole family will get out of Shuihe Village.

Cang Yi laughed and said, "Now it's time to be rude and start to reason, right? OK, then I'll make sense to you. Tell me, how much does our family owe you for rent?

Wang Yiyi stretched out two fingers contemptuously and said, "Not much, just two silver coins. This is the rent you owe for two years. I don't believe that you have been doing darts for more than a month.

Cang Yi laughed and said, "You look down on me like this? Just two silver coins are worth a visit. I advise you to raise the rent a little higher. You will regret it in the future."

Hearing this, Wang Yile's eyes widened. Strange, is this boy crazy? Either his head is flooded, or he is playing a scoundrel. No matter what his mentality is, Wang Yiliu is not afraid of him now.

"Well, since you have said so, let's take away all the preferential interest rates. One silver coin a year for one mu of land and four silver coins for two years. What do you think of this?"

Cang Yi shook his head and said, "I said your Wang family is really a good man! One acre of land is only one silver coin, but it is the lowest price in the country. Isn't it too cheap? It's better to add more so as not to regret it later.

At this time, Cang Zhi was in a hurry. He was very happy to see his son come back and have such a strong strength to protect his family. But next, looking at Cang Yi's reaction, I was really surprised. I don't know what's wrong with this boy. How can he raise the price for himself? I believe that my son must have received some major stimulation in the town.

His body had slowed down a little, and he immediately ran to Cang Yi's side and said, "Yi Er, what are you trying to do? How can you raise the price for yourself? Money is not spent like this."

Cang Yi shook his head to his father with a smile and said, "Father, you don't have to worry about this. Don't worry, there must be good things waiting for you.

Wang Yiyi now doesn't know what Cang Yi wants to do, so he has to say, "What on earth do you mean? How much do you think it should be? You can make an offer.

Cang Yi pretended to think carefully and said, "Well, it's not too difficult for you. One mu of land is counted as two silver coins a year. What do you think?"

In the face of such bargaining, Wang Yiyi is really dumbfounded. He really doesn't know what Cangyi means. On the one hand, it's the price**, but on the other hand, I don't know what Cangyi is thinking. Finally, driven by interests, he nodded.

It was not until then that Cang Yi took out the land deed from his pocket with a smile and said, "Well, since you agreed, you have no chance to regret it again. Why don't you take a look at what it is?"

Wang First-class suddenly became very nervous. He took the land deed with his trembling hand and immediately dumbfounded, "Isn't this our land deed?"

Cang Yi said, "Are you taking a closer look at whose name is on it?"

Although Wang Yixian guessed that Cang Yi might have any conspiracy, he was not afraid because his family was so domineering here. But he never thought that such a thing would happen. Why did your own land suddenly become someone else's? However, his brother's name was clearly written on it, and his brother transferred the land to Cangyi.

He is experiencing the biggest blow of his life at this moment, but he said your son to Cangyi weakly and collapsed to the ground.

Cang Yi took back the land deed and said, "Why don't you take your master away quickly?"

The remaining three people, who still care about these, directly patted their buttocks and left.

"You have to lift yourself. Who has the mind to care about this poor light protein idiot?"

Looking at the three people walking away, Cang Yi shook his head helplessly. These people are so unfriendless. He had to take out 50 copper coins and said, "It seems that you have to help."

Cangzhi's family has developed and suddenly became the target of the whole village. Cang Yi stayed at home for a total of three days, and countless people came to visit every day. Some send congratulatory gifts, and some bring their daughters, hoping to visit relatives.

Uncle He of Cangyi has also been staying at Cangyi's house with his daughter. I always want to find an opportunity to make contact with my daughter Cang Yi. However, Cang Yi only visited his relatives once for more than a month, so he took care of them again!

Uncle He is still relatively thick-skinned. Although the Cang family ignored him, he may still tirelessly talk to Cang Zhi.

"Brother, you see, I was really confused the day I first came here. Don't worry about it. After all, is our friendship there? Can we still consider the marriage of our two families?"

Cang Zhi really has a headache facing this dog skin plaster every day. "Brother He, why are you doing this?" How can our Yier compare with the son of Qiu's family? Besides, the children have to decide the major marriage matters by themselves. How can the will of our elders bring happiness to our children? Don't you think so?"

"Yes, what Brother Cang said is indeed reasonable, but..."

Cang Zhi is really bored, but after all, he is hindered by his friends and it is not easy to coax them away. When I was helpless about this difficult guy, I suddenly heard Lanling's clever and sweet voice shouting, "Uncle Cang, aunt just taught me how to make spicy chicken yesterday. Come and try it and see how I made it for the first time today?"

"Alas! I'll be right over." Cang Zhi promised with a smile on his face, and then looked back at the He brothers coldly and said, "I'm not talking about you, but your daughter still has a lot of room for improvement in appearance and dealing with things!" I think you'd better take her back and teach her for two years. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get married."

After saying that, he turned around and walked away.

Brother He, who stayed where he was, could only stand there speechlessly. No matter how thick-skinned you are, you will be embarrassed to stay at home again.