Princess Yuanxiu

Chapter 206 Taiyichi

Zongnan Mountain has beautiful peaks and thousands of faces. Although the mountain road is difficult to compare with Chang'an's smooth road, it is better than the scenery. Li Shiniang is good at riding, but because of Yuanxiu's noble status, she still chose a relatively flat truth. This mountain road goes to Cuihua Mountain. Cuihua Peak is strange, and there are ancient Qingchi. The temple, especially a Taiyi Pool, was formed by the earth during the Tianbao period of this dynasty. It is a naturally subsidence lake surrounded by peaks. The pool is like a mirror, and the mountains and water are reflected in the lake, which is indescribably beautiful.

Yuanxiu listened to Li Shiniang's interesting introduction and asked, "Ten ladies are familiar with Zhongnan Mountain. I heard that you are famous in the city, only if you rarely leave Chang'an."

"Your master doesn't know that although my daughter is not as immovable in summer as Xue Shangyi, she has always been afraid of heat. Of course, there is an ice basin in Chang'an's house to disperse the heat, but it is stuffy to death all day long. In addition to Taiyi Pool, there is also a wind tunnel on Cuihua Mountain, although it is also a cool summer. It's chilly and heartbreaking. In the north of the wind tunnel, there is also an ice cave. At this time, there is still hard ice in it, which can withstand the cold!" Li Shiniang said proudly, "Since I was eight years old, I have to go to Zhongnan Mountain to escape the summer. My favorite thing to run is Cuihua Mountain, that is, I fell in love with those two places. Unfortunately, many places on Cuihua Mountain have built Taoist temples, and I can't escape the summer heat any further down."

Listening to her words, it's a pity that there can't be a summer courtyard on this mountain.

Yuan Xiu narrowed his eyes and said with a faint smile, "This is your picky, and it's not impossible to stay in these places." Although Yuanxiu has never been to Cuihua Mountain, he also knows that there are two palaces of Taiyi and Cuiwei under Cuihua Mountain, among which the latter was built by Emperor Taizong of this dynasty. It was originally used as a summer palace. Emperor Taizong's Daxing was in the Wind Hall in the Cuiwei Palace. Unfortunately, in Yuanhe Middle, Cuiwei Palace was abandoned as a temple. The so-called moss and frosting, making waves and evening. The full moon, although after returning from Xuanzang to the west, it has become a tantra resort. The believers are like clouds and the incense is strong, but compared with the prosperity of Emperor Taizong, it is a kind of melancholy in human change.

"It's okay at this time. If it's the beginning of this month, it's a little difficult to stay overnight. You have to greet the audience in advance." Li Shiniang did not notice her mood and pointed to the distant mountain with a horse whip. "The Cuihua Temple will be held for three consecutive days. From the first day of this month to the third day of the first lunar month, it is the most lively. Last year, the court lady went there with the seventh sister and brother and bought a lot of rural interesting things, but unfortunately I missed it this year."

"Early this month?" Yuan Xiu thought for a moment and knew why Li Shiniang missed it at the beginning of this month - at that time, she was sick in bed and said with regret, "Qi Niang is really, if you tell me, I will also go to have a look at the bustle!" I will miss this. Do I have to wait until next year?"

Li Shiniang smiled and said, "Sister has never liked the bustle. Last year, I dragged her to go. This year, I'm afraid I forgot it, so I didn't remind you. However, she didn't dare to say anything even think of it. Your Lord hasn't been there. I don't know how many people there are at the temple fair - not mention the mountain people living in Zhongnan Mountain and attach it. Near the county, there are many people in Chang'an who will come here to burn a few pillars of incense. After all, the incense of Cuiwei Temple has always been extremely effective. Last year, the seventh sister went to ask for a signature for her husband's aunt's body!"

Yuan Xiu couldn't help asking, "Is this Zheng's wife very weak? But why did the sister of the Lu family accompany her to live in another hospital, her husband and other children?

"This aunt of the Zheng family broke her body when she gave birth to the 26th mother of the Lu family. She can't be cold or hot." Li Shiniang said casually, "The 26th Niang of the Lu family also has a mother's brother, which should be Lu 18lang. Unfortunately, in the first year of Fengchun, Lu 18lang died of illness, and the aunt of the Zheng family was greatly shocked. She was originally the eldest daughter-in-law of the Lu family's sixth house. After that, she didn't want to care about anything, even her yard was handed over to Lu. Twenty-six Niang, Twenty-six Niang was young at that time. Thanks to the hand-in-hand teaching of her cousin Lu 25 Niang, last year, the eldest son of the second son of the sixth room married, and the aunt of the Zheng family simply handed over the matter to the bride who just entered the door and focused on recuperation. This time she returned to Zigefeng and said that she was recuperate. In fact, it was mostly to let her able to Let's relax."

