Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 203 Mrs. Tian

Chu Zhan strode into the door and threw the whip in his hand to the little man behind him. He was about to walk to his residence, but someone greeted him: "Is Sanlang back? Madam is waiting for you!"

"What's wrong with my mother looking for me?" Chu Zhan paused and immediately turned around and followed the servant sent by his mother, Mrs. Tian. As he walked, he asked. He went to the room according to the rules before going out in the morning. At that time, Mrs. Tian didn't say anything, mostly because of what happened during the time he went out.

"Madam heard that many people have come from afar to celebrate their birthday recently. On a whim, she wants to ask Sanlang for details." The servant replied respectfully.

Chu Zhan frowned: "Isn't it okay to call someone to ask these things casually? Why do you have to ask me to go?

The servant said, "Madam, do you have anything else to ask Sanlang?"

Chu Zhan is the second son of Mrs. Tian, the main room of Chu Yinxing, the governor of Ziqing Festival. He is also the youngest child of Mrs. Tian. He has been loved by Tian since he was a child. However, in the past few days, he has been arguing with Mrs. Tian about his marriage, and the mother and son are light. After listening to the servant's answer, he thought that he would inevitably be reprimanded. He was tired of it, but he still stepped into Tian's yard.

A circle of magnolia flowers were planted in this yard. Two girls in colorful clothes were gently shoveling the grass with a flower hoe. When they saw Chu Zhan come in and bowed quickly to salute, Chu Zhan ignored it. They walked through the court and entered the porch. Two tall maids were guarding in front of the hall. Seeing him busy bending his knees and opening the door, the carved flowers could be seen in the half-open door. The shadows behind the mica screen were not enough for the two maids to ask questions, and the servant had already reported, "Madam, Sanlang is here!"

"Come on soon!" Inside, Tian's man said.

Chu Zhan closed her eyes and reluctantly walked in. Tian was nearly 50 years old, but she was well-groomed. At this, she still looked white and beautiful. She wore a bun and a purple magnolia flower diagonally, with three red gold beads. Because she saw her son, she only applied a faint makeup on her face and painted the osmanthus leaf eyebrows. His lips were slightly purple. When he saw Chu Zhan coming in, he was wearing a beard suit, and his face was red by the hot sun. He immediately showed his heartache and said, "Who are you going out of the city to welcome today? Why did it look like this? I don't know how to ride a carriage!"

"The mother called her child to come and didn't know what was going on?" Chu Zhan asked lurely.

Tian frowned: "As a mother, I asked my son to have a look and ask if there is something else to do?"

"If the mother doesn't order the child to go first." Chu Zhan snorted and turned around to leave. Tian was so angry that his face turned blue. He slapped several cases around him and scolded, "You stop!"

Although Chu Zhan stood still, he was so stubborn that he refused to turn around. Seeing that the people around Tian quickly said, "Sanlang was sent out of the city to welcome guests. Now he came back and came to see his wife. It's not too late to wait for Sanlang to take a breath and drink some cold drinks."

Another person greeted and pressed Chu and sat down, making the little maid serve cheese mixed with crushed ice: "Sanlang touched this face by himself - it was like a girl who was drunk and dizzy! I can't blame my wife for her heartache when she sees it!"

After sitting down, Tian slowed down and asked, "Who are you going out of the city to greet today?"

"He is from the Gao family in Hebei Province." Chu Zhan said casually, "Why does my mother ask this?"

"I heard that Liulang of the He family in Hebei also came this time?" Tian seemed to ask inadvertently.

Chu Zhan's hand paused, his mind turned around, and couldn't help laughing: "He Liu will arrive tomorrow - mother, what do you want to do? He came with the 17th mother of the Li family in Youzhou.

"What's the use of Li Shirteen Niang? I heard that she got He Zhifang's permission to marry more than half a year ago. As a result, He Liu went to Chang'an City and shouted that He Zhifang would withdraw from the marriage. This time, she must have been pestering He Liu. Tian snorted softly and said disapprovingly.

Chu Zhan said in disgust, "Since my mother knows that He Liu cares about your lord, what will she do with him?"

"It's not your cousin--" In the middle of Tian's words, Chu Zhan has changed his face: "Even if mother doesn't want to give me Wei Niang, she doesn't have to hurt her like this for a lifetime, right?"

Tian immediately sank his face and scolded, "What are you talking about!"

