yuan kill

Chapter 116 The Will of the Knife

The jade piece is half an inch wide, an inch long, oval, turquoise, crystal clear, without any impurities, which is obviously a very good jade. The jade piece is carved into the shape of a leaf, beautifully carved and lifelike, but Murong Xiaoxian does not know what kind of leaf it is.

There seemed to be words flowing in the jade film. Murong Xiaoxian released a wisp of divine consciousness and found that it was a letter written to himself, which can also be called a masterpiece.

"Xianyu boy, when you read this letter, maybe you are laughing at my indecent behavior? But I want to tell you that this stinky skin is almost useless for real practice, but it will become a burden for your progress. So, my brother who is not epileptic has already understood this, and I guess he has got out of trouble now, right?

The practice of Zen Robbery Temple has gone a big deviation, which violates the principle of heaven, especially the law of taking away, which is even more sinful. Perhaps you have seen that the foundation of all methods in the Zen Robbery Temple is Wanxiang Prajna, and the reincarnation formula is just the skin of some kind of skill!

If you ask what this skill is? Then let me tell you first that the place you are in at this moment is the forbidden area of Chuangjie Mountain, the supreme peak!

This supreme peak absolutely prohibits any sect from entering Chuangjie Mountain. Anyone who enters is equivalent to declaring war on the whole Chuangjie Mountain and becoming the enemy of the world. As for the reason, you will experience it yourself later, and I won't say more.

I have been plotting today for 3,000 years, and I found that this "King Kong Breaks the Sky" is in this supreme peak. You may have been wondering what precept I have committed and will be trapped in Guiyang Peak, so let me tell you, I broke into the supreme peak and found the shocking secret! I won't tell you about this matter. This is the internal matter of the Zen Robbery Temple. Maybe you will hear about it in the future, but please don't interfere in this matter anyway, please!

I have now lost consciousness, and all my cultivation has been invalidated, which is the consequence of my second intrusion into the peak. But I don't regret it, because I finally saw the true face of the magic knife and felt his magnificent power! All the sacrifices are worth it!

In the box under the jade piece you took, there is a set of magic clothes, about "ancient Buddha's clothes", which is also the treasure of the Zen Robbery Temple and represents the Lord of the Zen Robbery Temple. You can put this dress on me and find a quiet place to bury me with the divine knife!

Don't worry, I won't die, because I'm just a body. The body, as I said earlier, is just a stinky skin.

The reason why you buried the knife with me is that I have decided to inherit the will of the knife! We should use this knife to correct the name of Zen Temple and benefit the world.

I don't exist anymore. All our experiences are like the wind, and I won't remember you in the future.

Maybe when I was born, I was just a god of killing, a person who held the diamond to break the sky and kill all directions. Remember, at that time, my name was Buddha's blood!

The founder of my Zen Robbery Temple was called Buddha. He used this knife to hurt the god of turbidity, but he regretted it, because he later found that he was used by the god of creation. Finally, the Buddha erased all his marks and only left the sealed knife, hoping to find an heir and correct the name of Zen disaster.

Don't worry about me. Everything about the Buddha is hidden in this knife. After I inherit the will of the knife, I can inherit all the knowledge of the Buddha. That's strength is hundreds of times stronger than today, thousands of times!

Haha, boy, work hard and be sure to surpass me!

Of course, this is a joke. What am I? What is Buddha? I have a very trance feeling that one day you can become a being beyond God! At that time, don't forget to benefit the creation world, and don't forget me, an old beggar!

Well, everything in this ring has been given to you, and it's useless for me to keep it.

After you buried me, you only walked towards the highest peak..."

Since then, there has been no follow-up, like a hurried ending.

Don't be crazy, are you really not crazy?

Actually, you are an idiot!

Against the greatness of the world, abandoning everything is for the Zen disaster temple that insults you, mocks you, and kills you!

Murong Xiaoxian sighed and didn't want to check what was in the ring.

When I opened the box, there was indeed a set of magic clothes in it, but it was purple, and there was a faint trace of blood on the magic clothes.

Murong Xiaoxian took out the magic suit from the box and looked at it, but he was completely motionless, like a dead man. The turbid eyes stared straight ahead, and then looked at it, but there was no breath.

After putting the magic clothes on my body and looking around for a long time, I finally found a rather hidden cave, dry but ventilated.

Murong Xiaoxian moved in, maintained that posture, and inserted the "King Kong Breaking the Sky" beside the idiot. Soon, the figure of the idiot was swallowed up by the knife light!

Murong Xiaoxian looked at the disappearing figure and gently kowtowed his head. After all, it was not only suitable for him to have a master or apprentice, but also a life-saving grace. This worship can't be saved anyway.

Murong Xiaoxian turned around and left, but stopped again, as if he remembered something.

