yuan kill

Chapter 186 Stop Killing!

Suddenly, countless ghost-like things crawled out of the ground, all of which were extremely tall and shrouded in a bloody smoke. There are monsters, monsters, and even sinful people in it! That's a lot, but it's more than 10 million!


The witch also disdains to use it, but it is a powerful witchcraft, which was performed by Murong Xiaoxian in a crazy state. As a result, the underground evil spirits, dead ghosts, and those soul-twisted sinners and crazy monsters, but at this moment, these things have been completely lost at this moment. Consciousness is completely controlled by Murong Xiaoxian.

Kill, kill, kill!

Kill me all the sinners outside the city, and then kill them all the way south, destroy all the countries in the south, and kill all the things that can be seen on the mainland!

Murong Xiaoxian's hysterical roar, these tens of millions of ghosts and so on, took this order as a lifelong belief and began to rush out of the city and attack the sinners and monsters that were still coming!

Murong Xiaoxian, who was furious, did not think of the terrible consequences of his order. The whole creation continent almost disappeared completely because of Murong Xiaoxian's words!

In the distant void, two blurred people are looking at what happened here from afar.

"God of Creation, I'm afraid your creation will be destroyed." A man in black said lightly.

"The turbid virtual god, I'm afraid your turbid virtual world will not be stable." A man in white said equally lightly.

"Don't you think we should stop all this?" The god of turbidity glanced at the god of creation and asked strangely.

"Reluctant maintenance is not the way after all, just like our once-thousand-year mystery, I'm really a little tired. It's better to have a complete destruction this time and then rebuild it. The god of creation took a look below, and at this moment, Murong Xiaoxian is showing his power.

"Is it really possible for this person to subvert everything? I think he is already capable of performing three witchcraft in a row. If his power hadn't reached fivefold, I'm afraid he would have been drained by that horrible array!" The god of turbidity seems to have calculated for a long time, but nothing has been calculated.

"The turbid god, don't forget it. There is no determination on this person, and I can't even figure out how he comes and goes. As for how it can affect the world, I have to take a look at it step by step. The god of creation said lightly.

"Then I have no choice but to do so. But Xiao Weizi is unavoidable..." Xu Shen said gloomyly.

"Everything is fixed, and there is no way to find out where Xiao Weizi is hiding. Well, don't think about this many problems. At present, the source of chaos is about a greater restlessness. Let's help!" The god of creation said quietly, but he no longer looked at the chaos of the continent and left.

Seeing the departure of the god of creation, the god of turbidity pondered for a moment, but shook his hand to create a golden light, but the purpose was the founding seal behind the supreme peak.

"Soon, there will be no difference between creation and turbidity. Since it's chaos, let's have a complete chaos!" The god of turbidity also followed the footsteps of the god of creation, and also no longer looked at the continent that had been guarded for millions of years.

A dialogue between the supreme gods on the two continents has determined that the whole continent has been in an abandoned position since then. No matter what happens here, no one cares about it.

After doing all this, Murong Xiaoxian fell from the air and smashed the ground into a deep hole.

The drizzle also slowly stopped, and the sky, which had been covered by the blood and gray-brown color for many days, completely cleared up, and the sun also emitted the hot heat it should have.

However, this is not a beginning. In the sky of the creation continent, there seem to be six more suns. From then on, there has been no night, and it has fallen into a state of eternal day.

Murong Xiaoxian naturally did not know what happened in the demon peak that day, while Ni Shang and others were deeply taboo and did not mention anything. Murong Xiaoxian has also been kept in the dark.

Climbing out of the big pit, Murong Xiaoxian's body changed back to its original size, but his body was a little stiff, especially the somewhat shocking wounds did not heal at all, and blood kept flowing out. Yuexian and others were shocked and quickly took out some medicinal cloths from their storage rings and skillfully wrapped Murong Xiaoxian's body carefully.

Murong Xiaoxian could only shake his head helplessly. At this time, he even felt that he could not control his body. In fact, since the last heavy blow, Murong Xiaoxian has felt that his body was a little stiff and occasionally difficult to control. Especially this time, after spraying out those blood, Murong Xiaoxian did not feel any pain at all, as if it was someone else's blood, and he controlled by himself. The body is the same. It feels like my soul is out of my body, watching my body doing mechanical movements with cold eyes.

Then, Murong Xiaoxian slightly adjusted his body and barely got used to it. Then he took Yue Xian and others to the hall that had no roof for a long time.

A senior minister surrounded the emperor of Northern Yan. When he was glad for the rest of his life after the disaster, he also regarded Murong Xiaoxian as a god. Seeing Murong Xiaoxian coming, he quickly came over.

Murong Xiaoxian will definitely be the king of the Northern Yan Kingdom in the future, especially the powerful body, which actually swept away the sinners and warcrafts that the soldiers were unable to deal with during the tea time. Therefore, Murong Xiaoxian is at this moment for the unprecedented height of the past, and the current old monarch has long been thinking about giving way. Therefore, these personal soldiers and important ministers I met Murong Xiaoxian with the gift of the emperor and minister.

