Underworld separation

Chapter 75 Bloody Battle in the Mountains

(Today is still the third update, a total of 10,000 words, please collect!)

Wang Hao walked at the end of the team and paid close attention to all the subtle movements around him.

The snake can even change its body shape.

At most, the snake can make itself thicker than an adult's waist, seven or eight meters long, while when it is small, the snake can shrink to be as thin as a child's arm, and its length is also much smaller, about four meters.

In this way, the snake can hide deeper.

In addition, snakes are naturally proficient in lurking and attacking, and their endurance and vitality are extremely terrible. As the king of snakes, if the snakes make up their minds to lurk and restrain their breath, and ** people will not find any trace.

However, the strange instrument in the hands of the dragon tooth warrior is very strange.

This is obviously a unique equipment for dragon teeth, which is specially used to track monsters: the demon hunter.

This instrument can sense the subtle traces left by monsters, such as smell, air fluctuations, and changes in biological force fields, especially this instrument can identify demons.

The demon spirit, that is, the essence of monsters and the smell of the body and other things, are mixed to form a breath, which is very different from the breath of human beings.

Like the human body, it will involuntarily emit a smell, and the monster also keeps emitting demon spirit, and the demon seeker is very ** to the demon spirit. As long as there is a monster passing by, the faint monster left behind can be identified by the demon seeker.

The demon seeker in the hands of the Dragon Tooth Warrior rotates quickly and constantly indicates the direction.

Everyone keeps going deep according to this instrument.

The terrain is getting more and more fierce, and the terrain is suddenly steep. After a while, it suddenly sinks and becomes a gap, and the speed of the army's march suddenly slows down.

Suddenly, the radar of the demon seeker stopped, steadily pointed to a wall, and issued a sharp, harsh and rapid warning sound.

"The target is on the cliff ahead!" The dragon tooth warrior holding the demon hunter in his hand shouted, pressed the instrument in his hand and turned off the sound for fear of alarming the target.

I saw a few hundred meters away from the cliff, the strange stone was swell, and a long red snake was coiled on a raised strange stone. It was quietly coiled into a ball, like hibernation.

"Don't make a noise, surround the cliff for me!" Long Fei waved his hand and instructed the coming army to disperse, bypassed far away, and gradually surrounded the whole wall.

About ten minutes later, all the soldiers finally arrived at the designated positions and came to their combat positions.

Until this time, 500 elite soldiers were all scattered near the cliff, forming an encirclement far away.

"The six of you are under the cliff, responding to changes and don't let the snake escape!"

"You, follow me up to the cliff and try to distract the snake and help me hold it!"

Long Fei whispered to Wang Hao and others.

The dragon tooth warrior answered and quietly touched under the cliff, while Wang Hao stood behind Long Fei and was ready to rush out at any time.

After about a few minutes, the dragon tooth warrior finally approached and came less than 50 meters from the cliff.

In the dense forest, even the dragon tooth warriors are greatly affected, and the attack range is only less than 100 meters. In order to ensure the shooting accuracy, they are extremely close, so they suddenly took out two guns to lock the snake.

I don't want to, just then, a sudden change.

At the moment when the dragon tooth warrior took out two guns, they didn't have time to lock it. The snake suddenly opened its eyes and the lightning shrank into the gap of the strange stone.

"It's not good! The target has found us!"

The dragon tooth warrior shouted, reminded everyone to pay attention, and then began to shoot. He saw a large number of bullets fired, but all of them were blocked by strange stones. How could he hurt the snake?

"Stop shooting!" Long Fei ran quickly and stopped the shooting of the Dragon Tooth Warrior.

"Where did the snake go?" Wang Hao tried his best to search for the target, but he couldn't find it.

At this moment, a red light shot out from the cliff and swam on the cliff like flying. It was the fire snake that came out.

In just a moment, the snake has left the cliff. It obviously remembers that the dragon tooth warrior is not easy to mess with. It directly avoids, flees in another direction, and swims towards the encirclement of the army.

"Daw, the vigilance of the snake is too high! Let's chase!" Long Fei greeted Wang Hao and fired out, and Wang Hao urged his power to catch up.

"This boy is so fast that he can really keep up with me!" Feeling Wang Hao's movements, Long Fei was surprised in his heart and accelerated again.

As soon as the sea of gas moved, it spewed out a mixture of vitality. Wang Hao did not fall half a step and still followed steadily.


As soon as I ran a distance, there was an extremely dense gunshot in front of me.

"Fire! Fire, hurry up, this thing is so fast!"


The sound of gunfire, shouts, screams, and the sound of life-saving are mixed together.

The snake attacked the army and someone was injured!

Wang Hao was a little anxious. Despite Long Fei's strange eyes, he raised his strength again. The speed was one point faster, directly surpassing Long Fei, and walked towards the place where the sound came.

Long Fei also accelerated and rushed to the scene of the gunfight side by side.

Wang Hao was stunned by the tragedy in front of him: dozens of meters away, there were several dilapidated corpses lying there.

I saw some bodies lying on the ground, with flesh and blood blurred, and there was no human at all.

Some corpses were hung on a tree in mid-air and penetrated by branches. A large amount of blood was ejected from large and terrible wounds and sprinkled on the ground.

