yuan kill

Chapter 94 Temple Killing

Back in the house, Murong Xiaoxian roughly told what happened in the sacrifice. Naturally, he hid the fact that his power had been improved again. In fact, Murong Xiaoxian wanted to know whether his power level had been upgraded to a double level.

Jodamo's face was solemn, and then he said respectfully, "The sacrifice of that temple is absolutely not acceptable for ordinary people. Each participant can get a year's life each time, and their strength will be improved. Therefore, as long as you insist on attending sacrifices every year, it is not difficult for you to live for 10,000 years..."

Although Jodamo said so, he didn't look envious at all. In fact, Jodamo is still a little contemptuous.

"Then what's your impression of the emperor? What do you know about the God Emperor? Murong Xiaoxian did not find anything from Lanyan and Lv Nong on the road. It was not that the two kept their mouths shut, but that they had never seen the appearance of the emperor.

"God Emperor? I just know that it is close to God. God should have no feelings and regard all sentient beings like ants. Naturally, he can't live with us ant-like mortals. Therefore, he has his own spokesperson in the mortal world, that is, the host of the star and moon sacrifice that rotates every three years. As for the holy light that makes people live and increase their skills, I really don't know anything about it. In fact, at the beginning of the sacrifice, I also did not give up trying to get close to it, but it seemed to be a god's domain, and I couldn't get close at all. As for what happened inside, I didn't know anything. Jodamo was not discouraged by these. Strangely, he was still energetic and thought about Murong Xiaoxian everywhere.

Murong Xiaoxian secretly analyzed that the golden man in the huge picture scroll in the sky should be the divine emperor. Strangely, that person is not without feelings, but very loving. It feels like the son of a god of some religion in his own world.

God loves the world and even gives his only son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16).......

Well, love is boundless. In fact, it's not that I can't bear to trap my son's believers...

"Bear by the way, there is someone upstairs waiting for you. I can't stop them. That woman in colorful clothes is the best-looking person I've ever seen!" Jodamo smiled and pointed upstairs, but signaled that he couldn't go up.

Obviously, Jodamo has suffered a lot.

Women in colorful clothes?

Kong Xuaner?

Why did they come suddenly? Didn't tell them that I had something to contact them?

Murong Xiaoxian shook his head, grabbed the dress embroidered with orange sun, and quickly went upstairs.

The door opens automatically, and there is a person sitting in front of the dressing table, facing the thin eyebrows of the bronze mirror! However, the technique is not very proficient, and he is obviously a novice.

How can there be a dressing table in my room? And those women's products?

But when he thought of Qiao Damo's obscure appearance, Murong Xiaoxian guessed it.

With Shi Xiaoman's flat head, I'm afraid Jodamo has to do it.

There is Langyuzhu, and it is estimated that all cold-blooded things have been done.

Murong Xiaoxian enters the house, and the door closes automatically.

"Master Murong, you have been proud of the spring breeze recently. Do you still remember Sister Xu Yun of Qiu Shuiguan?" Kong Xuaner turned her face, and her delicate face was gloomy.

Murong Xiaoxian was stunned for a moment, saying that he was happy or not! However, he did not answer and went straight to the bedside and sat down.

"Don't sit down! This is a woman's boudoir. Why are you so Meng Lang? Am I those women who don't know how to be self-respected?" Kong Xuaner's words had something to say. She raised her eyebrows, but her eyebrows were drawn into at least five subtle forks, which made Murong Xiaoxian's eyes widen.

This is obviously my residence, and every room is my own!

However, Murong Xiaoxian did not dare to say it. He was a little depressed. Why is Kong Xuaner cold to herself now?

Murong Xiaoxian took out the pale red Ropa from her arms. Just as she was about to speak, Kong Xuaner's eyes were sharp and sneered, "Only the newcomers laugh. Who can hear the old people crying!" That's true!"

Murong Xiaoxian finally couldn't stand it anymore, and his face became dark. He said in a low voice, "Can you listen to me?"

Kong Xuaner was about to add a few words, but when she saw Murong Xiaoxian's face, she pressed down and sneered, "Say!"

Murong Xiaoxian held a light red Ropa in his hand and pulled out a small package from his arms. After carefully opening it, he took out the piece of cloth that Xu Yun had caught before he died.

"This is what I found on the body of Sister Xu Yun, which may be a clue related to the murderer!" Murong Xiaoxian said lightly, and Kong Xuaner's face changed slightly.

"This Ropa was found by me in the Temple of Light. The texture of this Ropa is exactly the same as this remnant cloth, so I suspect that the death of Sister Xu Yun is related to this temple!" Murong Xiaoxian said quietly.

Kong Xuaner was stunned for a moment, stepped forward quickly, and grabbed Ropa and the remnant cloth. After careful comparison, she finally lost her appearance.

"Is that why you still stay in the temple?" Kong Xuaner asked knowingly.

Murong Xiaoxian glanced at her, but did not answer.

Kong Xuaner smiled, but her smile flashed away.

