Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 176 Peach blossoms in the mountains begin to bloom

After nightfall, Cai Lan looked at the lights in the inner room go out. After a long time, he quietly pushed Cai Green next to him: "What's wrong with aunt and A family?"

"It's all caused by those forbidden troops!" Cailu also couldn't sleep a little. He bit his ear with hatred. "Didn't the A family want to go out to hunt that day, but it rained, so he took us and Yuan Tongjun and two forbidden soldiers to climb to the top of the peak to have a look? Who would have thought that the A family casually said on the peak that there were many prey in Zhongnan Mountain, and even there were big insects. As a result, it was rumored by those broken mouths that the A family wanted to hunt tigers by themselves. However, the A family mentioned it again today. There were too few prey on Zige Peak and wanted to go to the bottom of the peak. The aunt only thought that the A family was hunting tigers. Where Will you be relieved? It's a heavy word..."

Cai Lan frowned: "Yuan Tongjun is the person sent by Golang to protect the A family. Why can't he even restrain a few subordinates?"

"He just went down to explore the road. The A family was going to send him to interrogate this matter before dinner. Wait and see. When the A family gets up tomorrow, the first one will definitely ask about this matter. These forbidden soldiers are too unruly. We can hear the A family's words clearly, but we sigh that Zhongnan Mountain is a mountain, and the original Compared with the prey, there is a huge gap. These people waste their lives to be Langjun, and their tongues are much longer than that of the city women, which makes the A family unhappy and angry with the aunt, which makes us also be careful!" Cai Lv gritted his teeth and said, "It's really annoying!"

"This matter needs to be clarified." Although Cai Lan was not happy to hear it, he thought more than Cai Lv, "The A family was just a random sentence, and it was misinterpreted like this. Today, Li Shilinang came to the door. Fortunately, it was introduced by Guo Bang, and it was also sent by Guo when she went out. I hope no one in the forbidden army knows, otherwise, I don't know what will come out!"

Hearing Cai Lu, he also felt that the matter was serious. He turned over and said nervously, "It's okay for He Yijian to show his goodwill to the A family in public before. Li Shilinang heard that she had a marriage contract with He Yijian, but she was not afraid. If it spread out that our A family robbed her fiance, wouldn't it be too much to bullied people?"

"Well, there is nothing about this kind of rumor." Cai Lan sneered in a low voice, "Left and Right Wulang is reluctant to lower the A family to Hebei. Besides, the marriage contract seems to be just a verbal agreement between the two sides. The three media and six certificates have not yet gone through. Besides, everyone knows that He Yijian fell in love with the A family at first sight..."

Cai Lv was confused when he heard this: "What's there to worry about Li Shichan?"

"You!" Cai Lan shook his head helplessly. "In the afternoon, the A family said in the main hall that Li Shilinang came to Zigefeng in person this time in order to escape from Chang'an with the help of the A family. She clearly wanted to pursue the A family through He Yijian's doubts about them, and Li Shilinang was He Yijian's unmarried wife. , transferred to the A family. If you think of these forbidden troops, the A family can arrange the A family's intention to hunt tigers and ridicul them. If they know that Li Shisanniang is coming, the case of Ren Qiu in Chang'an City may not be covered by the news of the A family and Li Shisanianang's husband..." /P>

She sneered and said, "The identity of the A family is noble. The riser of the market chews the tongue, and it is not as good as the A family. It is not long-sighted to say anything in front of the A family. It's just that the shame of Ren Qiu's case is the King of Qi and Princess Changyang! The A family has suffered a loss in the hands of the child surnamed Yan for this matter before. Do you still want to take advantage of the A family this time? Pooh!”

Cai Lan said this. It would be too stupid for Cai Lv not to react. She was shocked. She subconsciously looked at the direction where the forbidden army lived and muttered, "Someone in the forbidden army intends to drag A family into the water?"

"Golang's special family came to other hospitals to escape the summer heat, which was not all for the aunt." Cai Lan snorted coldly, "Even the A family itself has a pure plan for this reason... Although Yuan Tongjun is loyal, his ability seems to be a little worse."

Two close maids whispered here, only when Yuanxiu was already asleep, but she didn't know that Yuanxiu had turned off the light but was not in the inner room at all. Instead, she opened the small door on the side of the water lily pool and leaned on the beauty. Although she grew up in the palace, she was taught to control her joys and anger since childhood, but she thought of two A forbidden soldier also dared to distort and spread his joke, and Yuan Xiu's anger still surged in his heart!

