yuan kill

Chapter 172 Brah Dance

Warcraft roared, the war horses galloped, the soldiers were in turmoil, and blood flew, splashing on the white snow that was still not fully melted in early spring, drawing dazzling red flowers.

The final competition between the royalists and the inverted royalists is entering a white-hot stage.

In fact, after the war in the creation continent, the countries relaxed their control over the overthrow of the Brah state. Originally, the control of the countries of the continent was also tightly limited to the checks and balances of the imperial power, so that the imperial order could not be implemented smoothly, and the tradition from the turbid continent completely disappeared, thus completing the ideological conquest of the Borra! In fact, those checks and balances have almost completely eliminated the royal power. The key departments in the court, such as the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Public Administration, which are in charge of military power, promotion, removal, and financial power, have fallen into the hands of the imperial faction. And the royal family only has some painless power, and tens of thousands of imperial guards who can barely maintain their dignity.

When the creation continent was chaotic and the monsters were rampant, the inverted imperial faction lost contact with the messengers of the creation continent and lost the guidance of those politicians who fought all day long. The inverted emperor faction lost its direction for a while.

Extremely boring, it will cause trouble.

Seeing that the royal family was just a nominal cover, the fallen imperial faction simply lifted the pole and intended to overthrow the royal family and pull another flag.

The rebellion has never happened in the history of the Bora. Even in the turbid continent, it has never happened before. In the turbid continent, all people are busy and desperate for survival all day long. How can there be time to fight and fight for power? The only purpose of the state machine in the turbid continent is to allocate the most limited resources, so as to achieve the most fundamental purpose that citizens can survive. Such as rounding warcraft, picking some wild fruits, etc., each of them is full of extreme danger. If you fight alone, you can't survive on the turbid continent at all. Therefore, the country, which is only a country in the sense, is actually just a primitive tribal management method. However, people's dependence on that country is extremely high, and the orders of the country are also obedient. After all, the monarchs of the country here rush to the front line every time they hunt monsters. The monarch doesn't get much. The only advantage is that he can marry two more wives and breed more offspring. Naturally, marrying more wives is the will of most citizens, because the monarch is the most powerful soldier in the country, and the descendants of the warrior are certainly not too many, and they are certainly extremely strong. In fact, the monarch is extremely tired. In addition to fighting Warcraft on the front line, he also needs to allocate all resources, and at night, he has to charge in ** to exhaust the strength of the country. In the end, he often "finally serve the country".

However, those inverted imperial factions ignored part of their strength, that is, the Presbyterian Association of Borneo. Most of this kind of Presbyterian association is composed of retired soldiers with the most seniority and outstanding achievements in Borneo. Because of his outstanding achievements, most of them have the same status as the prime minister, but they just don't have real power. However, their influence and combat effectiveness are the most important part of it.

However, the imperial faction ignored this part, and they also ignored a prince who fled abroad. The prince was forced away by them, lost all fighting spirit, and became a useless person. However, the inverted emperors did not expect that the prince and the national teacher who left with him quietly dived back. And as soon as he came back, he directly contacted the Presbyterian House and began to secretly use the name of the Presbyterian House to recruit troops, on the pretext that the world would be in chaos, and he must accumulate strength to protect the country.

In fact, the warriors of Brah are fierce warriors who can fight against a hundred. If they really go to war, the surrounding countries are not willing to fight against the Borus at all. The comparison of strength between the soldiers and soldiers is almost the same as that of the children's army against the regular army, almost at a touch! This is not the weak strength of the soldiers in the creation continent, but that the bodies of the soldiers in the turbid continent contain more or less some Warcraft genes. In addition to their tall bodies and extremely powerful, they have one of the biggest characteristics, not afraid of pain! This is the most terrible place. As long as it is not killed by one blow, the soldiers in the turbid continent can basically fight back after losing a next door or leg!

Therefore, in order to avoid fighting with the Bora, the countries of the creation continent have been adopting alienation over the years, bringing the most luxurious and flashy things of the creation countries into the Borneo country, making the country chaotic, but not allowing the war to start. It is always in a delicate stage, so that they can have no Intended to expand externally.

But people are insatiable. After tasting such beautiful and flashy things, the imperial faction has other thoughts. After losing the control of the messengers of the creation continent, these imperial factions finally realized that it is not good to capture the beautiful flower world of the creation continent in this bitter cold land!

