yuan kill

Chapter 118 Witch Ruins

Seeing mountains is not mountains, seeing water is not water, and seeing peaks is not peaks!

Where are the peaks here?

The situation in the boundary stunned Murong Xiaoxian!

At the foot is a flat that can't be seen at a glance. The flat ground is like a terrazzo floor that has been flattened and carefully polished, smooth like a mirror!

Murong Xiaoxian's imaginary peak does not exist at all. There is no winding road, and there is no ethereal fairy fog aura. It seems that the spire of this peak has been cut off.

A mountain that has been cut to the top of the mountain.

Naturally, the top of the mountain is not empty, but a mess, a ruin, leaving only a few stone pillars more than ten meters high, standing alone on the top of the mountain. Others are broken bricks and various building components, as well as various daily facilities, but they have been destroyed.

All objects can only be described in one word, which is big!

From those remaining daily necessities, it can be seen that everything is more than ten times larger than objects at the foot of the mountain. Bowls, tables and stools, basins, doors and windows, etc. are all surprisingly big!

This is Murong Xiaoxian looking at all this in front of him and feels in a trance that he has entered a prehistoric giant country.

Looking at his nearly six meters tall, Murong Xiaoxian suddenly understood something.

At this moment, my physique is extremely strong, and my whole body is full of strength, and my ears and eyes are more than a thousand times more sensitive than usual.

The huge stone pillar more than ten meters tall roughly weighs tens of thousands of catties. Murong Xiaoxian gently pulled out the stone pillar and removed it without any effort!

It's as easy as playing with a plastic toy.

Is it possible that the people who live here, or those who once lived, are as powerful as themselves at this moment? In that case, it is a rare enemy in this world. Even the practitioners and sages may not have this power. How can they be destroyed? Is it God?


Murong Xiaoxian suddenly crossed another message in his mind, which seemed to be a suitable answer after many selections.

Congratulations on reaching the triple realm. Now, it's time to tell you the secret of the second part of the purple indino.

If everything is calculated accurately, then there are less than two years before the chaos, so it is still too late.

Haven't you been struggling to find a skill? Is it suitable for you?

In fact, this skill has been printed in your mind when you get the purple indish Shuanghua, but it is sealed by the divine power. You can't open it at all, understand it, and practice it.

You have entered the supreme boundary. Maybe you are wondering what kind of school is this?

So, listen to me slowly! Because this is related to the fate of your future life, but also the fate of the three worlds.

From the time of chaos, three races were born together with heaven and earth, called gods, witches and demons!

The Protoss occupy the heavenly world, while our witch clan occupies this middle world, while the demon clan occupies the demon world. They have nothing to do with each other and have been living in peace for many years.

As for the subsequent human beings, monsters, birds and beasts, etc., they are just dolls made by the three races in addition to boredom!

Human beings are naturally made by our witch clan, and birds and beasts are called animals, which means moving things, and flowers and trees are called plants, which means implanted in immovable things. These are all companions specially made for you. As for the spirits, the Protos captured some very good spirituality from the creatures we made, and then poured some divine power into it.

When we created human beings, we ignored a fact that both human beings and those animals and plants will die, and the energy remnants after death are what you call the souls. In fact, it is just a simple record of the existence of all human beings.

However, these energies were taken by the demon clan and transformed into ghosts, evil spirits, warcrafts and other evil things by the demon clan.

Even so, our three races are still living independently of each other, but they are all beginning to secretly build their own small world, let those creatures they made live independently, and then worship themselves as gods!

Therefore, the world began to have the titles of witch gods, demon gods and gods. In fact, they are just the names of the three races.

You are a human. Do you feel sad when you hear the news?

In fact, you don't have to be sad. Human beings are created by our witches who have absorbed all the advantages of the three races, but they don't have the innate mixed power we absorb, so they can't live.

But what shocked us is that the awakening of your consciousness is so fast, and you have been unable to bear it! You have invented words and preserved your culture; you know how to cultivate, so that you don't have to worry about food; you know how to build houses and make your life more comfortable while avoiding the attacks of beasts!

We think that you humans are satisfied. But we were wrong!

You finally found our existence, but began to ask us for the same long life!

This is impossible, because although our witches live a long life, they will eventually die one day. The inheritance of life can only be continued through continuous reproduction. So are people, and so is God!

The only difference is the power difference between each other. When God is angry, it can easily destroy the human world countless times!

Since they can't live long, human beings begin to pursue their strength.

I don't know that human was actually mixed into the witch and demon clan, stole the god cultivation method of various races, and then sorted it out, and finally wrote the first skill suitable for human god cultivation: Purple House Qinglu!

