God of Mercenaries

Chapter 10 Mercenary Spirit (!)

I'm afraid that only Murong knows about Wang Fei's cunning in the whole Sanshan Island.

The pirates have landed, and Murong measured the comparison of the forces between the two sides in his heart. When she saw that there were 40 or 50 pirates coming to the shore in a small boat, he knew that the general trend had gone.

At this time, she did not think that she could protect her own safety with Lin and Ku's two four-pattern star masters. If you fall into the hands of pirates, there will never be a good end.

Just as she was at a loss, she saw Wang Fei sneaking into the woods with the unconscious Gu Li, and a glimmer of hope rose in her heart.

"Since the stupid boy chose to leave, he may have a way to avoid pirates. Staying here is undoubtedly no different from waiting to die. It's better to follow him and see if he can find a glimmer of life!"

Wang Fei didn't realize that a tail behind him had followed him.

At the port, hundreds of residents, more than a dozen surviving mercenaries, and dozens of pirates are deadlocked with each other. In a tense atmosphere, no one noticed the departure of the three.

After killing more than a dozen residents in a row, the pirates immediately lost all their courage.

Li Yanfang looked back a few times. At least he was also a ten-ring star, suppressed the fear in his heart and shouted, "Good men, heroes! If there is any entanglement between you, don't involve the people of this island! If there is any grudge, let's sit down and talk about it!"

Guda stared fiercely at Li Yanfang and asked him to help. He actually helped him, not to mention that he also implicated three or four brothers on his side, so he died directly.

"Shut up!" Guda stopped fiercely: "If it hadn't been for your command, how could the pirates have easily landed!"

Li Yanfang dared not say anything more. Although the mercenary was weak at this time, it was not something he could afford to provoke. He looked at the pirates with a pitiful look of prayer, and there was no other way.

The red-haired ghost stepped forward three steps and said to Li Yanfang, "Our huge axe pirate ship is not unreasonable. We only wanted to solve this group of mercenaries, but you did it first! Now, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Li Yanfang's legs trembling and almost peed on his trousers again. Because of his cowardice, he has the talent of a star warrior, but he has never been able to break through the limits of star disciples.

"A good man spares his life, a good man spares his life! It was all our fault just now. We listened to the slander of the mercenaries and attacked you. For the sake of causing no harm to you, just bypass us!"

"Yes! If it weren't for the provocation of mercenaries, how dare we fight against you!"

"If you want to blame the mercenaries, it really has nothing to do with us!"


The residents who were still aggressive just now softened after seeing the pirates show their ferocious nature. A disgraceful plea for mercy aroused the infinite anger of the mercenaries.

Zhang Mazi's face was cut by pirates, and at this time, blood was stained with his face and clothes. With a frightened expression, he pointed to Li Yanfang and scolded, "Where is the shameless beast that ran out? Is it a man?"

"Dog, if you have the guts to attack pirates, otherwise you will have the ability to attack us!"

"Yes!" The red-haired ghost immediately stopped the mercenary who wanted to continue to scold, looked at Li Yanfang and other residents, then narrowed his eyes and said faintly, "The mercenary just now is right. Now you have three choices. First, pick up the weapon in your hand, attack our huge axe pirate group, and kill us all; second, also pick up weapons and kill these more than a dozen mercenaries, and the previous grudges will be written off; the third way, you can also escape, but... you should know the consequences!"

Residents glance back and forth between mercenaries and pirates, as if they were judging where to take action. Li Yanfang first decided to point the harpoon in his hand at the mercenaries and appealed, "The mercenaries are only more than ten people. As long as they are killed, we will be safe!"

At this time, Li Yanfang didn't know where the courage came from. He actually took a step forward and forced the mercenary.

The residents surnamed Li also moved immediately after seeing that the patriarch had taken action. They followed Li Yanfang and went towards the mercenary oppression.

