Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 80 Bloody Rock Beast

Looking at Cang Yi, who had been struggling crazily, Chang Tian had to say, "Brother Cang Yi, don't cut it like this. It's useless. I think this big monster has absorbed all the fighting spirit in our bodies. Our only way is to leave the big guy's body as soon as possible and have some hope to deal with him from the outside.

Cang Yi said urgently, "How can we escape?" There is not so much time, and Qingling will die soon.

He went to the sky and hugged Cang Yi and said, "Brother Cang Yi, calm down. Otherwise, we can't solve any problems in this way.

But now Cang Yi really couldn't calm down. He didn't listen to Chang Tian's words at all and threw him down.

Chang Tian is also worried. Although he is anxious, he doesn't know what to do with the warehouse in front of him.

"Qingling, Qingling, are you still alive? If you are alive, can you say something to me? Brother Cang Yi is not a good brother and does not protect Qingling's sister. Don't die, don't die, okay?" Cang Yi could no longer stop his tears. He knelt in the stomach of the big monster and held his hands to the ground in pain.

Chang Tian said, "Brother Cangyi, don't shout, it's useless. Even if Miss Qingling is not dead, he must be in a coma now. Listen to me and find a way to get out as soon as possible."

Cang Yi knelt there motionless, but didn't listen to Chang Tian's words.

At this time, the two suddenly heard a voice saying, "Brother Cang Yi, I can hear your voice. Don't worry about me anymore. You must find a way to get out. Whether you can save me or not, you must find a way to survive.

"Qingling, is Qingling really you? It's great that you're not dead. Wait, I must have a way to save you."

"Brother Cang Yi, don't think about saving me. This monster is so huge that you can't be his opponents. Run."

As he spoke, he heard a sudden scream from Qingling, followed by the monster's voice, "MD, you little girl, how dare you occupy my mind. Hurry up and be good, or you will live worse than death.

Cang Yi quickly asked Chang Tian, "Chang Tian, what the hell is going on?"

Chang Tian said, "Since Qingling girl is attached to the heart by the monster, she has the opportunity to occupy the monster's thoughts for a period of time. But this is also a very painful thing for her. Think about how terrible it is for her pure heart to feel the thoughts of a monster like a devil. So, don't let her worry about you anymore. Only when we find a way out can we solve the problem.

"Okay, okay, I'll listen to you. Changtian, come on, do you have any good idea?"

Chang Tian frowned and said, "I can't say anything about this. The only way we can now is to put laxatives in this monster's stomach and pull us out. But with such a big monster, how can my laxative be enough?

"Really, that's easy to do. Changtian, take it out and have a try."

Chang Tian didn't have much hope, but he still took out a plant. "Brother Cang Yi, you see, this is laxative. If I had known that this kind of thing would happen, I should have been more prepared, but it's too late now.

Cang Yi took the plant, looked carefully, and smiled.

This made Chang Tian very strange, "Brother Cangyi, you are not going to become stupid, are you? At this time, why are you still laughing? It is impossible for such a broken plant to save us.

Cang Yi immediately gave Chang Tian a big hug, "Brother Changtian, your pharmacist is so good at it. Don't worry, isn't there still seeds on this plant?

Chang Tian immediately realized and patted his forehead happily, "Yes, why didn't I think that Brother Cang Yi, aren't you from Baihuamen?" But when he thought about it again, he became sad, "No, Brother Cangyi. I'm afraid your efforts won't have any effect. This monster keeps sucking away all the fighting spirit from us, and you can't give birth to this plant at all.

Just when the two were worried, they heard Qingling's voice again, "Brother Cang Yi, did you think of a way to get yourself out? I found a way to control the monster's ability to absorb fighting spirit in a short time.

Chang Tian shouted, "Miss Qingling, we have come up with a solution. Control him quickly. We can go out right away.

Immediately, I heard Qingling screaming again. Then, the monster cursed in a rude voice, "You little girl, you still want to control my mind. Let's see how I invade the depths of your heart and torture you so much that you can't beg for death.

"Qingling, leave us alone. We have our own way not to let that big monster torture you again. Cang Yi shouted anxiously.

At this moment, I only heard a "gabagaba" sound. The monster immediately screamed, "Ah, you hateful little girl, how dare you let me stone my teeth."

I heard Qingling shout again: "Brother Cang Yi. Find a way out quickly. This big guy can't control your fighting spirit when he has severe toothache. Listening to Qingling's voice should be very painful.

Cang Yi shed tears, "Qingling, I'm sorry to make you suffer so much for us." He was not wasting time and immediately spawned the laxative seed.

Plants began to grow wildly in the stomachs of monsters. The big monster's stomach also began to wriggle violently.

The big monster also began to moan in pain, "Ah, what the hell are you two little humans doing? It hurts me so much."

Huri, standing in the distance, has been watching the behavior of the blood rock beast. Everything in front of him made him puzzled, "Strange, what on earth is this guy crazy about? The stone hit his teeth? Well, what's wrong with him? Why did he hold his stomach and toss around? It's really sick."

