Exterresultimate Dart Master

Chapter 85 History of the Demon Clan

There is a huge magic stone in the eastern part of the Ludan Empire and Tianchi Province. Legend has it that this magic stone existed in ancient times. That was set up to deal with the most evil criminals. The magic stone is the gate to another world. Criminals, who are expelled from this continent through this stone, will be isolated from this world forever.

Millennium has passed. People just regard the function of this magic stone as a legend. But there are indeed many legends on the opposite side of the stone. For the clan opposite the stone, people have a very discriminatory attitude and are a place of evil. People call the clan outside the magic stone a demon clan.

It was not until one day that the demon clan broke through the isolation of the magic stone and invaded the human continent that people realized that this was not just a legend, but that the demon clan really existed.

In fact, the demon clan does not have much evil purpose. Although they are the descendants of sinners, they have been passed down for countless generations and have changed a lot. They want to return to the bright and sunny world of mankind.

But since ancient times, through those legends, human beings have deeply believed that the demon clan is the devil. The only attitude towards them is to expel them at all costs, otherwise they will destroy human beings.

So, a war between humans and demons began. At the beginning, human beings were not the opponents of the demon clan. They were forced to retreat by the demon clan and almost fell across the country.

Later, a court mage named Dada found a cross-border magic stone left for them by their ancestors. Only then did human beings use the magic power of the demon clan suppressed by the boundary magic stone to turn defeat into victory.

After the war, the demon clan disappeared for a period of time. But ten years later, 20 years ago. The demon clan rushed out of the magic stone again and attacked human beings again. The purpose of this attack on human beings is very special. It is the devil who wants to get the emperor's daughter.

At that time, the demon king had fallen deeply in love with the human daughter, Princess Jin Mengyun. Originally, the demon king wanted to propose marriage to the emperor at that time in a peaceful way.

Although the princess was also willing to marry the demon king, the daughter of an imperial princess actually married a demon king, which was an unimaginable shame for the country. The emperor absolutely could not accept it, and the emperor emphatically refused.

However, the devil and the princess really love each other, and they swear that no matter how much they pay, they must be together. So, the war broke out again.

There is no suspense about the outcome of this war. The demon clan can only be defeated because it was suppressed by the cross-border magic stone.

On the battlefield of victory and defeat, the angry emperor pulled out his sword and stabbed the devil's body. But at this time, the princess suddenly ran out and blocked the sword. In this way, His Majesty's sword pierced his own daughter's body.

Her Royal Highness died like this.

Later, nothing was pursued between the human race and the demon clan. The demon returned to their own world and hid again.

That's how 20 years have passed. This matter has gradually faded out of people's memory. Originally, people thought that this matter had become a regrettable history. But no one thought of it. The princess's soul has existed for 20 years, but she still hasn't given up and is struggling to pursue the opportunity to meet the devil.

What is more difficult to understand is that she will attach her soul to Mo Xiang's body 20 years later.

She forced the people of the Tianxing Dart Bureau to send her through the magic stone to meet the people she has loved for a long time, otherwise the Dart Bureau would not be at peace.

In this way, Cang Yi listened to every word told by Fu Dartou very carefully and generally knew what was going on. It's not complicated to think about this matter. As long as the princess is sent to the demon world through the magic stone, it will be done. Just make sure that Mo Xiang will not encounter danger in this process.

"I have no problem with this dart next, but I think I should ask for the opinions of their royal family? After all, this is also the emperor's sister. After thinking for a moment, Cang Yi raised this question to Fu Dartou.

After listening to this, Fu Dart's head laughed and said, "It's worthy of being the most promising darts master of my Tianxing Dart Bureau. It's thoughtful to consider the problem. Don't worry, we have also considered this issue. His Majesty came in person. At that time, I was also very excited to see my sister 20 years ago.

"Your Majesty's attitude is that 20 years have passed. Everyone has basically forgotten about this matter. Why use it to torture their sister? After waiting for 20 years, my sister is still thinking about that person, so let's complete them. As long as it is quiet and does not cause social discussion, there will be no problem.

A day later, one morning, the cage where Mo Xiang was imprisoned was opened again. With a "squeaky" sound, Mo Xiang's expression was still strange. He raised his head and stared straight at Cang Yi.

"What, are you planning to go on the road today?" Mo Xiang asked coldly.

Cang Yi nodded, "Princess, what I promised you will definitely be done, but you should also promise me that nothing will happen to Sister Mo Xiang, otherwise I won't let you go."

Mo Xiang laughed coldly, "Kid, don't you know who you're talking to? What's your identity? How can you use this tone? Well, I don't care about you about this, but I also want to advise you. The demon world is not easy for ordinary people to go. I really doubt that you are so young. It's too late to regret now, otherwise if you fail halfway, I will die with your sister Mo Xiang.