Yuan Beihe is not here. Of course, she can also call the two forbidden soldiers directly, but Yuan Xiu almost broke the handle of the ebony fan before she calmed down and reminded herself not to do so - Feng Chun specially arranged Yuan Beihe to escort her to escape the summer heat, not only to show his attention to Yuan Xiu, but also to give this heart. With the increase of seniority, the forbidden army defended the palace and the imperial capital, but most of the military power was ridiculously in the hands of eunuchs. Yuan Xiu did not know this. Because of this, even if Yuan Beihe was still young, even if he was born as a civilian and may be insufficient in ability, even if he was just a unified army, but because he was loyal to Fengchun, No matter how angry Yuan Xiu is, he must save face - otherwise, it is not Yuan Beihe's face that will be lost, but Fengchun's power.

In contrast, the dignified princess Tete's disposing of the two forbidden armies was a small matter.

Thinking of this, Yuanxiu couldn't help gritting her teeth again. After night, the bamboo beauty, who became colder and cold, could not calm her anger. She clenched the railing, looked at the pool not far away, and whispered, "When I return to Chang'an, you look good..."

Before she finished speaking, suddenly there was a voice with a little smile, low and close, and said behind her, "Who bullied Ahuang?"

There is no need to look back. Just by listening to this name, Yuan Xiu knew who was coming. At this moment, her face changed. First, she was extremely disappointed with Yuan Beihe's ability, and she was annoyed that she did not have a master like Xiahou Fubai around her, and then regretted... She should not have driven Xue so far.

So, she added another account to the two forbidden soldiers on that day, and then turned around and said lazily, "The uninvited guest is already rude. If you don't invite yourself, you are even more like a thief. When did He Langjun become such a Menglang?"

The moonlight is obscured. Even if there is a pool water back, he can't tell the specific color of He Yijian's clothes. He only feels that the color is quite dark. However, his face under the moonlight is like crown jade. I don't know when he has stood less than three steps behind Yuan Xiu, with one hand behind him, and with the other hand holding a branch. The blooming branches are fragrant, and it is actually a peach blossom!

"April is the end of the world, and the peach blossoms in the mountain temple begin to bloom." He Yijian raised her hand. Yuan Xiu instinctively turned her head, but she didn't move as fast as him. After all, she inserted the peach blossoms diagonally into her bun. What she combed was a single snail after bathing. She only held a round golden hairpin. There was no decoration on the golden hairpin. Because of her large amount of hair, she almost covered her hairpin and looked under the moonlight. Go, but when he saw that the dark clouds were tired and full of them, their skin was even more bright and shining. He Yi's heart moved slightly. After holding the peach blossoms for her, when he let go, if he deliberately or unintentionally, rubbed his palms her cheek and smiled, "This poem is about the scenery of Dalin Temple on the incense burner peak. Although it has now entered June, But I think there are many mountains and rivers that are eight hundred miles higher than the incense burner peak, and may not be all fragrant. Sure enough, a few peach trees were found in a hidden place on a nearby peak. This one was picked by me. After picking, those peach trees were also cut off for me, and the peaks are now the only one on your temples... Does Ahuang like it?

Yuan Xiu originally reminded himself of Yan Jiuhuai because of his intrusion at night. He was shocked, angry and worried. He frowned and said, "Since you have picked it out, why do you cut off those peach trees?"

"Those peach trees can still bloom for a few days. Bai Letian's poems are well known all over the world. Who knows if there are any other people who will also fold flowers and give them to others these days?" He Yijian said proudly, "What I gave to Ahuang is naturally unique!"

"You broke in late at night just to send this peach blossom?" Yuanxiu felt the slight fragrance between her temples and squinted at the straight man in front of her. Her status was as noble as she had been used to the attention of everyone since she was a child. He Yijian was not from Chang'an. What's more, the vastness of Zhongnan Mountain is her golden branches and jade leaves born in Chang'an. Because she lives deep in the palace, how can she know where there is near here? Will there be peach blossoms on the mountain?

He Yijian said a sentence, and he was also at ease at this moment, but Yuanxiu could think that he was rejected outside the gate of the courtyard and looked up and down several times in the nearby peaks. Even if he had martial arts and took the guard of Xiahou Fubai, unless he was lucky enough to meet him at once and wanted to find such a branch. How difficult it is to bloom and wither in the three springs.

Her eyes were soft for a moment, but her tone was still calm.

