yuan kill

Chapter 104 Killed Three Eyes

"I have to forgive people, but I have never done it." God's shadow said faintly, without any anger because Shen Ribai's body was destroyed.

"I told you earlier that this body is not perfect, and it will take at least three months of tempering to finish it. During this period, you can't do it!" The shadow of God sighed, condensed the dust-like broken flesh and bones on the ground, and filled in the Shen Ribai's yuan god floating in the air!

Shen Ribai returned to his original appearance, but his face was much more ugly. He picked up the red crystal sword and whispered, "I know I'm wrong. I will definitely not go against God's will in the future."

"Only this time, and again, even if I come, I can't save you!" The shadow said softly, still not sad or happy.

Shen Ribai bowed back and took a look at Murong Xiaoxian, who was still motionless, but he no longer had the courage to put out his sword.

The most surprising thing is that there is no trace of anger in Shen Ribai's eyes, which seems to have nothing to do with Murong Xiaoxian.

The shadow saw it in his eyes and nodded gently.

The shadow waved his hand again. Murong Xiaoxian regained his freedom, but he almost fell down. Hongluo hurried thousands of times to support Murong Xiaoxian.

"It's a very good scheme. With your wisdom, I'm afraid that a character higher than you will fall into your hands." The shadow is faint and huge, still not sad or happy, and there is no fluctuation at all.

The shadow body did not make much comment on the level shown by Murong Xiaoxian. Perhaps in the eyes of masters at this level, Murong Xiaoxian's kung fu is like children chasing each other with wooden sticks.

After all, Murong Xiaoxian now only relies on divine soldiers. If there are no divine soldiers, Murong Xiaoxian is a toothless tiger.

"Originally, mortals who refuse to submit have only one way to die. However, I want to give you a chance." The shadow said softly.

"As long as you can break through the killing, you can leave. I promise this with the pride of God. The shadow said leisurely and sat down again.

"Kill, you only use the power of three eyes this time." The shadow of God bowed his head and said, and the crawling mythical beast slowly stood up and walked towards Murong Xiaoxian and Hongluo.

After killing, Murong Xiaoxian found that the mythical beast was about three feet tall, covered with countless pale golden scales, but there was a cluster of white velvet in the scales, which were very similar to the scales of Kirin. And most of the fish-killing unicorn looks very similar, except for seven heads, one eye and seven tails on each head.

When Murong Xiaoxian was wondering why the god was so kind, he suddenly heard the voice of Hongluo in his mind: "Don't think how kind this god's shadow is, but he can't attack with all his strength at all, otherwise his divine power will be exhausted, and he will eventually end up like a layer of shadow. . In fact, what this shadow did is actually different from the original intention of the god. In the long 5,000 years, this god's shadow has gradually developed a sense of autonomy, and in this soul monument, it has absorbed too much soul power and condensed into an entity! Naturally, he cherishes his body, so he will try his best to avoid taking action and hurting his body. And in the thousands of years of God's retreat, this shadow has become the actual owner of this soul monument. The killing of mythical beasts is the real guardian of the temple and the protector of the shadow of God.

"Is there still a shadow on those three floors?" Murong Xiaoxian asked in his mind.

"As far as I know, there are only two shadows in this soul martial arts hall. Originally, there were three shadows, but later I didn't know what went wrong. The shadow actually broke away from the soul monument and has now disappeared. According to the vague images I have seen in the future, the Twelve Ming Lord is most likely the third shadow of this god. However, it doesn't seem to make sense..." Hong Luo's voice was a little confused, obviously encountering something extremely difficult to understand.

"Oh? What on earth is that made you suspicious? Murong Xiaoxian asked curiously that what happened today was strange.

"From the cultivation of this second shadow, the cultivation of the third shadow will only be stronger! However, such a strong breath can't be felt in the Twelve Ming Lords. Moreover, although the twelve Ming Lord is ambitious, he still has a little human taste. This shadow of this god has completely without any feelings!" Hongluo's voice was a little confused.

