yuan kill

Chapter 93 Non-Glorious

After everyone dispersed, it took a long time for the high altar to rise and bursts of smoke began to rise.

The smoke seems to be like life, but the rising route is not affected by the wind in the sky. It is twisted and winding, like a naughty spirit snake, and it actually begins to coil around the altar and go down!

On the white wall of the altar, the hidden stars and moon showed their original shape again, while the smoke-shaped spiritual snake walked freely in the middle, teasing the countless stars from time to time, as if they had melted into the wall.

When the smoke fell to the ground, the smoke floated out of the wall, but turned into a person wrapped in smoke and fell to the ground.

The man's appearance was blurred at first, slowly became clear, and finally stood in front of the Twelve Ming Lords.

After seeing the Twelve Mingzhu, the man landed on one knee and held his fists, as if he wanted to report something.

The Twelve Mingzhu pinched a method and made a silent boundary with a random shot.

The man kept saying something, but the Twelve Mingzhu kept nodding, but the expression on his face was a little more relaxed.

Originally, this kind of dialogue would never be known to outsiders, but unfortunately, Murong Xiaoxian is standing here today.

In the era he lived, there was a way to "hear" other people's conversations, called "lipism". This thing is originally a Western thing, and the general principle is to judge the content of people's words according to their mouth shape. This technology is actually not difficult. As long as you exercise regularly, anyone can do it.

Just like some deaf people, as long as you put your hand on your throat, you can know what you are saying.

However, Murong Xiaoxian was very interested in these strange skills**. When he was in college, he hid in the dormitory from afar and watched the men and women hug each other intimately. He wanted to know what the two said! What's more exaggerated is that when I peeked at the island love action movies in the dormitory, I was afraid of being discovered, so I had to silently enjoy it, so Murong Xiaoxian practiced the art of lip language!

The man condensed into smoke said, "Lord, this memorial service has found that 20,000 people have the potential to practice magic skills in the city!"

The twelve Ming masters were overjoyed: "Good! Quickly take those people to the secret room one by one, and the Gong Hall will be responsible for the training.

The man said, "Lord, the divine light released by the emperor this time seems to be recycled by nearly half less than in previous years. I'm afraid that the emperor will blame you, and it's not easy for you to give it!"

The Twelve Mingzhu shook his head disdainfully and said, "Today, unlike in the past, there are nearly ten times more people here than before, so there is half less divine light recycling, and the God Emperor will definitely understand!"

The man held his fist: "The Lord has a high opinion. The little one will do it now! But who should be responsible for this altar in the future? After all, this secret is under this altar..."

The Twelve Mingzhu pondered for a moment, "Go, I have a good candidate for this matter."

The man turned into a cloud of smoke and rose to the sky along the altar, which melted into the wind and dissipated.

Then, the twelve masters slowly came over and whispered, "Wait for the order!"

Lan Yan and others, as well as some people Murong Xiaoxian has never met, with a total of 44 people, are estimated to be the masters of the remaining eleven halls.

Everyone landed on one knee, put their fists above their heads, and said in unison, "Listen to the master's order!"

"From today, our twelve temples have officially become the temple guards of the imperial capital. It's a big deal. Remember to be careful and don't make any mistakes!" Twelve Ming Lords.

"Follow the order!" When everyone got up, Murong Xiaoxian stood there in a frenze. Although he was the master of Guangming Hall, he did not feel anything in common with these people.

The cultivation of those people is still higher than that of Lan Yan and others, which is higher than that of Yue Xian and others. Therefore, the soul on the body is more murderous, and people become arrogant. Although Murong Xiaoxian has made great achievements, he is obviously not taken seriously by them.

They must have heard about Murong Xiaoxian's original incident. Most of them secretly thought that they could do it by killing six people in ten steps. However, Murong Xiaoxian's contribution to the construction of the city was gently brought by the Twelve Ming Lords, which is not the greedy merits of the Twelve Ming Lords. In his position, any credit is a long story.

Honorary power, he has reached a peak, and there is nothing more to pursue.

Everything is because of the level of craftsmen, but they are lower than farmers, and those merchants are lower than craftsmen!

But in fact, among these people, businessmen are the richest class, but farmers only aim to live with food and clothing.

The twelve Ming Lord did this only for Murong Xiaoxian. It's not how the Twelve Ming Lord cares about Murong Xiaoxian, but if there is a craftsman under his subordinate, his face is not good-looking.

"Murong, I can see what you have done for the imperial capital in the past few months. I want to ask you, what reward do you want? The twelve Ming Lord stepped on a step, as if the space of more than 20 feet was shortened in an instant, and the twelve Ming Lord had stopped in front of Murong Xiaoxian.

"Don't give any rewards. The Lord did not accept it, took in his subordinates, and gave his subordinates room to play. It was really hard to thank the Lord for his great kindness. Please take back the reward!" Murong Xiaoxian is neither humble nor arrogant, full of anger, but it makes the Twelve Ming masters listen very pleasantly.

"In this way, I will no longer insist. Ladies and gentlemen, Murong can be described as your role models!" As soon as the conversation changed, the twelve Mingzhu changed the topic again.

