yuan kill

Chapter 187 Strategic Abandonment

Naturally, Warcraft can't defend the city. If Warcraft can defend the city, then human beings will be completely sad. And the efforts of the Kingdom of Light and Dark over the years are nothing more than this purpose. Let warcraft replace soldiers and soul killers replace human beings, but in the end, it is found that neither the ignorant warcraft nor the cruel and immortal soul killers are flexible enough. Although some intellectual levels have reached the level of human beings, they are still not stable enough. For example, Lan Yan and others will be like cold metal after nightfall, so to a certain extent, the experiment of this light and dark country for many years has failed.

The soldiers on the wall are at most only at the peak level of the repairer, and even the level of the sage is rarely seen. After being easily killed by Murong Xiaoxian and others, Murong Xiaoxian felt a little invincible. However, at present, the most important thing is to occupy this Fengdu, while other troops have flowed out nearly 5 million to attack the surrounding counties, and the remaining 4 million are aggressively rushing directly into the city.

There were no fierce street battles in the city, and even rarely encountered resistance. The army was unimpeded and went straight to the palace. The palace is naturally the most important symbol in an imperial capital, and after the occupation, it is equivalent to the complete loss of the country. However, for Murong Xiaoxian and others, there is no sense of aggression at all. The capture of the imperial capital is just a degree of recovery.

The whole recovery process was unusually smooth, which made Murong Xiaoxian feel a little incredible. vaguely Murong Xiaoxian felt that this was a strategic abandonment!

Although Xiangxiong is rich in resources, it is close to the bitter cold place in the north. Summer is extremely short. If it were not for the obstacles of the surrounding mountains, there would not even be summer here. However, the country of light and darkness removed those mountains for the convenience of marching. As a result, the cold current in northwest White could no longer be stopped. Although it is the beginning of summer, it feels full of coldness, like early spring.

The palace is still the same as before. Here, the army of the Northern Yan Kingdom has encountered a certain degree of resistance, but the resistance is relatively weak. After all, after the addition of Murong Xiaoxian's new forces, there are no generals at all. Except for the god-level masters, it is difficult to stop Murong Xiaoxian Yuexian. Kong Xuaner's attack.

It didn't take long to capture the whole palace, and the army outside the city also spread good news, covering it all the way, and in half a day, it has captured the surrounding counties and counties around 100 miles.

There is no resistance, which confirms Murong Xiaoxian's guess. The Kingdom of Light and Dark has completely given up here. After all, three forces on the mainland have been formed at this moment, and there is really no need to divide troops to garrison with a small Xiangxiong Kingdom. Originally, all the powerful masters had been evacuated, especially the guardians of the seven temples had long disappeared. Murong Xiaoxian naturally did not know the melee outside the capital of the Northern Yan Dynasty that day, but the seven gods were directly rescued, and even did not even go back to the Xiong Kingdom and ran directly to the south. At this moment A real country of light and darkness. After the melee, the former Holy Land of Light began to expand crazily, conquering Chu Xiong to the west and destroying the Thunder Empire to the east. In short, all the territory south of the sunset mountains, and even a large part of the Chuangjie Mountain, have fallen into the hands of the Kingdom of Light and Darkness!

Under Murong Xiaoxian's painstaking management, Guangming Town can be called the strongest barrier at this moment, especially when the design was large enough, and the main city with hundreds of miles can be called the biggest strokes, especially all the facilities inside, and it is in a rush. There are many people. The most important thing is that after the chaos in the mainland began, there was no war here at all! It is a rare paradise. At this moment, the light and dark country has vaguely become the most powerful country on the mainland.

However, when Murong Xiaoxian stabilized in the north, he was shocked to find that Xiang Xiongguo, which was originally known for its rich resources, suddenly became extremely barren. Gold and silver mines and so on had been emptied, and even some special precious herbs had been searched out. Most of the original furnishings and decorations in Xiangxiong's palace have also been removed, and the rest are also some things that are poor in quality or can't be moved away.

The seven huge temples, the entrance and exit of the dark river in the city and all the unique things of the dark temple have disappeared, and are obviously removed directly by the big 0 mana. This place has become a dead city.

Perhaps, the situation on the mainland has changed too much, far beyond the original plan of the layout. The layoutr's original idea was to build a base here, and then total north and south to unify the mainland. However, the sinner and Warcraft have become the most unstable factors, so there is no need to stay here. However, for the southern imperial capital, which is relatively poor with resources, the resources of Xiangxiong are not easy to give up, and they simply move away, which is not busy here.

In the next few days, the army quickly flattened the whole Xiangxiong country with the momentum of destruction, and then Murong Xiaoxian stationed troops in various counties according to the original military deployment to recuperate.

