Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 84 Ghost Possment

All disasters are finally over. This is the second war between humans and demons in history. Compared with this time, the last time was much more tragic.

In fact, the whole country has been paying attention to this matter from top to bottom. It can be because once human beings kill demons, they will also become demons, so although everyone is anxious, no one can help and can only avoid it from afar. The whole country can only pin all their hopes on Cangyi, a young man.

From now on, as long as the history of demons is mentioned, people will commemorate Cang Yi, a little dart master.

Mr. Hu Guo found the magic sword that was split in half and repaired it. Relying on the blood of Qingling's real holy heart girl, it was purified. The purified demon sword will not only kill humans and demons as before, but can absorb all the demons in the human demon's body and turn back into human beings again, which can be said to be a blessing for all demons.

Naturally, although Cang Yi became a demon because of killing Hu Li, there is no problem now. Through the purification of the magic sword, he can continue to be his dart master in the future.

After all the affairs were handled, Cang Yi took Qingling back to his home in Linghe County. In this way, there are three women in the family, and the small house is really not enough to live in. Cang Yi's only way is to ask for help from the night and find a residence for them in the martial arts hall for the time being.

Seeing the three beautiful women, the people in the martial arts hall, I really envy and hate them. Cang Yi is so lucky that the beautiful women in the world have become him.

The results of this experience shocked Cang Yi even more. On the side of the heavenly machine, the martial arts ability actually reached level 100, the level of hero. It is said that such a level can practice the unique skills of Changxiaomen.

phantom movement, this skill can be separated, and the sword transformed before is just a virtual shadow and has no lethality. But this time it's different. The sword that came out of the split is also real. However, with the current strength, it can only be practiced to the primary level, and only three bodies can be separated. That's also quite powerful.

There is also a bright sword, which can make your sword shine strongly, stab your opponent's eyes, and effectively attack him while you are blind to the means. Thunder chopping has also been upgraded to the Thunder King, and the power of the fighting gas explosion is unimaginable.

In the end, what really excites Cang Yi to the extreme is the way to live. This is the first time that Cang Yi has mastered the recovery skills on the road of martial arts. This kind of primary life can double the saving of your fighting spirit. That is to say, if the two people are equal in strength, they will be as strong as usual when the other party's fighting spirit is exhausted.

Cang Yi knows in his heart that now he is a celebrity in the darts bureau. There are too many tasks. Once he goes, he doesn't know what urgent tasks he will give himself, so he has no time to master new skills. Simply, don't go. Let's finish learning the skills in the martial arts school first.

In this way, after three days of study, Cang Yi felt that he had basically mastered the essentials, and then slowly realized it by himself. In this way, Cang Yi is ready to go to the Dart Bureau.

Early morning, Cang Yi entered the dart bureau, and still did the same. Fu Dart directly received him.

Fu Dartou said that the task Cang Yi completed this time was definitely Jue Gong Zhiwei, and he got another 4,000 merit and 60 gold coins. Nowadays, Cangyi is almost numb to money.

As he wished, he also successfully got the official apprentice darts master's waist card, because his merits have reached more than 10,000.

Until now, he can only be regarded as a real dart master, and Cang Yi's ideal is finally a preliminary realization. At this level, Cangyi can have his own subordinates.

As long as he is lower than him, he can apply to the darts bureau to become his own special guard. At the current level, he can lead up to one guard of his own, who must absolutely obey his command. He also has the right to distribute the merits and bonuses of this guard.

If Cangyi is willing, he can also take over two tasks at the same time and entrust his guards to complete them. After completion, his merits and bonuses will be distributed to himself in a ratio of 10%.

When the level of the dart bureau is higher, there will be more privileges and more subordinates they can lead. At the next level, junior darts need 50,000 merits. This is not a small amount, and we still need to work hard.

Looking at Cang Yi holding the trainee's waist card and couldn't put it down, Fu Dart said happily, "Kid, your growth is really amazing, but there is still a long way to go in the future, and you must continue to work hard. From now on, you can have your own men. But I don't recommend that you apply immediately. Finding a good subordinate slowly is also crucial for your future development.

Cang Yi nodded gratefully. In fact, he already has a goal in his mind. Well-deserved is Yat, but it depends on whether Yat is willing to become a dartsman.

After all the work has been handed over, Cangyi naturally remembered Mo Xiang. I still didn't see her when I came to the darts bureau this time. Did Mo Xiang go to darts again? I haven't seen Sister Mo Xiang for such a long time, and I have become a real dart master. How I want to share it with Sister Mo Xiang.

So Cang Yi asked Fu Dart, and Sister Mo Xiang went there again?

