yuan kill

Chapter 195 Fall

Xuandu is not affected by the outside world at all. It is like an existence that does not exist in this world at all. Everything around it is just a dream here.

I became a monk in order to live and ascend! What is long life? What is soaring?

The so-called immortality is just a little longer than ordinary people. If this is a disaster-prone world, full of disasters all the time, and people will die all the time, then you who can escape the disaster, isn't it a kind of immortality?

Is the so-called soaring actually another way to die? At least you have left this world, and this world is not what you want to come back from now on. Even if you come back, you don't know the world, and the world doesn't know you for a long time!

Murong Xiaoxian floated up and saw everything in the world on the top of the mountain. This array seemed to have become a huge projection at this moment, like the three-life stone in the underworld, throwing all the tragic images of the world on the sky of this array!

Everything was destroyed, and the Xiangxiong Kingdom, which was like a candle in the wind, also disappeared in the shaking of the mountain. In the end, not even a brick and tiles were left. All the nationals, all the kings and ministers, all the once prosperous, and the last empire on the continent disappeared in this short time.

The continent is devastated, and it is fragmented everywhere. There are no mountains, rivers, cities and villages, everything seems to have returned to the early era of the flood and famine. There are no animals and nothing, and the whole continent has no color. A piece of black smoke is everywhere, with the thick smoke of Mars, and the ground From time to time, a stream of magma rushed up the face and washed the thick smoke out of a hole.

Chuangjie Mountain was also razed to the ground in a boom, and Chuangjie Mountain, known as 100,000 mountains, suddenly became extremely flat. The countless rocks collapsed into, mixed with rain, rushed to the creation continent for a long time to fill the fragmentation of those creation continents.

And the destruction of the million army outside the array was also in an instant. Murong Xiaoxian's heart sank slightly, but he removed the uneasiness from his heart in an instant. Seeing through life and death sooner or later, but in front of the law of heaven and earth, human life is so insignificant that it is no different from an ant, or even worse than an ant!

Why did he suddenly look so thinly? Murong Xiaoxian was a little puzzled, but the voice he had been thinking of in his heart was getting clearer and clearer!

Everything at the top of the infinite peak is still the same as before, just like Murong Xiaoxian was at the beginning. Martial arts arena, mid-mountain hall, Zen room, hall, behind the mountain... Everything is still the same.

After collecting the unknown world, Murong Xiaoxian showed his ontology. The house I once lived in has already been occupied by others, but there are many more decorations in it. After a few glances, Murong Xiaoxian sighed, shook his head again, and turned around and walked towards the back mountain.

There, the voice calling himself seemed to be clearer. Murong Xiaoxian finally determined the direction of the voice, which was the hidden flower hole, the place where the epileptic Taoist who had been affecting him for so long was hiding.

The clear spring in the back mountain is still clear, still emitting a faint water mist, as if it were more than a decade ago, but the blue stone by the spring is much smoother. Obviously, there are still many people washing here, and the two traces left by Murong Xiaoxian in the spring are still It is still vivid and seems to be telling some tragic past silently.

The footsteps sounded sparsely behind Murong Xiaoxian's back, but Murong Xiaoxian suddenly realized that he came here to make a break. Do you have a grudge against Yuxu? Murong Xiaoxian is still a little vague about this matter, but Murong Xiaoxian has a vague feeling in his heart that if he does not come, this jade virtual door will remain unchanged and will never be destroyed. And as soon as I came, I would put this jade virtual door into an eternal situation from now on!

After all, this creation continent has been completely destroyed. Is there any need for your Yuxu Gate?

Dan Yangzi, Mo Yangzi, Qingyangzi and other disciples all appeared, but their faces were extremely solemn, and each of them looked like facing a great enemy. What surprised Murong Xiaoxian most was that Shen Ribai stood behind Qingyangzi with an innocent face, just like when he was at the infinite peak, his attitude was extremely respectful!

And Murong Xiaoxian's most surprising thing is that the strength of these leaders was only the level of the highest nine practitioners when they left, but at this moment, the strength of these leaders has broken through the level of practitioners, and they have made great strides forward at the level of the sages, reaching the peak of the sages. . Murong Xiaoxian is not surprised by this soaring rise in strength. After all, this Yuxu sect can refine all kinds of elixirs. Yuxumen has the strength to make a beginner disciple directly rise to the level of sages within a year! What's more, these powerful disciples?

However, these disciples are extremely measured, and few people take the initiative to touch those elixir. Because the cultivation obtained in that way is too frivolous, far less realistic than what you have achieved by hard practice, but it is absolutely difficult to make further progress on the road of cultivation by relying on elixir.