After the army was properly placed, a short party was held. After discussing with his father and other important ministers, Murong Xiaoxian made a major decision to re-appoint the emperor of the new country and control all military power and regimes, while the original ministers and officers of Northern Yan were treated completely according to the original treatment. Of course, Murong Xiaoxian still improved their treatment. After all, Murong Xiaoxian's worst thing is gold coins.

Glass, concrete and other industries have made Murong Xiaoxian the richest person on the continent. And the demon hunting organization that Yuexian has regained its old business has also provided countless gold coins.

In fact, during this war, gold coins are no longer worthless. You can't eat or drink, you can't keep warm, let alone keep out the cold. Even if you are rich and go out for a trip, you will sadly find that you can't buy anything.

Among the three forces of confrontation, in addition to the light and dark holy country and a little interest in gold coins, the sinners and the mountain of creation have no interest in this thing at all. Because the Holy Land of Light and Darkness is a country that needs this most original currency to rule.

The people of the Holy Land of Light and Dark are carefully selected. They have more or less skills. The worst is also Kong Wu powerful, which can at least be used as a cooli. As for the old, weak, sick and disabled, they are completely rejected. Of course, if there are outstanding talents in these old, weak and sick families, then they are not among them.

In a word, the Holy Land of Light and Dark has become the most powerful country on this creative continent in any way. The original Izumo Empire and the Thunder Empire have a history of tens of thousands of years.

At this moment, there is a very strange scene on the continent of Creation: north of the sunset mountains, the horses are galloping, warcraft roaring, and fighting continuously; south of the sunset mountains, there is a happy scene of peace, prosperity, and people living and working in peace and contentment.

However, before the larger storm came, there were several hidden currents.

First share: infinite peak. Suddenly, countless disciples gathered, who had practiced in Wuliangfeng, did play a certain leading role when the war broke out. Otherwise, how could countless small countries be destroyed so quickly? After the destruction of Chu Xiong in one night, those who had participated in the creation of the mainland dispute and were ready to win fame quickly understood the situation: this war was beyond their control. Therefore, some very wise people left the army first and returned to Chuangjie Mountain, or the infinite peak, or the Zen Robbery Temple. Although the Zen Robbery Temple has survived in name only, those disciples are unwilling to fall here, gather those excellent disciples with great fanfare, and rebuild the vein of the Heavenly Demon Peak. When the sinners and Warcraft poured out, the last part of the people who were still hesitant also withdrew decisively and returned to Chuangjie Mountain.

Therefore, this final battle was divided into two poles: it was completely a struggle between mortals and a confrontation between people outside the world. That's why Murong Xiaoxian found that this last battle was so easy!

The second share: the holy country of light and darkness. Soul killers and fake monsters are also secretly gathering to fight with the last two forces in the creation world.

The third unit: the founding country, a country reconsisted of sinners and warcraft, is constantly gathering, and the founding seal of Wushangfeng seems to be wrong, sometimes opening, sometimes closing, so that the sinners and warcraft can continue to gushe, making the founding country more and more powerful.

The fourth share: the resurgence of Xiangxiong. This is the last bloodline of human beings. It is purely composed of human beings, but its strength is the weakest link. Although morale is extremely strong, it also has the intention to recover mountains and rivers and create a natural sky on the continent.

But this sky is difficult to restore. At this moment, the creation continent seems to have returned to the ancient flood era. In the sky, six suns are shining day and night. And the temperature on this continent also became extremely high in an instant. The earth cracked, the water source dried up, plants and so on all lost their vitality. The extremely hot weather also made all creatures become extremely irritable.

Everything became extremely anxious, and a violent collision was brewing.

The original Xiangxiong Kingdom was not greatly affected by the sun. It was originally a bitter cold place, and even the rushing river outside the city was floating with ice from time to time. Several more suns changed the temperature here. The snow in those distant mountains began to melt, and the river began to sing happily.

Soon, Xiang Xiongguo was full of spring, with red flowers and willows. It seemed that all life rushed out of the ground overnight, showing vitality.

And the Holy Land of Light and Dark can only see one sun. It seems that the extra sun appears to shine north of the sunset mountain...

Time seems to pass extremely fast, and everyone can see the trajectory of the sun in the sky, hovering all day long along the gorgeous tracks.

After nearly half a year of rest and recuperation, the army has stockpiled enough food, but Murong Xiaoxian decided to send troops and start the battle to conquer this creative continent!

When everyone heard Murong Xiaoxian's words, everyone was shocked!

Although there are many people, the strength is too weak. This kind of fight is not a level at all, but a death battle!