Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 39 Secret Storage

Yesterday morning, two people mysteriously came to the painter Feng's house. They also cheated the painter out of the house in the name of painting portraits for their families.

It was originally agreed that he would be sent home in less than half a day, but his family waited for a whole day, and they did not see the figure of the painter until dark.

It was not until then that the family realized that something had happened. Everyone in the family went out and inquired around, but there was no news of the painter, and finally called the police. Because the guards didn't have any clues, no one was found when Cang Yi and the others came to this house.

At this time, Cang Yi and others have determined that this must have been done by the two people of Fenglan's Dart Bureau. After knowing this, the two of them promised to do their best to help the family find the painter.

But they can't do anything about it now. Cang Yi, who has always been resourceful, has begun to worry now.

Ye Meng said confidently to Cang Yi, "Brother Yi, don't worry. This time it's your turn to watch my good show."

Cang Yi was surprised, "Do you have a way?"

Ye Meng said, "Don't forget, I just stole one of them."

Cang Yi suddenly realized, "You don't really want to pretend to be them and go to the headquarters of Fenglan Dart Bureau, do you?"

Ye Meng nodded, "Well, that's what I mean."

Cang Yi thought about it and immediately shook his head and said, "No, you can kidnap the painter away to prove that they have been to the headquarters. If you go again now, isn't it directly equivalent to confessing?"

Ye Meng said, "Oh, don't worry about this. I have been in Fenglan Dart Bureau for so long, and naturally I know their style of doing things. Don't worry, they will never dare to say that they have lost their cards. Anyway, it happens from time to time that they send two groups of people at the same time for one mission. I won't be found out by them."

"This..." Cang Yi still can't rest assured no matter how he thinks about it. "I still think it's too dangerous. Let's think of another way first."

"Don't worry, Brother Yi. I know these people very well. Just watch my show this time. There will never be a problem. Ye Meng was a little impatient, pulled up Cangyi's arm and left.

When he came to the gate of the headquarters of Fenglan Dart Bureau, Ye Meng asked Cang Yi to wait outside. He didn't seem to be nervous at all and went straight to the courtyard of the Dart Bureau.

But Cang Yi was uneasy and kept telling Ye Meng to be careful.

After Ye Meng left, he stayed in a secluded corner, staring at the door of the headquarters of thebiao bureau without blinking. Be ready at any time. Once something happens to Ye Meng in the darts bureau, he will rush in to save people.

After about two hours, Cangyi saw Ye Meng come out of the gate of the dart bureau. Seeing her expression was very good, he also squeezed his eyes after noticing Cang Yi.

Cang Yixin said that this little girl really has two tricks. I don't know how she fooled the big shopkeeper here.

After leaving the darts bureau far away, the two met. Ye Meng explained the relevant situation to Cang Yi.

As Ye Meng expected, one of them lost his waist card and absolutely did not dare to appear at the headquarters, but the muscular man named Yao Feng reported. So Ye Meng said that she was not a centimeter with Yao Feng, so she didn't act together. She arrived a step late, and even Yao Hui didn't know her.

Originally, the shopkeeper was still wondering why the headquarters assigned two darts masters, but only one came. Now he finally understood and looked very happy. All doubts have disappeared.

The task given to Yao Feng was to find the painter Feng, ask him to help him draw a portrait of the princess, and then lock him up, so that he would not be found by the other two people in the darts bureau. Until my darts found the princess and let the painter go.

Because this Fenglan Dart Bureau has always been under the care of Cao Guoshi, I believe that the Feng painter did not dare to report the case easily. After all, he did not die. Even if he reported it, he would have an extra enemy for himself.

It's Cao Guoshi again. Cang Yi and Ye Meng said that they were very angry here. It seems that Cao Guoshi is really not a good thing. Relying on his real power, he also raised such a group of lackeys from Fenglan Dart Bureau to domight. So I made up my mind to fix this guy.

It's already very late, but Cang Yi and Ye Meng are not in the mood to rest. They are very worried about the painter. After all, an old man who is almost 70 years old, even if they don't plan to kill him, it is difficult to guarantee that the old man will lose his life because of physical problems.

Just now, the big shopkeeper of Feng Lan's bodyguard bureau has told Ye Meng how to find the Feng painter. There is a very secret cave not far from the east of the city, which is a secret storage of Fenglan Dart Bureau, where the painter is locked.

The two men acted overnight and found the entrance of the cave according to the address provided by the big shopkeeper.

The cave is surrounded by strange stones, and the gate of the cave is also a big stone, so no one can find it without careful observation. Therefore, this secret repository has existed here for so long that no one has discovered it.

