Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 81 Against Ten Demons

The blood rock beast almost broke his eardrums. He was immediately scared and stepped back two steps, and then looked at the little human in front of him incredulously, "How is this possible?"

What made him more incredible was that the roar made by this little human had a great deterrent power. After hearing it, it was frightening. Even this giant beast can't help trembling now. His only remaining eye is also spinning disobediently. Now I'm a little distracted.

Cang Yi took this opportunity and immediately flew out of the sword spirit in his hand. "You big monster, it seems that you are obsessed no matter what. This time, I will really show you how powerful I am.

This sword spirit has the power to penetrate the rock wall. This blood rock beast can't be blocked even if the skin is hard. Jian Lingzi stabbed into his brain with a "bang" from the eyebrows of the blood rock beast.

Then, Cang Yi shouted, "Thunderbolt." The strong fighting spirit around the sword spirit exploded. The head of the blood rock beast was immediately blown to pieces.

Cang Yi clapped his hands and sighed, "Big monster, what's so great? Can your roar be compared with my dragon roar?"

At this time, Chang Tian was already scared to turn pale. He slowly came out and looked at Cangyi with incredible eyes, "I, I said Cangyi brother, what are you from? It's so horrible that you can even roar.

Cang Yi glanced at Chang Tian and said, "Don't stand there stupidly. Why don't you help quickly and dig out Qingling?

The two of them got up quickly. With the sword, he painstakingly cut off the thick skin and fat of the blood rock beast. In a pile of flesh and blood, I finally saw Qingling.

Cang Yi put his finger on Qingling's nose and said at ease: "For good, Qingling is not dead. Let's get her out quickly."

Hu Li, who had been standing in the distance to observe, looked at the scene in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more angry he became. Until he saw the blood rock beast fall to the ground, he was simply hysterical, "Ah, what's the hell is that guy? It's really abominable that the blood rock beast I worked hard to pull over can be killed. Wait, boy, I will never make you feel better."

Hu Li turned his eyes to his men and said angrily, "Are you ready for me?"

The men immediately replied respectfully, "Go back to the alliance leader, all the preparations for the ceremony have been completed."

Hu Li nodded and said, "Well, let's carry out the sacrificial activity of combining people and swords immediately. Cang Yi, you boy, come back and let you have a good look. What is the strongest man and demon? With that, he walked to the cave with a smile.

Although Qingling was rescued, she was very weak and couldn't speak. Cang Yi had to ask Chang Tian to take care of her. Now I basically understand that the Hu Li I just saw pretending to be Mr. Hu Guo has an extremely sinister destination and must deal with him as soon as possible. It's also good to find out where Mr. Hu Guo has been taken by him.

Cang Yi didn't have much rest. He rode A Xue and rushed to the casting sword.

When I came to the sword casting house, it was still the same as when I first came here, and there was no one. Cangyi stood still and cursed, "Hu Li, you old bastard, you actually deceived us. He also wants our lives. Let's fantasize about you. Get out of here and tell me honestly, where did Mr. Hu Guo get you? If you don't say it, you will definitely feel good."

A moment later, the stone door on the rock wall next to it creaked open, and ten demons in black cloaks poured out and surrounded Cangyi. Finally, Hu Li also came out, holding the magic sword in his hand.

Hu Li is now a black hair, scattered on his shoulders. There is also a strong black yin on his face. It can be seen that he has become a demon now. The magic sword in his hand is also very different from before. The evil spirit is particularly victorious, and the sword body is shrouded in this black fog.

Hu Li held the magic sword and laughed: "Kid, I predict that you will die early. Do you know why? Because you don't know how thick the sky is. How dare you be so arrogant at such a young age? Who will die earlier if you don't die early?

Cang Yi curled his lips and smiled evilly and said, "Old man, you are not much better than me, and you are arrogant enough. I can also predict that you will not live tonight unless you hand over Mr. Hu Guo obediently.

Hu Li continued to laugh and said, "You boy, you are really hopeless. You don't listen to the old man. I'd like to see how much capital you have to be arrogant about.

In addition, the personal demon also felt that Cang Yi's current performance was too bold and laughed. One of the demons said, "I really don't know what you guys think now. Don't you know that we are all demons? Killing demons will turn yourself into demons, but we want to see how you deal with us?

Another demon said, "Yes, our Huli alliance leader is the supreme leader of the Human and Demon Alliance. If you dare to kill one of us, you will become one of us. Talk to our alliance leader like this and think about your consequences.

Cang Yi still didn't care about the intimidation of these demons and said with a smile, "Okay, let's try it." Today, I will let you have a good experience of how I clean up the scourge of you human beings one by one.

None of these ten demons believed that Cang Yi would kill one of them, so they were not afraid.

"Brothers, let this boy taste our Tianmo Internet Cafe first." One demon took the lead and shouted, and ten demons immediately stretched out their hands, and more than a dozen black fog lines were emitted from each of their hands.

