Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 202 Invitation

The apricot yellow silk shirt is embroidered with blooming emermums, and a two-inch-long red silk thread is tied under the ribbon with a bright red two-color ribbon, and a two-ice jade carving sachet at the bottom, and a wisp of tassels at the end.

The sachet fell on the light blue skirt. At first, it looked light green, but when I looked closely, I found that it was embroidered with a slightly light silk thread full of dark patterns.

Li Shiniang's appearance is more gorgeous. Although she looks light and beautiful today, Yuan Xiu feels that she is still more suitable for the gorgeous color of pomegranate red.

A glance at a red gold embedded bead hairpin in her hair. The style of the hairpin is very simple. The red gold is made into a lotus root, and the blood embedded on it is bright and eye-catching. Even if another ice basin is added to the bamboo building, it looks very cool under the mackerel, and you can't help but feel hot after looking at it a few more times.

Noticing her eyes, Li Qiniang, who was worried that there was no topic to attract her concern, made a wink. Li Shiniang touched the gem and said with a smile, "This was given by Her Royal Highness. Have you seen it in the palace?"

Yuan Xiu shook her head with a smile. Today, the sister of the Li family came to the door with a generous gift to thank her. Although she had a quarrel with Li Shiniang, Li Shiniang did not know her identity at that time. Now she lowered her posture and came to visit. Naturally, she also wanted to be particularly approachable. She turned to the palace fan and said, "I just feel ten The wife is a good match for such a gorgeous color.

"My favorite is pomegranate red!" Li Shiniang's eyes lit up when she heard the words and said, "It's just that this time, and the seventh sister always shouted that she was dizzy when she saw the minister's red."

Li Qiniang said awkwardly, "If you really like to wear it, have I ever stopped you? It's just one sentence."

"Then I'll change it back today." Li Shiniang smiled and said to Yuan Xiu, "Thank you very much."

Yuan Xiu smiled and said, "I don't want to wrong you."

So both sides found a topic. From pomegranate red to pomegranate, Li Shiniang said, "There are many pomegranate trees planted in the green garden, which are planted in the green garden." She refers to a plate of pomegranates a few ago, which are large and plump, with soft skin color and luster, which is one of the things brought by the Li sisters this time.

Yuan Xiu looked at picking green. The latter took a silver knife from the side to cut it open, but saw that the fruit inside was as crystal as agate, and a fragrance came out. He cut a few more greens. Seeing that the silver knife was nothing abnormal, it was presented to the Li sisters. Yuan Xiu took a small bite with a silver spoon, narrowed his eyes slightly, swallowed and smiled: "This Pomegranates are very well planted.

"Pomegranate is a common thing in Middle-earth. If you want to say that it is rare, it is still the pear bamboo here. I have never heard of it before." Seeing Yuan Xiu talking, Li Qiniang quickly put down the pomegranate and smiled and complimented.

Yuan Xiu smiled indifferently: "But did the Lu girl go to the Green Garden to visit the ten women first?"

I couldn't hear the joy and anger in her words. Li Qiniang was a little nervous, but she still smiled and said, "Your host, the Lu sisters are doing filial piety in front of the elders. Where will they go to the Green Garden? It was my concubine who went to the east to visit the court and accidentally heard the 25th mother of the Lu family mention it.

Li Shiniang wiped the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief and added, "Lu 26 Niang is the aunt of the seventh brother-in-law."

Li Qiniang's reputation among the noble daughters in Chang'an. Yuan Xiu has been haunted by everything in the past few days and worried about the burns on his calf. He didn't pay much attention to her. At this time, he asked, "What is Qi Niang's husband's family...?"

"It's Zheng Gang of the Zheng family in Xingyang." Li Shiniang said, "Lu 26 Niang's mother is my sister-in-law's own aunt. This sister-in-law lost her mother when she was a child and was brought up by this aunt. Now that she is sick, the seventh sister lives in the green garden to take care of her nearby."

Yuan Xiu didn't say a word. Seeing that she didn't say a position, Li Shiniang blinked her eyes and tentatively said, "I heard that the 26th Niang of the Lu family offended your master not long ago..."

"Ten Niang!" When Li Qiniang saw her outspoken, she couldn't help frowning. Although the 25th Niang of the Lu family finally took away Lu 26 Niang, it really made Yuan Xiu angry. Li Shi Niang herself had a holiday with Yuan Xiu. Now she wanted to plead for others. Li Qiniang came to mention this matter today, which was just a help. The Lu family just took a message.

Yuan Xiu slowly lost his silver spoon and said with a smile, "There is such a thing. The Japanese palace happened to go down the mountain to hunt. When she came back, she was too tired and even fell asleep for dinner. The 26th Niang of the Lu family quietly slipped in to the appointment. The people in the other courtyard did not know her, so they kept her for a night. On the second day, Lu 25 Niang Suddenly, I came to see him, but I was still confused. I didn't know what was going on until she said it.

When Li Shiniang saw Li Qiniang staring at herself, she didn't dare to say anything more, so she had to change the topic and said, "Do you also like hunting? The minister thought that your master came to the other hospital just to escape the summer heat!"

"What's the point of staying here all day?" Yuan Xiu said, "Although in order to avoid the summer heat, I dream that Tang's daughter is not those quiet and weak boudoirs in the previous dynasty." She sighed, "What's more, September autumn hunting, I dare not ask for osmanthus, and at least I can't lose the face of the royal family, right?"

Li Shi's sissy. Zizhi, before her sister stopped her, she had already said: "If you are afraid of losing face at that time, you can't go out. In previous years..." Speaking of this, when he saw that the people beside Yuan Xiu showed bad looks, he stopped awkwardly and said, "Your lord, my daughter..."

Yuan Xiu frowned and didn't have an attack. He just said, "I heard that the ten ladies are very good at this?"

"The minister has practiced with her brother since she was a child, and it's okay in Chang'an girls." Li Shiniang said carefully that she has been like martial arts since she was a child, and the needle and thread girl Hong knows nothing about it. As the daughter of the Li family in Zhao County, she is not even good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but martial arts are excellent among Chang'an girls, but Yuan Xiu asked face to face, but she can't say too much - in terms of riding, the head of Shengping County in the clan is no worse than her. In terms of arrows, Zheng Jiafang and Zheng Miao, the girl of Zheng Miao, are only one line worse than her. Of course, Li Shiniang's riding and shooting skills can take the lead in Chang'an girls, so her words are okay, but she inevitably brings a trace of self-confidence.

Yuanxiu also knew that she did have some ability. She nodded slightly and said, "Originally, the riding and shooting of this palace was taught by the wet nurse Xue Shi, but Xue Shangyi was afraid of summer. When she came out of summer, it was autumn hunting. Now the ten women happen to live close. I don't know if I can guide this palace?"