The only way to find the gate at this entrance is to look at the color of the stone. All the stones around are cyan, but only that stone, if you look closely, you can see that it is slightly brown.

At night, the light was not good, and the two of them struggled for a long time to find the stone at the entrance gate.

Cang Yi looked around the big stone very carefully and found that there was no mechanism. He pushed hard and did not push it, so he pulled out his sword and said to Ye Meng, "Take a few steps back."

Ye Meng asked strangely, "What are you going to do?"

Cang Yi said, "Of course, it's splitting it. Otherwise, what do you think we should do?

Ye Meng glanced at him and said, "This fool knows how to split, and he also said that he loves to use his brain."

After saying that, Ye Meng stretched out his hand, scratched on the big brown stone, and then looked at the big stone, and resolutely trembled. As Ye Meng scratched harder and harder, the stone seemed to be a little unbearable. He rolled and ran aside, revealing the entrance to the hole.

Cang Yi couldn't help laughing and said, "This is a strange news in the world. I didn't expect that there were still itchy meat in the big stone."

Ye Meng glanced at him again and said, "Zhang Jianshi, right? You are still too young to become a good darts master. There are still a lot to learn in the future.

Since they found the entrance, the two hurried in.

As soon as they entered, there was a dark tunnel. After walking for a short time, they saw a yellow light at the end, and noisy voices came from time to time.

The two winking at each other, then fell down and walked forward with very light footsteps. When they came to the mouth of the cave, the two of them lay down.

This is not a large space. There are four people in this room who are gambling with cards and having fun. It should be the guard room. There must be an alarm system here. As long as the enemy invades, they will sound the alarm.

Cang Yi and Ye Meng are very clear that they can't startle snakes. They must be solved quietly at the same time. They must not be allowed to sound the alarm, otherwise they will be in trouble.

Cang Yi took out two golden pupil cross darts. Ye Meng also took out two golden pupil cross darts from his body. The two looked at each other and smiled.

Even the weapons used are the same, so that they will definitely cooperate tacitly, be invincible and invincible.

Four thsounds, and four darts were emitted at the same time. This is an artifact. It is by no means a joke. The power is very huge. The four guards are still in the joyful entertainment, and they unconsciously lost their lives.

These four guards were easily solved, and the next thing for Cangyi to do was to change their clothes first. With this layer of protection, it is much safer to walk inside.

As a warehouse, there are actually few guards. Even if there are, they are sleeping now. It's very quiet around, and it's much safer to walk inside than they think.

However, when two people walk in it, they increasingly feel that it is big enough. There is no one to ask. It really takes a lot of effort to find an old man.

There are many good things stored in this warehouse, which are precious utensils and treasures. Everyone can think of them. These things are definitely not on the right path. No matter how powerful a dart bureau is, it can't be so rich. What's more, there are still several high-level monsters here. These are all 70 or 80 levels. The state has ordered that it is forbidden to be raised, not to mention that this is still such a well-known darts bureau.

Seeing this, Cang Yi and Ye Meng had the same idea in his heart. When this matter is over, he must expose it to the country.

Going forward, the two finally came to a relatively spacious place. This is a rectangular room with three people more than three meters high, dozens of meters long and more than ten meters wide. There are also several illuminated torches hanging on the four walls, so they are brighter than other places.

"Brother Yi, look here, maybe we can find it right away..."

"Shh..." Before Ye Meng finished speaking, Cang Yi stopped her and then inhaled with his nose. His expression was very strange, and he kept walking towards the wall.

Cang Yi came to an iron cage, squatted down and said in a very weak voice, "I'm afraid we're in trouble. Look, the door of this cage is open. There must be a Warcraft running out. We have just seen so many monsters, none of which are less than 70. From my inference, the level of this Warcraft will not be too low.

Hearing this, Ye Meng also quickly squatted down, looked at the cage, and said, "When is Brother Yi? Do you still think it's fun to scare people? You think I'm stupid. When you see an unclosed cage, you say that a Warcraft ran out. What a coincidence?"

Cang Yi still said cautiously, "I'm not kidding you. There's nothing to worry about a cage that opens the door, but don't you smell anything? Otherwise, you can smell it here." With that, he pointed to the ground in the cage and continued, "This is the smell of fresh Warcraft feces. I believe it has been less than ten minutes after being pulled out."

This really caused Ye Meng's panic. She immediately put her nose close to the feces, smelled it, and said in horror, "Brother Yi, you're right. It seems that this feces have just been pulled out. How could this happen?"