Underworld separation

Chapter 74 Encirclement of Snake

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Running Qigong, he suddenly took a step. Wang Hao appeared more than ten meters away and slapped a big stone.

In Wang Hao's palm, a red light flashed faintly, and the air near his palm became hot, and a trace of fiery vitality surged in his palm and then hit the stone.


The clear and audible cracking sound came out. The basin-sized bluestone suddenly shattered, and the small and sharp stone fragments burst out far away.

"It's so powerful!"

took a few steps again and appeared dozens of meters away.

Here, a tree thicker than an adult's thigh stood, and Wang Hao punched it.

The skills that will be obtained from Brother Hu are stimulated, and the strong spirit suddenly hit the tree.

It blew up hard and flew out. In a continuous click, the whole tree slowly tilted. It turned out that its trunk had been completely destroyed and broken by the strong momentum burst out by Wang Hao.

This is still the situation where Wang Hao did not do his best. Wang Hao doesn't know what a terrible effect it would be if he burst out with all his strength and hit it with one fist.

At least, no matter how solid an ordinary person is, he can never withstand his punch.

Even if a bison is punched and kicked by Wang Hao, it will be killed immediately.

Wang Hao's power has exceeded the limit that flesh and blood can withstand.

For ordinary people, the same essence is blocked in flesh and blood and cannot flow freely.

Once promoted to the realm of refining, the sea of qi will really open up and connect with the meridians of the whole body. The essence in the human body will naturally swim slowly in the sea of qi and the meridians, constantly wash away the flesh and blood and refine the body, making the body stronger.

Therefore, the physical strength, endurance, flexibility and other aspects of the refiners are much stronger than ordinary people.

In this way, Wang Hao replaces the essence with vitality, and the effect is even more magical. From then on, Wang Hao's body will continue to strengthen.

In particular, the fire spirit that is sealed and suppressed in the sea of gas continuously releases the fire vitality, and the essence and nature of the fire spirit will eventually be completely integrated into Wang Hao's body.

At that time, Wang Hao will transform into a pure yang body.

Although he doesn't know the benefits of the pure yang body, Wang Hao can still roughly imagine it, so he is looking forward to the arrival of that moment.

However, unfortunately, this cannot be achieved in a while.

If you want to achieve the body of pure yang, at least it is possible to wait for him to be promoted to the legendary realm of gas refining.

In this world, practitioners who have never heard of the realm of refining can have the physique of pure yang.

Silently sensing his own changes, Wang Hao gradually calmed down, but a strong self-confidence rose in his heart. At this moment, his heart and will became stronger.

Before long, Wang Hao was awakened by the movement of the outside world.

A military vehicle was parked nearby at a high speed. Several heavily armed soldiers jumped out of the car, searched for a while, found Wang Hao, and surrounded him.

"Are you Wang Hao?" A soldier with Jianzhang as a lieutenant gave a military salute and said, "We are ordered to pick you up!"

"I'm Wang Hao. Where can I pick me up?" Wang Hao was stunned.

"You will know when you go! The military situation is urgent. Let's go!"

The lieutenant pulled Wang Hao directly into the car, and the military car roared and drove quickly.

One way, Wang Hao tried again. He didn't expect the lieutenant to say anything. It turned out that the lieutenant only knew that he was ordered to come near the prison to pick up a person.

Wang Hao simply stopped talking. As the lieutenant said, he knew that he had just been promoted to the refining realm. Is it possible that others would threaten his safety?

After nearly two hours, Wang Hao was a little confused, but he still saw that they seemed to be moving towards a sparsely populated area.

Looking at the familiar mountains in front of him, isn't it the place where Wang Hao took the fire spirit from the eagle demon?

What are you doing here?

Wang Hao is puzzled.

After a while, the military car finally drove to the foot of the mountains and stopped.

At the foot of the mountain, a large number of military vehicles were parked and an army was gathered.

A little, Wang Hao found that there were as many as two or three hundred troops around the foot of the mountain.

Moreover, if you don't enter, there are still troop carriers coming, transporting a large number of soldiers.

"Wang Hao! The captain asked you to go!"

I don't know when a dragon tooth warrior appeared behind Wang Hao and suddenly opened his mouth.

"It turned out to be what Long Fei did..."

Wang Hao understood a little, but at the same time he was a little surprised.

Long Fei can actually mobilize the army!

You should know that military power is very important at that time. Ordinary people can't command such an absolute violent organ as the army.

Even high officials in the eyes of ordinary people, except for a few truly powerful people, most of them can't command the army.

It seems that Longya, a mysterious organization, must have great power.

Wang Hao's mind suddenly changed: he promised to join Longya, but he was afraid of Longfei's strength and dared not disove, but in fact he did not want to be restrained.

But now, he really plans to join this organization and use Longya's huge power and countless resources to help him practice.

The reason why Wang Hao's mentality has changed is that the pressure on him by Long Fei has been greatly weakened.

Now or soon, Wang Hao will have the right to talk to Longya, so there is no need to be afraid of being completely controlled by this organization and losing his freedom after joining Longya.

