yuan kill

Chapter 105 Kill of Six Knowledge


The sandmen actually howled like a beast, and then waved their weapons in their palms and attacked crazily!

Murong Xiaoxian cried bitterly. Although the influence of gravity was eased by Hongluo's spell, it was still there.

The action was doubled by gravity and trapped in the boundary, which was like a beast locked in an arena and then a gladiator came up to attack. Although it can repel the nearest enemy with its fangs, it will only die after a long time and power failure.

Hongluo's figure flew up, and a wide sickle of the dead leaped into his hand. It was full of murderousness, like a heavy black fog. Hongluo was hidden in the black fog or integrated with the black fog, and the silver moonlight kept splitting out in the black lightning!

Boom, boom!

Every huge sandman hit by the silver moonlight instantly turned into fine sand and flew away in the wind!

However, the number of sand people has increased. Every time one is broken, it quickly differentiates into two!

But Hongluo didn't care at all. His body was more murderous. After that, he saw a thick black fog covering him, but Hongluo's shadow was no longer visible!

The silver moonlight has become more huge, but this time the moonlight is not one, but a string!

The roar of black lightning is everywhere, and the sound of sand people being hit and falling to the ground is everywhere.

The soul is murderous, and the real power of soul weapons is so horrible!

Murong Xiaoxian was very surprised. In addition to being surprised, he kept urging the magic soldiers with his thoughts and constantly fighting back against the sand people who were close to him with hot explosions and ice thorns.

Finally, Murong Xiaoxian finally found a way that was not the best way: to freeze the sand people with ice thorns!

Murong Xiaoxian hurriedly stopped Hongluo's continued attack. After Murong Xiaoxian spent a lot of mental energy, he frozing the constantly appearing sand people one by one.

The two gasped and were sure, but they felt a magnificent murderous atmosphere permeated the whole boundary in an instant.

Under this murderous atmosphere, the scenery in the boundary changed again, and Murong Xiaoxian and Hongluo seemed to be in an ancient ice forest in an instant.

Those sand people who were frozen by Murong Xiaoxian turned into towering trees in an instant, full of heavy ice, needles like arrows, broad leaves like knives, and all the tit-forths were aimed at the two. Even the piercing cold wind slowly condensed into a roaring wind blade!

In the sky, a huge monster stood proudly in the sky, with seven heads and seven tails, reflecting a faint golden light all over its body, and a cluster of white fluff fluff fluffed in the wind. Kill, the third eye has been opened!


The roar looked up to the sky, and the other six songs sounded correspondingly, and the sound was shocking. A huge invisible sound wave firmly bound people's minds, which shocked the hearts of the two of them violently!

The sound of killing!

The sound wave killing turned out to be the first kind of Warcraft attack that Murong Xiaoxian saw when he first came to fight the world. A second-order warcraft, but at this moment, Murong Xiaoxian remembered that the strength and scope of the sound wave attack were very different, which was not the same. But the warcraft was killed by a sword by the fairy on the virtual peak.

However, Murong Xiaoxian then saw the more horrible side of the killing.

Control any object that can make a sound attack with sound waves!

Wow! Hiss! Sing!

The fallen leaves are rustling, the icewood is broken, turning into thousands of blades, and arranged regularly in the air, like ripples in the water, forming countless huge and continuous rings!

"The sound killing is the lowest level of killing this mythical beast. All its attacks are basically the killing of six knowledge! That is, the body of the eyes, ears, nose and tongue! Anything we hear, see, smell, touch, taste, and even think of can become weapons to attack us! But it is definitely unavoidable!" Hongluo said solemnly that this is also the strongest opponent Murong Xiaoxian has met since his rough return, but he is not a human, but a beast!

However, since it can become the guardian beast of the temple and the guardian god of the shadow of the god, the strength of killing must be much stronger than the shadow of the god.

"To deal with it, we can only close the six knowledge! However, after losing all perceptions, he became a lamb to be slaughtered, because this killing itself is a killer! It can tear people to pieces with its claws!" Hongluo's tone was a little helpless.

"I don't believe it! There must be another way to defeat it!" Murong Xiaoxian said, but he was carefully observing every move of the killing.

"There is a method. That is, the realm surpasses this beast and makes its superiority in the realm exist. Naturally, it can't control your six knowledge and use the killing of six knowledge to deal with you. It can only fight with you with its body, but if your realm exceeds it, why do you have to fight against it with your body? So when this kill meets someone who is lower than its realm, it is the god, killing the characters in the boundary. If the realm is higher than it, it can only escape. Therefore, this killing is not an invincible mythical beast. However, it is difficult to exceed it. This requires the accumulation of the world, but the realm of killing has begun to accumulate since the time of chaos, and the struggle for time is basically hopeless. So we can only seek some unusual ways. Hongluo said helplessly.