Then he carved it on the wall of the cave, then went out of the cave, moved the boulder to block the mouth of the cave, and made sure that it would not be hurt by the poisonous insects and beasts before bowed and left again.

I am relaxed and lonely, and I am alone again.

This supreme peak has a vast area and beautiful scenery, but no one can be seen.

The highest mountain? Murong Xiaoxian looked around. The north is the direction he came from. It's definitely not over there. The east and west are just some hills. In the south is the mountain peaks, which are stacked, and a mountain is higher than a mountain!

All the way south, Murong Xiaoxian just chose the highest mountain and moved forward. But when he climbed the mountain, he found that there were higher peaks in front of him!

Continue to run wildly down the mountain, and the mind of "the world" is fully open, and people continue to appear on various peaks like space jumping!

Soon after a month passed, Murong Xiaoxian did not know that he had climbed tens of millions of mountains, but the higher peaks were still standing in front of him.

I'm afraid I've traveled more than tens of thousands of miles this month, right?

Murong Xiaoxian has reached the peak of the second floor, which can be used in an instant within five miles. If it hadn't been for the waste of a lot of time to cross the mountains and just hurry, Murong Xiaoxian would have traveled 100,000 miles long ago!

Chuangjie Mountain is large, and this supreme peak seems to be larger and seems to be able to accommodate Chuangjie Mountain!

This is really a weird idea.

However, this is a reasonable idea. This supreme peak is like an endless storage pocket. Maybe it can really fit in the sky!

After climbing to the highest mountain beside him again, Murong Xiaoxian sighed for a long time.

When I sigh these days, it seems to be more than in my life.

I can't help thinking of him, and I don't know how he has been this month. That stinky skin...

The stinky skin is a burden of practice!

Murong Xiaoxian was suddenly shocked, so why not this eye, ear, nose and so on?

Is it that your eyes lied to yourself?

Thinking of the situation of this month, Murong Xiaoxian found that his idea was correct.

Tired by the body, you can no longer practice!

Murong Xiaoxian closes his eyes and doesn't look; gambles on his ears and doesn't listen; seals his nose and doesn't smell; closes his tongue and doesn't taste.

No eyes, ears, nose and body, no color, fragrance, no vision, and even no consciousness, no clarity, no clarity, even no death, no death of old age, no suffering, no wisdom and no gain...

A series of characters suddenly jumped out of Murong Xiaoxian's mind, Buddhist scriptures!

The most essential Buddhist scriptures, with only a few hundred words, include all the classics filled with sweat cattle!

Is it that you have understood this so that you can go without any trouble?

Isn't the will of the knife completely cut off all the ties in the world and restore the purest and most original spirit?

Perhaps this energy is the origin of the universe and the essence of chaos, right?

Murong Xiaoxian's spirit also became extremely thorough in an instant. Although he closed his eyes, everything around him slowly became clear. A small grass on the mountain peak in the distance became clear. Even Murong Xiaoxian saw the little bug crawling on the grass leaf, crawling out of the egg, and then drinking dew and drinking grass. Juice, bask in the sun, then age and die! The whole process of life is just a few minutes!

Life is a flash in the pan. No matter how long an individual's life is, isn't it a flash in the endless universe?!

Murong Xiaoxian realized.

Then the distant mountain disappeared, and the nearby mountain disappeared. Murong Xiaoxian found that the supreme peak he had been running for a month was actually just a mountain, and everything around him was just an illusion, tempting!

Opening his eyes, Murong Xiaoxian smiled.

I am in the mountains at this moment.

Only in this mountain!

In it, it becomes a part of it and then loses itself.

At this moment, I finally jumped out and finally saw everything around me.

You can't see how high the peak is. You can only see the ethereal white clouds floating between the peaks.

It's just a mountain, but it's extremely huge. I can't see the direction of this mountain at all.

I'm not crazy. It seems that I have known all this for a long time and I'm still playing hide-and-seek with myself.

A short distance is Murong Xiaoxian's cave.

This month, Murong Xiaoxian has been making the same jumps around this cave.

It's ridiculous.

After straightening his clothes, Murong Xiaoxian bowed to the idiot from afar again, and then went up the mountain.

The mountain is steep, but this can't stop Murong Xiaoxian. When Murong Xiaoxian climbed tens of thousands of meters, he finally felt a very strange force drifting at the peak.

But when Murong Xiaoxian tried to move forward again, he suddenly felt a kind of pressure! The closer it gets, the heavier the pressure is. In the end, Murong Xiaoxian can't take another half a step!

How similar this is to the situation in front of the Star and Moon altar!

Is this the place where the God of the Temple of Light is closed?

Murong Xiaoxian couldn't help but feel creepy. If so, wouldn't he escape from the tiger's mouth and enter the wolf's den again?

For a moment, Murong Xiaoxian became hesitant...