A few words of greetings and disperse each other.

At present, the imperial capital has long been dilapidated, and the foundation of the whole Northern Yan Kingdom has also been completely destroyed by this war. It can be said that the country has been destroyed and the family has died. We can't stay here. Murong Xiaoxian immediately determined the new capital and the original territory of Xiangxiong. There was no war slaughter there, and what's more, it was originally the territory of Xiangxiong Kingdom and was forcibly captured by the Light and Dark Holy Kingdom. Therefore, it is reasonable or strategically considered that it is a place that must be retaken, and war is inevitable!

Therefore, after soliciting the opinions of a crew, Murong Xiaoxian decided to order tens of millions of troops, take the heavy family, drum up the momentum of breaking the boat, and move all the way towards the west.

Along the way, there are not many enemies encountered, but most of them are monsters. These monsters are deliberately created by the original dark temple to compete for hegemony in the world. However, after Murong Xiaoxian and others joined the battle group, under the powerful impact of the sword of the Overlord and soul weapons, all the warcraft teams collapsed as soon as they rushed, and the tens of millions of troops behind them were extremely angry with those monsters. They rushed into the warcraft group without waiting for any mobilization, and killed those monsters. It's a mess.

Such a battle, not only one day, the original Xiong Kingdom and the Northern Yan Kingdom were not far apart, but with the obstruction of thousands of mountains, there was a lack of contact. Now, after the Dark Temple occupied Xiangxiong, the Dark Temple actually removed all those mountains for the convenience of future war. Therefore, there is a smooth road between Beiyan and the original Xiangxiong, which facilitates the attack of the army.

If it were normal, the battle between this tens of millions of troops and Warcraft will naturally be seriously damaged, but this time it is different, because with Yuexian and other masters of hunting Warcraft, the deployment, tactics and various equipment of the army are extremely well prepared. Therefore, when the army of Northern Yan rushed into the hinterland of the Xiong Kingdom, it was less than 100,000, and the number of monsters killed exceeded millions!

Naturally, Murong Xiaoxian could no longer save these soldiers who died again with soul skills. This kind of spell is originally an anti-sky skill, which is regarded as a taboo skill by the witches. It is not because the witches respect heaven, but that every time they use the soul art will greatly deplete the vitality of users, er, the witches are more precious than the other two clans. If it is forcibly summoned, it will attract the thunder of the underworld, and the power of the thunder is comparable to the holy thunder!

No matter how much Murong Xiaoxian loves the soldiers, he is still powerless, because he can't perform soul skills again in such a short time at this moment. At the same time, he is more or less afraid of the power of the thunder, so he has to give up.

But even so, it is the biggest victory of this army. In the past, this army may have lost more than half. Therefore, Yuexian and other three people have an unprecedented prestige in the army, and some people inadvertently know that these three beautiful but powerful women are actually the favorite concubines of the future emperor. The excitement in their hearts can be imagined.

Some people are happy and some people are sad, but Su Muqi, who has been resurrified twice, is unhappy and has not seen any laughter all day long. Among these people, Su Muqi became a burden, and even in the Warcraft group, she had to distract others to protect her, which made it difficult for her to stand this huge gap.

In terms of strength, Su Muqi is not bad in the army, but compared with Yuexian and others, she has a feeling of high altitude. At this moment, she is just the level of a fifth-level practitioner, but Yuexian and others in the past are weaker, just the top warriors. However, since the real soul weapon was obtained and merged with it, the strength of the three Yuexian has directly soared to more than the sixth level of the sage, and this is still a state of incomplete integration!

The army went all the way west and conquered countless towns, but after killing all the defenders and the remaining monsters, it went straight to the imperial capital of the Xiong Kingdom, Fengdu.

"This light and dark country killed countless people of mine and attracted the guilty people to destroy my northern Yan country. Now is the time for us to pay for blood and avenge our relatives! Children, take down the capital with one spirit, and set foot on the country of light and darkness in the future!"

After the old emperor of Beiyan made a brief pre-war mobilization, tens of millions of troops began the siege battle. In fact, there is no need for this pre-war mobilization at all. The soldiers who have recovered from the dead have long breathed their breath in their hearts. They want to revenge, and they have to work hard in front of the new master!

As for the difficulty of this siege, Murong Xiaoxian is very clear in his heart. At least there are seven god-level masters in this city. If they take action, they may be able to escape by chance. In their eyes, this tens of millions of troops are just clouds.

However, the siege battle was unusually smooth. Speaking of success, it was because Yuexian and Kong Xuaner, and the pioneers did not encounter a super resistance at all. They flew over the wall at will, killed all the defenders, opened the gates, and then the army rushed in!