"It's a pity." Yuan Xiu sighed and was relieved to remember the news of the harmony of the queen in Chang'an not long ago, "Is it just that Lu 26 Niang has other half-brothers?"

"The aunt of the Zheng family's illness also has something to do with this. Originally, Lu 18lang was there, and the name of the eldest son and grandson of the sixth room is not disputed. The aunt of the Zheng family is only such a son. At this time, Lu 18lang will go. It is impossible for the sixth house chief branch to have no heirs. Lu 26 Niang has three half-brothers, and a half-mother below Brother and sister, don't talk about it - according to the aunt of the Zheng family, she wanted to choose the youngest Langjun to raise under her knees. The three older men were sent out to keep their young sons to take care of the family. However, Lu Shibo wanted to follow the ancient etiquette. He had a direct son, no direct head, and wanted to remember the oldest Lu 19 Lang to the Zheng family. Under my aunt's name, I argued for a few words. Aunt Zheng's original nature. Ziwen has been a little anxious since Lu Shibalang passed away, and he has been stiff as he speaks. Li Shiniang said, "Last time my daughter accompanied the seventh sister to visit her, she also mentioned this matter, but I didn't know that Uncle Lu nodded."

Yuanxiu did not interrupt the housework of the Lu family, but said, "The 25th Niang of the Lu family and the 26th Niang of the Lu family are just in line with each other. Looking at people, the 25th Niang is much more stable than the 26th Niang. I heard from you that they have a very good relationship. Isn't it in a room?"

"25 Niang is from eight rooms, but her mother and aunt Zheng are of the same clan, and they are of the same age. They grew up together, and the relationship is better than their own sisters." Li Shiniang pointed to a peak that seemed not far away and said, "Master, please see, that one is Cuihua Mountain. We have to send the horse down the mountain to climb up."

Yuan Xiu lowered his head and looked at the boots on his feet, squeezed his mouth and smiled, "Don't you fear this. Should there be a fast meal on Chenshan at this time?"

"That's what I don't love the most." Li Shiniang complained, "Cuihua Mountain is a prosperous place of Taoism, and there is no meat on the mountain. No matter how good those Suzhai are, it has attracted many rich and noble children in Chang'an to come and taste it. After eating it several times, it is not delicious." After saying that, he looked at Yuan Xiu and laughed at himself, "The minister's daughter is vulgar, which makes your lord laugh!"

Yuan Xiu was also deeply convinced of this, but with the princess's air, she couldn't say it bluntly like Li Shiniang. She just said, "By chance, just bear with it."

Although the mountain shadow of Cuihua Mountain is close in front of us, and the mountain road is tortuous. After all, it took half an hour to reach the foot of the mountain. The two got off their horses separately and left people to guard the horses at the foot of the mountain. Yuan Beihe looked down the height of the mountain and frowned to Yuan Xiu and said to Yuan Xiu: "Your lord, if you still want to climb the mountain After visiting the mountain for a while, I'm afraid that it will be dusk when I go back to the other courtyard. The road between the mountains is dark, but the horse can't walk.

Although the mountain road when they came was repaired, many places were supported by mountains on one side and dangerous cliffs on one side. In addition, the mountains were high and dense forests, and a fierce beast popped out randomly. Yuan Xiu was injured in a hurry, and it was difficult for the forbidden army to explain. No matter how stupid Yuan Beihe is, he dares not take this risk. At this moment, he shows the intention of blocking.

Li Shiniang was listening. Seeing that Yuan Xiu's face was hesitant, she said, "In fact, you can also stay on the mountain. The scenery of Cuihua Mountain is beautiful. Now it happens to be the time when the temple fair disperses, you might as well just stay on it for one night and go back to the other courtyard tomorrow."

What she said was relaxed, but Yuan Beihe and other people who were responsible for the guard did not agree. Cai Lv, who followed her, also said, "The ten women didn't say such a plan earlier. I didn't bring anything. If the A family lived here, they didn't even have a change of clothes and skirt."

"This..." Although Li Shiniang is sexual. Zi was straight and not stupid. Hearing that there was something implied in the green words, he quickly argued, "I don't intend to ask your master to live on the mountain. I just listened to the words of the envoy of the army and wanted you to have a good time, or let's go up to the mountain first, so we can go to the nearby Cuiwei Temple or Taiyi Palace to have a look?"

Yuanxiu didn't want to go to these two places that made her remember the prosperous times and sigh at this time, so he said, "I really want to see the wind tunnels and ice caves you mentioned. If you go faster, you can catch up with it."

