Underworld separation

Chapter 36 Interrogation

The Royal Nightclub had such a major accident, which had already shocked some minds in the water market as early as the first time.

The sirens are connected, and there are flashing* everywhere outside the nightclub.

La, a group of heavily armed policemen surrounded the whole nightclub.

The people who escaped from the nightclub did not go far. Because they stayed to watch, they were blocked and embarrassed.

It's no wonder that normal people are not afraid of such a situation. A large number of policemen with guns around them are facing a big enemy, which makes everyone's hearts can't help but mention it.

Under the protection of a group of police officers, several head-like people quickly walked into the nightclub after they were indeed not in danger.

Wang Hao was watching all this silently, still sore and didn't have much strength.

" Mr. Zhao? Miss Hong?" As soon as he walked in, the leader immediately saw the earthy Mr. Zhao and the goddess Hong, and his face immediately changed.

How can these two government be at the scene of the accident!

This head was almost shocked!

If these two government departments are injured, I'm afraid they will be the head of the police chief!

Fortunately, the head saw at a glance that the two government were not injured, but they were obviously greatly frightened.

His face was suddenly full of flattering smiles, and the head trotted over.

"Miss Zhao, Miss Hong! I'm Director Han of the East Branch of the Public Security City. Are you all right? Asked flatteringly, Director Han immediately turned around and shouted, "What are you looking at? Send Mr. Zhao and Miss Hong to the hospital. Who dares to delay a second? I will remove him!"

After saying that, Director Han smiled flatteringly at Mr. Zhao and Goddess Hong again and reached out to help him.

After such a long time, Zhao, Hong and others seemed to have finally recovered and gasped violently.

" Director Han?" Mr. Zhao can't remember this person at all. He remembers that the director of Chengdong Branch is not surnamed Han. It seems that this must be a deputy bureau.

However, he still showed a seemingly kind and actually arrogant smile on his face. He held the other party and said eagerly, "Hello, Director Han! We're fine. We don't have to go to the hospital!"

Looking at several people covered in dust, Director Han hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhao, this is not good, in case..."

" Director Han, thank you for your kindness. We are really fine! However, there is one thing to react to!" Mr. Zhao is extremely determined.

Director Han didn't dare to insist any longer. He bent down and said, "If there is anything, just tell me!"

With a turn of his eyes, Mr. Zhao saw Wang Hao standing quietly recovering, and a trace of insidiousness flashed at the corners of his mouth: "Mr. Han, please take down that guy immediately! He is the culprit of the accident here!"


Wang Hao was stunned and thought he had heard it wrong.

This surnamed Zhao is really not a thing! I just came to my senses, and the first thing I thought of was to trick him, Wang Hao!

Damn, if it hadn't been for him, Zhao would have died a long time ago, and now he would have revenged him to frame him as a lifesaver!

In a hurry, Wang Hao couldn't help scolding: "Zhao, how dare you spit people out! I obviously saved your life, but you were like this. If I had known it, I would have just let you die!"

"Where did the nonsense come from! Take it away!" Director Han's attitude towards Wang Hao was completely different, putting on a high posture, waved his hand and shouted loudly.

Two capable policemen rushed over like evil wolves.

Wang Hao was sore and weak and wanted to resist, but he was thrown to the ground. The cold handcuffs were handcuffed to his wrist in an instant and was dragged out directly by the two policemen.

"Zhao, you don't want to die! You damn bastard, I can't forgive you!" Wang Hao was treated like a dead dog, but he could only curse to express his dissatisfaction.

Although the two policemen did not know Mr. Zhao and the goddess Hong, they could also know from the attitude that the other party was definitely a big man. This prisoner dared to offend other people's big man. Isn't he looking for death?

"It's still arrogant!" Looking at each other, they punched Wang Hao in the face.

The corners of his mouth immediately overflowed with blood, but Wang Hao calmed down and glanced at the two policemen with cold eyes: "Bully dog, you and I shed the first drop of blood, and you must take your lives to repay my offense!"

"Ky, if you fall into our hands, you still dare to speak wildly. I really don't know how to write death!" The two laughed sarcastically at the police and trampled on Wang Hao's stomach.

The injured internal organs came with colic, as if the intestines were broken, but Wang Hao bit his teeth tightly and didn't hum, but his eyes were getting colder and colder.

"Okay! Bring him back to the bureau first!" After a while, seeing that Wang Hao had been almost cleaned up, Director Han glanced at Mr. Zhao and found a satisfied smile in Mr. Zhao's eyes, so he waved his hand.

The two finally stopped. Wang Hao couldn't help trembling with pain and couldn't wait to faint.

But after absorbing so much belief energy, his spirit is so good that he will definitely die immediately when it comes to ordinary people, which makes his spirit more sober.

This made Wang Hao suffer a great crime!

He suddenly realized that his spirit was too good, not all good things. Sometimes, being able to faint is a good thing!

Under the painful torture, Wang Hao couldn't help but flash a cold murder in his eyes.

Mr. Zhao was swept by Wang Hao's eyes, and his hair suddenly became firm, and a strong fear gushed out of thin air. He couldn't help but be angry and came over and grabbed Wang Hao's hair.

"Wang, aren't you very good? Now it's in my hands! Let me tell you, you are dead!" Mr. Zhao leaned over and whispered in Wang Hao's ear, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Bah............!" His head suddenly turned and broke the tip of the other party's nose. Wang Hao struggled to get up.