"Are you back? You shouldn't come back..." Dan Yangzi sighed at the corners of his mouth, but still sighed.

"I don't know if I should thank you for letting me go or say that you were stupid at the beginning." Murong Xiaoxian replied without looking back, but he felt the breath of Dan Yangzi early in the morning.

"Maybe I'm ignorant, maybe I can't see it, but the foundation of this infinite peak of Yuxumen is also millions of years of accumulation! I let you go, but I didn't mean it. Of course, the decision between release and killing was still in my hands. Danyangzi's voice was unusually cold. I don't know whether his feelings were numb or he had made some kind of determination.

"Very good, you already have this kind of understanding, it's really rare!" Murong Xiaoxian looked up to the sky and smiled, but what he said puzzled the people around him.

"But Master, this person is the remains of my Yuxu Family, and he must be cleaned up. If the masters are not far away from taking action, then the disciples will do it for him..." Shen Ribai came up and was eager to try, but he did not show any intention of taking action.

"That's all! Lord of Light and Darkness, or the devil, or Xiao Weizi, what should I call you? Qing Yangzi slowly stepped out, but his eyes were full of jokes, which made Shen Ribai suddenly stunned!

"You don't have to be surprised. My Yuxumen is also a foundation for millions of years. I'm afraid you can't notice it at all. Don't think that what you did is not clear for us, but you were not full of wings at that time, and the situation on the continent needed you to contribute, so we let you to fool around. However, today is the time for you to be the head. Think about it, your master is still sleeping. I'm afraid it will be absolutely difficult to wake up in a few years, right?" Qingyangzi sneered, as if he had sent a signal. The top ten disciples surrounded Shen Ribai in the middle like a horse lantern.

Shen Ribai's face slowly became shady. Just as the murderous spirit was slightly exposed, he looked up and saw the murderous spirit shrouded in the sky, which had condensed into countless huge murderous swords and aimed at himself together. As long as his murderous spirit was released a little more, the countless giant swords would stab him in an instant. Sieve! If you resist with your strength, it will attract a counterattack that exceeds this strength by a thousand times!

The devil is powerful, but this is a completely blocked world, an extremely unique world! Here, everyone's strength will be greatly reduced. As long as you have the desire to fight and kill, you will be destroyed by this horrible array in an instant!

Shen Ribai did not dare to do it, and the top ten disciples also had the same idea, and they did not dare to do it. Seeing the countless huge murderous swords that the sky is constantly condensed into, constantly fluttering against the people in the field, they are naturally as cicadas.

"Murong Xiaoxian, haven't you been looking for enemies all these years? Here, turn around..." Shen Ribai's sinister eyes flashed, but one sentence attracted Murong Xiaoxian's attention. Murong Xiaoxian turned his head and looked at Shen Ribai. His eyes were still Gujing, but he looked at Shen Ribai without emotion. This kind of vision is a little uncomfortable to see Shen Richi. What kind of look is that? That's a condescending look!

It's like God is looking down on all sentient beings, without any feelings, let alone selfishness. It is the look of everything as a dog!

"Let's see what this is?" Shen Ribai slowly took out a Ropa from his arms, but one corner was missing.

Murong Xiaoxian just took a cold look, but snorted in his nose. He didn't pay attention to Shen Ribai's behavior at all. Murong Xiaoxian knew that Shen Ribai's actions were just to stimulate himself, so that the murderous spirit could pour towards him. After years of forbearance, Murong Xiaoxian's heart has long been as hard as iron, and he will not be disturbed by such a small move.

"Well, let's look at the truth of the autumn water view..." Shen Ribai suddenly sneered, stretched out his finger and wiped it gently in the air, and saw a half-foot-sized silver mirror suddenly reflected in mid-air, and the mirror showed continuous pictures, as if it were playing a movie.

Time reversal, in a blink of an eye, more than ten years ago.

The moonlight is sprinkled like water, fluttering in the evening wind like a light gauze. Everything looks soft, and everything looks so quiet.

The autumn water view is snow-white, but it looks extremely peaceful. Everything is there. The main hall, the auxiliary hall and the house are so clear in the moonlight.

Across the courtyard, dozens of disciples in colorful clothes slowly came out in the moonlight, but their eyes were full of metallic luster. Three of them are very familiar with Murong Xiaoxian, who are the three people who are Yuexian, Xingge and Yangwu.

The picture flashed away, but turned to another corner. In one corner, an ordinary-looking girl was quietly following these people and walking out...