yuan kill

Chapter 173 Anne

"Lord Nishang, you see that the rebels outside the city have not retreated, but the nobles in this city are going to rebel!" Jodamo sighed and hesitated.

"Hmm. This matter is simple. Anyone who intends to rebel will be killed without mercy!" Nishang just said something lightly and didn't pay attention to these nobles at all.

"However, these nobles have hundreds or thousands of private guards in their hands. If they kill them one by one, it is bound to cause turmoil in the whole aristocracy. Roughly calculate, the private army in this city also has nearly 10,000 people skilled, and in terms of the quality of all the equipment chicken soldiers, they are better than these guards. Not bad, if the city is in chaos, the rebels outside will take the opportunity to attack. However, this is nothing. At most, those nobles and soldiers were killed together. The most serious problem is that the food and drinking water in the city can no longer last for half a month. At that time, the civilians in the whole city are bound to leave the city collectively, and I can't slaughter these hundreds of thousands of slaves! This, this is really a headache!" Jodamo frowned and sighed deeply.

To be honest, he had no intention to take over the mess of Brahro at all, but Murong Xiaoxian forced him to come back, and he was very worried and sent two big killers to follow him, called protecting himself. In fact, why was he spying himself?

Nishang was calm and just nodded, indicating that Jodamo's words made sense. After all, the city has the largest number of civilians, and this civilian is the royal family's last hope. After all, although the army at this moment also has nearly 300,000, the logistics supply of the whole army depends on these civilians.

If civilians run away, this city is an empty city, that is, a dead city, with no strategic value at all.

"Did you see any signs of rebellion by those nobles?" Nishang took two steps forward and took a closer look at the distribution of residents in the city.

The map is extremely detailed. It not only draws the main street buildings of the whole city, but also clearly marks everyone who lives in each part. Naturally, the situation here is the same as in any world.

The rich area, the slave area, the civilian area, the aristocratic area, the royal family, the royal palace, and several parts make up the residents of the city. The civilian area is the largest, occupying 70% of the area, the slave area accounts for 10%, and the rest are the areas of the upper-class people. With the imperial palace as the center, the hierarchy, the rich and the poor are divided outward one by one. Slave areas are the most desolate and dilapidated places in the city. It is the most widely distributed place.

Looking at the map, a smile surged into the face of Nishang.

"So, what is the approximate number of slaves in this city?" Nishang looked up, but this time he looked at Tiger.

"The number of slaves is 74,230, which was the number last night. It was dozens more the night before, but it was killed by the nobles in the conflict with the nobles..." Tiger's voice was still hoarse, but his eyes were no longer like a dead fish, but like a tiger, shining with a fing luster. Blocking this brilliance is useless for Nichang and others. If it had been for civilians, they would have been scared by Tiger's eyes.

"Very good, very good. It seems that this Borneo country really deserves to die. Good to kill, good to die!" The strange color appeared on Nishang's face again. Looking at the people around her was creepy, but it made Kong Xuaner, who was watching the bustle, extremely excited! She knew that as long as Nishang showed such a look, it meant that she was sure that she would not care about anything.

Nishang came here absolutely not as a hitman. After all, Nishang is also close to the gods. Of course, this is her own statement. No one knows what her strength is. Nishang's purpose of coming here also means to protect Jodamo. After all, Nishang also found several masters in the rebels. That realm seems to be close to the gods! If such a person assassinates Jodamo and others, then Jodamo doesn't know how to die.

After all, the contract of the de factocious god is still there, and the god can't take action against people below his own realm. This Jodamo's level is a six-level repairer at most. In front of a strong enemy, this fragile strength has become his side*. Ni Chang came just to deter those masters.

"Lord Nishang, do you have any countermeasures?" When Jordan saw Nishang's expression, he also guessed that Nishang was confident, so his hanging heart was also put down.

"Hum, this matter is very simple..." Nishang then simply said her plan, but it shocked everyone in a cold sweat. I guess only she can think of this kind of strategy...

In the next two days, the surface of the city seemed calm, but the dark waves were turbulent.

Two rumors are spreading rapidly.

The first rumor probably means that the food in the city will not be supported for ten days. In order to solve the food problem, the nobles are ready to eat people! And these slaves are the ones to eat!

This rumor made the slaves angry, picked up weapons, spontaneously formed teams, and began to test on an organized and large scale. As long as the nobles really come out to kill people, they naturally can't wait to die!

The second rumor probably meant that the slaves thought that there was a lot of grain in the noble family, which could support it for at least a year, but these nobles refused to release grain. So the slaves organized and prepared to go to the nobleman's mansion to grab food.