"Be careful, that's going to take action. The first eye doubles the gravity and slows down our action. The second eye, the boundary is closed, and it is absolutely difficult for ordinary people to escape. The third eye, the power of killing. The mythical beast will create continuous killing in this closed boundary. As for what kind of killing method, I can't see through it. Above the fourth eye, I can't see it at all..." Hong Luo sighed, but his voice suddenly slowed down!

Kill has opened its first eye!

Different from the open and closed eyes just now, this time, Murong Xiaoxian found that the killing's eyes were wide open. Murong Xiaoxian felt strangely heavy even if he was ten feet away!

It seems that a mountain is pressing on his body, and the volume of the peak is constantly increasing, and Murong Xiaoxian's body feels the heavy pressure.

The only thing that Murong Xiaoxian and Hongluo are grateful for is that they are both bare-handed, and their clothes are simple and light. Therefore, even if the gravity is added a hundred times, the impact is almost negligible.

However, the image of Murong Xiaoxian's weight is far greater than that of Hongluo. Hongluo itself is a weapon, but also a soul. Although it is an entity, it is always a little ethereal. Murong Xiaoxian is a flesh and blood body, and the weight of his body alone makes Murong Xiaoxian a little miserable!

At this time, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly remembered the epileptic Taoist in the hidden flower cave of Wuliangfeng. It seems that the statement that the body is a drag on practice is somewhat reasonable!

In order to resist this heavy pressure, Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help but improve his vitality, and his blood vessels gradually became thicker. His blue veins burst out all over his body, and his eyes were congested. In an instant, he looked like a little sleepy beast!

The killing's eyes began to emit a faint luster. In this luster, Murong Xiaoxian felt that the pressure had increased hundreds of times! My knees involuntarily began to bend down!

Murong Xiaoxian roared and straightened his knees again!


Murong Xiaoxian's heart seemed to have a big hammer hitting him fiercely. without hitting him, Murong Xiaoxian's body trembled once, and Murong Xiaoxian's face gradually turned pale! With the image of double gravity, Murong Xiaoxian's blood began to flow down, and the blood in his brain gradually became scarce. With more and more blood pouring into the bottom, Murong Xiaoxian's ability to withstand the blood vessels of his legs has been greatly tested! At the joints of Murong Xiaoxian's knees, a blood vessel finally burst, and the heavily pressed blood seemed to finally find a vent. It slowly overflowed and was about to come out!

This kill can actually have this power, and the use of the situation has obviously reached the peak. With this alone, it can reach the highest level of the sage!

Hong Luo was slightly stunned, but there was a rejue look on his face!

Unaffected by gravity, Hongluo slowly walked forward and stood three feet in front of Murong Xiaoxian's body!

Hong Luo's mouth began to chant some strange notes gently. As these notes continued to spit out, the pressure on Murong Xiaoxian's cracked blood vessels slowly disappeared, and the blood that was about to spewed out finally stopped madness. With the full repair of Murong Xiaoxian's body, the cracked blood vessels finally recovered. .

The first eye of the killing blinked slightly, revealing incredible confusion! But the shadow of God looked at Hongluo slightly unexpectedly, and Shen Ribai was extremely surprised!

Kill, slowly opened the second eye.

The scenery in the hall disappeared in an instant, and Murong Xiaoxian and Hongluo suddenly felt like they were in the desert. The scorching sun is in the sky, the sand is dancing, and the wind is furious!

One huge sandman after another suddenly emerged from the sand and stood neatly in front of Murong Xiaoxian and Hongluo, wielding a huge sand knife and sand gun to firmly surround them!

"This is the boundary of killing. People who can't surpass its cultivation can't rush out at all and can only be trapped to death." Hongluo said softly.

"However, this is not terrible. The terrible thing is that its third eye opened. Legend has it that after opening its third eye, no one has left here intact!" Hong Luo said solemnly, but the expression on his face was more resolute!