God of Mercenaries

Chapter 23 Abuse

Every year, Zhengqi College holds a grand entrance ceremony.

The ceremony is very special, not after the speech of college leaders such as the dean. As a mercenary college, it is necessary to show a different entrance ceremony in the form of mercenaries.

In order to let freshmen better recognize their own strength, they need to have a face-to-face collision with old students every year. There are not many requirements, just one minute of a battle!

However, even so, for those old students whose cultivation has reached the state of liquid or even solid stars, it is difficult to resist the strength of freshmen hovering around the peak of Xingtu for a minute.

The reason for the joy of old students is not just to abuse new students. The profession of mercenary is basically prosperous and yin. The girls in the freshmen who enter the school every year become the target of the old students.

At this time, several active old students have begun to select new students to fight. And these old students are undoubtedly the exceptions to the relatively strong strength of the old students present. Otherwise, they won't be the first to choose.

I have to say that the entrance ceremony set by Zhengqi College has greatly improved the motivation of students to practice. When freshmen enter school, after experiencing a torture, they will definitely gain insight and then calm down to practice hard; while the old students also vigorously improve their cultivation. After all, the higher the strength, the more you can take the lead at the admission ceremony of freshmen next year.

However, there are almost no girls among the elderly.

The first freshmen to be selected for the entrance ceremony are the genius freshmen mentioned by the dean who have reached the realm of liquid stars.

These freshmen showed extraordinary strength at this time under the premise of their own superhuman qualifications. All kinds of powerful star skills emerge one after another, and the arrogant face also shows pride.

As a few old students who are new opponents, they are all the best selected from the old students. I hardly look at the new attack. Either directly use star skills to fight, or directly use a strong body to resist, or use flexible body methods to avoid.

Always, in the first half of the battle, Lao Sheng is absolutely passive and has never had a counterattack.

After half a minute, it's time for the old students to be powerful. Several old students condensed their own star power one after another, and then used powerful star skills. In just about ten seconds, the proud freshman was hit to the ground.

Obviously, the star cultivation between the new and the old is in the same state.

However, what Wang Fei and other freshmen care about is that the use of star skills by the old students has far exceeded that of several genius freshmen.

Star skills don't have to be powerful. After the proficiency is improved, the power will naturally increase exponentially.

The faces of several geniuses are filled with incomparable loss and depression. They don't understand that the star's cultivation is at the same stage, and they are so weak for their own strength.

And the old students began to rise up and all selected the objects of the fight.

Gu Li, standing next to Wang Fei, is absolutely attractive. He was approached by a small man with a medium-range temperament. Obviously, the other party calculated Gu Li's strength before he was selected as the object of bullying.

However, Gu Li's situation, as the dean said, one foot almost stepped into the realm of 'potential', holding a huge sword in both hands, and launched a fierce attack with the little man.

He is 1.9 meters tall and very strong. The power of such a magnificent body suddenly explodes far beyond the strength corresponding to its own cultivation.

For this reason, Gu Li almost suppressed his opponent and launched a crazy attack. Nine-level and eight-level attack star skills, with the help of his strength, has exerted the attack power of seven-level star skills.

With the continuous roar, as an old man, he was finally blown out by Gu Li under a fierce collision. According to the regulations, Gu Li won this fight!

Suddenly, the eyes of all the freshmen focused on Gu Li. And the old students also can't believe that the new students have rarely encountered such things as defeating the old students over the years.

The failed little old man stood firm with a depressed face. His own size has always been the object of ridicule by others. This time, a strong freshman was specially selected to make up for the twisted heart.

It's just that he miscalculated the result and was scolded by all the old students.

But soon, Gu Li paid the price for his move. An old student whose strength has reached the realm of liquid stars, and the second one came to him. And in a very violent way, he knocked him down.

Guri's next eight opponents are all in the same way. By the time of the last tenth opponent, even Wang Fei could no longer recognize Gu Li.

The face is red, purple and blue. Coupled with being beaten to a swollen head, he looked like a pig at this time.

"Naoda, Mida..."

Looking at a poor Gu Li, Wang Fei thought for a long time before he understood the meaning of ' boss, they hit me'. However, a total of about ten minutes have passed since Guli hit.

Seeing Gu Li's miserable situation, the freshmen around him couldn't help retreating. However, the old student can't allow himself to miss this good opportunity. After surrounding the freshman, he showed more than 2,000 pairs of eyes and a proud smile at the same time.

In the following time, almost all the freshmen were destroyed, and Wang Fei would be no exception.

At this time, standing in front of Wang Fei was an ordinary old man. In the face of the wrong opponent, Wang Fei can only pretend to be stupid and try to delay the battle while confusing the opponent.

However, the old student obviously didn't care. The only purpose of his coming to attend the freshman entrance ceremony was to vent his grievances. A year ago, when he attended the entrance ceremony, he was beaten to face. As soon as he came up, Lao Sheng began to attack Wang Fei.

Wang Fei suddenly realized the fierce attack. If you still pretend to be stupid at this time, you will never let the other party show mercy. Fortunately, the opponent's attack speed was not very fast. With the help of the wrong step, he narrowly escaped the first attack.

However, Laosheng's offensive will obviously not end here. After one move failed, he was not discouraged and immediately made a second move. The long stick in his hand immediately turned into a straight line and chopped directly towards Wang Fei.

"Nang Xipi, how can these old people's combat experience be so rich! The cultivation of the same gaseous star, but it is much stronger than the man in black in the Stone City!"

Wang Fei compared in his heart, and on the other hand, he continued to avoid using the wrong step star technique.

Although the wrong step is only the lowest nine-level star skill, it is not enough to play the role of the magic star skill, which is stronger than the attack star skill. And the wrong steps that have been cultivated to the perfect stage can play the role of the ordinary seven-level attack star skill in the perfect stage.

In Lao Sheng's eyes, Wang Fei's body was like a few shadows, swaying around on the ground. It is not easy for him to find the exact direction of his attack.

However, the old students who can be in Zhengqi College for a year will never compete less than 100 games. Therefore, rich experience made the old students quickly think of another set of combat plans.

Since you are easy to avoid, then I will beat you so that you have nowhere to hide!

After holding this idea, Lao Sheng immediately used his own body and star skills. Although the proficiency has not reached the perfect level, it is also a star skill that has reached eight grades and has been cultivated to a very complete level.

The two use the body magic star skill at the same time. Although the grade is one level different, Wang Fei has cultivated to the perfect stage and made up for the grade gap. Therefore, after the two used the body method at the same time, it became a chase.

However, relatively speaking, Wang Fei's situation is becoming more and more bad. In less than half a minute, he has been forced to a corner by Lao Sheng. If you retreat, you will have to enter another battle circle. At that time, what he wants to resist is not as simple as an opponent.

And just as Wang Fei almost entered the corner, the one-minute test time finally reached the end. Lao Sheng stopped his hand helplessly, and a unwillingness appeared on his face, but he could only shake his head and walk away.

After a round of hard work, the second opponent came up immediately.