Two rumors linked one by one, trapping both slaves and nobles.

Slaves and nobles are the two most unstable forces. One is poor with only one life left and doesn't care about anything. As long as they can have a mouthful of food, they don't care about the royal army! The nobles don't think about anything but enjoyment. In order to maintain their luxurious life, they are absolutely cruel!

Therefore, the two rumors inspired the fire of the two forces.

Then after testing each other, they found that both sides were ready to fight.

Finally, when a nobleman went to the street to buy a poor girl and went back to play with it, he was killed on the street!

So, the battle happened!

About 70,000 slaves, men and women, old and young, all have weapons. Of course, that weapon is really too shabby. Originally, there were not many blades in this Borneo country, and it was rare for everyone to be equipped with a weapon in the regular army. The slaves held wooden forks, rag shovels, sharpened wood, and even sharp stone knives! In short, only unexpected weapons collided with the aristocratic private army!

The royal family ignored all this and let it go. In this way, it aroused the anger of both sides even more! The slaves originally thought that the royal family did not treat them as human beings, and when they were bullied by the nobles, the royal army did not come out to say a word. The nobles were even more dissatisfied that the most despicable slave was openly against himself, and the army ignored it!

Both sides unexpectedly thought of destroying each other, and then opening the gate to let the rebels outside the city come in! Revenge, you must take revenge on the royal family!

Standing far away on the highest building of the palace and watching the bleeding people on the street, Jodamo frowned deeply, while Nishang and Kong Xuaner looked excited! Qingkong Feiyu, Ziye Feihua and Tiger seemed to be watching the play, but they were not involved at all. No matter how many people died, they didn't even blink their eyes!

Dead people, it seems that they have seen a lot a long time ago. In fact, they have seen too much! Not to mention the blue sky flying feather and purple night flying flower, they are both killers, and isn't Tiger's scars left in countless battles?

Needless to say, this rumor was sent out by Nishang. Tiger is the most determined executor. Although Jodamo is a little helpless about Nishang's strategy, he is helpless. After all, these two forces are indeed the most unstable forces at present. It's better to let them kill each other than to make trouble!

The battle of more than 80,000 people, from early morning to dusk, finally less than 40,000 people were left, but they were all scarred. There are many slaves, but they are too weak, and there are few noble private soldiers, but they are capable. But after this whole day of fighting, everyone has exhausted their physical strength. However, there seemed to be a master command among the slaves, always charging in waves, unlike the aristocratic private army!

As a result, after nearly 5,000 people died, these private troops were exhausted and didn't even have the strength to take weapons!

Although this battle is a little exaggerated, don't forget that even if he is a weak slave, he is still a person from the turbid and virtual continent. His physique is still very strong. Compared with those private armies, although he has less training, he has a fearless spirit in his bones!

As long as you have a desperate heart, the combat effectiveness will immediately increase several times!

The most important thing is that the private army must not harvest the slave's life like harvesting crops. Of course, as long as the private army's weapon is not at the critical point of the slave, the slave will rush on it crazily to save the private army, and then the slaves behind will rush up and kill the private army with stones!

There are still more than 30,000 slaves left who killed the red-eyed slaves. Naturally, those who died were old, weak, sick and so on. The rest are relatively strong slaves!

Seeing that the final battle was about to begin, there was a shocking sound of horses' hoofs outside the battlefield, but the royal army finally came late.

"The monarch has an order, and the nobleman intends to rebel. He wants to open the city gate and put it into the enemy. It is regarded as treason, and everyone will be killed! A slave did not hesitate to shed blood and die for the country. The monarch was greatly moved. From now on, he will restore your civilian identity and reward the people who made contributions this time after raiding the noble mansion!" A bright man rode a tall horse and quickly passed on the monarch's order.

Naturally, this is also part of the Neungshang plan.

The next thing is to be close to shamelessness.

The nearly 100,000 royal army easily wiped out the remaining thousands of nobles' own army, and then pulled out the nobles involved in this matter and beheaded them directly on the spot, while most of the nobles' property and so on were confisitioned, and the remaining worthless things were all rewarded to those slaves who had just changed their identities. We. The wives of the nobles were directly demoted to slaves by the order of the monarch!

Naturally, the slaves never dreamed that they had made great achievements and changed their fate! Therefore, he changed from hatred to love for the royal family and became the most loyal warrior of the royal family from then on!

Of course, these are all made by Nishang.

The only unexpected thing is that a large amount of food was really found in the mansions of those nobles. Those grains are deeply hidden in a huge cellar, which is enough for the whole city to support for another month!