Underworld separation

Chapter 37 is crazy

With a bang, the door of the interrogation room was pushed open fiercely, and Mr. Zhao came in.

His face, a little ferocious and distorted, like a lone wolf forced into a desperate situation, began to go crazy.

Looking coldly, Wang Hao felt the murder in the other party's heart, and there was also a strong murder in his eyes.

When his eyes collided, Mr. Zhao felt a pain in his eyes, and there was a fear in his heart out of thin air, and he couldn't help looking away.

I feel that Wang Hao is like an emperor, looking down at his subjects, and his eldest son Zhao is the humble subject, and even life and death are dominated by the other party.

It's ridiculous that an ordinary person dares to pose high in front of his son Zhao!

However, Mr. Zhao couldn't laugh at all. With a slight contact, he found that he had an instinctive submission, as if the other party was a god above nine days, and he almost worshipped him!

Humiliation, anger, burst out!

The splitter grabbed an electric baton in the policeman's hand, and Mr. Zhao was about to stab Wang Hao.

"Zhao, do you want to die?" A flash of lightning flashed in his eyes, and Wang Hao still sat calmly and questioned.

This electric light seemed to break through the void and entered Mr. Zhao's hand. His hand couldn't help trembling and stopped in mid-air, and even half of his body was frozen and difficult to move.

"You..." Mr. Zhao struggled for a while, but felt that the invisible force limited his freedom and was shocked.

"Zhao, you and I didn't violate the river, but you dared to really want to kill me. You angered me!" Wang Hao sat with a golden knife, his temperament became more and more calm, and his eyes became more and more sharp.

Under the gaze of the other party's eyes, Mr. Zhao felt that there were some difficulties in breathing. There were some terrible things in the empty air, which gradually clung to him and invaded his heart.

"No... Kill him!" Mr. Zhao panicked. He felt that if something in the air completely entered his heart, something terrible would happen, and he couldn't help screaming.

Director Han, who also followed, didn't know why Mr. Zhao was so panicked, but he also faintly felt something and shouted at the two men who had just recovered: "What are you doing stupid? Hit him!"

"Ah..." stunned for a moment, and the two policemen reacted. How dare they delay? They jumped out, raised their fists, and asked Wang Hao to hit him in the face.

Locked on the chair and unable to move, Wang Hao could not avoid it, so he had to resist abruptly, and suddenly his nose and mouth spewed blood.

His expression did not change at all. He stretched out his tongue and licked the red blood on his lips. Wang Hao was full of evil spirits and extremely strange. He was like an awe-inspiring devil, appearing alive in the world.

The temperature in the interrogation room suddenly dropped a little, and the cold smell oozed from the void and blew on people's skin. Mr. Zhao trembled together.

The two policemen always felt a swirling sound behind them, as if a cold thing stuck behind them and slowly climbed on their backs.

They suddenly turned around, but saw nothing, but the cold feeling behind them did not disappear. Instead, they became heavier and heavier, and they felt cold hands and feet.

They remembered the ghost possession in the old legend, isn't that what it describes?

This shock almost scared both of them away. They shouted and retreated repeatedly and slapped their bodies crazily.

"Two rubbish!" Director Han is mad.

I wanted to perform well in front of Mr. Zhao and take the opportunity to get on the big boat of the Zhao family!

As a result, the two men were scared by a prisoner who could not move. They were about to pee in their pants and lose his old face, so they threw two ear photons fiercely and woke up.

"Head, he can do magic" as soon as they woke up, they whispered and explained to Director Han.

"Demons, your big-headed ghost!"

Two more ear photons were thrown out, and Director Han laughed angrily: "Okay! I think your heads are flooded! Don't talk nonsense, go and clean up that boy, or you will get out of here!"

"Head..." The two were extremely embarrassed by the police, but under the power of Director Han's **, they had to swallow their saliva, one holding a gun and the other holding an electric baton, and reluctantly walked to Wang Hao

struggled in their hearts, and the two finally became brave and said viciously, "Kid, no matter what means you have, it's up to you! Go to hell!"

The electric stick suddenly stabbed over, and another man pointed the gun at Wang Hao on guard and really wanted to kill Wang Hao.

"I wanted to let you go. Since I'm looking for death, I'll do it!"

His face changed, and Wang Hao was furious. These people were really bold and dared to kill!

