Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 48 Understanding

Thunder replied gently, "It's not your fault. In fact, you still don't know the real source of joy. It is not a stimulus from the outside world, but a real satisfaction in the heart.

"What exactly is the real satisfaction?"

In fact, people live in this world and have too much, and people's problem is that they never know how to be satisfied. Every day, he thinks about what he has lost and what he wants to get but can't get, but he doesn't know that even a beggar has a lot in the world. For example, sunshine, healthy body, relatives... a lot. Have you found that sometimes beggars are also happy? This is because he is very satisfied with what he has now.

"So that's it. Well, I know now. Well, I'll continue to train now." With that, Cang Yi picked up his sword again and prepared to enter the country.

But the thunder and fire interrupted again, "Don't worry, it's not as simple as you think. There is one more thing you have to do. This may be more difficult. You must learn to forgive all your evil people. Think back to all your evil people. Treat them all as your friends. Many people can't even break through the first level because they can't do it. I don't know what will happen to you."

Cang Yi scratched his head, "What, do you want to treat the people you hate as friends? Didn't he become a fool? If he comes to beat you, will you still cheer for him?

Thunderfire replied, "This is your ability to grasp the state of mind. You just forgive him in your heart, not attack him. To separate the purpose of the attack from the mentality of the attack, this is what you need to understand.

The more he listens, the more dizzy he becomes. This is too difficult. However, he must also work hard for his great ambitions for the future.

Next, it is to enter the country again.

Cang Yi began to think about everything that made him feel satisfied, and even his feet had never been angry. Not to mention, this really works. In less than half an hour, he was very calm. He has never experienced that it is so comfortable to completely relax his heart.

The body is completely stationary, and Cangyi can clearly distinguish all the air movements on the body. There is the wandering gas on the skin and the energy at the inner Dantian. In fact, these qi have always lurked in people's bodies, but because of people's impetuous hearts, they can't feel them.

Under the guidance of thunder and fire, Cang Yi is trying to learn how to control this gas. In this way, he has been standing for two hours. The wonderful thing is that he is not tired at all, and he is very comfortable. It seems that these gases are supporting his body, and his muscles hardly need to force.

And these gases actually have the effect of regulating the temperature around the body, making him not hot or cold, which is just right in the most comfortable state. It's more comfortable than sleeping in bed.

In fact, this is not the level that Cang Yi can achieve now. He is glad that he has met a good coach. In fact, such a powerful fighting spirit accounts for less than one-third of Cang Yi's body, and most of them are provided by the coach.

However, Lei Huo did not tell him that this was to keep Cang Yi in the best mood as possible, make him feel more sense of accomplishment, and let Xi exert this power to the limit on him as much as possible.

The body is comfortable and carefree, which is indeed the most ideal state of joy. Cang Yi didn't have time to think about anything else and enjoyed the present.

Next, Leihuo will continue to guide Cangyi. Let Cang Yi do his best to stimulate the fighting spirit in his body.

At present, the sword in his hand is a new member who has joined his body. Now we need to transport a lot of fighting gas to this sword. The sword and the body are integrated through the body, and fighting spirit is also the channel of spiritual communication.

With the help of thunder and fire, Cang Yi soon realized what the combination of human and swords is. At this time, the fighting spirit on Cang Yi's body has been reflected on the body surface, and a slight light can be seen with the naked eye. Because he is now practicing the first level, which is the red light. Of course, because the flame is very weak, it only reflects a faint pink.

Next, I still encountered a bottleneck and was able to grasp the fighting spirit in my heart, which is not the ultimate goal. To transform this fighting spirit into an independent sword spirit. It is to appear a sword composed of independent fighting spirit out of thin air.

When the illusion flow color reaches the seventh level, it is necessary to transform into seven colorful swordsmanship. These swords are unpredictable and hidden from time to time, which is difficult to think about and prevent. This is the wonderfulness of this swordsmanship.

If you want to practice the first level well, you must learn to confuse the other party with sword spirit, so that the other party can't prevent his attack.

Cang Yi's spirit was extremely concentrated. He slowly moved the sword in his hand and wanted to keep the sword spirit in place, but he never succeeded. The sword spirit always moved with the sword body. Can't wave the beautiful colorful arc like the thunder and fire.

Time flies, and it's already afternoon unconsciously. Cang Yi practiced so hard that he couldn't remember that he needed to have lunch.

He eagerly waited for the moment when his sword spirit separated from the physical sword, but he never succeeded. Over time, the strong sword spirit gradually lost its strength. The feeling of fatigue also began to surge out.

Lei Huo immediately reminded him, "Cang Yi, I think you will practice here today. It's been a long time. It's not easy for you to control your fighting spirit so well in your first practice. Don't worry too much. This needs to be practiced slowly for a long time. It can't be done overnight.

Cang Yi felt that he was not strong, so he had to put down his sword to relax his body. However, he still looked very regretful and annoyed.

He asked Lei Huo dejectedly, "Coach, I always feel that I'm about to succeed, but why can't I break through? How long will it take? Can you do it tomorrow?"

Thunderfire said calmly, "This is already very good. In fact, this kind of thing is difficult to say and easy to say. It is not determined by whether you practice hard or not, but the key lies in your state of mind. Look at your impatient expression, which shows that you can't control your heart well. The more urgent it is, the slower it will be. Anyway, it will be a matter of time. Why should you be in a hurry for a while?

The comfort of thunder and fire makes Cang Yi feel much more relieved. He gradually began to understand that the more he wanted to get, the more he had to let go of his heart, which would be easier to get.

He nodded, "Coach, I see. I will try my best to learn to have a normal heart in the future.

After hearing this, Lei Huo nodded with satisfaction and said, "Well, that's good. You're right to think so. But I still want to remind you of something. You still lack a heart of forgiveness, which is why you have never reached the highest level of happiness. You know, you are likely to meet an opponent higher than you next. What they have is the power of anger. Their purpose is exactly the opposite of yours, not only to be angry, but also to anger his opponent as much as possible. If you get angry, you must be finished."

These words aroused Cang Yi's greater interest. He asked, "Well, coach, what do you think I should do if I really meet such an opponent?"

Lei Huo asked, "It's better for you to use your own brain. How can you put the other party in the happiest state?