Relying on this skill, there are finally practitioners among human beings, and there are great master-level figures, that is the three emperors and five emperors that you human beings have been worshiping!

Human beings gradually became stronger and gradually became the master of the world, known as the spirit of all things.

We found that after mixing the characteristics of the three gods and demons, human beings have become unable to guess their thoughts.

And what surprises us most is that human beings are warlike, which is something that our three races have never expected.

From the beginning of the three emperors and five emperors, it was a series of wars. At the beginning, it was a battle between people and beasts, which is for survival, we can understand. Then there is the killing between people, and the cruelty between the same race, which makes all three tribes feel pointed out!

In addition, that kind of corruption, moral degradation, **0 chaos, kinship, for the sake of power and money, you can not want all dignity! This has made the gods feel angry!

For the first time, the leaders of our three clan finally decided to destroy the world!

So, we destroyed the world and recreated human beings.

However, what we never expect is that these human beings don't know how to hide the magic and inherit it! When we destroyed the world, there were many human beings hiding!

As a result, a new three emperors and five emperors were born, and the battle is still endless!

We annihilated the world again in anger, and in the end, we can't remember how many times we have destroyed the human world. But we have all made a decision, which is to never make human beings again!

However, to our surprise, those hidden human beings actually showed a shocking reproduction speed! Soon, several human beings in the world began to develop to hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, tens of millions!

However, the battle between people is still endless!

Our three clans were a little numb and simply gave up their control of human beings and let them kill themselves.

For a while, the killing between heaven and earth is pervasive. More and more people die, and more and more people enter the underworld and become evil spirits, warcrafts and so on!

In this quiet time, the strength of our three clans has tilted. We, who were originally balanced, have changed because of the continuous death of human beings. The demon clan has become the strongest of the three clans!

What shocked us most was that human beings did this deliberately in order to revenge on God!

I don't know how human beings provoked it. There was a first scuffle between the three clans who had been at peace for billions of years! This is the real chaos!

The chaos you human beings understand is just a struggle between human countries in the world, and its scale and destruction can hardly catch up with the confrontation between a Protoss and demons! Even if it is a battle between the creation continent and the turbid continent, the battle between the god of creation and the god of turbidity, it is just a child's thing! In front of the saint, God is just an ant! And you human beings are ants in God's eyes!

The real chaos is that all three worlds are chaotic, starting from the chaos of the human world, and then spreading to the confrontation between the whole continent, and then to the confrontation between the gods of the continent, knowing that the war between the three races broke out again.

Because we made people and we proposed to destroy people, human beings aimed at us. Start attacking us with the Protoss and Demons!

Although human strength is weak, it is numerous and full of tricks. However, the gods and demons listen to the opinions of human beings. As a result, our witches fight and retreat, and finally have to give up the middle world and retreat to the supreme peak!

The first chaos ended in the defeat of our witch clan!

It's not that the strength of our witch clan is weak, but that our witch clan can't bear to cause too much killing between the three clans, thus causing great damage to the forces of the three clans, and finally let humans ride on our three clans!

At that time, human beings had dozens of gods, and five sub-saints, one most holy! But these forces are insignificant in front of our three clans. If our three clans are in full bloom, any clan can destroy these gods and saints!

But human beings are always hiding behind the scenes, as long as the Protoss and Demons are willing to treat my witches

My three clans have no deep hatred and no idea of killing each other, so when we were trapped in the supreme peak, the Protos and the demons received us in the middle world and retreated!

And we also thought that this chaos was finally over.

In fact, this chaos is indeed over.

However, human revenge has not stopped as we expected.

How humble are you?

In order to achieve his goal, he did not hesitate to send the most beautiful virgin of his clan to the Protoss and the Demon clan, and then exchanged it for a paper attack order against the witch clan!

Over the past ten thousand years, human beings have sent at least 10 million beautiful virgins to the two races! Therefore, this Protoss and Demons finally mixed into human blood, and some deeply hidden descendants of human demons actually climbed to the ruling class of the two races!

Calculated by your time at this moment, it should be more than ten thousand years ago, a human called Xiao Weizi, mixed into this supreme peak!

How did he get in? He is actually a descendant of witches and human beings!

In terms of physical characteristics and so on, he is no more than the witch, so he cheated the guards and entered my witch!

Can you see the ruins in front of you?

This is thanks to him. The witch was forced to move to another space again, but he learned the skin of the witch skills. On this basis, he created a new force, Zen Temple!

Since you are predestined to come here, and it is the choice of Zidino Shuanghua, I can't say anything more. The secret will be known when you break through the nine realms!

I just want to tell you that you are not a human, just a seed left by the witch in a certain dimension!

At present, the most important thing is to pass on the manor of the witch clan to you. I hope you can take care of yourself!