These lines formed by fog immediately formed a large black net on the top of Cangyi's head. The big net covered Cang Yi inside and trapped his body into a ball.

Seeing that Cang Yi had no power to fight back, he was trapped so easily, and the ten demons were more confident. "Ha ha, this boy's mouth is arrogant, and it seems that it's all. Brothers, we don't have to worry so much and stab him to death.

After one of the demons gave the order, ten guys raised their swords at the same time and rushed from around to Cangyi, who was trapped by the black net. Each sword has a strong black fighting spirit, and Cang Yi can also feel that these ten demons are indeed not simple. They should be regarded as masters among Hu Li's hands.

If these ten swords are pierced on Cangyi's body at the same time, they will be full of holes, and the consequences of being injected into the body by these evil qi can be imagined.

It is the time when the ten demons are full of confidence and thought that this time they would definitely kill the boy. But they suddenly heard a loud roar from Cang Yi in the middle. After this sound, it was so shocking that they immediately stopped attacking and retreated three steps.

Cang Yi laughed and said, "You guys are really useless. I haven't done anything to you, but I was scared like this with a roar." Cangyi calmly stretched out an arm from the mesh and sowed some seeds on the ground around him.

These seeds immediately grow thorns at the feet of individual demons. Cangyi is no better than in those years. He has mastered the kung fu of Baihuamen to a certain extent. Not only can it scare some small animals as before, but it is also used to deal with masters of similar levels to him.

The thorn hell instantly wrapped the body of ten demons. Cang Yi also trapped them, and these demons were even more unlucky. The thorny hell tied them tighter, and there were countless thorns on the thorns. As long as these demons' bodies dare to move, they will immediately be stung, so they can only stand still and dare not move.

At this time, these ten demons were dumbfounded. In this way, this boy really doesn't have to kill them and trap them here, but makes them suffer more. "My God, where did this boy get this evil kung fu? Lord Hu, come and save us."

Hu Li snorted coldly in the distance, "You losers, known as the top ten elites of the My Human and Demon Alliance, that's all. If you don't have the ability to escape, don't be brazen to live in front of me in the future.

At present, everyone knows that it is impossible for anyone to escape from the other party's predicament for the time being. They can only constantly accumulate fighting spirit and open the lock with strong fighting spirit.

As the fighting spirit is enriched in the body, the muscles will gradually become full. This is indifferent to Cang Yi, but it is extremely painful for these ten demons. With the fullness of muscles, those sharp thorns are constantly piercing their bodies, making them miserable and sweat dripping.

"Brothers, we must insist that as long as we open the bale, this boy will no longer be a threat to us. Anyway, he dares not kill us."

Ten demons did work very hard. No matter how painful it was, they clenched their teeth and didn't say a word.

However, it's a pity that even if they tried harder, they were still broken through the Tianmo Network entangled by Cang Yi in advance. Hearing his shout, his body immediately shone brightly, and the black fog lines immediately turned into countless black short threads and scattered everywhere.

Cang Yi, who was free first, quickly rushed to the huge furnace in the yard and kicked him. The furnace was kicked over, and the hot iron water inside flowed out.

Those thorns wrapped around the human demons are very easy to burn and burn at the sight of fire. Ten unlucky demons were lit by iron before they could be freed from the thorny hell. More than ten seconds later, their bodies were burning, accompanied by painful screams.

"Oh, my God, this boy is so fucking. It turns out that he wants to burn us."

Cang Yiyang said complaedly, "You don't think I dare to kill you, so I can't do anything about you?" Now you have been burned to death, and it has nothing to do with me.

With the life-saving sound of these demons gradually weakened, the ten flames gradually extinguished, and those demons also turned into ashes.

This made Hu Li angry, "Ah, you little bastard, if you really have some ability, it seems that you have to force me to do it yourself." With his shout, a black smoke scattered on his body, blowing his hair and clothes fluttering.

"Kid, you are really good, but it's a pity that you understand a little late. Have you seen this sword? Now it is not a magic sword, but a magic sword. When I completed the priesthood ceremony, he became a powerful weapon among demons. Let's die." Hu Li said and raised his sword and rushed to Cang Yi.

Before the sword arrived, Cang Yi had already felt a strong terrible pressure, and his skin began to gradually turn black, like burning pain, making his movement very slow.

The magic sword deeply pierced Cang Yi's chest. Cang Yi knew that Hu Li, an old bastard, had the magic sword in his hand and was really powerful. I'm afraid that I can't escape the disaster. Even if I fight to the death and die together, I can't let his conspiracy succeed. Therefore, he also used all his strength to stab the dragon-killing sword into Hu Li's body.

The sword did pierce Hu Li's body, but Hu Li's body also turned into black fog at the same time.

"Haha, you bastard. My body is a black fog. Let's see how you pierce a hole in the fog? After Hu Li finished speaking, he stepped back a few steps. The sword was pulled out of Cang Yi's body and began to flow black blood from his body.