Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 47 Magic Flowing

Although the family is always busy these days, there has always been a bright smile on Cangzhi's face. Cang Yi originally came back this time to get together with his family, but he didn't expect it to be like this, but he has been very happy to see the second old man, and he has nothing to regret.

Time passed quickly, and Cang Yi and Lanling returned to town. Next, the most important thing is to learn a martial art skill quickly. He can only fight by hand-to-hand every time, but he is tired of it.

It's a sunny morning. In the martial arts school, there are several separate small courtyards, which are specially used for students to learn special martial arts skills.

In one of the small yards, only Cang Yi and Coach Leihuo stood there. The two looked solemn face to face.

Thunderfire first said, "Cangyi, show me your sword first."

Cang Yi handed his sword to Lei Huo.

He took the sword in his hand, looked up and down carefully, and then nodded and praised, "Well, it's a good sword. Unfortunately, you have only used it for a few days, and the sword is already scarred. Come on, you can reach over and have a look."

Cang Yi gave the hand god to Lei Huo again.

Thunderfire looked carefully at the palm of his hand and the back of his hand, "Well, that's good. It seems that your hands are well maintained. You only know how to take care of your body, but you don't know how to take care of your weapons at all. How can you become a master like this?"

Hearing this, Cang Yi's face showed a trace of doubt. He asked, "Coach, how can you fight with people without your own weapons? Do you still use your own body to protect your sword?

Seeing Cang Yi's expression, Lei Huo laughed and said, "This is the question you new students will encounter. This is the spirit of practicing martial arts. Our warriors at Changxiaomen are talking about a word harmony. You should remember this word first, and you will have a deeper understanding in the future.

The more Cang Yi listens, the more confused he becomes, "and? Fighting is fighting. What's so kind of?

Thunder and fire, Cang Yi's sword waved in his hand again and praised again, "Well, it's really a good sword. It has a good sense of balance. There is no need to use too much force to use such a superior sword. He can only use brute force, which is what the reckless man does. Swordsmanship is even more art. You must experience the beauty of sword dancing in your future learning. You should know that the sword in your hand is not a piece of iron for you to use. He is a part of your body and a part of your heart. In the future, you should learn to love your weapons as much as your life. Do you understand?"

Cang Yi is not asking questions, just nodding, eagerly waiting for the coach's next instruction.

Thunderfire danced several swords lightly in front of Cangyi, and the movements were very elegant. The seemingly ordinary sword is as if it has life, not being waved by the user, but more like it is dancing. It was simply thunder and fire dancing with the sword, which became the dance partner of thunder and fire.

This surprised Cang Yi and couldn't help clapping his hands and exclaiming, "It's so beautiful. How on earth can the coach practice to this level?"

Lei Huo replied, "It's not difficult to say, and it's not easy to say. You must first learn to start. What level you can practice depends on your own understanding ability. Only when you regard the sword in your hand as a part of your life can you control it as casually as your fingers.

This made Cangyi very excited. He never thought that there would be such knowledge in martial arts. He can't wait to master it immediately. He said excitedly, "Coach, after hearing that, I can't help it now. Teach me quickly!"

Thunderfire was indeed not slow, and he said calmly, "Don't worry, and then show you something." With that, he danced his sword again and drew a very elegant arc. This arc left behind a shadow of sword spirit, and the color of each shadow was different.

Cangyi counted five in total, and the colors are red, yellow, green and blue.

God, this looks so beautiful! He was completely shocked, but he opened his eyes wide and looked at the thunder and fire.

Lei Huo laughed and said, "See. This is the illusion you want to learn today. This is the spirit of Changxiaomen. Changxiaomen is a method of light energy refining. Light is composed of seven colors, and people have seven emotions. Our patriarch of Changxiaomen Xiao Wuji is to combine the seven colors of the sky and the seven emotions of the world.

If the emotions in these seven can achieve absolute balance, then this person's heart will emit infinite energy like the sunshine in the sky. This is the realm that Changxiao's ancestors wanted his disciples to achieve.

That's what people usually call a sunny mood. Only seven emotions have the same amount of energy, so that they can produce the best mood like white. However, in fact, few people in the world can achieve such a state of mind. Only warriors have this possibility in long-term training, but Lei Huo has been a coach in Changxiaomen for more than ten years, and no more than three people have really heard of reaching this level.

Phantom flow is to defeat the enemy through the shortcomings in people's seven emotions. If you want to launch the most effective attack through illusion, you must maximize everyone's emotional weaknesses.

Now Cangyi can only practice the first level of this swordsmanship, that is, it can only send a sword spirit. This sword spirit is red, which represents a happy mood.

The thunderbolt sword was handed back to Cang Yi, and then took the initiative to ask, "Okay, I want to ask you first, how can you keep yourself happy at any time?"

Cang Yi did not hesitate and replied very quickly, "Of course, I want to recall the good things that happened to me as much as possible."

Thunderfire laughed when he heard such an answer, "Well, since you think so, let's try it first." I'll tell you how to do it. You raise the sword in front of you, then stand still, focusing all your attention on your sword as much as possible. Next, try to recall the good things that happened around you.

Cang Yixin was overjoyed and said, "For me, this is the right way. I really have a series of good things these days. You will definitely see the effect of cultivation soon. Coach, just wait and see!"

However, when it came to practical practice, Cang Yi found that the real situation was not what he thought at all. He kept thinking about the good things that had happened around him these days, but it didn't seem to make him happy. Instead, it made him more and more upset. In the end, he couldn't stand there quietly. He couldn't wait to throw his sword to the ground immediately.

Lei Huo's expression was very gentle. He had long known what Cang Yi would encounter now and said, "Don't hold on. If you really can't hold on, take a rest."

Cang Yi really couldn't stand it anymore. He immediately put down his sword and moved his muscles and bones.

He asked strangely, "Coach, what's going on?" I'm obviously thinking about the happiest thing, but why can't I be happy?