"Ah... Fuck, you're looking for death!" Mr. Zhao's nose was sore, he reached out and touched it, his face was full of blood, and he couldn't help but be furious.

A gun that grabbed the policeman's hand and pointed it at Wang Hao. Mr. Zhao was about to shoot Wang Hao into a sieve.

"Wait!" Director Han was shocked and shot the gun away.

"Do you dare to stop me?" Mr. Zhao turned around and looked down at Director Han, which saw Director Han sweating coldly.

"Ms. Zhao, this boy has offended you. We have a way to deal with him. Why do you do it yourself!" Director Han bent down and said respectfully like a grandson.

With a cold hum, Mr. Zhao threw away the gun, did not look back, and walked out.

Director Han finally had time to wipe off the cold sweat on his forehead and looked at Wang Hao with an excited face.

If you can get along with Mr. Zhao through this matter, his surname is Han, won't he have good luck!

The more he thought about it, the more excited he became. Director Han chased Mr. Zhao, and Wang Hao was dragged by two policemen.

Chengdong Branch, interrogation room.

Wang Hao was very embarrassed, full of footprints, with a blue nose and a swollen face. Obviously, he was severely beaten.

He was locked in the interrogation chair and couldn't move. In front of him was a metal table, sitting with two strong policemen staring at Wang Hao fiercely, as if he wanted to swallow Wang Hao.

"Kid, you are very tough, aren't you? Believe it or not, I will kill you! Fuck, you son has offended someone who shouldn't have been offended, and he is still arrogant! You are dead!" One of them came over and grabbed Wang Hao's hair and said viciously.

"Hone with me! Cooperate with us to get the materials out. You will suffer less. If you don't know each other, don't blame us for being rude!" The man pulled out an electric baton and stabbed Wang Hao.

"Wow... that's enough!" The powerful electric current ravaged his body crazily, and Wang Hao snorted and couldn't help trembling.

Knowing that if you continue to resist so hard, these people may really torture themselves to death. Wang Hao feels that he can't be so hard anymore!

"Name!" The other person didn't care about the cruel behavior of his companions at all. Seeing Wang Hao finally opened his mouth and asked indifferently.

"Wang Hao!" Wang Hao gritted his teeth.

"Not bad! You boy finally got to know each other!" The two policemen looked at each other and laughed.

No matter how hard the bone is, it can't be forced to get here! Even if the dead people, under their means, they have to speak obediently!

"Gender!" The person who recorded spoke again.

"If you are blind, do you still need to ask!" Wang Hao was extremely angry and struggled for a moment.

"Look for death!"

The policeman pounded Wang Hao with an electric baton again. After nearly ten seconds, he finally let go when he saw that Wang Hao was almost rolling his eyes.

"Gender!" The other is still extremely indifferent, regardless of Wang Hao's life and death.

"Man!" Looking at the electric baton parked beside him, Wang Hao could only answer aggrievedly.

After a while, the interrogation continued.

"Why did you deliberately murder others? Say it! What's your motivation!" The interrogator patted the table and shouted loudly.

"I'm not going to murder anyone!" Raising his head, Wang Hao answered calmly.

These damn things, how dare you do it! Regardless of the facts, he turned black and white upside down and wanted to put the crime of murder on his Wang Hao!

This is Wang Hao's life!

Wang Hao understands that there must be no mercy and hesitation about any factor that can threaten his life.

The last thought of preparing for a peaceful solution was dispelled, and Wang Hao instantly put away all his emotions.

Since these people are ready to kill, no matter how emotional they are, it won't help him. Instead, Wang Hao completely calmed down and decided to deal with these guys by the coldest means!

The two policemen sneered: "Kid, it seems that you haven't fully recognized the situation yet! Then we will teach you well!"

After saying that, both of them gathered around.

"If you don't want to die, get out of here immediately!" Wang Hao did not intend to spend any more time with these two people, with a strong murderous voice.

A tragic, cold and crazy breath gradually permeated from Wang Hao.

Two policemen shivered at the same time and were inexplicably afraid and dared not go forward.

At this moment, Wang Hao changed in their eyes, and they felt that Wang Hao suddenly became extremely terrible.

Too lazy to look at the two people, Wang Hao's eyes turned to the monitor head in the interrogation room.

At the other end of the monitoring head, Mr. Zhao, Director Han and others are sitting in front of the wide screen and paying attention to all this.

Suddenly, they found that the two interrogated policemen seemed to have been immobile and did not move, and Wang Hao slowly raised his head and looked at the screen.

Somehow, they felt that Wang Hao's eyes seemed to penetrate the screen and lock them.

I felt that I had become a little mouse and was targeted by a poisonous snake. The feeling of incomparable danger came naturally. Mr. Zhao and others couldn't help panicking for a moment.

Seeing Wang Hao's lips, he moved slowly. Mr. Zhao actually saw that Wang Hao was saying, "Death!"

A terrible murderous intention actually oozed out of the screen and penetrated the depths of Mr. Zhao's bone marrow. He shivered.

Instinctively standing up, Mr. Zhao swirled something and smashed the screen, but the fear in his heart could not be eliminated.

"Must kill him!" Mr. Zhao had a strong impulse and raised his legs to walk to the interrogation room. He didn't care much.

Only by killing the other party can he be truly at ease!