yuan kill

Chapter 117 Yuanli Triple

The top of the mountain is still ethereal and invisible, and the pressure is like an invisible fence, shut Murong Xiaoxian away from the door.

Step back, and the pressure suddenly disappeared. Further, the pressure appeared again.

In one step, it is like heaven.

This pressure is like a wall. As long as you don't get close, the pressure will disappear, but once you get close, it will make you breathless.

After changing several places in a row, Murong Xiaoxian got the same result, which seemed to be a huge boundary with the top of the mountain as the center, or a huge seal!

However, this boundary carries a kind of pressure, which directly affects people's hearts and makes people admire it.

This pressure is completely different from the aggressive momentum felt at the Star and Moon altar. It is an awesome force! But in the Star and Moon altar, it is frightening, a kind of fear in the heart!

Unfortunately, there is no hint of Hongluo here...

Thinking of Hongluo, Murong Xiaoxian's eyes lit up. Since the situation here is the same as the Star and Moon Altar, the way to enter may be the same. Is it possible to wait until the moon rises and the stars are all over the sky?

There is only one direction, which can only go up.

There is no way back.

If you don't spend all your time, you still have to let yourself go up the mountain. There must be something strange about here. You can't break through this seal, right? Otherwise, won't you find a place to facilitate sitting? Thinking of this, Murong Xiaoxian shook his head. It seems that I really have a heavy responsibility.

Why do you go to the Zen Robbery Temple, or the further south, the more strange it is here, and there are more seals and boundaries. What secrets are hidden here?

Not to tell?

Murong Xiaoxian sat down against the boundary and waited for the stars in the sky.

The sun set quickly, and it really fell from the side of the supreme peak, as if it had fallen to the other side of the mountain.

The sunset is melting gold, the sunset is as brilliant as fire, and the clouds in the sky are constantly changing, outlining all kinds of amorous feelings in the world.

The sky is gradually getting dark.

Murong Xiaoxian has never looked up at the sky like today. His mood is like water. It seems that everything here has melted into his own blood, and all the changes on that day are just the respiratory metabolism of his body.

The moon rose slowly, and it turned out to be a circle that had never been seen, bright that had never been seen before, and never felt so close! It seemed that the bright moon was within reach. As soon as the hand stretched out, it seemed to reach into the moon. The moon also seemed to turn into a clear pool, and the hand rippled in the moonlight.

The moonlight is rippling, and the moonlight is floating, putting a layer of fog-like veil on the night.

Starlight in the sky began to appear, shining and colorful.

The star and moon are so close to himself that Murong Xiaoxian saw all the starlight and astrological phenomena at the star and moon altar.

You can pick the stars!

Then, Murong Xiaoxian saw another familiar scene.

The moon and stars began to circulate in the sky. After a continuous flash, Murong Xiaoxian found that those stars and moons threw a faint glow to the peak of the supreme peak. However, the boundary around the peak has not changed at all.

The stars and moons in the sky are still running according to their respective tracks. After casting a beam of brilliance, the stars and moon seem to rise to the unattainable high altitude in an instant, suddenly becoming estranged and cold.

Empty and desolate, Jiang Qingyue is close to people, but at this moment, the mountain is cold and the moon is away, and Murong Xiaoxian suddenly has this strange feeling.

Murong Xiaoxian stretched out his hands and touched the boundary in front of him, but the pressure could no longer be felt, but felt a strange fluctuating force.

After touching the boundary, Murong Xiaoxian's hand could no longer be separated from it, and the whole hand seemed to be firmly glued to the boundary!

Murong Xiaoxian's heart suddenly surging, and his soul suddenly beat with the fluctuating power in the boundary.

The power of the soul!

The soul resonates!

Under the resonance of this force, Murong Xiaoxian's baby finally opened his eyes slowly, and then a faint smile suddenly appeared on his unsad and happy face, just like a child who had been away from his hometown for a long time saw his mother.

Yuanli began to flow, integrated into every inch of Murong Xiaoxian's skin, naturally flowed to the palm of his hand, and then began to contact with the fluctuating power in the boundary!

Without confrontation, it seemed to be of the same origin. The Yuanli baby suddenly opened its mouth and suddenly absorbed the fluctuating power in the boundary. And the power in the boundary seemed to be a masterless force. At this moment, he found home, found a vent, and began to suddenly pour towards Murong Xiaoxian!

Murong Xiaoxian vaguely felt that his body was growing like a balloon, and seemed to be burst by the influx of force at any time. Murong Xiaoxian began to feel waves of pain.


Murong Xiaoxian's body was tripled, and his flesh and blood cracked, and countless finger-wide wounds were cracked all over his body, like a ten-thousand-year-old tree, full of countless cracks.