Since he has been in the dart bureau for a period of time, Cang Yi has become a little fearless, but this time, because he is worried about Mo Xiang's safety, he is really a little hesitant. But if you think about it carefully, you must do it yourself no matter what.

It was the first time he felt that the pressure of darts was so great. After thinking for a moment, Cang Yi resolutely decided, "Princess, you don't have to doubt me. In all the darts, I have completed the task very well, and I will never let you down this time.

Mo Xiang smiled again and said, "I hope so. The demon world is different from the human world. When people get there, just like the demon world, their strength will be greatly weakened. I hope you will be fully prepared."

Cang Yi said harshly, "I said you should talk less. I did what I said. What's the advantage of disenacting my motivation?"

Just met, the atmosphere between the two people was not very good. Princess Jin Mengyun actually harmed her sister like this. Naturally, Cang Yi's mood will not be good. First of all, Princess Jin Mengyun doesn't like this boy who doesn't have a few hair on her mouth. At the same time, because of what happened 20 years ago, she is also full of hatred for human beings. If it hadn't been for these stubborn discrimination of human beings, she wouldn't have been separated from her loved ones for 20 years.

"Carat, help the princess open the chain." Cang Yi ordered to a senior escort who had just come in with him.

The senior guard named Carat's expression was a little embarrassed, "Dartsman, I suggest you'd better not untie her. It took us a lot of trouble to control her."

Cang Yi said, "You don't have to worry about this. Now that the princess has handed it over to me, I will be responsible for it. Just loosen it."

Karat was not talking nonsense and opened the chain for the princess.

In this way, Cang Yi and Mo Xiang, who was possessed by the princess, rode on the road.

There is basically nothing to say along the way. Later, the princess couldn't hold back and asked Cang Yi, "Hey boy, are you the only one on the way and don't even look for a helper?"

Cang Yi said angrily, "First of all, don't call me boy in the future. I'm a regular bodyguard of Tianxing Dart Bureau. You must call me a darts engineer in the future, or don't expect me to answer any questions.

The princess smiled strangely, "Okay, darts master. I really can't see that you are not old, but you have a good temper. I'll let you take a step, so that none of us will say a few words along the way and be suffoed to death.

Similarly, Cang Yi does not want to maintain this attitude with the princess all the time. After all, Mo Xiang's sister's fate is still in people's hands. But it is impossible to deter this unattainable princess without showing some majesty in advance.

Well, since the other party has made concessions in advance, you can accept it if you see it well. Cangyi's tone also softened and said, "Don't worry, I naturally have a helper this time, and this helper's come from is very unusual. We are going to find him now. But you'd better tell me more about the demon world along the way. Let you say so dangerously, where is the danger?

So, along the way, while walking and chatting, the princess said slowly to Cang Yi.

In fact, human beings to the demon world and demons to the human world have the same meaning. There is a cross-border magic stone in both worlds. If people want to give full play to their strength in the demon world, they must get the cross-border magic stone.

The demon world is a world of strong supremacy. As long as you are strong enough, you have the right to speak. Otherwise, with the current identity, it is impossible to see the devil.

The cross-border magic stone of the demon world is placed in a place called Perak Island. This island is surrounded by powerful lightning all year round. Ordinary people will be burned by lightning when they can't walk more than a dozen steps there. Not only that, there are countless small monsters in the jungle of the island. They are secretive and can always attack you unprepared.

With the cross-border magic stone, it can only give itself to the same level of strength in human society. After that, he defeated countless enemies, killed them into the city of ashes, and saw the demon king.

This requires the devil and the princess to meet, and the next thing will be easy.

After listening to the princess's specific narration, Cang Yi really had a chill on his back. In this way, it's really hard. It is a completely strange place, basically isolated and facing so many powerful enemies. It seems that it really takes an extremely strong determination. If he hadn't thought of helping his sister Mo Xiang, Cang Yi would really give up.

The princess saw Cangyi's deep fear and said, "How about it, boy, can you do it? If it doesn't work, go back to the house quickly. Now there is still time to replace people.

Cang Yi said angrily, "You don't have to worry about it. I have my own measure. Don't worry about waiting to see your unlucky demon husband.

The two went all the way to the sun set before they came to a city. This is a big city with luxury everywhere.

After seeing the city, the princess couldn't help asking, "It seems that 20 years have changed a lot. What kind of city is this? It's so brilliant that I've never seen it before?

Cang Yi said, "This is the largest gambling city within a hundred miles, Las Vegas."

The princess couldn't help shaking her head and said, "Such a good city is actually a casino. It seems that our Ludan is also getting better. I said, why did you think of coming here? Do you also like gambling?

Cang Yi shook his head and said, "I never gamble, but I just want to find my helper."

The princess showed a disdainful expression and said, "Come to such a place to find a helper. Don't tell me that your helper is a gambler?"

Cang Yi nodded and said, "Yes, he likes gambling a little. But don't show such an expression. Gamblers are not necessarily masters. Go in. When you see him, your attitude will definitely change.