Seeing her insistence, Yuan Beihe and others were embarrassed, but they did not dare to stop her, so they had to agree.

Cuiwei Mountain is not high among the peaks in Zhongnan, and the mountain is not steep, but it is one of the most beautiful. Although Yuanxiu is a girl, after several months of riding and shooting practice, Li Shiniang accompanied him to point out the wind all the way, talking and laughing, but he did not feel tired. He turned to the green and shallow mountain road, and suddenly became cheerful in front of him, but Seeing the blue water, the lake is as flat as a mirror, and the reflection of the peaks, and the blue sky and white clouds, and the gulls flying around, it is really like a paradise!

Yuanxiu stood by the lake and exhaled and praised, "Taiyi is near the sky - this Taiyi pool is really like falling from the sky!"

"Look over there." Looking along the place Li Shiniang pointed, she saw several small boats. "It's not surprising that the boating lake is formed by water from the mountains. The boat can pass through the peaks, floating as if they want to return by the wind. The last few times, there were many people, and it is difficult to feel such leisure. This time..." She was talking happily. Lie suddenly picked green and coughed hard. Li Shiniang looked at Yuan Xiu's interested eyes before she woke up and quickly stopped.

It's a pity that Yuanxiu is already asking, "Where did those boats come from?" Are the nearby mountain people here specially for boating?

"That's not true." Seeing her ask, Li Shiniang had to continue to explain, "Don't mention your status, it's a minister. It's difficult to set foot on such a boat easily. Only a few boats on it are put here by mountain people for fishing. Others are either placed in the nearby Guan'an, or some people specially bought it to let people release. Here, I'll use it when I come."

She said, "The court lady and brother bought one for my daughter and the seventh sister, but they are not here. If you want to ride, it's better for the lady to call someone over. The boat is still clean."

Aware of the resentment of Yuan Beihe and picking green, Li Shiniang quickly explained: "The wind tunnel and the ice cave are in the northwest of the pool. From here, riding a boat is actually not much slower than sailing, and you can see more scenery."

"Where is your boat?" Yuan Xiu asked.

"Your lord, please wait a moment, and I will ask." Li Shiniang ordered her maid, and the maid immediately hurried away somewhere.

Yuan Xiu noticed the direction she was going and couldn't help saying, "There seem to be some houses there. Didn't you say that you can't find a suitable place for another courtyard?"

"You don't know that the Cuiwei Palace was built here earlier, which is a cage mountain as a garden. Who dares to repair other courtyards here?" Li Shiniang explained, "Later, Cuiwei Palace was abandoned as a temple, which was okay, but Master Xuanzang returned from taking the scriptures from Tianzhu. Tantra flourished here, and there was an endless stream of incense, but he didn't choose the foundation of the house."

Yuanxiu was not proficient in the theory of feng shui, but the meaning of Li Shiniang's words was obvious, so she nodded.

The boat of the Li family came very quickly. Although the boatman was old and his temples were white, he was right-looking and looked very loyal and honest. He stopped the boat nearby, jumped ashore, saluted Li Shiniang first, and shouted, "Did the ten ladies bring distinguished guests? Yesterday, the little old man just hunted a roe in the mountains. Can you try it later?

Li Shiniang looked very well with the old man. Without Yuan Xiu's permission, she did not disclose her identity. She only said, "This time, I will go back after seeing the wind tunnel and ice cave. Let's try it next time." Saying that, he said to Yuan Xiu, "Yi Zhang's daughter-in-law is excellent in making wild animals, and the cook on the other side of the Green Garden has specially asked her for advice."

Yi Zhang saluted Yuan Xiu. He didn't know who Yuan Xiu was. He just regarded it as the same identity as Li Shi Niang and greeted him with a smile: "Is the little lady also a neighbor of the ten ladies? Next time you come here, if you don't like Suzhai like ten women, you might as well go to the little old man's house. I dare not say that there is always some wild animals in the mountains. He pointed to somewhere at the foot of the mountain, "It's under the toon tree over there."

Yuan Xiu squeezed his lips and smiled and said, "If you come back next time, you will definitely go and have a look."

Zhaojun Li's girl said that she still believed it.

"Your lord, his little boat..." Yuan Beihe's voice came from behind and reminded him in a low voice.

When he said this, Yuan Xiu found that the boat that the Li family put here was exquisite and clean, but even with his father-in-law, he was afraid that there were only five or six people who could carry... Yuan Xiu and Li Shiniang naturally wanted to go. With the maids of the two, the boat was almost the same, but Li Shi's wife may not matter. How dare Yuan Beihe ask Princess Yuanxiu to visit those two caves like this?