At this moment, I felt the change in the mentality of the island residents and the conspiracy of the pirates. But Guda can't change the facts, and he doesn't want to reason with the ignorant villagers. After observing around, I didn't see Murong and his son Gu Li, and I was a little relieved.

"Everyone retreat quickly, I'm responsible for blocking the pirates!"

This is a lifeless decision. If there is another choice, Guda will not easily kill himself.

"Cad leader, if you want to live together, if you want to die together!"

"We are not afraid of death, we fight with pirates!"

The blood of the mercenaries made Li Yanfang and the residents stop. Can these soldiers, regardless of their own life and death, be bullied?

Guda shook his head, muttered a few words to Zhang Mazi, who was closest to him, then smiled indifferently and said, "It's the honor of my life to get to know your brothers! In the past, you always threw your head and shed blood for the mercenary regiment. This time, let me break the back for you!"

"Don't say any more. With your strength, it's useless to bury your own life!"

As soon as the words were over, a fierce momentum rose on Guda's body, flashing with three threads of the fate star, and immediately burst out countless lights.

Three-pattern star master, four-pattern star master, five-pattern star master...

In a short time, Guda's momentum soared to the level of a seven-pattern star master. In an instant, the mercenaries around him could not stand the pressure of momentum and slowly retreated a few steps.

"You actually burned your own destiny to burst out amazing strength in a short time! Don't think so, there's nothing we can do. Let's attack side by side!" The red-haired ghost immediately roared and took the lead in launching the attack.

And Zhang Mazi cried to the remaining dozen mercenaries with tears in his eyes: "The heart of the regiment commander, we can't let it down in vain! Keep this life and avenge the regimental commander in the future!"

At this time, Guda has burned the star power and raised his strength to a peak that has never been reached. The huge sword in his hand became the sickle of death, ruthlessly killing the pirates and residents around him.

Since residents have to deal with them first, there is no room to stay.

The three red-haired ghosts will naturally not tolerate the mercenaries to leave. After surrounding Guda together, he ordered, "Don't let them go, surround them, surround them all!"

Before Zhang Mazi left completely, he had fallen into the encirclement of pirates. A bitter battle cannot be avoided. With the power of more than ten people, it is obviously difficult to break out of the siege of more than 30 pirates.

At this time, a mercenary whose leg was severely injured directly rushed away from the three pirate defense lines with his own body. With a bloody mouth, he shouted with his last strength, "Brothers, go quickly!"

Zhang Mazi was stunned and shouted sadly, "Wu Zanzi, you still owe me a gold coin!"


Zhang Mazi held a machete crazily and killed three pirates who killed Wu Zongzi in succession despite the attack of pirates. And he himself paid the price of an arm.

Then, three more mercenaries fought to death and rushed through the pirate's defense line with their own bodies. The rest of the mercenaries fled to the depths of the Three Mountains Island along the blood road squeezed out with blood.

However, the pirates behind him followed the mercenaries unrelentlessly. In three or four minutes, we have arrived at a mountain road.

Zhang Mazi immediately pushed away the two mercenaries who supported him, and the severe pain made his forehead sweat. He endured the pain and shouted to the remaining nine mercenaries, "Go quickly, I'll stay to stop the pirates!"

Ten mercenaries were more or less injured.

Four relatively older mercenaries stood up firmly at the same time. One of the mercenaries with half a face covered by his beard said, "Mazi, the regimental commander must have told you what he just now. This is his last words. You must complete it!"

After saying that, the bearded mercenary turned his head and said to the other five people, "You five must ensure the safety of Zhang Mazi. Even if you sacrifice your life, you will not hesitate!"

The mercenaries who can participate in this mission are all cultivated by Guda. There is no doubt about the cohesion between them, and the status quo is the best proof.

Zhang Mazi remembered the regimental's instructions. A drop of tears mixed with red blood immediately flowed down. The remaining hand patted the bearded mercenary on the shoulder and said, "Brother, your family is my family!"