yuan kill

Chapter 194 Doomsday

The infinite peak is composed of ten main peaks, which are occupied by the top ten disciples such as Danyangzi, which is very similar to the situation of Tianyao Peak. However, after Jingxueshi disappeared too strangely, the Qiushuiguan disintegrated, so the Qiushuifeng was also deserted for many years. Only in recent years, after the chaos of the creation continent began, and Jingxueshi had no news for a long time, Danyangzi and other leaders were determined to regain the vein of Qiushuifeng. Therefore, at this moment, the infinite peak is still ten peaks, and the original Jingxue master is not very strong, but only because of the light of a woman's identity that he can be equal to other disciples.

When the snow nib turned into colorful treasures and integrated into the Xuandu sky and fell into the fairy array, the ten main veins of the infinite peak began to shake! Ten beams of soaring brilliance shot from the highest point of the peak and rushed straight to the sky, and then the invisible array in the sky clearly appeared in front of everyone.

With Wang Xufeng as the center, there is a more dazzling and thicker white beam of light that also rushed into the sky! These eleven pillars of light have become the eleven pillars of this array, mainly the pillar of light of Wangxu Peak, supplemented by the beams of ten peaks such as the infinite peak, just like building an incomparable tent in the sky, covering all the ten main peaks and the circles of nearly thousands of miles of Wangxu Peaks, forming a spectacle, but extremely For the glorious world!

This is also a boundary, and it is also a boundary that occupies thousands of miles! This world is a powerful array formed by the combination of the power of heaven, earth and people. It can be said that it kills gods and saints. Although this array is not as famous as the King Kong's immortal knot and the founding seal, it is far more powerful than those two arrays. The two arrays are completely under the hands of the saint, and have never been consolidated, improved or strengthened over the years, but even so, the power of the array cannot be underestimated. Each array is composed of array eyes and array protection magic weapons, supplemented by a certain number of large and small prohibitions.

However, the Xuandu sky trap fairy array is different. Since the establishment of the array, it has been constantly changing and strengthening. Originally, the founder of this array was a person who was not established by the god. He completely took advantage of the mountain around the infinite peak and took the mountain as the eye to absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and then It is to use the power of the law of heaven and earth to kill this person. However, the difference between this array and the two arrays is that it needs someone to launch it.

This is a shortcoming, but also an advantage. If someone comes to launch it, it means that this formation has come to life, and its power has increased by many times. For tens of millions of years, although the Yuxumen lineage has withered in the end, its rich foundation is unmatched by other sects. Over the years, there are absolutely many people who have stepped into the holy stage. Whether it is stepping into the realm of the gods or the realm of the saints, they will naturally leave the personal magic weapons, such as flying swords and other things before the ascension, but these powerful things are not left to the next disciples, but directly immerse them into the mountains and become part of this formation, and before these ascenders soar, They will integrate some of what they have learned into this array, so this array has almost become the crystallization of countless saints, the efforts of the gods, and people below the gods are not qualified to improve this array. The reason for this is that those ancestors have some selfishness. On the one thing, these magic weapons can protect the jade virtual gate, and on the other, they can also make the refinery level of the jade virtual gate not sink because of these magic weapons and flying swords!

So the power of this array now can only be used to shake the world!

Eleven pillars of light are like eleven huge light arrows rising into the sky, constantly gathering the aura of the day and the earth towards the method. For a time, the thousands of miles are filled with a terrible murderous atmosphere. The closer it is to the eleven peaks, the heavier the murderous it is. However, this murderous spirit is different from the murderous spirit in the world. This murderous spirit is only the law of heaven and earth. As long as you don't touch it, the murderous spirit will naturally not touch you.

In other words, as long as you don't bring murder in this array, there will be a peaceful world in this array. If you come in with murderous spirit, it will naturally cause this big array of counterattack!

Murong Xiaoxian incarnated as a touch of green light and familiar with the road and went straight to the infinite peak.

Mountains or mountains, water or water, the scenery is still the same, but people's hearts have long been very different. Compared with the original awkwardness, Murong Xiaoxian came back with a different mood at this time. However, at the beginning, it was for the purpose of running for my life, but now I feel a little back to die. However, Murong Xiaoxian secretly wondered in his heart, who in the world can take my life?

The strength is so high that even death may be a luxury, right? So, those who know their destiny and have lost all the worldly feelings, as if they have become a part of the universe, but are extremely strong and outrageous saints, don't know what the fun it is to live?

The green light floats by like the wind, without a trace, and has not caused any fluctuation of the Xuandu sky and the immortal array. However, the magic spirit on Shen Ribai, who followed Murong Xiaoxian, leaked slightly, so that the sense of murderous spirit in the array began to converge towards Shen Ribai. Shen Ribai had a strange smile, with a trace of magic. Under the infinite peak, under the infinite peak, he quickly rotated a few times.

