Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 38 Dart Bureau Headquarters

The next day, Cang Yi asked Ye Meng to rest in the inn and went to the headquarters of Tianxing Dart Bureau alone.

The scale of this headquarters is completely unimaginable by his own brain. As soon as you enter the door, there is a large yard 100 meters square. There is a reception room at the entrance. Visitors must register here, explain their identity and intention, and only enter under the arrangement of the receptionist.

The general darts bureau needs to register with different departments according to the size and nature of the commission. The reception understands the basic situation of the client before guiding the guests where to go.

After Cangyi arrived at the gate, he took out his waist card. Only then did he understand better why the darts bureau had to raise his darts level in advance before this mission. Now even if it is a senior guard's waist card, it is very disgraceful to take it out in such a place.

For good, the reception was a person who was very enthusiastic about everyone. After seeing Cang Yi's waist card, he knew that he was looking for Hao's shopkeeper, so it was not difficult for him and showed her the direction.

In the general bodyguard bureau of Tianxing Dart Bureau, there are ten shopkeepers. There are no more than 60 darts under each shopkeeper. This good shopkeeper is the general shopkeeper, and the other nine small shopkeepers are in charge, so the power is still very large.

This general bodyguard bureau has a total of three-storey compound. The first floor and the largest one just entered the door, mainly responsible for general tasks. Six shopkeepers were found in this yard.

Cang Yi entered the yard and was shocked by the spaciousness and grandeur here. In the big yard, the ground is very flat, and the road paved with stone bricks under its feet is flat and clean, extending to the surrounding houses in different directions.

There are tall trees on both sides of the road, and there are many stone tables and chairs under the trees for clients waiting in line to sit down and rest.

This is the morning, and with the good weather today, many people do rest and laugh on the flat grass.

There are also darts engineers who communicate directly with customers. In such a comfortable environment, it can be seen that the two sides are talking very harmoniously.

The comfortable environment, fresh air, and the pleasant sound of birds from time to time make Cang Yi can't help shaking his head and sighing that this place is really too rich. How lucky it is to be a bodyguard who works in such a place every day.

Cangyi knew that he just came here in a hurry. If he wanted to really enter such a dart game one day, he had to make some effort. But this is his goal. No matter how much he pays, one day he will officially step into this door.

Through the first floor of the yard, step into a gate and enter the second yard. It's much smaller here. However, there are more rockery, streams, bridges and so on, and the structure and carving of the house are much more delicate. It looks much more luxurious than outside. At the same time, there are much fewer people here than outside. If it hadn't been for Cangyi's waist card, the people at the door wouldn't have let him in casually.

This floor of the yard is the place to receive VIPs, and three shopkeepers stay in this yard.

However, the shopkeeper Hao Cangyi was looking for was not here. He continued to walk forward and entered the last floor of the yard. This is the place where the highest-level head of the Tianxing Dart Bureau is staying. If it weren't for a special task, it would be impossible for an ordinary darts master to come into this yard.

The luxury and magnificent here is needless to say. If Cang Yi hadn't had a shallow "pre" on the waist card in his hand, it would have been impossible for him to come in.

Everything went well. When I saw a good shopkeeper, the good shopkeeper told Cangyi more details. It's just that no one has seen what the princess looks like, and they can't provide him with more specific clues. It is impossible for the emperor to provide such a confidential matter in person, so each bodyguard bureau has to find its own way to solve it.

However, some more clues can still be given to Cang Yi, that is, a retired court painter lives in this imperial capital. It is said that the painter is not only very good at painting, but also has a strong memory. As long as he basically never forgets what he has seen, he can draw the people he has seen without any badness.

Since he is a court painter, he has naturally painted portraits for the princess. If you want to complete the task successfully this time, you must first find this court painter.

The painter's name is Fengxi, and he is almost 70 years old. Moreover, the darts bureau also greeted the painter in advance and asked the painter for a portrait of the princess, which was the next part of Cangyi's task.

After knowing this, Cangyi hurriedly left the dart bureau. After walking out of the door, he couldn't help looking back many times. He was still nostalgic for a long time and didn't know when he could be promoted here to work.

Next, Cang Yi was not in a hurry to find the painter named Fengxi, but returned to the inn first. In his opinion, no matter how important his task is, it is not as important as Ye Meng's body now.

Ye Meng's body recovered quickly and rested for another night. When he got up in the morning, he felt relaxed. Some of his skin was a little painful, but it was nothing serious.

