Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 177 Call Me Rokuro

"This matter has nothing to do with Hebei." He Yijian never avoided Yuanxiu's questioning. He said simply, "This is a matter of Chang'an, but Ahuang guessed that in order to be dragged into the water, the big man repeatedly told me to leave in the name of my master. When Chu Yinxing's birthday is over, the case should be almost over. When..."

Yuan Xiu frowned and interrupted him: "Chang'an?"

He Yijian looked at her a little strangely: "Ahuang is the emperor. Don't you know that since the Anshi Rebellion, most of the military power of the imperial army has fallen into the hands of eunuchs?"

"What?" Yuanxiu was shocked and almost stood up, "...Qiu Fengxiang?!"

"Most of the unified army in the Archer's army defending the palace is loyal to him." He Yijian's expression gradually became solemn, "Ahuang doesn't know anything. Maybe he has a heart to defend Ahuang now, but once something happens, Ahuang is afraid he doesn't know anything..."

Yuan Xiu stretched out his hand and grabbed his sleeve in a hurry: "Why did Qiu Fengxiang do something to the third brother of my palace?"

He Yijian was waiting to hold her hand with his backhand, but Yuan Xiu had realized his gaffe and immediately retreated and breathed quietly: "Please tell He Langjun!"

"He is not aiming at the King of Qi, but at the Mysterious Pavilion." He Yijian stopped in disappointment and said, "Ahuang has seen Yan Jiuhuai in the cabinet, and he must also know his identity - Tanwanlang!"

Yuan Xiu said blankly, "Why did Qiu Fengxiang have trouble with Tan Wanlang?"

"Since Emperor Suzong, Chang'an Tanwan Lang has assassinated eunuchs in the palace many times." He Yi said slightly, "Actually, Emperor Xianzong, the father of Ahuang, was able to get rid of Wang Taiqing in those years, which also had nothing to do with Tanwanlang. Although most of them sneaked in the market, there were many masters in the eunuchs. Eunuchs were originally eunuchs. No matter how powerful they were when they were alive, they died, they would fall down and scattered. Unlike your family, others can come out to take power on your behalf. However, Tan Wanlang collects money and eliminates disasters with others. Although there are no taboos, he does not take action against the royal family... In fact, it is not only Qiu Fengxiang who is in a dilemma with Tan Wanlang. However, in the past, like Wang Taiqing, it was to kill and stop killing, but Qiu Fengxiang's idea was to kill people with a knife first, and then never suffer from the future!"

Yuanxiu suddenly bit her lip - she suddenly remembered that she tried to make Qiu Fengxiang notice about Tanwanlang - if what He Yijian said was true, then she had previously speculated that it was obviously wrong for Yan Jiuhuai to enter the palace through Princess Yang and found her bedroom. Most of the shece army guarded the palace was by Qiu Fengxiang. Commander, he wants to let a person in and lead a person somewhere, which is as easy as a palm. Compared with a imperial concubine, I don't know how much easier it is!

"Whose knife is he going to borrow?" Yuan Xiu settled down and asked in a low voice.

He Yijian suddenly raised her hand and stroked her face. Yuan Xiu immediately dodged and said angrily, "He Lang should be more self-respecting!"

"Ahuang is afraid?" He Yijian sighed and put down his hand.

Yuan Xiu did not answer his question, but after thinking a little, he asked, "Is the knife he wants to borrow today?"

"Your Majesty has long planned to remove Du Qingtang's party, and has a knot in the king of Qiong." Although the three towns in Hebei are similar, they are also quite self-asured. Even if Chang'an has no clear master, they dreamed of the Tang Dynasty at the end of hundreds of years ago, and it is not the land of their 17 states that can be swallowed. Once there is a Zhongxing king, such as Emperor Xianzong, they have to rearrange their ministers' proper posture. In this case, the most important thing is to inquire about the harem of Chang'an.

Under the moon, Yuan Xiu pulled out the peach blossoms on his temples with a complicated look and frowned for a long time. After all, he took it to the water lily pool and loosened his hand. He Yijian and Xiahou Fubai did not know how many peaks they had found, or by luck to find them, and they chose thousands of them from several peach trees. And the peach blossoms that have destroyed their branches and next trees fell into the cold pool water.

Between the blowing of the mountain, a few petals floated, as if they were unwilling...

However, Yuan Xiu got up lazily and reached out to push the small door of the inner room.