"With only two pieces of fabric of the same texture, you can conclude that your enemy is a little arbitrary?" Kong Xuaner finally sat helplessly by the bed and looked at Murong Xiaoxian. In that way, is there still an domineering beauty? She is a little girl who is willing to please her mother.

Murong Xiaoxian shook his head and said to himself, I knew you were pretending!

"Of course, there is a mystery, just wait..." Murong Xiaoxian quickly got up and left, but not long after, he brought two jars of old wine.

Then, Kong Xuaner saw two flames in Murong Xiaoxian's hand and evaporated the water in the wine. Then, Murong Xiaoxian immersed two pieces of cloth in the wine while it was hot. After a while, he picked it up, and Kong Xuaner's face changed greatly!

The original star and moon altar on the red Ropa is extremely clear at this moment, but the remnant cloth surprised Kong Xueer!

How is it possible? How is that possible? How is that possible?" How could Kong Xuaner directly make Murong Xiaoxian dizzy?

"What's going on?" Murong Xiaoxian suddenly felt that there must be some secret in it, but Kong Xuaner didn't say anything. Murong Xiaoxian almost slapped her, and Kong Xuaner almost put her face to Murong Xiaoxian's hand!

Murong Xiaoxian said to himself, where do I want to hit you in the face? I just want to spank you!

"What's your hurry?" Kong Xuaner put away her face when she saw that Murong Xiaoxian lost her temper.

Then he found an eyebrow pencil on the dresser and drew it on the ground.

Kong Xuaner painted a map, which is more like a picture than a map.

Every layout and every detail design is perfect, and there are endless squares and circles in this picture.

is full of large and small circles, large and small squares, but the numbers are all twelve!

Whether horizontally or vertically, even if it is oblique, it is still twelve.

The whole picture is full of things related to twelve.

Twelve months a year, twelve hours a day, or twelve hours a day and a night. There are twelve zodiac signs. Of course, there is no such thing as a zodiac in the world. There are twelve stars in the sky, and there are twelve buildings in the operation of true air.

Of course, there are twelve masters here!

As Kong Xuaner's brush became thinner, Murong Xiaoxian's heart became more and more surprised. Kong Xuaner is completely closing her eyes and painting, but the speed of the brush in her hand is wandering. Obviously, this is Kong Xuaner quickly finishing the painting according to the image in her mind.

Until Kong Xuaner's last stroke settled, Murong Xiaoxian's eyes were also straight!

Because the pattern where the last stroke fell is no same as that on the remnants of the cloth!

"This is the situation where the three of us flew hundreds of miles a few days ago and saw the whole imperial capital in the sky. I was shocked at that time, because the designer of the imperial capital turned all the buildings into a stroke in a picture. From the air, it was absolutely perfect!" Kong Xuaner sighed.

"Today, I wanted to fly to the sky to enjoy it again, but I found that the whole imperial capital was suddenly locked by a strange force, but I could no longer fly up, and I'm afraid this picture can no longer be seen." Kong Xuaner looked regretful.

Murong Xiaoxian was secretly shocked and said to himself, was it that the sacrifice of that day was actually to set a huge boundary to prevent anyone who tried to fly from the sky? The person transformed by the smoke said that the divine light of the divine emperor consumed more than half of the ordinary, and it seemed that it was used to spread this heavenly boundary! But the Twelve Ming Lord lied to the man because of the large number of people!

In fact, Murong Xiaoxian should be glad that if he hadn't been lucky enough to absorb so many vitality, he would never have escaped the eyes of the Twelve Ming Lords!

"You see, this whole pattern is like a man with three heads and six arms, holding a sword and going to attack in all directions. This biggest sword seems to be facing the direction of Chuangjie Mountain. Why does it seem to be facing Tianyao Peak? Kong Xuaner was shocked.

"The place where your remnants are painted is the star and moon altar! The carved beams and paintings on it are just a cover-up. The real secret is here!" Kong Xuaner embodies the mentality of a little girl who loves to learn and overlaps the debris with the map.

"Look, do you understand?" Kong Xuaner said proudly.

The map on the debris is thus complete.

That piece of cloth turned out to be part of a imperial drawing designed more than ten years ago! And the most important part!

The meaning in the painting is obvious. After the imperial capital is built, it will kill everywhere!" Kong Xuaner sighed, but suddenly worried about Tianyao Peak.

Judging from the power mastered by the Temple of Light at this moment, this is a power that has been secretly cultivated for hundreds or even thousands or tens of thousands of years!

Who is the black hand behind this? Who can have such a huge idea?

Twelve Mingzhu? Although his strength is strong, he is definitely not a person who can control this situation. Murong Xiaoxian feels that the strength of the other eleven masters is not below him!

The only person is the God Emperor!

But as a person close to God, he killed Xu Yun and burned Qiu Shuiguan, but he couldn't say it anyway!

Murong Xiaoxian's eyes were suddenly attracted by the dark side of the picture.

That's the bottom of the altar!

"After all, this secret is under this altar..." Thinking of the smoky words, Murong Xiaoxian took a breath of cold air!

Do you have a mind or not?

However, it is also the satellite moon altar!

No matter what, I'm going to break through here!