However, in Order to capture the Creation Continent, it is necessary to remove the obstacle of the royal family first.

Although the royal family is incompetent, it has great appeal, and the royal family is still the god of turbidity and has always abided by the contract between the god of turbidity and the god of creation. Even though the contract has been annulled, the god of turbidity also keeps the abandoned contract and still does not issue any war instructions to the Bora. Without orders from the royal family, the whole Borra state must firmly hold fast to this bitter land.

It is very simple to get rid of the royal family, and then the Presbyterian Senate.

There is a little fear of the Presbyterian sect. After all, the qualifications and prestige of the Presbyterian sect are there, and even some members of the Presbyterian sect are family children of the Presbyterian. Therefore, as long as they do not interfere in their external expansion, the Inverted Imperial School also intends to turn a blind eye.

But because of this, it makes it more convenient for the prince and the national teacher to act.

Both sides are preparing for the war nervously, but one is making a big deal on the surface, and the other is quietly going on.

After the war in the creation continent and the destruction of several countries close to the Borra, the civil war in the Borra finally broke out!

The imperial capital soon fell into the chaos. Hundreds of thousands of rebels poured out and soon occupied all the key departments of the imperial capital, almost without bloodshed. However, the palace that was thought to be easily taken down made the rebels suffer the first major blow!

30,000 imperial city imperial guards have long been ambushed in the palace. When the rebels were unguarded, they unexpectedly stormed the formation of more than 100,000 rebels. Just when the rebels temporarily retreated and intended to regroup and take the palace, they did not expect Another major blow was hit behind the scenes!

The place where the Presbyterian Association is located and the palace are each other's corners, which is the last line of defense to defend the palace. However, the Presbyterians pretended to ignore the rebels, and the door was closed, allowing the rebels to pass through the Presbyterian territory unimpeded and successfully reached the gate of the palace. Unexpectedly, this is all a conspiracy. When the army in the palace suddenly rushed out, the tens of thousands of troops secretly gathered by the elders had already, but the divine soldiers fell from the sky and caught the rebels off guard!

Then, the rebels were beaten out of the imperial capital, but at this moment, the royal family and the Presbyterian house were just lingering. The whole Bora kingdom has fallen, and even if only one emperor is besieged, he can trap it to death!

In such an imperial capital, all the drinking water, food, food, clothing, housing and transportation are completely dependent on the supply of surrounding cities. Once the connection between the imperial capital and the surrounding cities is cut off, the imperial capital will not last for two months at most!

However, it is not easy to get along in the past two months. The people living in the imperial capital are all those who suffer from hardships and cold to senior officials and nobles who are addicted to enjoyment. They absolutely can't stand this kind of miserable life. Once the standard of living declines, I'm afraid these people will be the first to rise up in the imperial capital!

In order to stabilize the situation, the imperial army attacked several times and fought several deadly battles with the rebels outside the imperial capital. There was a mutual victory or defeat, but that was when the number of rebels had not yet been assembled, and there were only more than 100,000. At this moment, after a month of fierce fighting, nearly half of the imperial army has suffered casualties, but the number of rebels has increased to nearly 300,000!

Fortunately, the founding seals of the turbidity continent and the creation continent were released again, and nearly 200,000 indigenous turbid people rushed out of it. These uncivilized turbid people have never been polluted at all. They are simply like a piece of white paper and naturally stand on the side of the royal family, so the power of the two sides began to gradually become balanced.

However, after adding 200,000 soldiers to eat and drink, the supply of the imperial capital immediately became tense. It could have supported a month's supply, but now it can support half a month at most!

Half a month, half a month of life and death. And the power of both sides, at least the besieged rebels and the imperial army defending the city, is now the same, and it is almost impossible to decide the fate within half a month.

Moreover, the rebels also seemed to see the weakness of the lack of resources in the city and simply adopted a strategy of siege without attack. The purpose is to live and kill the imperial army!

And there are at least nearly 200,000 rebels, which are constantly gathering towards this side. The reason why the rebels are so slow is that there has never been such a large-scale war in the history of Borneo, so all the troops have to be recruited from the family one by one, and then form teams to form a formation, which takes a lot of time. Moreover, there is an unwritten rule in the kingdom, which was acquiesced by the god of turbidity at that time: unless foreign enemies invade, they shall not recruit troops, let alone invade!