After doing a simple activity, I went to find Cangyi.

Cang Yi felt better when he saw that Ye Meng had recovered.

"Cang Yi, what clues did you get yesterday? From today on, we will act together." Ye Meng said while taking a deep breath, "Ah, I haven't felt so comfortable for a long time. I have been missing the last time I completed the task with you. Unexpectedly, we can finally do the task together again today. Fortunately, there are no other annoying guys to disturb you this time. It's good for just the two of us!"

The two went all the way to the painter's house according to the address provided by the good shopkeeper. When he was approaching his house, he overheard two people on the roadside talking, "You said it's strange. Why did such a good painter suddenly disappear? Who would he offend?"

A foreigner responded, "Yes, do you think this is a kidnapping? But then again, why do you kidnap him as an old man like him? His family is not a big family. Besides, he is so old, even if he is kidnapped, weak, and he died halfway. What's the use?

The man continued: "It's really unclear. I heard that their family was extremely bad, and everyone went out to look for it. In today's society, there are many bad people. It seems that we ordinary people who have no money should be more careful at ordinary times.

"Well, isn't it?" The other one also nodded.

Hearing this, Cang Yi and Ye Meng were also very strange. Ye Meng said, "Brother Yi, do you think what those two people said is true? If the painter is missing, it will be troublesome.

Cang Yi thought, "Since those two people said that, it should be true. I think it's very likely that the two people from the Fenglan Dart Bureau did it yesterday.

Ye Meng also nodded and said, "Brother Yi, what you said makes sense. I have been in the Fenglan Dart Bureau for so long, and I still know their style better. Maybe they don't want their competitors to find a painter, so that only they can complete this task.

Cang Yi touched his chin and thought about this: "If this is the case, these people in Fenglan's bodyguard bureau have done too much to use such an unscrupulous method to compete, and even hurt innocent people. However, it's not good for us to assert to others casually. Let's go to the painter's house first.

The two walked towards the painter's home again.

When they arrived at the door of the painter's house, the two saw that the door of the house was also closed in broad daylight. It seems that something really happened to this Feng painter.

Cang Yi stepped forward and knocked on the door. With little effort, they "squeaked" and opened a crack and stretched out a girl's head from it. Look, that dress should be a maid of this family.

Cang Yi immediately asked, "Girl, is this a painter?"

The little maid looked up and down at the two people with very strange eyes and asked, "I don't know you. What are you doing here?"

Cang Yi quickly said, "I'm sorry, we heard that Feng's painter is a very famous painter. My old mother celebrates her birthday and wants to invite him to draw a portrait of my mother. Don't you know?"

After listening, the maid just said, "I'm sorry, our old master has been in poor health recently and doesn't help others draw anymore. Please invite someone else." With that, I will close the door.

But Cang Yi was quick-eyed and put his arm against the door. "It turned out that the old gentleman was sick. Sorry, we really don't know. In this case, we should visit him even more.

The maid said impatiently, "I'm sorry, our host said that he doesn't want to see anyone. Go quickly. Otherwise, it will make him angry." With that, he went out to push the warehouse.

Cang Yi saw that this didn't work, so he had to come up with a more effective way. "I'm sorry, I have another question. As long as you answer me, we will leave immediately."

The maid said, "Then say it quickly. You will definitely be angry when my master sees it."

Cang Yi said, "Have you been to two people in your family in the past two days, both tall, one is very thin, and the other is very big and full of muscles?"

In fact, Cang Yi is not very sure about such a question. But this is the only thing he can think of, so he can only try again.

The maid was really stunned when she heard Cang Yi's question. She stared at Cang Yi with wide eyes, "Who are you and why do you know this?"

As soon as he saw hope, Cang Yi immediately took out his waist card and handed it to the maid, "I'm sorry, girl, to be honest, the two of us are from the Tianxing Dart Bureau. He is in charge of investigating the whereabouts of two major criminals. I just inquired about some news. Maybe you have clues here, so I came here. I hope the girl can trust us.

The maid hesitated for a moment and said, "This is not my decision. Wait a minute, I'll inform our old lady." With that, he closed the two of them at the door and left.

After the maid left, Ye Meng asked Cangyi strangely, "How can you be sure that the two guys of the Fenglan Dart Bureau must have done it?"

Cang Yi laughed and said, "Actually, I'm not sure. I'm just taking a chance."

After a lot of time, the maid opened the door again and said, you two come in with me. Our old lady wants to see you.