It's just that He Yijian was standing in front of her. How could she not notice her momentary distraction and change? He was suddenly overjoyed. His hand behind him secretly clenched his fist and smiled, "Of course it's not just that." After a pause, he said helplessly, "I didn't have to go to Chu Yinxing's 50th birthday at the Ziqing Festival, but I have studied martial arts from his brother for many years, and I haven't seen my master for two years. This time my master will be there, and the adult's life, but I can't help but leave Chang'an for a while."

"How can you respect your master?" Yuanxiu's eyes were a little strange. He Yi said strangely, "Master Tiandijun, why can't I respect the master?"

He took it for granted, but Yuan Xiu laughed and shook his head and said, "He Langjun, the eldest son who is said to be a direct disciple of Li Chunfeng has saved your life, but you are quite disdainful of him. The eldest son is a Taoist immortal, which shows that you don't have much awe of the fate of heaven and earth. As for you, this The meeting is not above the court - if the three towns of Hebei really have the heart of loyalty to the monarch, they should have returned the Jing Festival to Chang'an. Please appoint officials from the seventeen prefectures of the three towns today, instead of the situation that cut off the seafarers from returning today. Besides, if this palace is correct, I'm afraid that you will jump in Weizhou long ago and want you to leave this. The palace is a little far away, right? How can Lang Jun appear in the other courtyard of this palace? You don't care about the first four, He Langjun. Naturally, I was surprised.

"Ahuang is wrong. People are born in the world. How can I be disrespectful to heaven and earth?" He Yijian sat down calmly beside her. Yuan Xiu glanced at him, but didn't say anything. He only listened to him say leisurely, "I don't like the immortal son, but I don't like this person to think he is spying on some heavenly ways, so he is extremely high. The so-called life and death is life, wealth and noble in heaven, and people who are close to immortals, even if they are true immortals are not everything. Yes, since there is something you can't do, you have to know yourself!"

He sneered and said, "It's his master Li Chunfeng. Back. Picture, Fu Taizong, in charge of the Taishi Bureau, finally returned. It is rumored that his person was feathered and gone. When he was alive, he was not as good as the so-called arrogant two-thirds of the long-born son! A Huang compared him with heaven and earth, but he looks at him too high! When such a world annoys me, even if I kill it with a sword, I won't care!"

Yuanxiu had a very bad impression of the immortal son. At this moment, he was secretly happy, but he did not show it on his face. Hearing He Yijian continue to refute one by one, "As for you, the three towns in Hebei still regard Chang'an as Zhengshuo. Ahuang Ruo feels that the three towns are similar, but how is it better than the former Annan and the Western Regions Capital Protector?" He said with a leisurely smile, "If that's not, the Empress Dowager Zhaoxian passed away. If Hebei doesn't send an envoy to Chang'an to mourn, I won't meet Ahuang!"

"Adults really don't want me to Shang Ahuang, and they really like Li Shijunang as my daughter-in-law." When He Yijian said this, her tone slowed down. Every word, she seemed to have carefully considered before opening her mouth. She said very slowly, "But it's me who married, not an adult, not to mention..." He smiled faintly and stared at Yuan Xiu with burning eyes. "There is no one else here, I might as well tell the truth. A Huang naturally I know it's true - I'm the only son. Since I was born, I've always been the only one who has disobeyed his meaning. How can the adult disobey my heart?

Yuan Xiu's fingertips brushed over the bamboo fence, squeezed his lips and smiled, "If He Zhifang heard your words with his own ears, I don't know if he would be so angry that he would call people to present the staff to the court?"

"If my mother is by his side, he will, because my mother will definitely stop her. If my mother is not here, he will just say something." He Yijian said slightly, "What's more, he doesn't like Li Shilinang very much. He is nothing more than worried that my Lord will cause suspicion in the other two towns. I have to worry about this matter. Ahuang doesn't have to worry about it."

"Why should I be worried?" Yuan Xiu was a little ironic, "When did I say that I would fall to you?"

He Yijian looked at her and smiled with determination: "Ahuang doesn't say anything, but I know that you will be my wife sooner or later."

Yuan Xiu changed the topic with an unchanged look: "Anyway, Li Shichan came to the door and always caused trouble for me."

"Ahuang is here alone tonight. Is it because of her?" He Yi said so briefly, but his eyes were bright!

Just looking at his face, Yuanxiu can also guess what came to He Yijian's mind. She very simply chose to come straight to the point and break the current beautiful atmosphere: "How much has Ren Qiu's case involved you?"