However, this time the rebels did a good job, almost all the soldiers that could be recruited in the Borneo Kingdom, almost mobilized by the whole nation. The intention was obvious. After destroying the royal regime, he waved his army and went straight to the continent.

Calculation, all the troops that Brah can gather, at least 2 million, can fight against at least 20 million troops with these 2 million against the strength of the Brah Army! Of course, the real warriors of the pure turbid continent are the quality of these descendants who have multiplied for countless years is not as good as their ancestors. After all, he died of peace and had nothing to practice, so his fighting skills and physique were far inferior to his ancestors.

Even so, there is still no problem with one against ten. After all, there is no war in this creative continent, and it has been quiet for 500 years! They have also been cultivated for 500 years and have not participated in the baptism of any battle. At this point, the two sides are standing on the same starting line. So the only competition is the accumulation of national strength! However, the country is located in a bitter cold place. The land is barren, resources are scarce, and there are few strategic materials that can be used. Precious iron and other resources are used to make agricultural tools. After all, although the land here is barren, it is a paradise compared with the turbid continent. At least, it can be cultivated here, grazing here, and there are no monsters everywhere. You can settle here, you don't have to move around, you don't have to hide from the flowing swamp, and you don't have to hide from the snow that can bury a village overnight.

Therefore, the people who first came to the turbid continent here are very contented, so they are willing to compromise for this temporary stable life.

However, these descendants were slowly confused by the lives of the countries of the continent. Originally, they were also addicted to it and lost all their enterprising spirit. The idea of the creative countries is very simple, which is to let these people lose their fighting spirit in pleasure, so that they can better control them. Of course, the premise is that the intelligence of people in this turbid continent is as simple as that of babies. In fact, this ignorant and turbid mainlander has indeed not seen anything, and it is really easy to be satisfied. However, there are inevitably several aliens and several intelligent people in each race. These people will be called saints in later generations. They may travel around and have a wide range of knowledge, and then lobby around after returning to China, which will wake up the people for a while!

Since the outside world is so beautiful and the human beings outside are so weak, why do we have to stay here? If you attack, you will get it at your fingertips that day...

However, there is still an unsolved mystery. Why are people in this turbid continent called sinful people? Why can't we cross the boundary between the two worlds without authorization? Is it just because they are tall and live ignorant? This is obviously an untenable statement, and there must be a deep secret behind it!

The imperial capital, the palace, several people are talking about something.

Nishang is still dressed in red, with red hair, but her face is white and bloodless. Around her, Kong Xuaner also frowned and looked down at a map on the table. Behind Nishang and Kong Xuaner stood two people, blue sky flying feathers and purple night flying flowers.

Opposite the table, Gandhi, who was renamed Jodamo, had a sad face and kept tapping his fingers on the table. Obviously, he encountered something extremely scratching his head. His national teacher Tiger, who seemed to be asleep, did not make any expression on one side.

After returning from Guangming Town, at the behest of Nishang, Qingkong Feiyu and Ziye Feihua began to help Jodamo accumulate troops, because they knew that together with the war in the creation continent, these people would inevitably leave here and fight with the creation continent. Naturally, these forces are nothing. At least there are many means to be used in the war. Only the strength and number of troops are not the main factors that determine the outcome of the war.

The reason why Nishang took pains so hard is that she is worried about the complete fight between the turbid continent and the creative continent. Of course, it is not a big deal for people on these two continents to fight. But the key point is that the turbid continent is a world composed of countless broken spaces.

In every broken space, there may be all kinds of strange warcraft elves and so on. All kinds of strength are strong, and only the sinners on the turbid continent can deal with it. If it were a creation continent, I'm afraid a few high-level monsters would stir up a bloody storm.

The turbid land is actually the most suitable for those so-called sinners to live in, because their strength there is many times stronger than in the creation continent! However, those strange monsters and elves that suddenly jumped out of a different space are greatly reduced in strength in the turbid continent, almost one in ten. But if those monsters break through the turbid continent and rush into the continent of creation, it is tantamount to a group of tigers entering the flock of lambs!

If there is no one in the turbid continent, a buffer zone will be lost. However, this is a kind of hard labor. Who wants to stay there for tens of thousands of years? Even if it is a sinner, after tens of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, tens of millions of years... No matter how deep the sin is, it should be washed away, right?!