Underworld separation

Chapter 93 Wang Hao was beaten

(Running naked, I really don't have confidence in today's achievements. Forget it, don't ask for anything, silently update ten thousand words...!)

"Is this the master of the realm of gas refining?" Perceiting the obvious fluctuation of vitality in the man, Wang Hao suddenly came to his senses and looked at it secretly.

The master of the realm of gas refining is already a real master. In some ways, the life form has completely exceeded the scope of ordinary people and has become more advanced, with terrible and horrible power.

In Wang Hao's feeling, the air around the man was shaking all the time, and a trace of vitality was hooked out of nothingness by the man and fluctuated with his breath.

A master of gas refining can make the vitality of heaven and earth vibrate with itself.

This kind of fluctuation is like a radar wave, which constantly sweeps out. Even extremely subtle movements will cause changes in vitality. Gas refining masters can know the information of the outside world through subtle changes in vitality fluctuations.

Therefore, the master of gas refining has an extra perceptual ability than ordinary people. In a way, this is also a special ability, but in fact, this is only a potential of the human body.

When Wang Hao looked at it secretly, the man's eyes suddenly swept over. Wang Hao felt goose bumps all over his body and cool, as if he had fallen into the depths of the ice cellar.

Wang Hao felt that he was stared at by a huge beast, and suddenly there was great pressure in his heart, and he couldn't help looking away.

However, the man's eyes were like electricity. He wanted to penetrate the depths of Wang Hao's heart and understand all the secrets in Wang Hao's body. Even Wang Hao could not do it if he wanted to look away. He could only let the other party's eyes penetrate deeply into his eyes.

"When we first met, he was so domineering and wanted to spy on my secret. This guy is not a good thing!" Wang Hao was a little angry.

Without thinking about it, Wang Hao suddenly entered the vision and turned into the dead world that he had strayed into.

Wang Hao's eyes suddenly lost their color and became bleak and gray, and even carried some rotten breath in the deepest part of his eyes.

The man's eyes pierced and immediately broke into this world of death.

"Ah..." This man's eyes with a strong spirit and will suddenly collapsed, causing the vitality fluctuations around his body to be chaotic, and the essence in his body were a little unstable.

Once the eye contact, this person not only did not take advantage of it, but also suffered a little hidden loss.

In an instant, the chaotic Jingyuan in his body calmed down, and the man's eyes became sharp and shouted at Wang Hao:

"Who are you? How dare you sneak up on me!"


As soon as the man's voice sounded, the people around him pulled out all kinds of weapons, including knives, guns and halberd, all pointing to Wang Hao.

The overwhelming murderous atmosphere is all locked on Wang Hao.

Wang Hao's hair all over his body, the roots were raised, and the pores around him were all closed, turning into small pimples.

"Damn, how can these people be as virtuous as Long Fei? They don't have a high temperament. They are all a group of villains!"

Wang Hao was shocked and angry. His spirit suddenly concentrated to the extreme, did not dare to relax at all, and stared at the group of terrible guys.

There are more than a dozen people in that group, each of whom is energetic, and their skills will not be lower than that of the late refining period of 40 years.

Even if it is one of them, Wang Hao is not so easy to deal with, but now there are more than a dozen, and one of them is an invincible master of the realm of gas refining.

The momentum of these people is twisted into a force of oppression. Even if he is a powerful figure in the late refining period, he will collapse and be scared to death.

However, Wang Hao was just nervous and his movements were not affected, which slightly surprised the master of gas refining.

Just as the sword was drawn, the beard hurriedly explained loudly, "Long Wu, he is not the enemy, but a newcomer in my opinion!"

The original gas refining master was called Longwu.

As a mysterious and special organization, Longya will of course have some real masters. For example, this sudden emergence of Longwu is one of the top masters of Longya.

In Longya, everyone only has a code name, and everyone's code names take the dragon as their surname, and there is a number behind the code name of the top master of the gas refining realm, which is his ranking among the top masters of Longya.

Longwu, the number behind his code name is Wang, because he can only rank fifth in the whole dragon teeth, and there are four more horrible characters above him.

These people are the real power of dragon teeth, the power beyond the ordinary!

The bearded Longtian sent the news of the appearance of the vampire bat demon back to the headquarters of Longya. The headquarters sent the last dragon five among the top masters. In addition, more than a dozen masters in the late refining period came together, which shows that Longya attaches great importance to the vampire bat demon.

Long Wu glanced at his beard and snorted coldly, "Long Tian, you dare to care about my business. Are you tired of living?"

The beard's eyes shrank slightly, but the next moment he looked straight over and said, "Long Wu, I really can't care about your affairs, but this boy is my man! Don't you feel ashamed that you are a top master of the realm of gas refining, but it's difficult for my newcomers?

Wang Hao was shocked by the bearded words.

Although the beard is powerful, as long as he is not promoted to the top master of the realm of gas refining for a day, he can't compete with a character like Long Wu at all. He is so tough that if he angers Long Wu, it is likely to bring him great danger.