However, there was not a drop of blood flowing out of these countless wounds, but the power in the boundary kept pouring into Murong Xiaoxian's wounds, filling Murong Xiaoxian's almost inch of broken and empty body little by little!

The body of the baby seeded by Yuanli is constantly getting bigger. It was not until it was in proportion with the original Murong Xiaoxian's body size that it stopped changing, and this process was also able to achieve it by absorbing extremely huge power!

Although Murong Xiaoxian's body is painful, his spirit is becoming clearer and clearer. Murong Xiaoxian also feels that his spiritual strength is also increasing. The spiritual power in the sea of knowledge is pouring in like a wave of tides. Originally a small lotus pond-like sea of knowledge, it begins to become bigger, and those spiritual forces are gradually increasing. Strong.

Gradually, the sea became the size of a lake, and the lake began to grow from one inch to two inches deep, gradually to one foot, two feet, one foot, two feet...

After a flash of flashes, the two words on the head of the Yuanli baby in Murong Xiaoxian's sea of anger finally changed again. A faint three words began to flash out, and the triple realm of Yuanli!


A violent explosion suddenly exploded in Murong Xiaoxian's mind. Murong Xiaoxian's head was extremely painful, and countless messages suddenly poured in!

This is the supreme boundary, which can absorb the essence of the star power and condense the original force. Although the power is low, it has been deep for a long time. Drops of water can also converge into a trickle. The trickle will become a vast ocean every day!

This power is only used for the introduction of the descendants of this sect, and it should not be a problem to open the triple prohibition. If you absorb the essence of this power accumulated for ten thousand years without breaking through the triple realm, then this door will only have a way to perish!


Murong Xiaoxian has a splitting headache, but he can no longer understand these things, and he can't read any more. He just remembered these words. But Murong Xiaoxian knew that the secret in his mind that had troubled him for a long time must have begun to open!

He wanted to touch his body, but his hands were firmly stuck by the boundary and could not be pulled out, and he couldn't help but be slightly confused.

When I looked down, I found that my height suddenly became nearly six meters high!

Giant, savage? Or an ancient race?

After Murong Xiaoxian broke free several times, the power from his hands became less and less, while the three words on the baby's forehead in his body became clearer and clearer!

My realm of power has rushed to triple, and this realm has been stabilized!

This is absorbing the star power accumulated in a boundary for ten thousand years!

How magnificent that power is, but I can only reach the triple!

What a huge force it takes to achieve the four-fold realm!

In the end, the boundary no longer has a force output, and the changes in the body finally begin to stop.

What Murong Xiaoxian can't accept is that the cracks in his growing body are filled with this force. How should he see people in the future?

A six-foot man is naturally a big man. What about a six-meter man?

Murong Xiaoxian didn't have time to think about the answer. The Yuanli baby in his body was in trouble again, emitting a faint golden light, revealing Murong Xiaoxian's body and ejaculating. The purple indigo that had been hidden for a long time finally showed its head and turned into a red lotus and a blue lotus, an endless plate in Murong Xiaoxian's body. Spin.

At this moment, Murong Xiaoxian is pushing forward with both hands like a huge golden giant.

It feels like a cartoon hero in the future, superimposed with concave and convex man...

Murong Xiaoxian suddenly found that his hands seemed to melt into the boundary and disappeared. And the two lotus flowers suddenly turned into their hands and clung to the boundary.

Purple indish Shuanghua, the most precious treasure of this family, but the world mistakenly thinks that it is a peerless divine soldier. Wrong! This is the letter of the head of this sect, and it is the only key to start this boundary!

Red surface yang, blue surface yin, must be combined with the power of yin and yang to open this boundary!

A message quickly crossed Murong Xiaoxian's mind, as if to explain Murong Xiaoxian's doubts.

Then the two lotus flowers suddenly began to rotate, like two windmills, but in two directions, and the Yuanli baby constantly released power, encouraging the two lotus flowers to turn more and more quickly.

A huge red light gate is rotating, bordering the sky and the earth;

A huge blue light door is spinning endlessly, followed by heaven and earth!

How can this situation be the same as when you came to this world?

However, at that time, I was facing a simple problem of choosing one of two, but now it is a two-in-one problem, and these two doors are indispensable!

The space constantly twisted and collapsed in the rotation of the two light gates, and I don't know how many voids have collapsed. The boundary began to slowly tremble. Just before Murong Xiaoxian could react from his astonishment, Murong Xiaoxian's body was suddenly pulled in by the boundary!

Beyond the boundary, there are another 100,000 mountains, stacked by layers.

However, this time, every peak is real. Originally, no mountain was one of the four forces of Chuangjie Mountain, and in any case, it would not fall to the embarrassment of only one mountain!

After all, there is a hidden entrance to the turbid continent!

The closer you get to this entrance, the stronger the power will be. Is there really a power hidden in this supreme peak that makes the other three doors aim?