Underworld separation

Chapter 92 People from Headquarters

(Continue to ask for collection, not thick-skinned, can't get everyone's support, kneel begging for collection..................)

The vampire bat demon has been suppressed underground for many years and has been weak for a long time. If it hadn't been for the ignorant mountain man's kick down the stone tablet that suppressed it, the bat demon would have died underground.

The mountain man died, but his foot released a terrible monster. I don't know how many people will die because of it.

After escaping, the blood-sucking bat demon relied on the blood of the mountain people and finally recovered a little strength. Originally, he hesitated to swallow the blood of Wang Hao and the two.

But Wang Hao suddenly launched a dementor, which caused its panic.

Wang Hao's dementor reminds the blood-sucking bat demon of the scene where he was suppressed.

Before being suppressed, this blood-sucking bat demon is a pair of extremely powerful monsters, which are almost about to break through the realm of refining gas and be promoted to the more magical realm of refining gods.

Rumor has it that practice is divided into three realms: the physical realm, the meta-divine realm, and the undead realm.

The physical state is divided into refining, refining gas, and refining gods.

Refining qi, exercising the essence of the body, so as to produce energy, which is not even a real practice, just a basic beating.

When a person has the power of Jiazi and passes through the 300 meridians in the body, a complete and magical cycle can be formed in the human body, which is called the Great Zhoutian.

Once the Great Zhoutian is formed, the potential of the human body begins to be truly released. When the essence is operated in the form of the Great Zhoutian, it can form a natural and human induction. The essence of the human body can attract mysterious vitality, so that every time the Great Zhoutian runs, it will draw a trace of vitality from heaven and earth into the body.

This is the realm of qi refining. Once it comes to this state, the focus of people's cultivation is already vitality, not essence.

Human resources are limited, and the world is infinite. People can absorb vitality, which is equivalent to borrowing the power of heaven and earth. The power people can have will undergo qualitative changes.

Essence is the essence of the human body.

vitality is the essence of heaven and earth.

Essence is not the same as vitality.

The reason why all creatures can survive is that they need to use essence to support the activity of the body. Even the masters of the realm of energy refining are the same. Essence is the strength of the creatures themselves.

The vitality is too domineering. In fact, it is not suitable for direct use by the human body.

The vitality absorbed by creatures needs to be reconciled with their own essence.

The master of refining gas needs to integrate his own essence with the energy he has received. The two are combined into one and transformed into a fine element, so that he can use it flexibly without hurting himself. Instead, he can use the characteristics of his vitality to nourish the body and become more and more powerful.

Jingyuan is the energy formed by the combination of the essence of the human body with the qi of heaven and earth. It is no longer illusory, but real energy.

This kind of energy can even be transmitted directly to the human body to form things such as sword spirit, knife gas, and even various magical power, spells and other means.

This means that once promoted to the realm of gas refining, human practitioners or monsters will have various special abilities, just like the sound wave made by the blood-sucking bat demon just now, which is a magic in the eyes of ordinary people.

Therefore, the standard for measuring the master of the realm of gas refining no longer depends on the number of years of skills of the practitioner, but on the number of opinions.

The so-called mana refers to the amount of precision.

A Jiazi, that is, the essence of 60 years of power, is transformed into a fine element, which is almost a year of mana.

A practitioner who has just been promoted to the realm of gas refining has only about a year at first, but its power is extremely powerful.

Someone may ask: 60 years of power can be transformed into a year of magic power. Even if it has a life span of nearly 200 years, the master can only have about three years of power until death. Three years of magic power absolutely can never make people promoted again, so isn't the realm of qi refining become the end of practice? Head?

That's not the case!

Since the essence element is the energy synthesized by essence and vitality, it can form magic power and magic, and can also be transformed into the purest essence to nourish the human body.

And this transformed essence can be recombined with the vitality and transformed into a fine element.

In this way, a perfect cycle is formed: the essence is used to refine the vitality, and the vitality is transformed into a large amount of essence, and then the transformed essence is used to draw more vitality from heaven and earth, which gives the practitioners in the refining realm of almost inexhaustible vitality.

This is the mystery of how gas refining masters can live a long life.

This is also the foundation of their practice: using the mystery of the cycle of the week, they don't have to worry about the essence will be exhausted, and even the essence that can be converted every day their mana runs, which can be obtained more than the essence obtained by refining masters in a day or a month.

Therefore, even if the essence of 60 years of power can be transformed into the essence of one year of mana, the master of mana can quickly increase the mana. The speed of improving their mana will not be much more difficult than the master of refining power.

In other words, the practice speed of the master of qi refining is dozens of times that of the master of refining.

The master of the realm of gas refining, after years of hard practice, if he can accumulate a whole armor and 60 years of mana in his lifetime, then there is hope to hit the next realm: refining gods

With 60 years of mana, the potential in the human body has basically been initially opened. At this time, it can involve the most mysterious forbidden area of the human body: the brain.

There are 365 meridians in the human body, 300 in the body and 65 in the brain. When the potential of the body is fully developed, the forbidden area of the human body: the confinement in the brain will be slightly relaxed, and you can try to open up the meridians in the brain.

Once opened, the human spirit will change qualitatively, no longer illusory, but transformed into a spiritual power with real characteristics, which involves the mysterious realm of refining gods.