Cang Yi and Chang Tian climbed out of a pool of disgusting feces. Although it's disgusting, it's also valuable for me to regain my life.

Simply rubbed the filth on his body, Cang Yi picked up the sword and shouted, "Hey, you hateful monster, give me back my Qingling quickly, or you will die."

Cang Yi shouted like this, and the very annoyed blood rock beast tortured by diarrhea nailed his eyes to his body, "Well, you human bastard, do you know who I am? Dare to treat me like this, and I won't kill you with one fist." With that, he waved his fist bigger than a pig and hit Cangyi.

Cang Yi also had to dodge. With a click, more than a dozen cracks in the stone ground under his feet were smashed, and the gravel splashed.

Chang Tian saw that the big monster was really powerful, so he found a hidden place to hide and said to Cang Yi, "Brother Cang Yi, let's escape first. This big guy is so powerful that we can't be his opponents.

Cang Yi ignored Chang Tian's persuasion, "If you want to escape, you can escape. If you don't live to see Qingling, I will never let this big guy live a good life. With that, he kicked his feet, bounced up and rushed to the head of the blood rock beast with a sword. In his judgment, the only weak link that this big monster can find is the head. As long as he can blind one eye, his combat effectiveness will definitely be sharply reduced.

However, this blood rock beast could not be as stupid as he imagined. Seeing Cang Yi rushing in front of him, he slapped him quickly and slapped Cangyi to death like a fly.

With a "pop", Cang Yi was sandwiched between the two palms of the blood rock beast. After shooting, the big monster immediately laughed wildly, "The little fly has dared to fight against me. I'm afraid that these two people have been photographed into a ball of meat mud by me now, right?"

Seeing this scene, Chang Tian sighed helplessly, "Alas, Brother Cangyi, you are too brave and resourceful. This is good. It was easily patted into a meat pie by others. If I'm left alone, this matter will be even more hopeless.

The blood rock beast was still worried about whether Cang Yi was really dead. He rubbed his palms back and forth and rubbed them twice. It was not until he was sure that Cang Yi must have been rubbed. Then he put his hands on one eye and slowly opened a crack between his hands to see what this guy has become.

But as soon as he opened his hands, he saw the tip of a sword facing his eyes. The tip of the sword immediately pierced the eyes of the blood rock beast. The blood rock beast screamed and struggled crazily, "Wow, it hurts me so much. I'm really unlucky today. I just lost several teeth, and now I have lost another eye. You stinky little man. Why don't I bake you dry, grind it, make tea and drink it today, and I won't be a blood rock beast again.

Cang Yi took a long breath and looked at the steel armor on his body, "Oh, it's so dangerous. Fortunately, I have a lot of treasures, otherwise the death must be very ugly this time.

The blood rock beast waved its arms furiously and kept hitting Cang Yi on the rock. However, they were easily dodged. Huge rocks keep splashing everywhere, up and down one after another.

Because there is only one eye left, the blood rock beast's ability to judge Cangyi's position is much worse, so it will repeatedly miss it. Later, when it is tired, it sits on the ground and rests, "Well, you little human, don't worry. When I finish my rest, I will deal with you well."

Cang Yi saw that the blood rock beast was finally honest, so he wanted to take this opportunity to tease him again. So he took out a golden pupil cross dart. He hit it out with a bang.

The golden pupil cross dart quickly penetrated into his nostrils when the blood rock beast was unprepared. After entering, he bumped around his nose.

This time, the big monster was so uncomfortable that he sneezed three times in a row. The blood rock beast quickly put his finger into his nostrils and tried to dig it out of his nostrils. But helplessly, his fingers were also so strong that he couldn't reach inside at all. He dug for a long time, only his nose hair and booger. Then I couldn't help sneezing twice.

The blood rock beast had to break down a tree stick and dig it randomly in its nose. But this excavation not only did not dig out anything, but also made his nose more itchy. He couldn't help sneezing again. Because the sneeze was so violent that his nostrils were poked out of blood by a tree stick. The blood flowed, and the chin was stained red in a while.

But at this moment, Cangyi stood in the distance and laughed happily, "You idiot, this is the consequence of your opposition to me. If you don't hand over my Qingling obediently, let's see how I can torture you."

The blood rock beast was reorganized by the little human in front of him again and again, and he couldn't help but go crazy. "Ah, you little bastard, it seems that if you don't give you some color today, you really don't know the depth of heaven and earth." With that, he stood up for Cangyi. He opened his big mouth and let out a loud roar.

The trees growing on the rock were uprooted and blown out because of the loud roar.

Cang Yi also felt that a rock under his feet was shattered by this sound. The sound was so loud that his ears were buzzing, his head was a little confused, and he stood there staggering and lost his flexibility.

The blood rock beast laughed and said, "This stinky boy, do I think you are still as flexible as you were just now?" With that, he patted his big palm on the top of Cangyi's head.

At the moment when the palm of his hand fell, the blood rock beast actually saw that Cang Yi also grew his mouth, bulged his breath, and also made a loud roar. He couldn't believe his ears. The roar of this little human was even louder than his.