"My mother doesn't want me to marry Wei Niang, so I can make it clear that she is at least an official daughter. It is unfortunate that she lost her parents when she was young. Does her want to be given to He Liu at will as a prostitute and dancers?" Chu Zhan said angrily, "How did my mother agree to take care of Wei Niang before her aunt died?"

"You all go down first." Tian Shi suppressed his anger and ordered the people around him to wait for her and Chu to be the only one left in the room. Fang picked up a piece of sandalwood on the table and smashed it and scolded, "I'll kill you, you conscienceless! When did I say I would give her to He Liu?

Chu Zhan was secretly relieved, but still didn't believe: "What did your mother do to mention He Liu?"

Tian Shi sneered and said, "I'm going to marry her to He Liu!"

"Mother!" Chu was so angry that he smiled, "That He Liu is full of thinking about the Lord! It is rumored that the seventeenth wife of the Li family is as beautiful as flowers and cheerful. She is able to make a fine female red with a bow. He doesn't look down on such girls. Although I love Wei Niang, I also know that her appearance is only medium in the eyes of ordinary people. What's more, the three towns in Hebei have been watching each other and have always been married, not to mention that Wei's parents have been lost. How can He Liu marry her as the main room? Is it possible that you want to make your only niece a concubine?

"Li Shilinang is nothing more than Li Heng's daughter." Tian didn't think so, "I have always been strong, and even Chang'an has to be afraid of me waiting for three points, but it's a pity that your sisters have been promised people. Otherwise, how could the congratulations have been given to the little lady of the Li family? Although Wei Niang is not your cousin, it has something to do with our family. Li Shiqiniang's return is the best. I have my own way to completely dismantle her and He Liu, so that Wei Niang can do what she wants!"

Chu stood up angrily: "Wei Niang did as you wish? She hasn't seen He Liu. Does her mother know that her wish is to marry He Liu?

"She has told me that she wants to marry in Hebei. After thinking about it, the most suitable young man in the three towns of Hebei is He Liu. Since you are her cousin, you should do your best!" Tian said slowly as if he had not seen his anger at all.

"Nonsense!" Chu Zhan said angrily, "Wei Niang has already promised me life, how can she want to marry in Hebei?"

Tian Shi smiled faintly: "If you don't believe it, why don't you ask her yourself?"

Seeing that she was restless, Chu Zhan stared at her for a moment and piled the white porcelain bowl with cheese on the ground fiercely, regardless of the butter splashing staining her robe and brushing her sleeves!

The swinging maid didn't dare to come in and clean up until he came out of the yard. Seeing the mess on the ground, he was very careful. Tian snorted and slowly entered the inner room with the hand of the maid. When she sat down, his confidant couldn't help but whisper: "Madam wants to ask Sanlang to die. Why do you bring it directly today?"

"If this silly boy can have half the heart of those evil species, I don't have to be so upset." Tian sat up straight and sneered, "I'm the only son like him, and Jieshuai is now half a hundred. Although those evil species are out, they are all scrambling to invite favors in front of Jieshuai, but this enemy I gave birth to will always revolve around Wei Niang all day long! I worked hard to give birth to him and tried my best to raise him so much, but I didn't want him to be angry with me!"

"Dalang Silang and others are indeed big-hearted, but Sanlang is the only legitimate son of Jieshuai..." Mrs. Tian is a dowry of the Tian family, who is more decent than others in front of the Tian family and speaks much more casually.

Tian snorted, "So what? Not to mention that the example of Wei Bohe family in Hebei was put there, and He Zhifang's direct leader is not reliable, but now who dares to say that he is unorthodox? Even Chang'an can't help but admit the festival he holds!"

She sighed, "What do these children know? One is my biological son and the other is my only niece. If there is no way, what can I do to be this villain to break them up? Look at Sanlang's appearance. If I hadn't been alive, Chu Chi Chu Mu would have killed him! Does he still want to think about Wei Niang? What a ridiculous! He didn't think about it. From childhood to age, let alone say that he is my own son, that is, Wei Niang, but if I can have it, why not give it to them?

Mrs. Tian also sighed: "Madam's painstaking efforts have to be told to Sanlang. Otherwise, wouldn't the good mother and son be separated from their hearts, wouldn't it make outsiders proud?"