After a roar, countless condensed ice swords rained down.

Murong Xiaoxian raised his spirit and sacrificed the Yuan ice shield, and saw three huge ice shields protected above Murong Xiaoxian. Dingdang, which is also an ice attribute, so when it is knocked, the sound is so pleasant, as if it is a sound of nature. Who knows that this is a soul killing song?

Murong Xiaoxian was about to greet Hongluo to hide under the Yuanbing shield together, but he saw Hongluo standing quietly, and all the ice swords seemed to have eyes, bypassed or directly ignored Hongluo, and went straight to Murong Xiaoxian. Murong Xiaoxian clearly saw that those ice swords clearly penetrated Hongluo's body, but Hongluo was in a trance, and the hole that was pierced was filled in an instant.

"You don't have to watch it. I can't hear it." Hongluo's voice sounded in Murong Xiaoxian's mind, but it surprised Murong Xiaoxian! She can't hear, so how does she know what she is saying?

"Don't be surprised. I am a spiritual body. I can talk to you, just to feel the fluctuations of your soul. Because I can't hear it, these attacks naturally won't work for me. Hongluo's voice was a little sour, and he was not proud of being free from attack at all.

Murong Xiaoxian was speechless, and the ice sword offensive was more fierce, while Yuan Bing Shield was better than the hard ice in attributes, so it was only slightly reduced under continuous attacks.

Attribute restraining is naturally a good strategy to defeat the enemy, but the same attribute, as long as the attribute exceeds the other party, isn't it a good strategy to defeat the enemy?

The reason why it caused the ice attack desire to kill is nothing more than Murong Xiaoxian freezing those sand people into ice men. Because Murong Xiaoxian saw the ice man and used the ice defense weapon, he naturally used the ice attack.

Six-knowledge attack, killing has turned on the "look" mode!

Red Luo's eyes flashed with a metallic luster, so these things were directly immune by Hongluo!

Is it possible that Hongluo has lost six knowledge?

Weapon! Her body at this moment is a weapon. How can a weapon have six knowledge!?

And she is a spiritual body, but she can clearly perceive everything around her with her soul, so Murong Xiaoxian's attack is vivid in her mind.

Dingling, the pleasant sound between heaven and earth is still ringing. Murong Xiaoxian began to feel a little sleepy and sleepy. His mental strength was being pulled out by Yuan Bing Shield, and Murong Xiaoxian also had to use his mental strength to control the defense size and direction of Yuan Bing Shield.

The ice sword is overwhelming, shot from any possible corner.

At the top of the head, under the feet, and behind the front and back of the body, waves of ice swords surged like waves, and waves of power are better than waves.

When sleepiness comes, Murong Xiaoxian feels that his eyelids are a little heavy, but the gravity attack of killing has always existed. Within the boundary, killing Murong Xiaoxian is a god!

Is this the second realm of "the world" that allows all objects within the range to be controlled by themselves? Murong Xiaoxian was secretly shocked, but then understood that everything here was just created out of thin air. It was not the second realm of "the world" that could achieve at all, but the ultimate performance of "using momentum"!

world? Is it possible that this hand has understood the "world"?

But it's impossible. Why is there such a great effort in the "world" of God?

This should be a state between the world and the world.

After all, no matter how divine the mythical beast is, it is just a beast, and no matter how open the spirit is, it is not as good as human beings! Talent is the spirit of all things!

A faint fragrance suddenly permeated the whole world, but this fragrance is the familiar smell that Murong Xiaoxian smelled in the hall.

Kill actually opened another mode, the attack of smell!

The smell is invisible, mixed with the air, and is pervasive. Even if the Yuan ice shield is empty, not to mention Murong Xiaoxian still needs to breathe, and breathing requires air! The fragrant air poured into the gap of Murong Xiaoxian's ice shield in an instant. When Murong Xiaoxian sensed the fragrance, he had already inhaled a trace...

Murong Xiaoxian immediately realized that something was wrong and stopped breathing, but how long can he last like this? After a long time, you will be suffothed alive!

However, Murong Xiaoxian soon found a more terrible thing. The fragrance that entered his body suddenly turned into a poisonous breath and began to flow crazily in the meridians. Where he passed, the meridians were instantly closed, and the blood almost stopped flowing!

Murong Xiaoxian felt that his strength seemed to be pulled away in an instant, like a pipe spraying water, but it was suddenly blocked!

He couldn't stand it anymore. Murong Xiaoxian only felt that his spirit was in a trance. Suddenly, he felt that there was darkness between heaven and earth, and his consciousness seemed to be lost!

So, Murong Xiaoxian fell down heavily, and the triple ice shield gradually faded and thinned...