In the rotation of Shen Ribai, the murderous atmosphere gradually began to shift towards the infinite peak, but the concentration of the murderous gas was more than a hundred times stronger than at that time! Shen Ribai did all this in a very measured way, but only let the magic leak out, but deeply hid the murder in his heart. As the leader of this generation of disciples of Yuxu, he had that strange experience, so he knew the secret of this big array.

In fact, his behavior is just to hide his evil intentions. His purpose is very simple, which is to kill people with a knife and then profit from it.

Naturally, Shi Xiaoman and imfatuated, who followed Shen Ribai, looked at everything in front of him with a cold look. Shi Xiaoman was originally extremely impulsive, but after initially understanding the way of heaven, he also vaguely knew a few mysteries of this formation. Naturally, he saw Shen Ribai's idea. With the relationship between Shi Xiaoman and Murong Xiaoxian, Shi Xiaoman was bound to take action. However, Shi Xiaoman could not show his murderous spirit. When he wanted to kill his opponent, he could hide the realm of murderous spirit. Shi Xiaoman thought that he could not do it, so he could only wait and see the change. Of course, no matter how powerful this array is, Shi Xiaoman wants to try him. After all, he is also a member of Tianyaofeng. He has also fought against this Yuxu sect for millions of years, but his heart disdains everything about this Yuxu sect.

After completing all this, Shen Ribai restrained his magic spirit and turned into a shape that was the same as that of the disciples of the Jade Virtual Gate, and unconsciously waited for the disciples patrolling into the mountain. After all, Shen Ribai has been in this mountain for more than 30 years, and he is no longer familiar with everything here, so Shen Ribai is easy to do all this.

Shi Xiaoman, who was originally considering how to mix into the infinite peak, was not crazy, but in his heart, he chuckled at the same time, and also mixed into the infinite peak one after another.

The strong murderous atmosphere of heaven and earth made the beam emitted from the infinite peak more dazzling, but it also caused the formation to slowly turn!

Eleven beams began to flash brightly and darkly, changing, as if transmitting some strange signal, and the ten infinite mountain main peaks deeply rooted in the creation of the mountain world also began to shift and change positions, arranging the irregular position around the virtual peaks in a specific direction...< /P>

The sky is full of dark thunder and clouds, and the wind and clouds are surging, as if they are accumulating some kind of devastating power. As a result, the whole Chuangjie Mountain has also become extremely hazy. Thunder and lightning have split down the ground in the rainstorm, smashing the hills one by one. The rainstorm mixed with the gravel, sandwiching the soil in the mountains, forming a thick mudslide, gushing out from the mountains and rushing towards the continent of Creation!


With a long cry, the creation continent shook, and a huge shadow across the sky. It was the sunset mountain that turned into a black dragon and jumped up from the ground. The situation was like tearing a piece of meat from a human body, spewing out from the ground with broken flesh and blood! Naturally, it was not broken meat and blood, but some gravel magma, a mountain rooted in the continent for hundreds of millions of years, which had long been integrated with the continent. This departure was as if a person had been pumped out of his spine and was immediately paralyzed! The whole creation continent seems to have been cut off with a knife, and then become fragmented!

Countless horrible deep black holes appeared on the ground, sucking in the remaining inhabitants, sinful people and monsters on the continent without exception, and perished in an instant! Before the sunset mountain left the earth, the holy country of light flashed in advance. It seemed that countless huge transmission arrays were starting at the same time. In a short time, a complete holy country of light and dark was separated from this continent and could no longer find any trace!


The end of the creation continent has finally arrived.

Countless peaks in Chuangjie Mountain are also beginning to collapse one after another. Except for the place protected by the three major arrays, other places have long been in a mess and turned into mudslides and rushed towards the continent of Chuangjie.

The landslide and the ground were cracked, and there was nowhere to settle down. Yuexian and several others gathered the soldiers in a hurry and rushed to the safe place. But that safe place can only be outside the array.

Xuandu fell into the fairy array, and countless people gathered. The two armies were gathering, then confronting each other, and then rushed to each other with a bang!

I don't know when countless soul killers have been waiting here!


The sound of killing, the sound of landslides, and the sound of lava spewing from the ground converged into a tragic symphony!

And after the Xuandu sky fell into the fairy array, the immortal knot and the founding seal in the distance also began to reflect. After a violent shock, it exploded directly!

The power is like tens of thousands of nuclear bombs. Two huge mushroom clouds instantly covered the sky, returning all the light to darkness at the beginning! Then, the power of the explosion directly shattered the sky, and the shock wave of the explosion quickly rushed to all parts of the creation continent, invincible. Affected by this big explosion, the center of the creation continent also responded. At least 20 magnitude earthquakes shattered the whole continent, and finally even a ground with more than a radius of more than a foot did not exist!

And the shock wave of the explosion directly destroyed the millions of soldiers and soul killers fighting next to the Xuandu Heavenly Immortal Array, and even a scum did not exist!

The creation continent was finally destroyed, and within the remaining thousands of miles, a more cruel battle is about to begin!