"Wei Niang is a sensible person, and I have made it clear to her. It's not impossible for her to marry Sanlang, but my miserable sister and brother-in-law have passed away. Although their ancient family is also a large family in Ziqing, without their biological parents, how much can Sanlang marry her and rely on the Gu family? Not to mention that Chu Mu is still her cousin! At that time, Jieshuai is alive, and I am also alive. They can still live a good life for a few days. If Jieshuai has any advantages and disadvantages, hey!" Tian shook his head, "No matter how good the childhood sweetheart is, which one is more important than life?"

"Why did that lady get involved with He Liu?" Mrs. Tian was puzzled and said, "Isn't there a news from Chang'an that He Liu fell in love with Princess Yuanxiu at first sight and was talking about withdrawing from the marriage of the Li family in Youzhou. If it hadn't been for the return of his handsome cousin this time, He Liu might have continued to stay in Chang'an to pester the noble master!"

Tian doesn't think so: "He Zhifang will never ask him to marry the noble lord for a day. Except for a few people in the world, the hearts of parents are the same. There is a saying that parents' beloved son is far-reaching. Young people are vigorous and noble. The wind and rain make you grow up in the rain, and you will feel extremely wronged if you are a little rebellious! But don't you think about who has been used to this temperament since childhood? He Liu's status in Wei Bo is that he has no other brother, only four sisters, and not all of them are the same mother. The so-called eldest brother He Da was adopted by He Zhifang for his safe growth. His future is also his - but on the other hand, if he doesn't have a brother, it means that he doesn't have a helper. Although he is not He Zhifang's bloodline, he is ten years older than He Liu. Although Mrs. Gao specially married his niece for his son, not only that, the little Gao family does not even have a son and a half daughter... We all know why He Liu went out. He Zhifang is older than us, and his children are Shan Bo, wait and see. As soon as the birthday here is over, He Zhifang will definitely make people take him back to Weizhou even if they force He Liu. It is definitely impossible to ask him to go to Chang'an again!"

Mrs. Tian muttered: "Although it has been a common thing in the three towns to communicate with each other over the years, even if there is no such thing, as long as the three towns in Hebei are not confused, they naturally know that they must join hands to advance and retreat together against Chang'an for a long time. Although He Liushang will certainly make the Li family, who has received the congratulations Fang Peiyu dissatisfied, but the harm It doesn't seem too big. After all, He Zhifang is worried that Youzhou will have a relationship with the He family, and the Li family can't really turn against the He family - Mrs. Gao is still there, and Cheng De will still favor the He family after all.

"You only saw this weight but didn't think about the congratulatory!" Tian shook his head and said, "How old is He Zhifang? If he is still young, or He Liu has captured Wei Bo's power, he is such a son. How can he really wrong his own son for the girl of the Li family? He Liu was originally an old man. He Zhifang is looking forward to two things. One is that he will control Wei Bo as soon as possible, and the other is that he will open branches and leaves for the He family as soon as possible. If the first one of the two is not done well, the last one will not be mentioned!"

Tian said lightly, "It is precisely because of this previous incident that He Zhifang did not agree with He Liushangzhu. After all, he has first hired the 17th daughters of the Li family for He Liu. If it is for your lord to repent, the Li family will have no face, even if it does not fight with Weizhou regardless of the overall situation... What if he secretly supports He Da? In addition, do you think He Zhifang only intends to give He Liu a wife? It is necessary to hire a concubine or a daughter from the Gao family to make him a concubine, but if He Liu is the Lord, there can only be one noble master - how old is He Liu this year? Without relying on marriage to consolidate his position, how can He Zhifang give Wei Bo to him? Can he suppress the proud soldiers of the five states? Not to mention that Xiahou Fubai, the first master in Hebei who is still traveling with him at this time, it is not easy for him to completely subdue him!"

sighed, and Tian said tiredly, "Weibo is adjacent to Ziqing, and Ziqing is strong in Youzhou. If He Liu marries Wei Niang, you don't have to be afraid of Li Heng. The most important thing is that Wei Niang is brought up by me. She married Wei Bo's future master. He Liu is still a disciple of Chu Yinwu, which is also very helpful for Sanlang to inherit Ziqing. Our Tian family is not strong enough. Sanlang wants to suppress those evil species. There are many places with the help of Wei Bo. He Zhifang is also very clear about this. No matter how good Li Shilenang is, it is impossible for Li Heng to make Youzhou as a dowry for her. Li Heng has many children, and he has four sons alone. The next governor of Youzhou did not have the He family to say. In terms of words, Ziqing is not... Of course, the most important thing is that the two towns are the nearest!"

At the last sentence, there was a cold light in her eyes!