Before getting the fire spirit, Longya was a fire pit for Wang Hao. Once he joined, he would definitely lose his freedom. Now, his strength has greatly increased, and Wang Hao thought of using the power of this mysterious organization to help him practice.

It is impossible to practice by yourself all the time and join a very powerful organization. Of course, it is a good choice.

When his mentality changed, Wang Hao immediately became enthusiastic about the dragon tooth warrior, with a smile on his face and followed him to a tent.

"Captain, Wang Hao is here! The dragon tooth warrior stopped in front of the curtain and announced loudly.

"Come in!"

Lifting the curtain, Wang Hao saw Long Fei standing in front of a huge map, which is the topographic map of this mountain range, which is very detailed.

Several other dragon tooth warriors are also here. In addition to them, there are also several officers standing here. Long Fei did not raise his head when he heard the dragon tooth warrior's notice and said in a low voice: "Guys, you must remember that this time our opponent is not human at all, but an extremely dangerous beast, a mutant python, so a Don't be careless. If the python escapes, it will have very serious consequences!"

Yes! We will definitely complete the task!" Several officers suddenly stood upright, raised their hands to salute at the same time, and answered powerfully.

Captain Dragon! The troops have arrived! With 500 elite soldiers coming, shall we act immediately? An officer with the rank of lieutenant colonel asked carefully.

"Have you arrived yet? Then, let the soldiers prepare for action!" Long Fei nodded.

"Captain Long, do you have any other instructions? No, we're going out?"

"Go! Let the soldiers be careful and pay attention to safety when completing the task!"

"Thank you, Captain Dragon!"

Several officers retreated quickly.

"What on earth are those people from! Why can't I help trembling in front of them? What the hell? After being a soldier all my life, I would be scared to myself!" A slightly younger officer muttered after getting out of the tent.

"Shh... You boy want to die! These people are not something we can provoke. Remember, don't talk about them behind their backs. Wait a minute, you guys are smart!" The lieutenant colonel stared at the young officer with very sharp eyes.

"Long Fei wanted to deal with the snake, but he didn't tell the truth to these soldiers!"

Only heard a few words, but Wang Hao suddenly understood.

"Remember that after the people outside find the snake, you will help me capture the snake. After everything is done, you will have to do it!" Feilong turned his head and stared, and his eyes stopped on Wang Hao for a while.

"Yes!" Six dragon-toothed warriors shouted in unison.

"I got the fire spirit, which has taken up the great benefits. I really should help Long Fei once, otherwise if he knew that I had robbed the fire spirit afterwards, he would have to come to me desperately!" Wang Hao also answered quickly when his mind moved.

"Good! In that case, let's go!" Long Fei waved his hand and took the lead out of the tent.

After a while, a large number of soldiers rushed along the mountain road and headed for the depths of the mountains.

In the mountains, some trees and rocks are dumped in the lush woods, which are the traces left by the snake after swimming.

Longya warriors are obviously masters who are proficient in tracking. Even slight traces can't escape their pursuit, let alone such obvious snake paths. Under their leadership, everyone moves forward quickly.

After a difficult march of more than ten miles along the mountain road, the snake road suddenly disappeared.

"Look at the tree!"

Just as people were at a loss, someone accidentally looked up and saw obvious traces on the trees. Some branches were abruptly broken, and this trace extended and went deep into the mountains.

It turned out that the snake avoided the ground and went up from the trees.

So, the brigade continued to go on the road and gradually went deep into the mountains.

Here, interpersonal relationships are becoming rare, and there are tall and lush ancient trees everywhere, and there is no way out.

This is not a problem. A team of soldiers holding sharp sabers continue to open up a path that can be passed along the way.

After pushing forward for several miles, the traces that originally extended in the trees disappeared. It seemed that after the snake arrived at this place, it disappeared out of thin air.

This time, people really lost their direction.

Wang Hao saw a dragon tooth warrior suddenly take out a strange instrument, which was only the size of a brick, how big it bounced, and a radar-like part appeared on it constantly rotating.

turned a few circles, and the radar stopped in a certain direction, making a crisp beep.

"In this direction, hurry up!" Long Fei pointed to the corresponding direction of the radar and issued an order.

"Be careful, the python we are chasing is extraordinary and can shrink its body. It may lurk in any corner of the mountain forest!" Long Fei looked at the complex terrain around him, frowned secretly and reminded him.

The snake is very horrible. In this environment, it is like a fish in water. Even with the help of 500 elite soldiers, Long Fei suddenly has a bad feeling. It seems that there will be huge losses this trip.

In this deep mountain and old forest, the role of the army is not played much, and the snake may come out from anywhere. If it knows the sneak attack, it can even destroy all the invading soldiers on its own.

"Even if I sacrifice everyone, I will not give up! Without the fire spirit, I will never lose the snake again!"

"The role of the snake is not comparable to that of the fire spirit, but getting its flesh and blood, body, extracting the essence of it by special means, and taking it is enough to double my power. There is still hope to reach the realm of refining gas in this life!"