"Reward and punishment have always been the principle of my work. Otherwise, it is not enough to calm people's hearts. Now, I specially order Murong and Lan Yan, Lv Nong and Hong Luo to shoulder the responsibility of the encirclement of this star and moon altar!"

Murong Xiaoxian sneered in his heart: I knew it for a long time...

However, Lan Yan and others were overjoyed and hurriedly knelt down to thank En. Murong Xiaoxian had no choice but to make it up.

The twelve Ming masters were even more happy. After laughing, they disappeared in place.

"The rest of the hall, you can take care of yourself. I will only let the excellent hall master take on the responsibility of the guard of this star and moon altar..."

The rest of the masters bowed down and walked cleanly in a blink of an eye.

Murong Xiaoxian felt the murderous spirit of those people, not only to himself, but also to Lan Yan and others.

"This is a group of mad dogs." Murong Xiaoxian made a decisive judgment.

"The head of the family can't talk around this altar... Be careful that they hear it!" Hongluo kindly reminded.

Murong Xiaoxian smiled and said, "At this moment, we are the guardians of this altar. Without our permission, those who enter without permission will be killed without mercy!"

"You are cruel enough to kill people as soon as you have the power. Fortunately, the Xingge sisters left early, otherwise I'm afraid they will really follow the heartless..." Hongluo smiled slightly, which is exactly: human face is more red than peach blossoms, but I don't know where peach blossoms go...

Murong Xiaoxian sighed secretly, knowing that these three people could maintain a little human spirituality in the daytime, but at night, there was no trace of human nature.

It's not terrible for a woman to be a wife. I can still be Wu Song. But if a woman becomes a murder weapon and a gun that can go off at any time, it's better to stay away.

So in the past few months, Murong Xiaoxian has locked the door as long as the sun sets and resolutely won't see anyone. After several closed doors, the three of them were also interesting and never bothered Murong Xiaoxian again.

Murong Xiaoxian said calmly, "How much do you know about Yuexian and others?"

The three looked at each other and looked like they were still speechless. Murong Xiaoxian turned his head and left.

"What's your hurry, the head?" Lv Nong laughed, but he flashed over. When Murong Xiaoxian did not use the art of "body the world", he was like a race between a baby and an adult compared with them.

"We know that Yuexian is the nephew of the Lord, but Yuexian is the most talented of the 48 masters. But we don't understand that the three of them did not like immortality and refused the cultivation method taught by the Lord several times..." Green said endlessly, talking about the key points, but was covered by Hongluo.

Murong Xiaoxian looked at Hongluo unhappily and hummed.

"Four masters, you can stay here tonight!" Murong Xiaoxian waved his sleeves and left, looking angry, and Hongluo was a little stunned.

"If you keep it, just keep it! Even if you let me stay here every day!" Hong Luo said angrily.

"You think it's good. Who doesn't know that the area around the Star and Moon Altar is the best place to practice magic skills? This cheap but can't let you monopolize..." Lv Nong replied, but caught up with Murong Xiaoxian with a smile.

Hong Luoso sat down cross-legged and no longer paid attention to a few people, but his heart suddenly became confused and could not be settled at all. She knows that tonight is going to be wasted...

Hateful person! Why did you make me confused... Hongluo took out Ropa and was stunned there.

Murong Xiaoxian and Lanyan and Lv Nuong left the Star and Moon altar in a blink of an eye, and there were more talents on the street, which made Murong Xiaoxian finally feel the warmth of society...

People are indeed animals that live in groups, and those masters who guard the mountains alone are actually no different from beasts... Murong Xiaoxian's proud slander.

Hongluo is so scheming that she can't find any secrets from her mouth. On the contrary, these two big-breasted beauties who look like ghosts are easy to talk to, with big breasts and brainless, and indeed have hundreds of scientific reasons!

The new house is north of the Star and Moon Altar, closer to the Temple of Light.

In fact, the twelve branches of each of the twelve lords surround the temple like stars and moons. It is said to be a residence, but isn't it actually the first cordon of the temple?

Because the new city is very large, the residence of the owners is also very elegant. Several people's houses have been raised by one floor and the yard has doubled. The endless one or two-story building behind is the residence of the core disciples of each hall owner.

Jodamo is smiling and serving some flowers and plants that have just sprouted in the yard. Loosen the soil, water it, fertilize it, and want to take care of your children.

Seeing Murong Xiaoxian coming back, he put down the kettle and stretched out and said, "Where have you been in the past two days? I doubt if you are with them..." With that, he stretched out his neck and looked out.

"You are a big-headed ghost! I remember I just went out for about half a day. How could it be two days? Murong Xiaoxian said doubtfully.

After returning from Gaoci County, Murong Xiaoxian directly let Qiao Damo return to his residence. After all, it is absolutely forbidden for idle people to enter around the Star and Moon Altar Square. Unfortunately, Jodamo is a handyman and so on.

"Oh? It seems that you are very happy, boss. What on earth happened in the Star and Moon Altar Square? Jodamo then came forward and took off Murong Xiaoxian's coat, a round of orange sun coat, carefully put it on his arm, and then levered the courtyard door.