After hearing this question, Fu Dartou's face showed a sad expression, "Oh, Cang Yi, seeing you so happy today, I didn't want to tell you about this and spoil your interest. But since you ask about this matter, I can't hide it anymore. Mo Xiang, she is possessed and has gone insane.

"What..." Cang Yi suddenly jumped up from the stool in shock. "How could this happen? I used to think that I was possessed by ghosts, but adults used it to scare children. How could there really be such a thing? Moreover, it also happened to Mo Xiang's sister. Mo Xiang thought that she was in good condition. How could this be possible?

Fu Dartou quickly advised: "Cang Yi, don't worry. No one wants this to happen, but since it happened, we can only find a way to solve it. It's useless to be in a hurry. Considering that you were very tired some time ago, in fact, I didn't want you to pick up the darts and wanted you to have a good rest. Maybe I can't do it. The task of rescuing Mo Xiang is very difficult. I really can't think of anyone other than you. It's up to you this time. I don't want to force you."

Cang Yi immediately said resolutely, "Fu Dartou, what are you talking about? Sister Mo Xiang's business is my business. Even if someone is really willing to pick up the dart, I won't give it to him. However, what on earth should we do to save Sister Mo Xiang?

Fu Dart nodded with some relief, "That's great. Cang Yi, don't be too impatient. Come with me. Let's talk to her before making a decision.

Cang Yi was full of trembling and followed Fu Dart's head to a closed room of the dart bureau. Entering through the door, there is an iron gate inside, and Mo Xiang is locked in this iron door.

Fu Dartou took out the key and thought for a while before opening the bulky iron door.

Listening to the sound of the cold iron gate, Cang Yi's heart was sad. Unexpectedly, such a thing would happen after going out for a few days. I don't know how much Sister Mo Xiang has suffered here.

After Cang Yi entered the door, he immediately rushed to Mo Xiang's front, "Sister, I'm coming. When my brother is no longer, I will make you suffer."

But Mo Xiang sat on the stool in a daze and ignored Cang Yi. She is now unkempt, pale, and her clothes have been torn several times.

Sad Cang Yi quickly asked Fu Daring's head and said, "Fu Daring head, what's wrong with Sister Mo Xiang? Does she know me?"

Fu Daring's head sighed and did not answer Cang Yi's question. He just patted Mo Xiang on the shoulder, "Hey, wake up. We have found the darts master who sent you away. You can have a look first. If you have any requirements, just ask him. If you have no objection, you can go on the road in the next few days.

Mo Xiang slowly raised her head with a strange smile on her face. She stared straight at Cang Yi and said in a horrible voice, "Is this boy so young and reliable?"

Cang Yi asked anxiously, "Sister Mo Xiang, it's me. I'm Cang Yi. Don't you really know me?

Gradually, Mo Xiang's eyes became excited, so that she slowly remembered Cang Yi, and her voice became normal. "Brother Cang Yi, is it really you? Cang Yi, you're finally here. I miss you so much. With that, he rushed to Cangyi's body.

Cang Yi also stretched out his arms and wanted to hug Mo Xiang, "Sister, it turns out that you haven't forgotten your brother. I'm also worried about you. I'm really worried about you."

But when the two were about to hug each other, Mo Xiang suddenly withdrew Cang Yi with his hand and slapped him fiercely. The horrible voice came out again, "Bad boy, what's your identity? How dare you get so close to me?"

Cang Yi shed tears sadly, "Sister, what's wrong with you? Don't you love my brother the most? Why did you hit me?

Mo Xiang quickly stepped back two steps, and his body began to twitch. His eyes were staring straight at the ceiling, and his mouth kept making a horrible sound of "er, er..." to see that was very painful.

Cang Yi wanted to go up and help Mo Xiang, but was stopped by Fu Dart's head standing next to him. "Cang Yi, don't go there. She often does this. There will be no danger."

Cang Yi was very sad and asked Fu Daringtou, "Fu Daringtou, what's wrong with Sister Mo Xiang? How can we make her not so painful?"

Fu Dartou sighed again and pulled Cang Yi out of the room, "Well, it seems that the princess can't say anything. Come with me and I'll tell you what happened.

The two returned to Fu Dart's office, and Fu Dart explained to Cang Yi.

In fact, the ghost attached to Mo Xiang was Jin Mengyun, the princess of Ludan 20 years ago. She is the current emperor's sister.

If you want to clarify this matter, you have to start with a major thing that happened 20 years ago.

That year, there was a huge war. The war was a war between the human race and the demon clan, and the cause of the war was because of this dead princess.