If the function of the brain in the forbidden area of the human body can be turned on, the power of human beings will become extremely magical and incredible.

Although monsters are slightly different from humans, they are roughly the same.

The vampire bat demon used to be a horrible monster that was almost about to reach the perfection of refining gas, only one line away from touching the potential of the brains of all creatures in the forbidden area.

Monsters are different from ordinary beasts. Even monsters in the refining realm have some weak thinking and spirituality. The spirituality of refining monsters has been greatly improved, almost comparable to five or six-year-old human beings*, and they are extremely cunning and treacherous, which are not comparable to human beings.

As for the blood-absorbing bat demon, because it is about to reach the level of opening the brain potential, its intelligence can almost be compared with 11 or 12 years old children.

It is rumored that monsters that have opened the realm of brain potential can even be comparable to adults, and as more and more brain potentials are opened, their intelligence may surpass that of ordinary people.

Even if it is suppressed underground and has spent a long time in pain, the blood-sucking bat demon can still clearly remember the situation of its suppression: it boasts that it is invincible in the world and harms the world wantonly. Unexpectedly, one day, an extremely powerful human appeared. It is a human who opened the forbidden area of life, with With magical and horrible potential.

After fighting for a long time, the blood-sucking bat demon could not even escape. If it hadn't used the means to die together in the end, which made the human beings have some scruples and chose to suppress it. I'm afraid that the blood-sucking bat demon would have already turned into a pile of bones.

Just escaped from the dark underground, but the blood-sucking bat demon met Wang Hao. It felt that the effect of Wang Hao's soul dementation was very weak, but it was slightly similar to the means of the man who suppressed it, which also came from the power of the forbidden area of life.

Even the blood-sucking bat demon instinctively felt that, in essence, Wang Hao's dementor seemed to be more horrible and terrible than that man's methods in those years.

This aroused the strong fear of the blood-sucking bat demon. As soon as it escaped, it did not want to be suppressed again, which made it choose to escape.

As soon as the blood-sucking bat demon escaped, the beard didn't even care about the death of his subordinates and hurriedly made a phone call, obviously informing Longya headquarters to ask for reinforcements.

After a while, the beard finally put down the phone with a cold face and said to Wang Hao extremely seriously, "Kid, go around and stay alert and don't let anyone get close to here!"

Wang Hao knew that the matter was serious, so he didn't say a word and turned around and left.

The bearded carefully gathered all the mummed corpses into a pile, and carefully searched every inch of the ground, and piled up everything that might have been infected by the blood-absorbing bat demon.

Before long, a large number of military vehicles arrived and completely blocked a radius of one or two kilometers from afar.

A group of people wearing fully enclosed protective clothing appeared.

Under the command of the big beard, the group of people wearing sealed protective clothing packed a mummified body, even some trees and rocks, in special sealed bags and loaded them into two special trucks.

After doing this, the two cars turned around and returned, and the military vehicles were scattered around, guarding them as if facing a great enemy.

It took only a few minutes from the appearance of the motorcade to the return, and there are still a large number of soldiers on guard in this mountain.

These people are obviously an elite army, but Wang Hao saw that these people are not in the dragon's teeth.

The beard looked up at the sky and was still waiting for something.

"Beard, what should I do now? Are you waiting for the master of dragon teeth? With the arrival of a large number of soldiers, Wang Hao did not need to be on guard anymore. He came to the beard and asked in a low voice.

In fact, Wang Hao does not agree with ordinary people or ordinary practitioners to support him. The blood-sucking bat demon can not be eliminated by ordinary means at all. Only a master who is also in the realm of gas refining can have the opportunity to kill the bat demon. This is the best way.

seemed to see Wang Hao's idea. The beard turned back slightly, snorted coldly, and said, "Kid, the headquarters has sent a real master here. Wait a moment, and you can see the real master in our dragon teeth!"

"Is the real master a person in the realm of gas refining?" After guessing something, Wang Hao was shocked and quickly asked sideways.

But the beard shut up and refused to reveal any information, so Wang Hao had to wait for it.

Before long, there was a huge roar in the sky, and a large transport plane finally appeared over the mountain.

The plane did not stop. It passed directly over Wang Hao's head and gradually faded away.

But when the plane flew by, many small black spots jumped out of the plane.

With strong eyesight, Wang Hao saw that it was a group of people in camouflage clothes. They jumped out of the cabin and fell at a high speed. It was not until less than 50 meters from the ground that they could open the parachute.

Their bodies suddenly paused in the air and continued to fall quickly. When they were less than ten meters from the ground, they cut off the umbrella rope behind them at the same time.

At this time, their speed was still extremely fast, but more than a dozen people fell smoothly within 100 meters, forming a neat formation.

"What a beautiful hand!" Seeing this scene, Wang Hao sincerely praised and knew that everyone who landed was a good hand and should not be underestimated.

In particular, although the person in the center of the whole formation was also wearing camouflage clothes, Wang Hao still saw the difference at first sight.

This person exudes strong fluctuations, which ordinary people may not feel, but for Wang Hao, this person is like a flame in the dark. He can't pay attention to it.

"Master of the realm of gas refining!" Wang Hao's eyes lit up and suddenly became alert.