Sure enough, a trace of anger flashed on Long Wu's face, and his voice was suddenly as cold as frost, and he said gloomyly, "Long Tian, are you provoking my majesty? If you want to die, I don't mind pinching you to death!"

The bearded hands hung slightly and put on a wonderful posture. Obviously, he began to be on alert, but his mouth was still very tough: "Long Wu, I admit that you are better than me now, but you have to pay a heavy price if you want to kill me!"

"It's up to you?" Long Wu sneered contemptuously: "You are just a little man who refines and dares to be compared with me. Since you don't know whether you are alive or die, I will show you how horrible the strength of the realm of refining gas is!"

After saying that, Long Wu walked to his beard at a seemingly light pace, but every step he fell, the ground trembled slightly under his feet, which showed that there was destructive power in Long Wu's seemingly light movements.

"Hmm! Well, I, Longtian, have always wanted to see what are the magical places in the realm of gas refining!" Instead of being afraid, the beard was vaguely excited.

"Does the beard want to take the opportunity to fight with the master of energy refining to understand the mystery of vitality and help himself break through the bottleneck?" Wang Hao vaguely guessed the beard's mind.

"What a madman. If you compete with a master of gas refining, you are likely to suffer fatal injuries! In order to get promoted, the beard has already ignored his own safety!" Wang Hao almost scolded the beard's impulsive behavior, but he was also faintly moved by the beard's vigorous maintenance.

At this time, the beard has been paired with Long Wu, and the two are several meters apart. This distance is almost negligible for them, and it is no different from standing face to face.

Long Wu's breath became colder and colder, and his whole body smelled of sinister and deceit. He was like a huge poisonous snake, staggering at his prey and launching a fatal blow at any time.

This dragon five practice is obviously a very vicious and vicious skill!

And the breath of the beard is completely different. The mixed Yuan Zhenqi he practiced is a very special skill.

This skill is very ordinary and magical, that is to say, it is a very rubbish road goods, and it can also be said to be an extremely magical superb skill.

Mixian Zhenqi is simple to get started, and the first layer is easy to complete, which makes it widely spread and become a well-known product by passers-by. However, most people have exhausted their lives and it is difficult to practice to the second level, which makes these skills become garbage skills that everyone spit on.

What's more, even if someone really has great perseverance and practices the mixed vitality to the third level in one fell swoop, but they have less than ten years of power, and the power they can produce is very weak.

This makes no one who is a real practitioner chooses to practice the special skill of mixed original qi.

However, if someone cultivates the true qi of the mixed yuan to the fourth level, the situation will be immediately different, and the power will be sharply increased several times, and the power of the martial arts moves evolved by the method will also increase several times.

What's more amazing is that once the true qi is cultivated to the fourth level, the difficulty of continuing to practice will become smaller and smaller, and it is easy to practice the true qi to the fifth level.

At this time, the person who practices this skill will become a master of perfection.

In a word, Hunyuan Zhenqi is a method that is difficult first and then easy, focusing on strengthening the meridians, consolidating the foundation, and then improving the skills and evolving martial arts techniques.

Therefore, although this skill is extremely difficult to get started, as long as you really get started, the achievements can be very huge, such as the beard, which is very difficult for others to refine the spirit. For him, it is just a matter of time.

Because when others are eager to improve their skills, it took him nearly 20 years to cultivate the meridians, so it is much less difficult for him to open up the meridians of his whole body than others.

The beard has opened a whole 295 meridians, and only the last few meridians have not been opened. The power of a Jiazi in his body was stimulated, which was simply continuous, constantly stirring, making a roaring sound of the river.

For a while, the beard's momentum increased infinitely, and it was comparable to Long Wu. Even the magnificent momentum that burst out was almost overwhelm the cold breath from Long Wu's body.

Long Wu knew at once that the beard really had the ability to hurt him.

If the opponent is very weak, Long Wu will definitely choose to kill to erect majesty, but if the opponent is strong enough to hurt him, Long Wu will not commit to hurt himself in order to erect a little majesty.

Too many injuries is equivalent to consuming the potential of the body and affecting future practice. He will not be so stupid.

However, as the top master of the realm of gas refining, if he was soft in full view of the public, there was no place for Long Wu's old face, so Long Wu aimed his anger at Wang Hao.

Long Wu's footsteps flashed, appeared beside Wang Hao, waved his hand to Wang Hao's face, and shouted coldly, "Puppy, I'll teach you a lesson today. Next time I dare to be disrespectful to me again, I will kill you directly!"


The other party's speed was too fast to react. After a crisp sound, Wang Hao's half of his face was hit, and he suddenly lost consciousness and swelled in an instant.

"Old people who bully the weak and fear the strong!" Wang Hao was furious. He had never been insulted like this. He suddenly became a little crazy. He suddenly forgot that Long Wu was a top master of the realm of gas refining, and immediately had a desperate mind.