God of Mercenaries

Chapter 23 Kill

Wang Fei just wanted to steal the boat and leave quietly. There is no interest in dealing with the gods on Jiaodao and others.

But it was discovered prematurely, causing trouble to follow. Just solved a seven-pattern star master, and another eight-pattern star master came. There is no way. If you don't deal with it, then relying on the strength of the old nine-six star master will never be an opponent.

Calculated the other party's way forward again and dived into the sea. Use the cover of the shadow cloak to protect yourself from exposure. After being fully prepared, Wang Fei was ready to launch a fatal blow.

Seeing Gong Yan getting closer and closer, Wang Fei concentrated all his energy on calculation. For star warriors like him who are good at ambush and sneak attacks, whether on land, in the jungle, or in the water. As long as you hide your breath, the sneak attack is just a procedural process.

Although in the water, it greatly affects Wang Fei's own speed. However, his opponent is also in the sea, and his reaction and speed have also dropped significantly. Everyone was affected, but the ambush party stood in a strong position.

The previous breath of oxygen has consumed more than half of it. If it is not supplemented, it will definitely greatly affect the subsequent battle. In order to prevent the other party from sending people to swim and chase, they decided to rush out of the water for a moment and replenish their own oxygen.

This time, Gong Yan did not realize the arrival of the crisis at all. He still swam fast towards the boat and thought about his companion Gong Jian's figure. However, there is also some vigilance in my heart. If there is a sea monster, it must be in crisis at this time.

Suddenly, there was a wave under the water, which made Gong Yan's vigilance rise to the highest. After stopping the body, the hidden slow condensed star force. The hand emitted a slight starlight, and he was obviously ready to attack.

The ruthless Gong family, the most powerful star skill is naturally their ruthless hand. Reaching the level of four-pin star skills, it is one of the most powerful star skills rare on Pearl Island.

But before he finished all the preparations, a shadow appeared in front of him. After swung and wrapped around his body in an instant, he immediately went to the water.

"It's not good! There are still people in the sea!"

Gong Yan suddenly felt a feeling in his heart. Although he could not see the appearance of the shadow clearly, the other party was a lively person. He immediately raised a bad feeling. If so, Gong Jian must have been attacked by the shadow and may eventually sink to the bottom of the sea.

While thinking about it quickly, he is also thinking about how to deal with it. Since it is not a sea monster, it can only rely on personal strength. The ruthless hand star skill of condensing star power immediately launched an attack on the shadow.

On the other side, after preparing for the attack, Wang Fei naturally strengthened his defense. He understands that in the sea, no matter what star skill, the power is greatly reduced. However, in terms of defensive star technology, it can exert 12th of its power.

Wang Fei did not avoid Xiao Yan's attack. After all, as long as you give up the entanglement, the other party will definitely float to the sea quickly and then start to ask for help from several people on Jiao Island. Although he is not afraid of the other party, it does not mean that Lao Jiu does not care about the other party's attack.

Touch, touch, touch...

After dozens of attacks by Gong Yan in a row, Wang Fei couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. However, he also took this time to pull Gong Yan to the sea more than 100 meters deep. While the other party is under great pressure, the attack power is getting weaker and weaker, and it can't cause substantial damage to Wang Fei at all.

At this time, Wang Fei's counterattack came. Quickly and decisively, after holding the other party's neck fiercely with both hands, he constantly increases his own strength. After a while, after feeling that the other party's attack stopped, he slowly let go.

Gong Yan's body stayed here under the 100-meter deep sea, and at the same time, the body of his companion Gong Jian was suspended beside him. A seven-pattern star master, an eight-pattern star master, the mainstay of the Gong family on Pearl Island, was killed by Wang Fei's sneak attack.

And when Wang Fei launched an attack, entangled Gong Yan and quickly pulled him into the sea, the four people on Jiao Island witnessed the whole process.

Especially Gong Yu, his face immediately became tense. Gong Jian and Gong Yan can be said to be the most powerful beings in Gong's family besides him. If something happens to them, it will undoubtedly greatly affect the overall strength of the Gong family. For this reason, he immediately said hurriedly, "Brother Zhu Shen, you wait here. I'll see what's going on!"

After saying that, Gong Yu was about to go in the direction of Gong Yan's disappearance. However, on his way forward, the body of the god, like a boulder, blocked his way forward.

"Brother Zhu Shen, what do you mean?" Gong Yu asked hurriedly and puzzledly.

"What's going on? Humph! Do you still have the face to ask me? Your Gong family is so calculating. Since you don't want us to leave, don't leave!"

In the heart of Zhu Shen, it has been determined that everything is a good chess hand arranged by Gong Yu.

First, let the lowest-power Gong Jian fix the boat, but you secretly tamped it. After a moment, the boat drifted away into the distance. At this time, someone happened to find out, and then asked Gong Jian to recover the boat under Gong Yu's scolding.

At this time, it is not obvious. It seems to be just a trivial oversight, but when you think about it, how can the magnificent seven-pattern star master not even fix a small boat?

There is only one explanation for such a thing, that is, the other party's intention. And the reality is obvious. After that, didn't Gong Yan's behavior confirm this speculation?

After seeing the two masters of his family and the accident at the same time, Gong Yu, the head of the family, will naturally show something. This is the best time for him to leave. If he doesn't think that this is a conspiracy, then all actions are reasonable.


Zhushen smiled secretly. Since the other party did this, the only purpose should be to want to be a dominant family on Pearl Island. But as long as Gong Yu stays here, even if the other two return to Pearl Island, it will be difficult for the Gong family to control the situation.

For this reason, Zhu Shen will not do the meaningless thing of chasing the boat. His current mind is to take advantage of his huge advantage to solve Gong Yu, the big enemy.

If it were normal, the strength of Zhu Shen and Gong Yu would be at the same level. The result of the battle will only be the result of both defeats. However, now with the help of an eight-pattern star master and a seven-pattern star master around him, he is sure to play an unexpected role at a critical moment.

Therefore, Zhu Shen did not talk much nonsense. After solidify his thoughts, he took the lead in attacking. At the same time, he also winced and let the two men stay away a little to prevent unnecessary damage caused by powerful fluctuations.

"Zhu Shen, what do you want to do? Have you forgotten the agreement between us and want to deal with our Gong family? Gong Yu resisted the attack and asked at the same time.

A faint smile appeared on the corners of Zhu Shen's mouth and replied, "I just want to deal with the Gong family. What can you do with me?" Gong Yu, you are too naive. Such a retarded strategy has come out, and today is destined to be the last day of your life!"

Gong Yu didn't react to the other party's words. What does it mean? The attack of Zhu Shen has been summoned with a strong murderous spirit. He couldn't be distracted from thinking about other issues, and even temporarily forgot Gong Yan, who had sunk to the bottom of the sea with his own eyes.

There was a life-and-death battle between the two nine-patterned stars on this Jiao Island. The strong star fluctuation caused great damage to Jiao Island. Jiao Island, which is not large, broke many reefs and sank into the sea under the star attack.

Strong fluctuations in the direction of Jiao Island, although it can be transmitted for a long distance from the sea. However, on the seabed, it can only be limited to a certain range. Even Wang Fei can't feel what happened on Jiao Island.

After solving Gong Yan, Wang Fei quickly checked his injury. Fortunately, the other party did not return to its full cultivation, and the power of the attack was greatly reduced in the sea. It's just that the internal organs have been hit by some impact, and you only need to recuperate for a while to recover.

And while controlling the injury in his body, he was also waiting for the follower to jump into the sea to chase the faraway boat. However, after waiting for a long time, I finally decided to slowly float up and explore what was going on.