When he saw that the other party was about to shoot, he couldn't move. Wang Hao shouted in his heart:


The belief energy that was silent in my mind suddenly divided into a part, with a full 10 points, boiling and burning in an instant, combined with Wang Hao's spirit.

With the energy generated by the combustion of 10 beliefs, Wang Hao's spirit ran wildly and turned into two illusory flash marks in his eyes, and two illusory flashes suddenly shot out and penetrated through the foreheads of the two policemen.

"Ah..." The two of them let out a miserable cry.

They put their heads in their hands and tear their hair crazily, as if they wanted to break their heads, because their heads were extremely painful, and something was raging inside to tear their souls to pieces.

Gradually, their heads began to blur, and their hair and scalp were torn off, but they did not mean to stop at all.

The consciousness of these two people has long fallen into an infinite fantasy. They have entered the dead world that Wang Hao passed through and suffered from endless fear.

The reason why Wang Hao entered that fantasy was safe and sound because his soul merged with the mysterious lightning mark, because he was unharmed.

And these two people don't have this treatment. Once they enter this fantasy, it is like falling into hell, and the boundless fear completely devours their hearts and consciousness.

Fortunately, there was no eternal lightning in the fantasy they experienced. Otherwise, if they were hit by the smell of lightning, their consciousness would dissipate in an instant and die on the spot.

But even if they don't die, I'm afraid they won't be much better. They are completely stupid and become a dementia.

The world of death in the fantasy must be like the legendary hell, and even more terrible. It is full of the breath of death, so thick that all living creatures will suffocate.

"What's going on?" Mr. Zhao and Director Han stared at this strange scene and felt chill in their hearts.

Two big living people are crazy, completely abnormal, and there is no sign of it!

In an instant, they instinctively realized that all this was absolutely related to Wang Hao, and the panic in their hearts could be imagined.

"Is he really good at demons?" Director Han's body trembled a few times, took out the match, pointed it to Wang Hao's forehead, and shouted crazily, "Don't move! Don't move! Move again, I will kill you!"

"Haha..." Wang Hao laughed loudly, didn't care about the gun on his forehead at all, and his heart was extremely happy.

"Originally, my guess is true! Dementor can really be used like this! I can use the energy of faith to forcibly pour what I fantasized into the hearts of others!"

With this method, who else is Wang Hao afraid of?

With this method, Wang Hao can directly shake anyone's heart and deter anyone's will!

Once this technique comes out, no one will compete!

Maybe no one can compete with this method except for a few people whose spirit and will are as strong as fine steel.

And this method is silent, and others can't catch any traces or even resist it!

This is completely an anti-sky means!

When Director Han saw Wang Hao laughing freely, he became more nervous, and his hands began to tremble and hysterically: "Damn it, shut up, shut up! I'm going to kill you!"

"Haha, Han, you want to kill me, but there is no door! You have the responsibility to protect the people, but you don't deserve this layer of skin to do such a sinister thing!" Wang Hao was happy and cursed loudly. His momentum rose to the extreme and oppressed the other party.

"Shut up! You son of a bitch!" Director Han was furious and his fingers suddenly pulled the trigger.


But before the gunshot, Wang Hao consumed 5 points of faith energy, and an illusory flash shot out of his eyes again, hitting the other party's eyebrows.

Director Han suddenly froze, and there was boundless fear in his eyes. He shouted helplessly and wanted to pull the trigger, but his consciousness had fallen into a world of boundless horror and could not even move a finger.

"Wow..." Director Han wanted to scream in pain and horror, but he could only make some dull low roars, and the last trace of clarity in his eyes also disappeared and turned into an idiot.

Although it is unknown, the fool also knows that the three people are crazy for no reason. It is definitely Wang Hao who is secretly playing tricks.

Mr. Zhao was completely panicked and wanted to escape.

But at this time, Wang Hao's eyes swept over. Mr. Zhao felt that he was a chick targeted by an eagle. He instinctively generated great fear and lost his strength and did not dare to move.

"Zhao, don't you want to kill me? Why are you timid now! Come on, come and fuck me!"

Seeing Mr. Zhao's frightened, Wang Hao was extremely happy and had the feeling of villain's ambition and couldn't help provoking.

No longer found any trace of arrogance on his body, and Mr. Zhao was about to cry.