They were just gently hit or entangled by the snake and thrown out. Although these soldiers are well trained, they are only ordinary people. How can they withstand the power of the snake?

There are still a few soldiers here who have not been injured and have been scared crazy for a long time.

They originally thought that it was too wasteful for us to come to round up a snake, but they didn't expect that this snake, which didn't look too big, was so horrible.

The machine gun in their hands shot crazily, forming a dense fire network to smash the snake.


The snake roared and turned into a red line, directly avoiding all the bullets and strangling the soldiers.

These soldiers suddenly flew out, hit a tree, or fell to the ground, and died tragically in an instant.

"Quickly, block its way and don't let it escape!" Long Fei shouted, his speed more than doubled, and rushed over.

Seeing the dragon flying rushing over, the snake actually stopped. In the cold eyes, there was a color of hatred. It obviously remembered what happened in the morning.

Snake itself is a vengeful animal. Even ordinary snakes often hear rumors of revenge, not to mention the snake of the king of the snake. It has a strong spirituality and signs that it is about to nurture wisdom.

When the enemy met, he was particularly jealous. The snake had no intention of escaping at all. Instead, it rushed over and directly devoured the dragon.

"Evil, die!" Long Fei shouted, and a claw cover suddenly appeared on his left hand. He grabbed a strange gun in his right hand and attacked it.

Suddenly, one person and one snake were entangled together, countless Mars splashed, and the dense sound of gold and iron was connected into a line.

As soon as his eyes condensed, Wang Hao shot up.

With great progress, Wang Hao is trying to test how strong his standing is. This Yan snake is obviously an excellent object. Wang Hao can use the Yan snake to sharpen his fighting consciousness.

Rushing over, Wang Hao raised his fist and hit him. As soon as he approached, the snake had already reacted, and the bone spur at the tip of the tail was stabbed upside down and hit Wang Hao's heart.

"Kill!" He turned his fist into a palm and slapped the snake's tail fiercely to resolve the fatal blow, but Wang Hao was shaken back by the huge force. He took a breath and rushed out again.

In an instant, Wang Hao also turned into a phantom and attacked wildly around the snake.

Almost every attack, Wang Hao will be forced back by the fire snake, but Wang Hao is more and more brave. Every time he attacks, he may be injured by the fire snake. He doesn't care at all and still attacks crazily.

At this time, Wang Hao deeply felt that his fighting intention was so weak. Every time he was easily forced back by the snake, he found that as long as his movements changed slightly, he could avoid the attack of the snake.

Constantly attacking, constantly retreating and rushing up, Wang Hao's heart kept raising some enlightenment, with a feeling of sudden enlightenment.

Gradually, Wang Hao's attention sank into the battle and forgot what was outside him. It seemed that he was left alone in the world to fight with the snake, fighting from the beginning of heaven and earth to the infinite future.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Hao suddenly woke up from the battle of selflessness and realized that the snake had retreated.

Turning his head and looking, Wang Hao found that the dragon tooth warrior had arrived here, and the gun in their hand had locked the snake.

A little farther away, hundreds of elite warriors formed an encirclement circle, and hundreds of machine guns pointed at the snake.

The snake seemed to be a little uneasy, so it stopped fighting with Long Fei and Wang Hao, withdrew from a little distance and hissed for a long time.

"Evil, you can't escape! Hurry up and die."

Long Fei was so sure that he pointed to the snake and roared fiercely.


Unexpectedly, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of the snake, and suddenly retreated a little, staring at Long Fei and others with great vigilance.

"Fire! "Kille it!"

In an instant, countless gunshots sounded, and overwhelming bullets were fired crazily.

The snake, relying on the scales harder than fine iron, can defend against the attack of bullets, but now the firepower is so fierce that even the iron body can't stand it.

It exhaled desperately, and its body shrank again and became very thin. It swam fast on the ground to avoid the attack of bullets.

It's terrible. There are too many bullets. No matter which direction you do, it doesn't work. No matter how fast it is, it is a storm of bullets.

The snake was beaten to roll on the ground and could not even maintain its balance.


The snake roared angrily and inhaled crazily. Its body expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, it became a huge monster with a diameter of one meter thick, much thicker than the human body, and about eight meters long.

Just because of the snake's inhalation, the space within 100 meters has almost become a vacuum, and the airflow in the distance bursts explosively.

In an instant, a storm appeared out of thin air, rolling up countless branches, leaves, and even head-sized stones, spinning and flying in the air, then quickly ejected and rushing in all directions.


A lot of screams sounded all over the mountains.

At this moment alone, more than 30 people were killed by flying stones and branches.

A large amount of blood or jet, or surging, flows on the ground and converges into a stream.


"Help, everyone, run away, this is a monster!"

How can ordinary people imagine such a scene? They were suddenly scared to death, especially the more than 100 wounded soldiers who did not die. They cried in unison, which completely destroyed everyone's last courage.

"Shut up! Don't mess up. This snake is almost unsupportable. Everyone, listen to my command and shoot all!" Long Fei roared with luck and made a thunderous sound, which made everyone's eardrums hurt.

"It's all you, all of you. You know that this is a monster, but you don't tell us and let us die in vain!" Instead of being quiet, the soldiers suddenly pointed their guns at Zailongfei, Wang Hao and others.